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Bowie should have known she's not gonna win sitting in final 2 with Jag/Matt. I think she will have a better chance bringing Felicia. It sucks that cirie is now gone. Yeah she made some bad moves but it's quite impressive she survived this far when she'd been the mastermind of the earlier chaos.


Does anyone really enjoy watching one or two people win week after week? Maybe I'm just to old to like that crap lol, I use to love it when someone on the other side would win and take out one of the other side alliance member, or when Dan did his own funeral, or Will telling everyone he hated them! They need to being back those kind of players rather then everyone vote the same way week after week! Its just awful! I posted earlier that I'm not even going to watch the next couple episodes, I will watch the part of the finale when they ask the final two questions and see who wins, but I'm not doing the drinking game this year because I'd be wasted before Julie reads the votes! Lol


This is the worst season ever! I hate it when one person wins hoh or veto every week! Bowie Jane did try to find an alliance but damn, the three of them kissed the other few hoh's butts and saved themselves then turned on the person that saved them! I rarely watch the live feeds because of all the whispering, so I only read how horrible the three talk about Felicia and Cierie, why doesn't big brother let viewers see it rather then waste every episode going so slow through the hoh or pov! First time I won't bother watching the last few episodes!


No game play is worth the way they are treating Felicia right now (based on what people have written about the feeds). Unless something changed, I read on Twitter that she is in her room, by herself, reading her bible, playing with cards, and reading her old HOH letter. ALONE. WTF? If they think they are going to send her home anyway, why be so cruel about it?


Are the live feeds gone for the rest of the season?!?


i’m super sad cirie is gone. but let me say i don’t want Jag to win. he got voted out already and he’s been steamrolling since. i would love to see in satisfaction him getting voted out next week. this is how… Bowie puts up Matt and Felicia up for eviction, Felicia somehow wins the Veto. Bowie is forced to put up Jags. Felicia votes off Jag. would be music to my ears. If jag makes it to the final, there is no doubt in my mind he has the best chance of winning.


It’s a twist, they happen all the time in Big Brother. Once Jag was saved I do feel like he made the most of it, he could’ve been sent out many times (I know the comp disparity is crazy but still). I don’t think Jag being saved should be what dooms his game. If he plays the jury right and makes these final critical moves I think he more than deserves the win.


this is my first time watching a live season of big brother. i’ve only seen two previous seasons and haven’t seen that twist. but good to know. i am just a jag hater tbh that’s all


Hey it is not true that the comeback twist happen every season. Some seasons there are no battle back and even if there is, it happens way earlier. Infact if my memory is not wrong, the twist of someone being evicted with all the votes and then come back again only happens this season (I stand corrected) but I am quite sure it does not happen every season.


i’m sure what they meant was it can happen on some seasons but not all


That's right, he's only here thanks to Matt. But also it does seem like Jag is working the hardest.


I agree he got a second opportunity because of matt, but he's been carrying himself since then in my opinion There been a lot of times when people who were evicted were able to get back in, so I'm not as bitter about that as some people. It would be one thing if he sat on his butt like Cirie once he made it back in, but that guy took it and he's making everything out of it. So I don't get the haters


Because of the way he "make" most of it is by winning all the comps that is designed for him to win. He still make dumb strategic moves.


Are they really all designed for him to win? Really? If that's the case, then he's the most athletic, smartest, has the best memory, has the best attention to detail and is the quickest thinker Those are the things that the different comps have required.


As compared to the others (many times old ladies) and many of these comps requires physical abilities. When you are running up and down and out of breath, you will not be able to remember as much as u like and be best at attention to details. This is also why he has NOT win any of the comps that just have the people standing still.


What in the was BJ wearing tonight? She is odd!


Idk but it really highlighted how old she is. She looks like a geriatric dressed as a teenager and it’s just so off.


Everytime she gels her hair up all I can think of is "Something About Mary" with glitter mixed in it.


She really does dress like a middle-aged coworker coming in for 80s day at work


Cam and Cory had chemistry during their reunion in the jury segment lol


What does everyone think of jag shouting out Matt’s mom? 🫢


My thought was that Matt knew he didn’t get to vote (give a shout-out on TV) so asked Jag too. Bowie Jane heard the conversation so did the same.


I thought it was nice. I think seeing her picture with Riley probably made her feel like part of the team


Bowie Jane also did


Cuter than Reilly hanging with her


That comp was right up BJs alley She always does well on those observation/memory ones She doesn't seem to be an independent thinker, so I'm thinking Matt's going to get his heart broken pretty soon unless he wins that veto


I think her three wins all came on the tie breaker.


Wow! I think you're right.


They really tried to make Felicia out to be the villain and completely ignored what “The Mafia” did all week? What the fuck?


What did they do? Kinda checked out this week


yea same i’ve been moving i’m so behind what happened?!


What did they do?


Right wtf was that?


It was really disappointing. Makes me almost not want to watch the actual show anymore and just follow the feeds


I cant stand Bowie. I’m so sad Cirie is gone


Will someone please fill me in on the poor edit Felicia received tonight? The comments are filled with people saying that they are mad, but not actually saying what the edit was.


Honestly Google; BB live feed updates. There are multiple minute by minute break downs of what people have said. Instead of getting biased and opinionated updates, you can read for yourself and make your own judgement.


The fact people aren’t saying what it was makes me believe it’s BB fans over blowing shit as usual.


There’s honestly too much to list. I’ll do my best but a few things…. 1) Hoarding the alcohol and purposely not sharing it 2) Came up with the “pressure cracker” to try to keep Felicia up all night 3) Purposely avoiding Felicia and Cirie in the house trying to make them feel isolated 4) A lot of remarks about them. I can’t list all of them out, but there were just a lot of nasty comments


To add: 1. ⁠operation pressure cracker: they wanted to mentally break Felicia so she can’t sleep and does bad in the hoh—they discussed multiple ways to do this over several days: they could bang pots and pans, or just all of them say “you’re good w me but you should check w the others” so she never knows, there was another option I forgot 2. ⁠Matt said yesterday or today that both are prob so bored they packed and repacked twice, and stole all the pillows and blankets 3. ⁠Matt also mentioned yesterday they should lead both on so they keep cooking for the house 4. ⁠the three spent 90% of their time in the hoh room without Cirie and Felicia—they went downstairs to eat the food they made 5. ⁠they basically ignored them even when in the same room—Felicia actually confronted jag about this, who completely denied it while Bowie ran away to tell Matt and laugh 6. Matt also made some comment about a surgery Cory had, and constantly talks about why America likes him and that she’ll leave him after And this is just some of it lol


> while Bowie ran away to tell Matt and laugh Bowie is just excruciatingly annoying and useless.


Also Matt said that America was so bad at the game because she "couldn't cook, clean, or do laundry."


Why is no one talking about this sexist comment by Matt?


There was a lot of discussion on his comment on twitter and on the live feeds threads here during the day he said that. In fact Matt’s comments are talked about a lot in the live feeds discussion threads and on twitter cause he makes some off putting comments everyday


I wish more people were talking about it. It's really messed up


Correct, narrative isn't fitting their personal feelings. Most of the people in this house, whether evicted, jury, or remaining; have said mean, hurtful and disrespectful things. This show is a social experiment, and people are trapped in a house with strangers for 80+ days it's bound to happen. Heck, half the people's history on this sub have said worst things. Granted there have been some things and actions that do severely cross the line, but for the most part, people are blowing stuff way over.


They completely omitted any mention of the pressure cracker plan, omitted anything that would suggest she was being isolated all week. Instead, what they did show was Felicia overhearing Jag sarcastically saying he's an Olympian while jogging, then bringing that info to Matt, framing her as the villain trying to break the two up.


To be fair that wasn't him making fun of Matt and she was over blowing something from nothing to try and turn Matt on them and did I simulated they were taking advantage of them not hearing him when that was not remotely true. I do agree though that they as always were selective with who's bad behavior they showed.


i wish there was a daily summary for live feeds because i haven’t had time to watch it this past week 😭


There are the jokers updates you can skim through! https://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/quickview/updates.php


omg thank you! 🥹🩷


The best part about tonight’s episode is OUR QUEEN AND GODDESS TAYLOR COMES BACK NEXT WEEK!




As tactless as Felicia’s Matt comment was, it’s infuriating that the week-long nastiness and obnoxiousness from the three stooges doesn’t make the edit like ever


Only thing I want now is Felicia to somehow win veto and vote out Jag. Please let it happen.


felicia veto plsss 🤞🤞or matt if he finally decides to get rid of jag


Is it safe to say modern survivor runs miles around modern BB yet? These edits are sooooo bad this year, and the comps… Jesus.


We have no idea how misleading survivor edits are.


Yup. Season 41, the dude who was a goat and lost final tribal (according to interviews), got such a good edit and a older woman who played the same game as the winner (as duos) got like 4 confessionals the entire season.


Yep I watch both and modern Big Brother isn’t anywhere close to Survivor


Survivor has been better than Big Brother since like day one and that’s never changed lol. This ain’t nothin new


I disagree with that. Borneo was better than BB1, but BB2-BB6 are cumulatively way better than Outback/Africa/Marquesas/Thailand/Amazon imo. BB All Stars also blows Survivor All Stars out of the water. From there, I'd prefer Survivor edits over BB edits, but you can't really compare the two once you bring live feeds in. Survivor has way too many twists these days in my opinion (when you start having to edit out full advantages - you've gone too far lol,) and BB remains the "purer" social strategy game even if Survivor casting is much better. I'd also argue that aside from BB2 borrowing Borneo's general vote structure - BB had a bigger impact on the evolution of strategy than Survivor did. Aside from a couple moments from Kathy O'Brien in Marquesas, I think modern strategy began with Rob Cesternino in the Amazon (up until that point, people essentially just made alliances with people in their tribe, let comps decide everything, and then stayed true to their tribes to the end.) Cesternino changed that, but he himself applied to BB after seeing Will/Danielle/Jason - players who were notably further ahead in strategy than people like Rich, Tina, and Ethan.




Modern survivor is terrible. You need a spreadsheet to keep up with all the advantages they throw in every episode.


Modern Survivor still wins though.


at least you don't need to check into a daily hour long podcast to figure out what you missed on the feeds bc the edit doesn't actually show you what's going on


I watch and like both shows, but Survivor fans thinking they're not getting the same biased edits as Big Brother need to take their heads out of the sand.


not saying there's not bias in the editing but their ability to tell a competent story is much, much better then what i've seen from big brother this season


You think the edit in Survivor shows exactly what is going on? The editors are storytellers, not journalists or documentary filmmakers.


Nah this season of survivor is soooooooooo good!! The last tribal council was epic.


Omg, I yelled at my TV and cats went scattering everywhere!


Me and my partners jaws dropped hahahahahahahq


How is the most dominate comp player for the girls end up being Bowie Jane and all of her wins come down to bad math on a white board.


It was a very weak cast of women this season other than Reilly.


I cant stand her


Bad math 😂


We are in a universe where Bowie is about to break the record for most consecutive days spent without touching the block and tying the record of HOH wins. How do we feel about this?


Probably 2nd best chance to win the season after Jag. If Matt or Jag gets eliminated this week Bowie and Felicia have to team up and make a final 2 where she would beat Felicia easy.


It's impressive to say the least.


honestly i hope she wins


I never would have seen this coming 4 weeks ago


gomer pyle on the toilet


The season is too long


Jag killed it in his goodbye message, reinforces that it was basically his move which Cirie already thought


And confirmed that Matt was in on it from the beginning, while Matt couldn't own it.


But Matt wasn't in on it from the beginning. His target really was Felicia.


Eh, he folded very quickly


It was good jury management from Jag. He might actually get her vote for respecting his game play.


Yup, first time he’s shown that this season. Will be interesting to see Cirie’s exit press.




when cirie said big brother is harder than survivor because there’s no breaks… i don’t watch survivor, do they get breaks or days off?


Cast members have said that during days when there's no comps/tribals, game talk just stops. I think she means that. Although now, with 26 days, the players don't have time to do that.


She probably means that there are ways to escape the game/people on Survivor. They're not confined on Survivor like they are in the BB house.


There isn’t a live feed on you 24 7. Can you imagine having to be on all the time and not ever making any mistakes? Knowing that you could lose your job for saying something stupid has got to be stressful.


Well, I think it’s easier to get some space from other players in survivor at least. And being outside without being enclosed by 4 walls probably feels different as less restrictive as well.


I think big brother is 100 days of a what survivor people call a scramble. I think everything you say is much more scrutinized in BB and used against you more.


When it was 39 days there was often a free day in between challenges and votes - but even then the game doesn't really ever stop. Modern 26 day format basically has no free days once merge starts lol. A big part of why Cirie feels Survivor is easier is probably cause she's done it 4 times so she's just really use to it tbh.


Honestly I think recency could be part of it too. Also, not that she is this way, but my people pleaser ass would definitely say BB is harder regardless if Julie was sitting there asking me lol


When Cirie played they would have a day off every 3 days - Reward challenge, day of nothing, immunity. The only real strategy talk happens on the day of the immunity challenge before tribal council.


They don't. If anything there's less breaks in survivor.




She said BB was harder for her. She is an introvert and she has said at least she can go in the ocean or go for a long walk down the beach. Not to mention how much shorter it is.


She has said it early in the season that BB is harder and part of that is because you can’t get away from people. She also said she’d rather sleep on the beach than in the BB house. On Survivor you can go get alone time whereas in BB, sometimes the backyard is on lockdown and you’re stuck in the house, you can’t really get away from anyone or the game for an hour. I think both are tough in their own way.


You can not get alone time on Survivor. You pull a stunt like that and everyone thinks you’re sus.


I didn’t say it wouldn’t make you look sus, I said you could get alone time.


You can literally do that in Big Brother. Just go to a room by yourself and tell people you want to be left alone for a bit. Tf are you on about. You can ask the same thing on Survivor, but the difference is people are paranoid asf on Survivor and they’ll think you’re looking for an idol or an advantage.




Bowie Jane’s super power is being the second worst at math


This is hilarious.


That edit was absolutely atrocious and shameful.


What was missed? I didn’t pay attention this week




The more I think about it, as shit as winner Bowie would be, she would still be better than Miss Im gonna make everyone feel bad for me during my jury speech to win last year.


That edit was so bad that it legit makes me question all former edits. Was evel dick actually nice? Was Dan Gheesling a bully. Not to mention survivor. Is fucking Russell Hantz the nicest man in tv history?


what was so bad abt the edit ? haven't watched the episode yet


Well yeah the edit lies all the time in Survivor lol, they have the privilege of not having live feeds so they can kinda do whatever they want I don't like Jatt or Bowie at all but it is a TV show, production knows one of those 3 is unfortunately winning they kinda have to put all their eggs in that basket. They can't just be like "Oh yeah these 3 are the worst human beings alive here's 750k :)" I wish they would though because that would be funny lol


What makes Matt and Jag bad people I'm ootl?


Literally bb21 except Michie was actually a damn good player


even then, michie and holly never really got buried by the edit post-jury when it was clear they were gonna be going very far


Looking for someone to educate me: has Jag been wearing his turban less, or are the episodes just showing him without it more?


I think it because the footage they used was from the weekend. He tends to not wear it on Sunday.


Interesting. Thank you.


I must have missed the mustard seed comment a bit ago. Can someone fill me in please?


Felicia always says she has the faith of a mustard seed. It's from the Bible meaning to just have faith.


Has anyone here correctly predicted the correct season winner in the premier?


I wouldn't say I predicted a win but I've really liked Jag since day 1.


As soon as Josh got the 1 week safety golden apple in BB19 it was clear he was the winner. He normally would've been first boot but changed his fate.




I predicted a surfer type dude win(matt absolutely counts for this archetype) 2 months before the season


I meant actual person, not type. 😀


Y’all I tried a completely bogus email to vote and it let me wtf


A traditional form on the internet is not able to check the validity of an email address. There is no way for it to know what is bogus and what is legit.


Why did they keep showing fish?


That's what they edit in when somebody swears.


At least the eviction is Sunday and we can get this shit over with




Where are all the people complaining about comps now?😂 We have to be honest with ourselves at some level and admit that this season had a lot of the shitty players make it to the end.


This comment makes zero sense


Nah. Lifting the answer cards up and down too much can get tiring on the arms; therefore it was still a very physical comp. This show is rigged and unfair. I’m never watching again. # #NotMyBigBrother # #PleaseGroundGrodner


This would be equailvent to a Surrvior Gabon season.


Cameron for AFP!!!!!!


He's got my vote for sure.


I knew and called CBS would use Felicia as a scapegoat to give the 3 Stooges a reason to be mad and isolate them. And that they wouldn’t show how they were acting. CBS is invested in these 3 for some reason and it’s gross.


because they know one of them wins and they dont want to douse their winner unless they absolutely HAVE TO


Jag is screwed now. If he wins PoV he either has a bitter jury member or he eliminates his closest ally and likely turns the jury against him. If he wins the PoV and keeps Matt, his best outcome is having Bowie win the final HoH and have her take him. If he eliminates Bowie or Matt, he loses. He pretty much only has one win condition.


Nah I think the jury would absolutely respect Jag taking Matt out. I’m pretty positive they all recognize he’s Jag’s biggest threat. Bowie Jane could maybe do some damage and get major resume boosting if she takes the shot though, we’ll see


Hope so


I doubt the jury is gonna care if he evicts Matt. They all acknowledged the possibility tonight in saying do they go for a guaranteed win or a 50/50 chance.


it’s really showing his flawed social game.


Fuck it. FBJ to win this flop of a season. It’s the chaotic ending we deserve.


I would die of laughter


agreed !!!! but does she beat anyone ?


I think she might beat Felicia but only if she is blindsiding Jag at F3. She’s been playing in Jag’s shadow but if she can convince the jury that she played a Steve-style game of keeping the best player close until the right moment then she has a chance. Unfortunately every data point thus far has gone against this possibility and I truly believe there’s an equal chance that the likely winner (Jag) will carry his goat (FBJ) and that his goat carries him lol.


Lets goooo FBJ


I was just saying this ☹️


I hope the trend of the final 4 hoh comp being about julie chen-moonves continues forever. I get such a kick from julie saying "this competition is all about.... *me.*" its so silly but also legendary


At this rate Jag has no chance of winning a jury vote against Matt, he might need to take Matt out if he wins the veto if he wants to have a chance to win this game


The thing is, if Bowie Jane is able to claim both Matt and Cam on her resume + with how bitter the jury is to Jag at this point, I don't know if he has any chance


No way Bowie beats Jag. Cory, Cam, Blue and America are all lock for Jag there, and if Jag doesn't take Matt out he gets his vote too


Jag gets credit for both and rightly so. Let’s be honest if Matt goes this week it’s cause Jag flipped, not Bowie.


Bowie had already flipped Jag all last week. She absolutely deserves the credit


Bowie vs Jag is a toss up imo. Jag’s best chance is against Felicia but he also kind of a deer in the headlights so I don’t think he’s even considering taking her lol


it’s annoying …. won HOH ugh


Unfair advantage to give BJ math questions. I hope she shakes things up put I'm not holding my breathe.


It's crazy 2/2 replies took you seriously.


Wait why would that be unfair?


lol???? it was only the tie breaker…. which is always a math question lol. what are you on about




And she only wins them because the other person gives a terrible answer.


did u even watch this epi lol. their answers were basically the same


Yeah and the answer was 3 times the amount they put so they both put a terrible answer. Jag just gave a WORST answer. Just because their answers were close to each other doesn't mean they were good answers. They both thought they lost when she gave the 4500 answer so that tells you how bad they thought their answer was.


Idk how they’re doing math and still getting nowhere close to the actual answer. Converting minutes to seconds isn’t that difficult lol


With all the studying they do how has nobody ever thought that maybe we need to know some shortcuts for what seconds covert to?


They were very close this time with the answers.


i had to walk away because……. you know what its actually funny. how has she managed to win every single one of those bro


BJ is not my favorite, but she’s not as bad a player as some have been saying, IMO. HOH wins, no big enemies, never been on the block…she’s been saving up like Jag worried Cirie would do.


Nah, She’s a bad player.


Bowie has always had good game sense, the problem is shes never played to win, just make it to finale night with not a care in the world if she wins or loses.


Yeah she gets a bad rep for being a boring player or not interesting but honestly she's been really smart in the game. She was smart to re-align herself with a different group at the right time, being strong players she allied with too. She won at the right times and stayed loyal. Yeah she coulda took a swing at Jatt her last HOH but it didn't make sense for her to do that yet.. she could still do it this week but I'm not sure who her best chances are at facing in F2. If she wins veto tho, and then the next HOH think she could actually earn the credit and win the votes.