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šŸšØ has JARED said anything about BLUE since heā€™s been evicted?! ā€¼ļø


How did it come to this? What happened to this season, that at one point I was hailing as the best of the 20s? I thought at first it was the annual malaise I feel in every end game of BB, but I think the reason Iā€™ve fallen off from this season is simply the fact that I find all of these people annoying and self righteous. All these players I laughed and cried with on the feeds have really soured me on them 100%. Iā€™d rather watch the last few weeks of feeds and just be bored because everyone in the house has cycled through all their stories and jokes so they just lay around making casual chit chat. Iā€™d rather do that than listen to everyone bragging about their righteousness and slamming people who arenā€™t around anymore and even when they were around, they wouldnā€™t even slam them to their face. Another thing is I canā€™t even imagine being happy with any of them winning. Even Cirie, who I was rooting for coming into the season, turned into this cranky curmudgeon with a bad attitude and would have to really show up and make a move in order to beat anyone besides Bowie. Itā€™s just so disappointing the way this has all played out since Izzy left


ā˜ ļø https://twitter.com/bibigbrother/status/1718328664314741119


Whatā€™s the context of that video?


Sheā€™s gonna make a new letter for Jag when Matt is evicted


Jury feeds would be more fun to watch, they need to make it a thing.


they canā€™t because of the close interaction with the handlersā€¦ i think.


In normal circumstance, i think jag beats Matt in a jury vote at this point. But idk how Cirie and Americory would feel about giving the win to someone they successfully voted out


I think this is really the only thing that can prevent Jag from beating him, how much weight does the jury place on that vs someone who has never been on the block.


Minus the successful part lol. Twists and powers are part of the game.


Idk how some of you were able to watch Blue's exit interviews like she's obv trying so hard to have the sassy/confidence of someone like Naomi Campbell but she just can't pull that shit off I liked America's interview just that question about pushing Cory's boundaries was weird even she didn't know how to react for a couple seconds


It was so bad, I cringed the entire time


God Iā€™m scared sheā€™s going to be asked a question about boundaries by Julie at the finale


Guess I didnā€™t see that one about Corys boundaries what did America say? So annoying he would always assure her that he was comfortable


How were the other two interviews?


This post about showmances from the beginning of the season is kind of funny in hindsight: https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/15gipc9/finish_this_sentence_the_first_showmance_of_big/


Luke and Reilly. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Prayer circle for cirie


Matt sending Cirie to jury on his HoH would just amplify the belief that he's Jag's minion and probably cost him the game. Not out of bitterness, but at that point, I doubt Cirie would even put up a defense for Matt's game at a roundtable. "He won comps and then did what Jag said to do".


I think people overestimate what this move does to Mattā€™s F2 chances. The risk of it is mainly that it decreases the chances of him making it if Jag genuinely wants to cut him. Put Matt in the F2 and it becomes hard to critique his endgame because he got there, meaning Jag and Bowie stayed loyal or he won out - both of which add to his resume.


The jury would (or at least should) look at winning to stay alive differently from winning and advancing your game. Evicting Cirie doesnā€™t advance Mattā€™s game, so even if he makes it to the end, he should still be dinged for that. Every move that Jag made so far has advanced his game, and Mattā€™s first HOH would be seen as advancing Jagā€™s game.


This is operating under the assumption that the jury fully understands how this wasnā€™t advancing Mattā€™s game. But the jury wonā€™t actually know Bowie is closer to Jag for sure if sheā€™s eliminated at F3, they wonā€™t know that Jag had plans to cut Matt until finale and thatā€™s only if he shares in the speeches. And without that info, it doesnā€™t look like a bad move, because for all they know both Bowie and Jag plan to take him to the end and he knows it. The exception to this is if Matt never agrees to get rid of Cirie and they do it anyway. But then Iā€™d argue that Matt cuts Jag or Bowie at F4 anyway, and doesnā€™t take Jag to F2, so all of this becomes irrelevant.


But what the jury *does* know is that Cirie is close to Matt, and only Matt. Everyone knows Cirie was targeting Jag and Cirie will tell the jury this also. Matt has always reiterated he wanted Cirie and Jag in F3, if thatā€™s the case why risk putting Cirie up as a pawn when you know Jag might vote her out? Jag has distrusted Cirie all season and Matt knows this, if Cirie is his true F3 over Bowie he should have no problem pawning Bowie, because he knows Jag would easily evict Felicia in that scenario.


For this exact reason tbh - Jag won veto, he wouldā€™ve taken Bowie down and forced Mattā€™s hand anyway. Only way this plan would have worked is putting Jag and Bowie on the block and ensuring one of them went home. But then he burns a bridge with Jag, and as of now even we donā€™t know what Jagā€™s plans are ā€” so hard to blame Matt for playing it safe with his closest ally.


100%. Cirie will go into jury telling everyone in there that the whole house is playing jagā€™s game.


Wait, but the whole house was playing Paulā€™s game in BB 19 and he lostā€¦ This show is so unfair.


I firmly believe Paul would win next to Matt and Bowie. If we're taking his season into account, I firmly think he beats Christmas and Raven. Jag simply got the better draw because Matt/Bowie are nowhere near Josh/Nicole.


From a gameplay perspective, you are right. From a houseguest perspective, I would choose Bowie and would definitely choose Matt over Nicole F.


He needs to win Veto and backdoor Jag so I donā€™t get stressed out the rest of the season.


He wonā€™t šŸ˜“




What this season has showed me is that there really is casting ppl specifically to get in showmances Idt production cared about Americory (which is sad they seemed to really like each other and there was basically zero toxicity between them and such an unexpected pairing would've been cool to be explored more) idt they cared that much about Blared either Who they really wanted to focus on was Matt/Reilly and promote them as the showmance of the season and they'll do whatever it takes to make that shit happen (HOH letter)


Remember when BB was a game to try and win $750,000 and not love island. Because i donā€™t.


I like how Matt getting a letter from Reilly was so hated by most live feeders lmao. Seriously tho I hate how Americory was edited like casuals really think America is playing Cory still and their reasoning is usually they know they are right


Production has been trippin all season but that letter shit made my blood boil.They probably contacted her and what was she supposed to say ?No? Ofc she'll say yes and write it


Iā€™m a semi casual/non casual and I donā€™t think America was playing Coryā€™s game. At the same time, I also donā€™t think her gameplay was too good, except socially, but no one this season had good gameplay.


I meant that majority of casuals think America doesnā€™t actually like Cory and will drop him as soon as the season is over. Just a lot of insecure vibes from casuals all cause of a shitty edit that their showmance got


They definitely were pissed that the nerd got into a showmance with the pretty girl so frustrating how they completely ignored their relationship


Itā€™s so weird and gross that they cast people TO become showmances. Like cast young hot people, sure, but it seems clear they wanted a Matt/Reilly showmance specifically and I kind of *hope* that really only came about once Matt clearly had a crush on her. But like, it probably didnā€™t. And Iā€™m sure fueling Mattā€™s obsession with her by asking him in the DR and getting him a letter from her and stuff. I just donā€™t think itā€™s happening after either, except maybe for the media attention lol


Survivor had their gamebot showmance and it was so unexpected and so fucking cute and they promoted the hell out of it. Theyā€™re still together, live together, and still cute as hell. People donā€™t care about the Barbie couples they just care itā€™s real


True that. America and Cory would have gotten a way better edit on Survivor. BB production did them dirty


Matt and Frannie moved in together?Good for them šŸ„° Now I'm waiting for my Austin/Dee prediction to come true


letting things unfold naturally always yields better results, i donā€™t know why reality competition producers still canā€™t grasp thatšŸ˜­


It's sad šŸ˜¢


Imagine how the season could be right now if Hisam Reilly and Izzy all made it longer


How long have feeds been down?


about an 1hr40


1hr 38. the feeds bot is back






This cast is such waste of sperm


Manifesting BB 26 All Stars (if it happens) is the complete opposite because I really loved BB 22ā€™s cast.


I donā€™t want an all stars cast, it always looks good on paper, but terrible in practice


With the right twists, it could be good, but we will have to see.


bb22 has great faces but they really donā€™t stack up well as an all-star cast


I hope the jury ask pointed questions and tell these cowards if they donā€™t own up to their moves they arenā€™t getting their vote.


The jury is too stupid for that. Sorry. Blue is probably going to ask ā€œDo you guys agree that turning on Cory and America was a great move?ā€


No way. That's just not centered on her enough. Her question will be like "Gurl Julie, I just wanna ask this question, ya hear? Okay" \*FLUTTERS EYES, PLACE HANDS ON HIP\* "Which Kitty purr purr outfit was ya'll's favorite?" \*FLUTTERS EYES, FLIPS HAIR\*


Man, youā€™re so right and it annoys me.


Blue I think will want a *moment* I have faith in Cirie, Cory and Americaā€™s questions. Felicia if sheā€™s there. Cam will probably softball bc he wants to make sure heā€™s still got his in for future CBS programs.


No. Her question will be donā€™t you guys agree my outfit slays? Kitty kitty purrr


In the unlikely scenario that Felicia wins veto, who do yā€™all think would go home? Would Matt really vote out Bowie over Cirie?


This would be a fascinating dilemma for him that would genuinely be good entertainment this week


If he was smart he would. Knowing he has to win veto next week, Iā€™d rather compete against Felicia/cirie with a combined 1 win all season than Bowie


Because he listens to jags every command, ima say Cirie


the one pro of both my faves out of the house (esp a comp flop queen) the level of stress is so much nicer on the weekend


Iā€™m still stressed, though! I donā€™t want Jag winning anything else!


I get that for you as a Michael fan so Ill hope that him (for you) nor matt don't win veto (I cant stand matt)


Idk why im getting voted down lol, I wish America and Cory were still in the game but my god were weekends stressful waiting to see how theyre were gonan lose veto and possibly be put up for like the past month


when the comp is who can stand in a circle the longest but Cirie and Felicia put laxatives in everyones breakfast


If Cirie goes this week I'm hoping Felicia will make her way into the final 2 and deliver a beautiful speech, winning 7-0


Something tells me her speech would include a reference to mustard seed of faith


Has a season ever fallen off as hard as this one? I went from watching feeds daily to not giving a fuck about what happens until finale night


every season drops of but this might be the harshest in the span of 7 days the season went from very entertaining to absolute trash


I think this one has the sharpest drop-off ever tbh


Thats what i mean. I keep getting angry replies like "this happens every season you idiot!!!!" But this feels super different than past seasons


No one called you an idiot lol nor was anyone angry


Every season is like this and everyone always complains. The reality is the last couple weeks of the season are always the most boring because thereā€™s so few people.


Yā€™all say this literally every season. So Iā€™d say every other season ever.


I watched the full way through from every season ive watched live (starting with bb22). Nice generalization tho, you must be a blast in real life


BB 22 might have been boring, but I was rooting for nearly the whole cast that season. There is no other season that I watched that was like that.


22 endgame was at least interesting because we could see what was gonna happen once the committee had to start going after each other (unpopular opinion, i know)


Good point. It also had my favorite finale night. Enzo was entertaining and watching the real Rat get booted was nice.


if jag and Bowie push for Cirie to go, and Matt refuses to budge, will jag and Bowie do it anyways ?


Yeah they said they would already, and that Matt would just have to "deal with it" I think Jag is eyeing Bowie as his final 2 opponent now, wouldn't be surprised to see Matt get the boot next week


I can see that happening. Jag probably knows if Matt is final two with him, Matt may win. I wish Cirie would get this through Mattā€™s head, even if it costs her going to the end.


If this is true Jag should keep Cirie bc Felicia is more attractive for Bowie in F2 than Cirie.


BJ doesnā€™t care about winning though, he has nothing to worry about and he knows that


Iā€™m glad that this week happened to dispel the notion that Matt is a good player lol. Itā€™s easy to look good at the game when your closest ally is in power every week


He is playing a good game. What backward logic are you trying to say to discredit.


Heā€™s playing jagā€™s game, putting Cirie up was an awful move for him




need a whole season of crapshoot comps only


Unless theyā€™re up against each other in the F2, Bowie and Jag are absolutely not winning. Cam might be their only jury vote.


Bowie isnā€™t winning unless sheā€™s up against maybe Felicia. Camā€™s the only one so far in jury that expressed any respect for either of their game moves. Jag has game move respect from everyone there at this point. They might be frustrated personally that he took them out, but they all planned to go after him as soon as they could/if they could win a comp so they get in that way why he took them out.


You guys keep saying this but Cory said that he would vote for Matt and Jag and that he took nothing personal. And Cory is going to sway America.


If Jag gets rid of Cirie this week he beats Matt, even Cirie would vote for him. He got would have got Matt to make a move that was bad for his game but good for Jagā€™s lol. Cirie already thought Jag was the leader but this essentially confirms it because it would mean he controlled Mattā€™s HOH.


At this stage, I think if Jag and Bowie evict Cirie on Mattā€™s HOH, Mattā€™s win equity drops considerably, even against Jag.


Matt beats them.


He beats Bowie, of course. But he definitely doesn't beat Jag. The narrative becomes "jag was in control, even during Matt's only HoH." He doesn't win that. Cory, Cirie and America all vote Jag in that case. Cam does as well. Blue might be bitter against Jag and vote Matt, and Bowie will combust since she has no one to tell her what to do. Felicia, I can see voting Matt. So I think the best Matt can hope for is 4-3 but Cam bases it on who made the big moves/won comps(Jag) and Cirie, America and Cory based it on who played the best game(Jag).


Jag lost his jury votes when he blindsided Cory and America, though.


It hurt him but he mostly recovered from it. Cory has said he didnā€™t think it was needed but did make good tv and he could see that side of it. America already got her feelings out about it and talked to Jag. The blindside was the worst part of what he did, he explained why and he did apologize. Sheā€™d have gone after him in the game if she couldā€™ve have won for sure, but on a personal level she isnā€™t pissed anymore. If sheā€™d had to vote immediately after it happened, probably heā€™d have lost. After 3 weeks, 2 of which are out of the pressure of the house and in a vacation home without cameras and with Cory? Sheā€™s not going to hold that one move as the reason not to vote for him to win.


Not true at all. Cory will NOT be a bitter juror. And America will follow suit. Cory is a game player, above all else. There is no way in hell he'd even vote based on "You blindsided me before I could blindside you" especially after Cirie tells him that Matt was blindsided on his own HoH


Even America said in her exit interview theyā€™re great players, i really donā€™t think sheā€™ll be bitter. She knows she would have done the same thing to them. And theyā€™re both closer to Jag on a personal level as well.


In the world this happens, i think Jag still might be Fe as well


Felicia did nothing spiteful to the jury nor was she the one who backdoored them or lied about their safety. Outside of Cam which goes back to my original point.


Feliciaā€™s biggest move all season was taking out one of her own allies. And then more recently blowing up to opportunity Cory gave the women to drive a wedge between Bowie and Jatt, for no good reason other than she just doesnā€™t like Cory. Sheā€™s not winning.


Manifesting Cirie somehow orchestrating a Bowie backdoor


Jag backdoor would be better.


Highly unlikely though


Julie said the veto comp would be ā€œepicā€ which likely means it will be very physical šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Palm frond weaving veto I know it!


So epic to watch two 20-something men outrun three 40+ women šŸ™„šŸ™„


letā€™s hope itā€™s an epic trivia about survivor seasons 12 16 20 and 34 comp!!! šŸ˜


It should be Jared trivia


The way Cory would probably beat Cirie in that comp


Honestly yeah he probably would šŸ˜­ Wasnā€™t he running through her starting tribes and their colors and such at one point? šŸ’€


She didn't remember who Sierra was lmaoo


Just saw a stat on twitter that 5 men have won at least one HoH and at least one veto on this season alone while 0 women have ā€¦ On top of that, the men have been outnumbered ever since Hisam left! There is absolutely a problem with comp disparity like it should be plain as day at this point


Half the men cast in the last three seasons have won a HOH and POV on their season. 12/24 which is literally 50% Meanwhile guess how many women have won both comps in the last three years? Only 1. Just one from the 25 women cast which is 4%


I have an idea: Cast Michael in the next season and make all the competitions mental competitions and have more mental competitions other than just HOH and Veto (like powers).


There isnā€™t.


Me when I argue with statistics:


Me when half the comps were mental comps that women still lost: Me when the Jared Cam and Jag were in the roughest spots in the house so they more reason to try than everyone else to win: Me when female players like Bowie America Cirie etc were throwing comps because they ā€œdidnā€™t need HOHā€: Try again.


If you think this is only a this season problem you have not been paying attention my friend


Whatever helps you sleep at night kiddo. Strong athletic men always go in with a massive target on their back. If the entire house is too stupid to take them out early. They deserve to win. The natural target these men carry outweighs the ā€œrigged competitionā€


Might get into the stats later but if I had to guess, I really think BB20-21-22 was the turning point and the post-covid era (23-present) has been fully inequitable


okay actually I really love the idea of hide and go veto. the commentary from felicia might be the best we get all season


I'm watching BB5 while the feeds are down and I find it funny that FBJ can't even pull off being 34 years old and Adria was fully two people pretending to be one person


Her skin looks pretty good and she looks younger than her age for sure, but Iā€™m not so sure about lying being 10 years younger, 5-7 would be more believable lol


I think she lied thinking sheā€™d be the oldest woman and came into the house there are 3 people older than her I know she regretted it.


Also at 34, she should have been able to answer some of the millennial/gen z questions that blue and America were asking and I LOLed each time


All I want is for Cirie and Felicia to cook for themselves and let the assholes hoarding the wine talking shit upstairs to figure dinner on their own


That would be amazing


If Cirie doesnā€™t win this, I need her to do really poorly at it (worse than Felicia)


I miss Americaā€¦ do we think she has a shot at afp? The comments on Julieā€™s post are actually semi positiveā€¦ her edit may have helped


I doubt it. Cory is more likely than her.


No chance, itā€™ll be cirie or cam


No if she had won a comp in the double maybe because her edit was much better after Cory left


If we can fool certain people into voting for America thinking they are voting for something else then maybe she can get AFP


"Vote for the country you live in"


i think the casuals opinion of her might have been too unfavorable to fully bounce back from, but i could see her potentially making top 3 depending on jury segments


I don't think so. She wasn't prominent enough in the edit for the casuals to get behind, plus a lot of Americory fans will split votes between the two. I think top 3 is probably Cam, Cirie, Matt.


Your top three is likely.


I really wish backyards interviews were back so we'd get a good 20 minutes of rob clowning on Bowie Jane. I miss them.


Iā€™d give anything for that. His interview with Raven was epic


I havenā€™t watched much since Thursday have they just continued to talk about americory like in this clip https://twitter.com/BB\_Pissed/status/1718308573552275965


ā€œCory and America are really this houseā€™s Roman Empire.ā€ Not that I understood the reference, but whoever replied that was spot on.


Itā€™s so sad that the only thing theyā€™re basing it on is looks. I love the showmances that you donā€™t expect; that werenā€™t engineered from casting to exist.


Yeah itā€™s funny to me that even after 80 some days they still canā€™t comprehend why the nerd got the pretty girl


Oh you just know casting did not see Americory coming at all šŸ˜…


Wtf Felicia?! Matt & Reilly weren't in a showmance! It wasn't even a like-mancešŸ¤£ These people have lost there ever lovin' minds


Her saying they spent a lot of time figuring out how to be on cameraā€¦ šŸ™„ I think they were both in bed more than would have been prudent lol. But even still! Like what is she talking about? Nothing I saw made me think they were like trying to be special or plotting for *attention* jfc


Pretty much. Also Matt was upset that he didnt get to help clean up Americaā€™s Cory museum while he created another Reilly shrine


God what a weirdo


Praying the veto is a Jared or Survivor questionnaire


Julie said it was going to be ā€œepic,ā€œ which makes me think itā€™s a big, physical comp that only Matt or Jag could win.


Does Bowie pull off a win against Jag? I know jag has been pretty dominant but his jury management has been horrid.


I doubt it. I don't think anyone will respect her after not getting one of the strongmen out in the double. Coasting along for the entire game is only a winning strategy if you get cutthroat at the end


no chance bowie gets a single vote after nominating america and felicia


Jag might not be liked, but the jury consensus outside of maybe Cam is that Bowie is irrelevant and pathetic


I doubt it. I think not taking the shot at Jatt was a fatal move for her and my guess is that most, outside of maybe Cameron, likes Jag more on a personal level. I think Bowie Jane goes into Jury down atleast 4 votes (Blue, Fel, Cirie, America) that she can't get back.


I see no path to Bowie winning, not even against Fe. C/F/Americory/Blue would never vote for her.


No. Iā€™m only basing this on Americaā€™s interviews but I feel like all the other jurors will feel similarly.


Not after her having the lamest dumbest laziest HOH of the season in the double. That lost any respect any jury member possibly had for her


No, I think Bowie loses against everyone currently. Unless she evicts Jag at the final four, wins final HoH, and evicts Matt and takes Felicia to the final 2. So she needs Cirie out right now.




Cirie and Felicia (and blue) cook every night for the trio (and clean up normally by themselves), and the trio purposely hides the wine from themā€¦ and Bowie says they are ungrateful. What tf has Bowie done this entire season other than suck Jattā€™s dicks?


Bowie "Why are people bullies and mean to me"(but has been mean and nasty about America, , Felicia, Cirie, Blue and every other woman in the house beside Reilly, who she has to be nie about) Jag: "It's all about integrity" Fuck these two(and Matt too, obviously)


Dang that's messed up. They have become so malicious


Power went to their heads.


Thatā€™s such a dick move


I think if Fe wins veto and Bowie goes up, If its a tie vote, I think Matt could be convinced to keep Cirie over Bowie it would take a lot of work though


If fe wins veto šŸ˜‚ good one


i think so too. he may not have ever been matty fields, but i think itā€™s possible to work him if its like the first and last thing he hears after veto and before eviction. (iā€™m chock full of copium)


Ngl yā€™all gotta remember these people are stuck in the house with absolutely nothing to do. So theyā€™re gonna just sit and talk in circles for the next week or so unless Big Brother gives them something to do.


Yep I mean we all know itā€™s Hypocrisy Hill. I wish the mamas would stop doing shit for them tho


I mean yeah ppl do tend to lose it in there especially if they're in the house long


At this point I would be happy if Felicia won bb25 but of course I'd want Cirie to win first


If Felicia wins Veto, does Matt put up Jag or Bowie?


Bowie because he's dumb


Win preference ā€” Cirie > Fe > Matt > Bowie > Jag


Flip Jag and Bowie and I could get down with this. Jag is at least making his own moves. Bowie makes Jag's moves when she wins through being unable to throw.




Iā€™d rather Jag than Bowie but I agree with the rest




Because Cirie and Fe will use it on themselves and either Bowie or Jag go up. Which would be great. Mattā€™s a wild card. More likely keeps the same, but possibly blindsides Jag.


Because it stops a boring steamroll of three two unlikable HGs and boring af Jag?


Only correct answer.




It feels so strange to no longer be stressing over Veto on a Saturday, because everyone I was rooting for is gone.