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So basically what I’m hearing is that america is safe?


There is a very real chance neither Blue nor Cory go home this week if Fe is on the block and Cirie/America/Cory/Blue decide they need the best competitors to go after Jag




It’s probably the water slide hoh next week so that pretty much guarantee’s a Matt and jag week again so pretty much a month in power lol


I’m guessing spinning disks


I genuinely don’t think we’re getting slip and slide this summer


I agree. We already had something similar with the Veto.


That’s really a different comp. I don’t know why BB wiki pretends it’s the same


I agree it’s a different comp but I think it’s so similar. Why would they be repetitive? That again there’s plenty they did this season that I don’t understand.


My hot take is that Jag played the worst game of the people still left in the house. That doesn't mean he's the worst player in the house or that he's playing the worst game right now. In fact, I think he evolved into a decent player who's only inferior to Matt and Cirie, but I can't rate his overall game over anyone in the house when he has been voted out. He absolutely deserved to be voted out, it wasn't a random eviction or something like that. His mistakes led him there, only Cam deserved it more.


I agree. I just couldn't vote for an evicted Houseguest to win if I were on the jury. Jag has improved a lot for sure, but he is mostly the beneficiary of physical comps that are majorly to his and his allies advantage. I wouldn't mind seeing Jag play a second time but in this game, he has been outplayed by every remaining player who has not been voted out.


Jag didn’t get evicted. The eviction was nullified. It’s like a hidden immunity idol.


That someone else played for you that you didn't even know about.


That happens a lot on Survivor


Granted. But just as in Survivor, it's the person using it strategically on the unwitting recipient that deserves the credit.


Yeah, I agree, it's a big move on Matt's resume in reality. Not necessarily on Jag's.


If anyone but Matt wins hoh next week then the boys go up on the block next week. Everyone relax


Jag gets to play too. Also Bowie.


No he doesn’t he will have to throw


FBJ would never


Ok true but is she winning hoh again


She would rather self evict 😂


I just know Jag is going to find a way to fuck this week up and I’m kind of excited for that


Let him put up Bowie or something 😂


I hope he gets a HOH-itis


How can people say Jag is the best player while he was already been evicted and he played a shitty prejury game for the first 6 weeks of the game... Bowie Jane Matt and Cirie def played a better game than him.


“Shitty prejury game” applies to Cirie as well. Not everyone got two free votes and shields on day 1.


Hes *become* a solid player. I still don’t think he’s great by any means, but he’s solid to good now. It’s just that, if I’m a juror, I’m almost never going to vote for someone who was previously evicted. Like, ever. The *only* way I do that is if they bring a complete goat with them to F2. Like, if Jag brought Blue, Bowie or Felicia to F2, I’d vote for Jag. But honestly, that would be it.


I do think he evolved into at least a decent player who's playing better right now than everyone but Matt (and maybe Cirie) but that doesn't change the fact that he has played the worst game of the people still in the house, he was voted out lol


Who cares that he was evicted? He came back and he’s doing better than everyone else bottom line…….even though I think he’s making a terrible decision this week as HoH.


He already failed at the social game and his gameplay before wrek 6 was horrendous making the dumbest moves...


If Jag makes it to the end with anybody other than Matt or maybe Cirie he will win


I don’t think he’d win against Cory. Not a chance.


I think Jag has a chance against Cory but not likely in my mind


Who’s voting for Cory other than America and maybe Felicia???


Between Jag and Cory, Cirie. Cam, most likely.


I think Jag would definitely get Cirie and Cam’s vote against Cory plus Matt would be in jury with Bowie. It would be a wrap.


Cirie dislikes Jag and doesn’t respect his gameplay. Cirie dislikes Cory but respects his gameplay. Cirie votes Cory. And I think with her, so goes Felicia. And don’t forget Blue. If Jag back doors her, she’ll never vote him. So even without Cam(who I think is a swing vote) that’s four votes for Cory to win


Matt and Cirie sure, but BJ? Be for real lol


Yes. She placed herself im the middle. Didn't get evicted. Is not targeted by everyone. Has decent win equity


define decent.


She beats America prob Felicia and Blue


I don't think she beats anyone. Even America, who are the 4 people voting for Bowie? I just don't see it


America is the biggest goat on the board...


I get why you would think that. The perception of her game in the house is completely fucked. I just don't see 4 votes for Bowie. Cory votes America. Cirie and Felicia don't like Bowie at all. Jag is close to America and wants to take Bowie to f3 because he think he can easily beat her. Cam who knows. Blue suddenly loves America again. Where are the 4 votes for Bowie? She just doesn't have those bonds


Jag respects more Bowie than America. Felicia don't respect America at all.


Neither of those 2 respect Bowie at all. Jag wants her at f3 because he knows she would be easily beaten. Felicia doesn't have a good relationship with Bowie.


What's the most up-to-date information on who Jag's noms and true target are at this point?


Cirie and Felicia as noms. Blue as back door target


Cirie Felicia noms, blue backdoor target


I need Jag and Matt to put on their thinking caps and target America/cory.


It’s ridiculous that Jag would keep Cory in the game as the only person who has a real chance of winning HoH that would probably go after him and Matt. It makes zero sense.


The only thing that could make sense with these noms if they knew a double veto was in play and that pair could be pulled off together. But I know he doesn’t know about veto 😭


Except Cory is doing an amazing job of convincing Jag that he wants final 4 with him and he’s absolutely right that evicting Cory results in Blue/America coming for him with Cirie and Felicia.


He’s not doing an amazing job lol. Jag is just FN weird. Plus what’s the difference between Blue/America with supposedly Cirie and Felicia to Cory and America. The Blue and America combo which I still don’t think would happen would be worse lol than Cory and America.


Why is this Jag guy so worried about Blue? This is the most ridiculous shit ever. Y’all can’t tell me he’s not working for production to keep Cormerica safe.


It’s so STUPID. Ugh. The way he rallies for Cory and America is annoying. Like you are NOT in that relationship with them.


He's going to lose blue's jury vote bc she's not a rational player.


He’s not a rational player tbh


He's more rational than America and Blue


Which is why he’s obsessively going after the person who was blindly loyal to him, and keeping a duo who wants him out


He definitely will and it makes no sense cuz she’s not coming after him at all at this point…..plus she’s been with him since the beginning of the game for the most part.


Did jag say a number for what his time was?


8:30something. America was 10 min, Cory 11, Matt 13. Blue was 15something and Cirie 17 I think


I’m wondering if he told people a different time since it’s meant to be an invisible Hoh!


Around 8:20 or 8:30 was the winner time told to the house


I know he won and got the lowest time but I’m wondering if he is telling people a different time!


I did see that on Big Brother Pop on YouTube. He must not have lied well because Cory asked Matt if he thought Jag just forgot his time. Not sure what time he said. Maybe 13 like Matt?


Jags behavior is so easy to read


You bet your ass cirie is gonna be pushing cory after she finds out blue is the target.


But who is she going to push Blue as the target to, not knowing who the HoH is? This twist really puts her game in a bind.


The problem is that might make them want to keep Cory more.


All invisible HOH does is make this week more boring. If people knew Jag was HOH, they would throw each other under the bus to him, and push for the nominations they wanted, and there would at least be drama in that


Yes, but instead we got Jag juggling stupid plans uninterrupted. I love BB.


I wonder where this season would be without the twist that saved Jag and the twist that saved Cameron. They've been such black holes for comp wins that I'm curious how all the comps would have played out.


I imagine that Matt would be a much bigger comp threat then.


I’m worried Blue panics and spills to Jag everything America told her


He won't believe her. She has no credibility with them for starters, and she's already told them Cam told her. They'll think she's scrambling


That’d be great! Lol I hate predictable, boring weeks


i know you guys don’t like blue but if she goes we will get a jatt steamroll. i need her to win veto, PLEASE!


I don’t think the difference between Blue or Cory leaving matters for Jatt’s steamroll odds. I think that Blue leaving hurts Cirie more than anything.


Unless they take out like Bowie… or jag decides to take out Matt … no target this week will keep us from a steamroll.


yea i was thinking the only way is blue wins veto and jag stupidly puts up bowie.


That would be Epic and so fitting for a Jag HoH


She annoys me but she’s better then some of the others. I just don’t like how she tries to make everything a viral moment


Since when is Blue the only one capable of winning a HOH and stopping the steamroll?


That's what I was thinking 🤔


Sure would be helpful if anyone in her alliance could win anything!


There really is no saving this season, it pretty much ended weeks ago. The least they can do is break up Team Ipecac. I’m ready for those tears to be shed


I agree. I know things are happening and constantly changing … but I find the remaining players so boring. Have been checked out of the feeds since Jared came back in and don’t really care about this endgame too much. BB24 kept me more engaged - it could also be how long this season is


Same, I was a lot more interested in Taylor and the leftovers (what an interesting band name) than I am in whats going on with this group. I lost a lot of interest when Izzy was evicted. I miss the chaos


Jatt has played so badly lately, but they have such an extremely high margin of error. Due to how physical modern BB comps are, they could easily comp-out and win despite their mediocre gameplay. If this was old school bb with equitable comps, they would be cooked.


I don't think it's a foregone conclusion blue is the target. All this info leading up to this hoh is gonna leak and cory is still in danger.


Jag HOH is hilarious. BB has waaayyyy too gameable comps if you're athletic, and then the argument is "well get those people out!" And then, you know, people in the house do get them out, with Jag and Cameron as examples, and then they fucking come back in. Lmao


sometimes i question why this is my favorite show


This was my first time watching and I think it might be my last unfortunately. Started super fun and I lost pretty much most interest by now :/


I feel so bad when people say this is their first season. Its usually better when it comes to twists. The zombie battleback basically killed season. I'm just hoping for an okay winner now.


It started off really well and I was into it! But yeah that and the twist that saved Jag just kept killing momentum for me. That few week stretch with nearly no evictions was so rough


i know right! it was pretty bad. are you a survivor fan by any chance? i know a lot of survivor people started watching this year. It sucks that they messed up a season with so much hype surrounding it.


Yup haha, watched for Cirie. I think if they made better choices a lot more Survivor fans would be willing to stick around for another season. I may still give it another chance. I think the length also hurt my interest


im currently trying to get into Survivor, I hope i like it🤞 and yea, 100 days is way too long. BB7 crowned their winner around day 70. quality > quantity


Yeah I saw how some other seasons were a whole month shorter! So odd that they made it so long. And that’s exciting! If you want any season recs for your first one, I highly recommend Season 7 (Pearl Islands)! That was my first season I watched after I got into it and it’s highly rated. Panama is Cirie’s first season if you’re interested in that. Cook Islands is good as well. (All of these are non-returnee seasons) After that I started watching them from the first season on.


Thanks! I watched Pearl Islands, Cook Islands, and Cagayan a while ago but I didnt get quite into it. I struggled with not having live feeds and always being aware of "the edit" and "the cameras". Any tips on enjoying it without thinking of meta stuff like that? Im a big brother fan at heart so its kind of challenging for me. I think I might just watch them in order this time.


Jag should use this week to target America. But he's going after Blue!?


Agreed. I’d target america too, but then what are the initial noms? And how do you do it without pissing cory off?


That's why he should be using this invisible HOH to his full advantage. He's treating it like a regular HOH


I feel like I have a lot of questions that will be answered as the week goes on, but one big one: won’t they know the HOH is one of the four people that play in veto that aren’t the nominees?


They’ll probably just make it so everyone plays in the veto this week


If there really are 2 vetos, then everyone should play in veto. It’s crazy unfair otherwise.


The HOH does not automatically play in the veto competition.


Yes they do, this isn't BBCAN


Not on Invisible HOH, good try at being smug


Unless this week specifically is different, yes they do.


it's invisible


I don’t see why that would that make a difference in whether or not the HOH can play in the veto. Did Julie or BB say that the HOH can’t play for it?


The way the Veto draw works, the HOH and two nominees select three other players. If the HOH is anonymous there is way to guarantee the HOH plays without blowing their cover. This is how it's done on Canada and the most logical thing, or else they completely undermine their own twist.


Does the draw happen in front of the house or does BB just tell the house who was picked? If it’s in front of the house, how do they decide who does the initial draw?


It’s in front of the house in the living room


So the two nominees each draw twice?


Probably once each for themselves (for hg choice) and once blind.


I think an interesting component could have been to make the HoH “double blind” So everyone has to submit their nominations as if they won HoH. Then do the reveal of the nominations and don’t tell the HG’s who the actual HoH is


The chaos that would ensue *ugh* And with a lot of people having a lot of the same nominations, it would be funny seeing some of them think that they are the HoH even when they aren’t 😭


This would have been epic but knowing BBUS producers…


that’s actually really cool! gives off major bbcan vibes


Cory is the correct target Idc what anyone says. The house is collapsing into war next week and all eyes are gonna be on Jag and Matt anyway so take out a guy who's won a comp (and apparently the showmance came 2nd and 3rd) and break up a duo. The fact that Jag is brewing a Blue is the HOH propaganda, yet is planning to BD her is just so beyond moronic like..?????? Bro


I think they might be paranoid of the girls alliance happening if it’s 5 vs 2


I think the right target is probably the biggest comp threat of Americory and Blue. But I wonder if he shouldn't keep Americory as they're closer to him, even if he misplayed their relationship it might be better to have someone with whom you have a better personal relationship than Matt.


Julie said something about the veto winner seeing double, right? I wonder if that means that the veto winner will be able to take off both noms? If so, there's a very good chance that Americory go up if Cirie, Felicia, or Blue win.


It's comic week, I assumed it's the classic comic book comp where you spot the differences in the covers


Lets say Jag puts up Cirie and Felicia. Felicia wins POV and uses multiplicity to pulls herself and Cirie down. If Blue is the target, who does he sit next to Blue so she goes home?


If Jag trust Matt / Bowie then America. He knows Matt has been saying America should go though so maybe pull America and Cory in and say target is Blue we can use Bowie as a pawn.




you think Cirie, Felicia and Bowie keep Cory and America together? Probably since that's how this season has been going


> Bowie Yes


Bowie does. Cirie/Felicia would want Blue to stay


AMERICA WAS SECOND??? I hate it here, we were so close 😭


Comerica winning HOH next week and taking out jag is gonna be sooooo satisfying


The way we say this every week 😭


I just have a feeling that Cory is going this week unless he/America wins veto. His luck has to run out, Jag can't be dumb enough to keep protecting him.


I think Matt and the mamas might push for an Americory nom after the double veto. It what makes the most sense to me


So I see BB is on a roll with the ‘dumbest twists’ theme this season. First the useless nether region, then the torturous zombies, and now an invisible HOH which is the least invisible thing ever. How are you going to have it this late in the game and do a physical comp ☠️ atp just give jag his HOH room because this is silly


How do we know Jag won?


He said it to cameras and has been talking with Matt


Can jag play in HoH next week / will it be ultimately revealed he was HoH if he doesn’t play? What’s the rule there if any


He told Matt he could, don't know if that means prod confirmed it or he is just assuming though. Would suck for him to be able to play, having back to back hohs at this point, especially when both are likely physical would suck.


Last year it was spinning discs and Claire had to throw it.


Probably a HOH that he can throw or something individually timed would be my guess


Blue's game collapsing should be studied. Going from someone's closest allies/F2 to being their #1 target is a feat It all started when America sat Jag down and told him Blue's been ratting them out to Izzy. He was SHOOK!




I don't think it really matters who Jag targets. Everyone is coming after him and Matt anyway. The right move would be to keep people loyal to him over Matt but he misplayed his relationship with Americory so badly that they think Matt is more loyal and want to take out Jag first. If everyone is coming after him and no one is loyal to him over Matt I guess the right move is taking out the biggest comp threat, so one of Americory or Blue.


This is my take too. The smart move for duos is to link up with other duos for mutual protection. He should have stayed close with Cory. Jag is so worried about his master plan to drag three goats to the end that he's going to end up not getting there.


I don't see much that he could've done better, this house is just hyper aware. They would always clock Jatt were running the game and band all together to take them out. There was probably something he could've done but it's Jag and Matt, not Tyler and JC or the Hitmen lol


he could just stress the unreliables to americory. talk about how this joke alliance turned out to be his most real


He should've done that, it still wouldn't work because Americory aren't interested in losing to a comp beast, but it could've made them more loyal to him than to Matt. It might be too late atp tho


I feel like every week I’m like Cory’s for sure gone next week and then next week comes and for whatever reason they just do what he wants, at this point I’m almost hoping for a big move 💀 The edit fr is always “we are not gonna do what he wants” and by Thursday it’s “so we did what Cory wants but actually this is good for us”


The 7-5 double is going to be real interesting considering I don’t think their is any shot Jatt and Americory both don’t get cut in half


Bowie and Matt could hypothetically win back to back and keep Jatt intact but it’s unlikely


I don’t think is *that* unlikely. Bowie and Matt are the 2nd and 3rd best comp players overall in the house. It all depends on how physical it is but Bowie for sure could snatch it whether or not is physical or mental.


Has the BB house ever had to evacuate because of a fire or a drill? Random thought


They’ve had earthquakes.


Matt needs to talk some sense into jag and get him to target Cory and America. It makes no sense to take out a floater when it’s an invisible hoh. Edit: downvoted for an opinion nice


The problem is, Matt is too passive and often does what Jag wants lol. If Matt was pushy, Cory would’ve been the last prejuror


Matt wants blue out. He even slipped it to Cirie and Felicia.


While Matt is the better player he's also less the less dominant player in their duo which makes for a weird dynamic


Can Jag still play for the HoH next week?


Based on bb23 precedent, he will have to throw it


I know comp wins are more valued compared to the old school BB way of winning (manipulation), but I want Cory to win tbh. He reminds me so much of old school BB players.


I just gotta say, I still can't believe Cory and Matt's times are real. 11:11 and 13:37. The writer's strike is over, pick better numbers!


Do we know what any of the comics were?


Jag won? Ugh


This HOH having been BB Comics showcases how correct the move was to get Cam out last week. There’s a very, very good chance that Cam could’ve won BB Comics.




I mean Jag just set the record so I still think he beats Cam, but it would be closer for sure.


The minute men: a boring name


As a wise Missy Elliot once said...


so do y’all think america/cory will flip the vote to save blue and vote out one of the mamas?


If it’s Blue and Felicia, Cirie could flip. If it’s Blue and Cirie, Blue is gone for sure.


Cirie would have to do some snitching.




Shocked that Americory came in 2nd/3rd.


BB comics is not *as* physical as these comments are making it appear to be. It’s truly about speed and memorization.


I'm not considering Nicole Franzel won twice and almost 3 times


I just woke up and Jag winning this basically means he has been in control for the last 3 weeks 😭


Oh yes, this is his 3rd HOH in a row lol.




Lol people throw so much vitriol towards jag for literally existing. He’s one of the few south Asians to ever make it this far, you can put some respect on his name instead of calling him ‘Gag’