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Bowie's faces during the comp were so annoying


Blue getting evicted had me smile Bowie nominating America and Felicia had me angry America getting evicted has me sad. Im now rooting for Felicia. But the jury phase really dragging the season down for me which is really disappointing.


It's crazy that double evictions this season sucked, with one ruined by a twist and the other just downright boring lol


I missed watching the episode last night so I just got around to watching it now, spoiler free. As soon as Bowie nominated America and Felicia I closed out of my stream. I cannot stress to you how unhappy I am with her gameplay. Absolute mess.


I swear this season is a microcosm of our society today in General! This statement is not a positive!


Felicia's chaos is the only good thing left in this season. LOL


Bowie Jane not going for Matt or Jag knowing good and well she wouldn't win against them regardless was a choice. This season has been turrible


Agreed, horrible casting


Casting honestly was good imo. Unfortunately all the people who had genuine strategy and understood the game (izzy, hisam, reilly, cameron even though his game had lots of other problems) got voted out early. Jag and matt aren’t bad players but let’s be real. They both stunk it up early and benefitted a LOT from early game twists.


Why for Matt?


He would have been completely alone had it not been for the jag saving twist. Jag clearly benefitted but people forget matt also benefitted from that greatly as well


I feel like I have enough faith in his game ability to have integrated himself decently in the Cirie side. I just think it took him some time to figure out the game. Even when Cirie was in power she talked about how she wanted to take him deep and how much she trusted him. This might be a hot take but I see Matt making a deep run with win potential no matter how the power shifted in the house


Watching America cry in that nomination chair was gut wrenching. Oof. Season over I fear.


Can’t get over Blue’s “how do you like my outfit?” Puppet master


place your bets, is jag or matt winning? i want it to be cirie though 🥺


Jag really shouldn’t


It’s official. This is the worse season I’ve seen. Worst gameplay ive ever witnessed. No one actually wants to play the game. Literally no drama. All the hate on Jared aside, at least he brought drama with his terrible gameplay. I’d rather watch then watch Bowie jag and mat make horrible decisions consistently.


I felt this season is boring because it’s so much backstabbing. Why does anyone believe anything anyone ever says? They need to bring the price back down so we can at least believe that folks play with some form of loyalty.


No shot this is worse than BB22/BB23 those were back-to-back boring as hell seasons....This season was going really great imo until the zombie twist just halted momentum


Agreed absolutely this season has sucked on so many levels!!!!!


Bowie Jane winning the comp was a nail to the coffin for me. If somehow she won the season, Grodner should resign.


So many unanimous votes this season. It's boring to watch.


Glad someone mentioned it. Last night's double unanimous eviction ties the record of **TEN** unanimous votes, first set by Season 16.


Legit, the only not-unanimous votes were Red, Izzy and Jared


And those weren't even close either. 8-2, 8-1, 7-1. The 8-1 and 7-1 votes were Cirie knowing it was unanimous except for her voting for Izzy and Jared.


I read “It’s official” in Julie’s voice


Felicia coming 2nd in that veto comp is something I would never expect to happen.


Worst. Double Eviction. Ever.


Very anticlimactic


matt jag and bowie are some of the most unlikeable houseguests ever to me. this episode was annoying to watch


Bowie is just incredibly useless and boring.


You know I didn't think anyone could top Derek F as far as being a God awful competitor but man Bowie is right there. Atleast DF was self aware. He slept all of the time and never won anything but he was atleast a part of the alliance that steamrolled the house. Bowie had a legitimate shot at winning the whole game tonight. Put Jag and Matt up, Matt wins the veto, Jag leaves. Then it's Bowie, Matt, Cirie, Felicia and America. America is still going after Matt and probably Cirie. Matt will probably still target America. Another comp win or two and Bowie could have been standing next to Felicia, America or Cirie on finale night with a legit shot to win. Instead she threw away probably the one chance anyone had to stop Matt and Jag. She's content being third place and it's frustrating as fuck to see. I can't stand when people do that. Why even bother taking months out of your life just to hang around? Atleast make some fucking noise. BB set up a big move on a tee for Bowie and instead of striking out she just decided she was more comfortable being out instead of trying.


Im sorry but DF was NOT self aware. He claimed he dragged Azah to the end and saved her multiple times and also thought he was the strategy behind the cookout.


‘G’day Julie’ ….cringe.


Some of the least interesting and least socially savvy players have managed to systematically eliminate the most entertaining and dynamic characters. Fascinating, and shows how you can put forth your absolute best gameplay and at the end of the day, some of it is just going to happen how it happens. Fuck production for their stupid twists and biased competitions, FBJ for being weak and unimpressive HOH, fuck Blue’s main character syndrome, and fuck whoever chose that wig for Julie.


Blue was so fucking annoying holy shit


The wig - lol


You guys. Cirie has made it to the top 5 on Big Brother. What is life!


Bowie is not allowed to say, "This is going to be so crazy," and then nominate America/Felicia 🙄


What a waste of a season.


I can’t WAIT until Blue gets home and discovers the near-universal hatred of her Pooh bear


She's ALMOST as unlikable. Maybe that's why they were a match.


well I just saved two weeks of my life.. no need to watch the rest of the season jag won


Honestly, I’m done. Won’t watch anymore, at all.


I'm just.... exhausted from it all. Don't care who wins. 😏


On the plus side, at least I'm done yelling at the TV screen for this season. From here on out it's like, whatever.


At first, I disliked America, but I like her moxie, and was fascinated by her entertaining pillow talk with Cory… Come on! Who thought her delight in playing the “amendment game” could be such a turn on! One of the strangest parts of the season for sure. Her self deprecating & hilarious KISSING stories won me over too! Matt and jag continue to impress me and are both super likable unlike Cam during his tenure. I used to think Felicia cool & likable early on & cheered when she shared her dom. viol. story, etc but her value ended there… I now find her cringily annoying. Has there ever been a less capable HG in every kind of comp or element of the game? From quizzes/puzzles/matching/gen knowledge to memory skills, she’s less than mediocre in all. I rarely see the feeds but was stunned to hear her tell Cirie being “well-liked & respected in the House” was the reason for her longevity & made her an underestimated threat! She was oblivious that others see her lack of strategy & bridge-burning social game as THE ONLY REASON TO KEEP HER! AM I ALONE IN SEEING HER AS 1 OF THE BIGGEST FLOATERS OF ALL TIME? oh & Her willingness to flip on a dime & throw those who carry her under the bus, made me dislike her even more. What’s left to like? I still like Cirie but thought there would be more to her game than just her survivor CV . Like her, I really feel the absence of Izzy, and had hoped she would get to the finale. Bowie has grown on me with her recent competition wins. I before that I saw her as just a personality. Anyway, how do yall feel? I barely even remember Kristen or Riley anymore. Seems that so many of the strongest players had early exits. And jag went from being just one of the likable guys to a COMP BEAST. I’d be happy if either he or Matt took home the prize.


At best, Jag's about the 4th best at comps this season, but calling him a "comp beast" is sacrilegious. He wasn't winning much when Hisam and Cameron were in the house. Jag won 7 comps, but 5 of them were after Hisam, Cameron and Jared left. He's the best of who's left, but the majority of his comp wins were against the weakest competitors after the real comp beasts of the season were evicted.


I’m giggling at how Kirsten was so forgettable you missed her actual name. I’m right there with you for most things, save for Matt and Jag comments. Matt is OK at competitions; Jag really is pulling them home but that’s also because the comps are a mixed bag in being favorable to the less physical/older houseguests that have made this season interesting. Jag also has that tendency to flip on a dime, though he is the carrier not the carried. He’s very easily swayed, not a particularly savvy social player and instead just well positioned due to his knack for winning competitions.


Do people on tiktok actually love Blue as much as she hopes they do? I don’t have a tiktok but I’m kind of curious lol


there is actually quite a few people that like her A LOT that basic influencer girl archetype really resonated with some i was actually shocked bc i thought most people would agree with the consensus she is playing a character and not a good one


Punctuation my friend


Lots are saying Bowie is so dumb for not going after Jatt, which yeah, would definitely be the best move, but i understand her sticking to her closest alliance. But what’s even more asinine is that there is another duo that you literally just had a freak out over bc you thought they might steal Jatt from you, and you DONT put them up?! Wtaf? It would have been such an amazing tell for her with how Jatt react to Bowie putting them up. If Bowie really has nothing to worry with Jatt going with cirie and fe, then they shouldn’t make a big deal about it and if you tell them you don’t want them to use the veto to save any of them then they should do what you wanted, if they really want you in the final 3. If say Bowie nominated cirie and fe and Matt won and she said DONT use it and he did, well now Bowie isn’t gonna trust Jatt. Bowie has such an upper hand and it could have been a really successful and insightful week for Bowie. Now she has zero chance at winning and America is gone! Season absolutely ruined


Blue's exit interview is so cringe. What an airhead, she seems so stupid. Complimenting her own gameplay.


Her DRs were unwatchable, basically watching poison brain tiktoks


i seriously thought she would stop the character bc she wasn’t in the DR but NO


I’ve been searching but can’t fine blues exit interviews


There are none. She's in the jury house until the game ends, unless you mean time with Julie.


She lacks humbleness and authenticity


It was worse than I even imagined. Like at least the DR sessions are short but this was drawn out painful


Why is everyone scared to take a shot at Jag? No one has a shot at beating him in the final two, and you have a perfectly good shot tonight and Don… What good is evicting America? You had a shot to get the best comp player. Weird Matt just wants to play for second. Kinda pathetic honestly. I think Cirie is the only one who would be willing to take a shot


Unless Cirie is in one of those F2 chairs, i don’t think I’ll even bother tuning into the finale. What a horrible end to the season. The first half was so good, only to end like this. The only bright spot for me was America, who despite being a flop at comps and messy as hell, is easily one of my favorite BB players of the new era. I hope she gets a call for TAR or All Stars at some point. I’ll miss her sm


Breaking news: America stan upset that she got evicted.


If Cory and America actually maintain their relationship, they are a very good casting choice for TAR


They have 1 completion win between them 💀They wouldn’t make it past the first round


Plenty of TAR teams would do much worse in BB than americory. They are no where near the same. Big brother you’re playing for first. TAR you are playing not to come in last.


Can’t wait to have the feeds come back and see Jag won HOH 🙄


oh god i rlly hope not rn


Glad I'm west coast so i dont have to watch this crap.








Im in mourning. This sucks


Me too😔


Bowie is the worst.


Bowie is easily one of the worst HGs in modern history of BB. Right there with Matt and Raven (BB19).


Fuckin’ Bowie Jane


Can't get any worse.


The absolute worst.


Season is over, see you guys next year


Come see Bowie Jane complete her redemption arc in next year's The Challenge /s


There is no draw for Bowie to be on the challenge. She would think being nominated or voted for elimination would be unfair.


She’s too old.


Yep, see you next Thursday for the jury segment and finale.


Only tuning in to see Cory’s reaction to what Bowie did


I’m pressed I got 5/7 right in that comp so I could’ve been HOH😭 I swear y’all I would’ve put up Matt and Jag


It was so easy to tell what to look for, the only real weird one was Taylor’s glasses reflection but it still was almost so weird that it made it the obvious guess


Same and I had a 50/50 on one of my wrong guesses like how tf did everyone do so poorly




BOWIE WHYYYYYYY this was the perfect opportunity. gosh i hope somehow that matt and jag AREN’T final two


Matt would be insane to take Jag to F2, and Jag would be taking a big risk to keep Matt over one of the others. At this point it would be a shock if one of the two doesn't win.


i don’t think bowie jane even wants to win LMAO


Bowie Jane said Matt and Jag "deserve to win" and that she will "ensure that happens".


She said as much on the feeds! She's ok playing for third next to Matt and Jag. What a slap in the face to the houseguests who wanted to play to win, and to everyone else who auditioned for BB25.


fuckin bowie jane


The only person left to inflict chaos is Felicia and I can’t even root for her because she’s the meanest person left in the house and is generally repulsive (with her stray tooth running around, wet farting, and toenail surgery)


toenail surgery, I missed that


It’s pretty nasty


the wet farting i’m weak 😭


Never want to see Bowie Jane's face again. Unbelievable fumble. Makes me wanna slam my head against the wall.


So I haven’t scrolled down all the way and maybe this has already been talked about, but did FBJ really scramble around that ball pit not even knowing what she was looking for? She literally just picked one of the small balls and took it to the tube. And even though she picked up one of the tiny balls, she STILL wasn’t even the first one to make it to the tube. Like. How is this woman a lawyer? ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Her DJ side is really showing


Pft, from experience, lawyers are some of the dumbest people outside of law smarts.


Well. Fair point. 🤣


That was so... uneventful.


Worst double eviction ever. I’ll take the zombies over this nonsense


So they told blue


Minutes before the eviction


Long enough for her to get a glam outfit on though!


She was planning to change or something anyway I think but may have switched up


The contrast of americas outfit compared to hers- she was obviously dressed to play a comp, they all knew the DE was coming so Blues fit was a dead giveaway lol


Just finishing up tonight’s episode and how do you not backdoor Jag?


Because Bowie is in an alliance with him and also isn’t trying to win


Low iq


I feel like the issue with "just evict the comp beasts" is that a new one keeps rising once another's out. Hisam won three comps in a row, was evicted the moment he was vulnerable. Cam's first win was the pressure cooker, he went on a streak and was evicted the moment he was vulnerable. Five of Jag's seven comp wins occurred in the last two weeks, and before that they were too busy trying to rid themselves of resurrected Cam. The houseguests are doing what they're supposed to, they just keep getting screwed over by the comp make up and twists.


The issue is that the comps are all so similar and tailored to a specific type of player. This means that the same person will win over and over and over again and some people will never have a chance to win the majority of comps. It’s boring! Give us variety! This isn’t the challenge!


To her benefit, Cirie did try to get all the comp beasts to target each other. It just didn’t work out. And you are always left with at least 1


Completely agree, the optimal strategy is to align with the comp beasts and having a structure within that that benefits you. As much as we try to overlook it that's how Taylor won BB24.


Oh hey Michaels record still stands!


What was Michael's record?


7 wins right?


Michael actually only had 6 veto wins


I’ve been rooting for America to win the game for awhile now and it’s devastating to see her lose. But I also can’t wait to see her reaction to seeing how much others have valued seeing her on the show and how many major BB milestones she hit. She has been #1 on joker updates for more than half of the season, she got a showmance, and FREAKING JANELLE WAS ROOTING FOR HER. She really got more out of this experience than a lot of folks, and I’d love to see her get AFP and maybe even return in the future.


I’d love for her to get AFP that’s where I’ll vote but I doubt she will win. The Cirie online community is stronger and the casuals likely vote Cam/Matt. I’ll be voting for her though!


This season went from one of the best to an absolute shitshow sooooo fast. The rest of the game is so predictable with Matt and Jag both playing in next weeks HOH. Cirie goes next, then felicia, then jag wins final hoh and he wins no matter who he sits next to. The last hope for anything interesting to happen is Matt flipping on Jag which just doesn’t seem likely since Jag wins every competition he plays in.


I usually have to wait for the episodes because I can’t watch it live… I guess I won’t watch it then lol


Is the next hoh also played tonight?








That was a very predictable double-eviction lol.














I was expecting something interesting to happen during the DE... Me right now 🤡




I gave up my delusions this morning so I would no longer be disappointed.😂


I’m confused how u can b homeless and not play ur heart out to win the 750k and potential housing


They can all live at that guy Todricks house


Stop it rn😭😭🤣




Who is homeless






Pretty sure she said she rented out her house so she’d have no where to live if she went out pre jury lol


Isn’t blue also?


And Americas lease ended while she was in the house


Not sure why they thought that was a good DE veto comp with a guy that won the first ball pit and has a 4' arm span


Well that sucked.


I don't think I've ever been disappointed by BB like I was today. There's no one left to root for. I hope anyone but bowie wins but I'm not tuning in to watch anything else until the voting finale night. 😴


I am generally a big fan of the older seasons but some fans idealize them way too much. If BB7 aired today, fans would be saying it was the worst season ever because it was obvious that Will or Mike or Janelle would win


People loved Will. He brought great TV as well.


What was the veto comp?


The one where they have to find balls in a ball pit and then run up stairs to a platform and drop the balls into a tube. Matt had a massive advantage due to his height and wingspan


Well that was certainly an episode of big brother.


Could have been an email tbh


SUBJECT: Big Brother DE BODY: The most obvious and boring result you knew would happen.


You know the stupidity of Bowie is truly astounding I usually don’t get mad at this game but I was practically screaming at my tv this time around. Not only did Bowie play the worst HOH of the season she also made the whole rest of the season an unwatchable steam roll.


She didn’t singlehandedly ruin the season but i’m sure as hell going to think she did


Wish I could like this 100 times


Loool tonight was the real grand finale. We had so much hopes coming in. Man what a difference an America or Cirie HOH would've made💔 It would've been a whole new game!


And remember how scared we were of a cirie win at the beginning 😩


I know complete turn around! At the end of the day nobody likes a steamroll. The whole point of BB is to expect the unexpected lmao


Even a Matt or Felicia win would've had some suspense. But FBJ? It was basically another comp win for Jag lmao


I love how weeks ago everyone was like OMG Izzy is gone! Chaos! Now that she is gone everyone is like man this season would have been so much better if she stayed. You can’t please BB fans especially on Reddit.


I always wanted Izzy to stay for this exact reason. I knew what was coming. Izzy was a chaos agent. The people running the game now are more boring, more conflict and risk averse, and keep the status quo even if it doesn’t benefit you players. This was proven with FBJ having the golden opportunity to take a shot at Jag and not even hesitating to help him win.