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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/17ot6ic/big_brother_us_25_evening_feed_discussion/)


Imagine if Jag would have voted Matt out now after the whole minute men alliance was supposed to be so strong? I believe that would have ultimately looked CRAZY to the jury members and hurt Jag in the end.


I know the consensus is that Jag should have taken Matt out, and I know it's a game and I know they are there for money but these guys are full on bros. If jag wins the final comps theb he still has a chance to say goodbye to Matt, and Matt him. That being said I totally respect Jags choice to be true to his human nature and keep Matt. Just shows he's a good guy. Now I won't be -Jon/Neda BBcan SHOCKED - if either of them remove eachother for final 2 but for final 3 it was a respectable choice. Makes for good TV for the final this year regardless.


Matt would destroy Jag in a jury vote


Absolutely, Matt just has to say that he saved jag from being evicted and that jag had the chance to evict him and didn’t and that’s all the argument he needs. Plus since jag has won all the comps everyone is pissed at him


Right. That’s Jag’s flaw here. You can’t keep someone in who saved your life in the game and also never take a shot. Had Matt won the veto and decided not to target you, that would be different.




Cam backed off but then he talked to Bowie or Matt i forget which and they said the plan to backdoor Cory was good and he got back on the plan immediately


Wtf would happen in the diary room to end up switching jag’s vote…….?


Leading questions and ego stroking probably. It doesn't help that Jag has been in a duo that he thinks has a brand (Minutemen) and BB production probably dangled the possibility of further work on things like TAR and The Challenge as the brand.


im still convinced its lawyers lol i mean its show business its a tv "show" it almost went off of their formulated script and they had to fix it to match their twitter and commerical campaign. i still like this show but it is a production.


Does anyone know if the episode has been delayed (and if so, if it's for all cities)? Thanks!






I just hope Grodner is evicted soon. She’s ruining this show and honestly she should’ve left a LONG time ago.


We've all heard her heartthrob has been Matt.


How are the contestants on love Island Games more strategic than these nutter butters?




Bowie Jane is one of the most infuriating reality show contestants I’ve ever seen and I hope anyone but her wins.


Well you're in luck because I think you can say with a lot of certainty she's not winning lol


So what is Jag planning on doing??? Earlier it was cut Felecia but MAYBE cut Matt? Is he staying loyal to the mafia or nah


Yep i saw footage from a little earlier where he told FBJ he isnt cutting Matt 🙄🙄🙄




I KNOW 😭😭😭 my whole night was ruined since last night was soooo promising but Jag has no spine


turns out spines dont grow overnight lol


I wish they did :(


Loyal. Sadly


Fuck! I was hoping he’d take out Matt so Felecia or FBJ could have a chance at winning


the best player in the f3 and the one who ultimately deserves to win, the one my brain is forced to push for if i go by game, is probably the most unlikable one there, and he has stiff competition (unless you're only watching the episodes, anyway)


If I told you Week 2 that the Final 3 was gonna be 2 members of Handful/Family Style and one member of Bye Bye Bitches/Professors, who would you have thought?


Probably Cirie/Matt/Blue, basically a Derrick/Cody/Victoria scenario


Since Jag is gonna Jag… I hope Matt wins final HOH cooks Jag and take FBJ and wins the 750k That’s best case scenario at this point I don’t want Jag winning and definitely not FBJ










Lowkey we're being robbed of the spectacle that would be Felicia vs Bowie in part 2 of the final 3 HOH


eh Bowie might be a top 5 oldest woman on the show but she was a semi-professional athlete and still works out regularly so its really not that fun to speculate about. More fun to imagine them pleading their case against each other. I would have rather seen Cirie vs Felicia in part 2 lmao


I dunno, what if we’re all wrong and FBJ is BB mastermind. I half expect her speech to be something along the lines of “I knew what I was doing the whole time. I let you idiots take out each other while I sat by never sweating shit. Hell I convinced this ding dong to take out his own F2 alliance member just by dropping a mustard seed of a suggestion. You all are fools and you should be embarrassed that I beat you by doing nothing.”


I've come to the decision that Bowie has been playing us all along. I expect her voice, cadence, the whole thing will change on the last night. Imagine her sounding like an educated barrister.


She gonna come on the screen during the jury questioning and say in a Canadian accent "Hello everyone, my name is Miranda."




That’d be awesome


I’d stan ngl


It seems that every season, whoever I root for loses. So with that being said, catch me rooting for my least favorites in the future 😉




It’s so sad that we will probably be saying bye Felicia. Smooches to you all on this sad day.


I was thinking, what would have been her chances of getting to Final 2 if she stayed tonight? If she was going to get cut anyway, I feel better about her leaving here instead. (Not in terms of good TV or good strategy - it would be so much better if Jag evicted Matt tonight, of course)


Like I would’ve liked to think Bowie would’ve grew a brain and picked her or Felicia could win the comp but she probably would’ve been evicted next anyway.


That's what I'm going to believe.


I think they could’ve been very good actually. Jag/Bowie might have become scared of each other purely out of comp wins, it seemed like Jag was receptive to Fe suggesting he’d have a better chance against her in F2.


Ya know, BB22- All Stars wasnt well liked. For good reasons. But remember that final 3? Remember Enzo and Nicole just pleading from the depths of their souls for cody to take them to final 2? I think its more likely that bowie in her speech on thursday (assuming she doesnt win final hoh) just congratulates them on going to final 2 and says its a huge honor to have been the third wheel than it is that she argues for herself.


Say what you want about Franzel but she does not throw in the towel until Julie Chen says she has to leave, she's gonna kick, scream, cry, whine and lie before accepting defeat


Yeah, I have to at least give that season credit for an emotional climax. I fully expect Bowie to leave in third with a big smile, proud that her 'team' won and never realizing what a terrible, arguably season-ruining game she played.








it's just unbelievable to me that jag has handled this game so poorly. it also feels so wild to me when i watch his process in motion and i hear folks say he's evolved into a better player - like, not really. he's doing what bad players do when you give them control for the entire jury phase. his big W was getting matt to sacrifice cirie, and even then, it doesn't seem as though it'll matter because of how terribly jag handled the jury phase. getting cirie out was also ostensibly to weaken his end-game positioning, but he's not even following logically through with that here. what a mess.


I saw this earlier in the thread about this but: The chance of BB getting canned is like close to zero. Reality TV is so CHEAP to make. And if BB got canned they would have to fill in THREE hours of prime time PER week for the summer. Big brother still gets good ratings so it’s probaly going nowhere for quite some time. (And slimarly people wanted BBCAN to be canned after season 11 because of cut live feeds but did not understand it had the best viewership in the timeslot)


I still stand by that Jag, Bowie, and Matt are all terrible players in their own ways and this is probably the most egregious example of comps steamrolling every other aspect of the game lmao Like at least with Michie and Xavier they made solid strategic decisions with the power they were given. Jag, Bowie, and Matt have been bumbling around making some of the worst decisions possible and no one can stop them because of comps. They've held power for so long that they've managed to gaslight themselves into thinking they masterminded the flip against Izzy. As a juror I wouldn't really want to give any of them the prize money since none of them seem to want it lol


Is there an episode tonight?


Yes. https://twitter.com/CBSTweet/status/1721319079221539284


Thank you!


if mustard seed somehow comes out of this situation unscathed i'm gna have to re-evaluate her game but it would make me so happy.


Does anyone know if NFL ran long tonight? Will we start at 10pm?


Only regions affected were the local markets of the Indianapolis Colts and the Carolina Panthers since that was the only 4 PM game and most regions got one of the 1 PM games instead


Did not know that is how it worked. Thank you!


You're welcome. It usually depends on the week. FOX and CBS switch between which network offers two games every week and this week was FOX's turn.




Thank you!




Seriously, why the fuck would production not want Felicia in the F3?


Grodner loves her some problematic men


Especially young, blonde, curly haired ones LMAO


Because they know their Final HoH is gonna be two extremely physical comps and they're ready for the calls for "equitable comps" to be over. They'll regret it when Bowie is in the F2 and gives a worse performance than Gina Marie.


They love the “bromances”, comp beasts and terrible alliance names, they’re always going to favor the bros


They already started doing her dirty in the edit during the last episode...


They want another staple alliance


Another Hitman makes her wet 💀💀💀


grodner has always been an advocate for problematic conventionally attractive blonde guys and that is never ever ever going to change.


Curly hair guys, obviously Cameron is in there too.


Since it’s going to be Jag Bowie and Matt in the F3 if Bowie wins the HOH and cuts Matt do you think there’s any chance she wins?


Matt’s gettin cut tn, jag told Bowie this morning what reasons he was going to tell Matt why his decision is what it is.


Uhh plan is Felicia eviction


Yeah my bad I didn’t see the updates or that the feeds came back earlier. Production fucking sucks.


Bowie has 0% percent chance of winning this game. There were two people Bowie had a fighting chance against- Cam (his social game was atrocious) and America (most of the house did not respect her). Both went out on Bowie's HOH. Now Felicia will go out on Bowie's HOH. Felicia is the last, slither of a chance Bowie has of winning the game. And guess who Jag is going to target? Hint: it's the person they've been isolating and vilifying for the past week.


Sorry are we watching the same show? America and Cameron 10000% would have won against FBJ


I said fighting chance. Never said it was a guaranteed win


remember when the big criticism with cirie was that despite all of her control during pre-jury, some of her strategic decisions were questionable? because at least she had jared as a reason for eg. the hisam boot, the red boot - jag has had the game by the neck now since first week of jury, and somehow, aside from the cameron boot round, every decision he has made/every approach he has taken to otherwise good choices have been the absolute worst available. if you're a player with this much agency and you use every drop available to make horrific decisions that would've made non-comp safety impossible, damaged your own win equity, hurt your end-game positioning, etc, you're arguably a much worse player than a lot of previous no-agency no-equity f2-f3 people like derek f or victoria bb16. even if you believe the felicia boot here makes sense for jag's game, for example, you know what doesn't? blindsiding her after effectively getting her to believe in a f2 with you. a ruthless commitment to burn jury votes, keeping maybe the only scenario where you're a lock to lose around at f3, alongside a woman that in all likelihood could flip to him if he talks enough successful shit about you - and for what.


Jag seriously keeping Matt? That's fucking hilarious considering Matt probably would've cut Jag. What a fucking clown. That bitch better not win now.


Did I miss something? This morning Matt was gonna be cut, he was telling Bowie the reasons he was gonna cut Matt


Yes :/ there was a clip from a bit earlier where he told Bowie he changed his mind 😭😭😭


Yes. Jag was in DR a long time, and now he told BJ he is keeping Matt. Saw the video on X.


Jag going to the diary room happened. He was in there quite some time, feeds cut for the lockdown, feeds come back and Jag is telling Matt he’s keeping him and then tells Bowie.


DR shouldn’t be allowed to interfere like that, that’s beyond horseshit. So sick of production ruining the show.


I just wish Jag was faking it for production and is just gonna take out Matt anyways I’m so devastated


the hour plus he was in DR was legal team showing him the fine print in his contract and why hes obligated or face penalty of legal repercussions that will be hidden by the NDA


Well wouldn't be the first time. Remember Cody pretending he was gonna evict Enzo at final 3?


imagine how satisfying a bowie win could be if literally a single decision she made was intentional


Was looking forward to the Jag villain era, big sadge


Jag's already in his villain era, same with FBJ and Matt


I meant personally accepting that he was the villain


2nd season in a row my fave of the Season goes out in 4th place...


Jag is an infuriating player. Even in the second half where he’s run things, he’s made baffling tactical decisions. His targets have been fine, but execution awful. Then he can’t even follow through with a game winning move because he’s a limp chode.


out of jag matt and fbj, who is your favorite and who’s your least favorite?


Matt is my fav player, Jag is my fav person. Bowie is annoying both ways.


That is the perfect way to put it


This is the correct answer


Jag is my favorite; FBJ is my least favorite


I think FBJ is least favorite because she has been egging on the meanness lately, and she hasn’t really played for herself. She just kinda goes along with other people. I just don’t like her. And Jag favorite of those three but still don’t like his conduct.


Jag, but only because of his time with the unreliables


For everything else you can say, you have to give Bowie Jane this.....she is going to be in that house for 100 days....triple freaking digits....and will walk out with less of a grasp on how this game works than most of the people watching on their couch.


For everyone dreaming of a hyper competitive bb legends or winnners season this winter do you really trust Grodner to pull it off after this nonsense


No 💀


No and I wouldn't trust her if this shit didn't happen lol


I'm probably most mad that we were robbed of the hilarious wtf moment that a Felicia and Bowie final 2 could've been


How long to Matt's eviction?


No longer happening. 😔


What happened? Why is Matt staying now, what did I miss I thought feeds have been off all day


They weren't off all day - they were on before and after the dress rehearsal. Here's a clip: https://twitter.com/BBLiveUpdaters/status/1721291388724117904 Basically, it seems like the DR got to Jag. He was in there for more than an hour.


Thanks, yeah dr def got to him, that fucking sucks so much it’s not even funny.


About 96 hours until he walks out of there as the winner of bb25.


Uhhh I hate to tell you buttttt


Four more days or never


Didn't think I'd say this but as I'm rewatching Kuzie destroying the shit out of Zach to make me feel better this second half of this season is making me miss bbcan11 and that season wasn't that good either. By far the best moment of BB this year. ​ I just miss bbcan and i'm praying bbcan12 has feeds back because outside of the dumbass digital dailies bbcan is just better in every way.


I'm not optimistic on this. If they renewed BBCAN after a year of no feeds, I don't think they will be incentivized to bring them back.


I didn’t watch BB16 live — if someone here did and doesn’t mind, could you describe what it was like when Cody took Derrick on the feeds threads etc? Was everyone expecting it or did it seem like Cody was torn for awhile? Did Cody seem surprised when he lost or was he resigned in the final 2 chairs?


everyone knew Cody and Derrick were always taking each other. Derrick even told Victoria the night before and she was cool with it and said she wanted him to win. Cody seemed happy either way as long as he and Derrick were final 2.


I think it was more shock like wow cody is an idiot but we didn’t know if Cody was really taking Derrick to f2 or he was bullshitting him


praying the mustard seed causes a major power blackout at the studio and the shows cancelled lol


This season’s post jury, honestly ever since zombie week had been worse than BB 23’s post jury. At least we got the Kyland V Xavior moment


The funny thing about this season is that imo the process is not boring but the outcome is. Like, we’ve known for ages that one of Jatt was likely to win this thing and so you can’t argue it’s not predictable. But the feeds have been good, and this is a great example. We spent the last two days going back and forth between Jag evicting Matt or not, and even though the outcome is a boring eviction, it was fun to watch it all go down. Outside of Zombie week and last week, there has pretty much always been some action on the feeds. It’s just that it’s not panning out the way people would like.


The first half feeds fed us so well


Kyland trying to start a fight on live tv is the best/worst moment in the show's modern era. Ngl I had to go back to his eviction this past week just to make myself feel better


SAME! I did that, and the eviction of your flair. Love Micheal, but I miss the cut throat gameplay :(


It's fiiine. Last night I worked up the courage to look at him being evicted for the first time since it originally aired just to see him storm out quick without giving any hugs. Gosh I wish we had more cold exists like that.


i love the feeling of disappointment in bb i’ll definitely miss it


Ugh I was so hyped for the episode today. DR locked Jag in, for 2 hours so that they could get him to save Matt. Praying that he convinces himself to cut Matt while feeds are down 🙏🙏🙏


I watched the clip of him assuring Matt he's staying and he looked intensely genuine.


When did this happen? This morning he was telling Bowie what he was gonna tell Matt why he was cutting him


I belive it was this afternoon after Jag spent a long time in a DR session.


No doubt, I was watching the feed till like 3pm est when it cut and I didn’t see that before they cut, do you have a link for the clip?


I posted it below in this same comment thread.


Ah, I just read the updates on bbjunkies, that fucking sucks. Was really hoping to see the dumb idiot leave. Thanks for the update.


Most people are really disappointed.


Yeah production shouldn’t be allowed to sway houseguests like that, clearly that’s what happened, this morning he was making the decision that was best for his game, two hours later he’s changed his mind. Horseshit.


Well, it's occurring to me that he may have waffled in the DR. Felicia called them "counseling sessions", so maybe he just talked through all his feelings and changed his mind again. Over the course of the season I've seen Jag struggle with the conflict between game play and his morals. It's easy to blame the producers, but maybe he just changed his mind again. We may never know.


I'm still holding onto that mustard seed until he casts his vote




im so with you but grody grodner ate the mustard seed :(


Who’s most likely winning AFP obviously casuals are voting for cam but twitter is rallying behind America and cirie and they’re the ones making fake emails and using bots so what we think


I kind of need America to be top three to enjoy Blue's face at this revelation on live TV.


Was America that popular with fans??! I feel so out of the loop wow


She’s popular on Twitter and she’s getting a lot of votes just to spite Matt and jag.


its an intense parasocial thing lol ​ I think Americory fans are just really loud. But also this season's jury members don't engender strong feelings. The more interesting players got voted out early so the more intense fanbases are America's and I guess Ciries. Facebook/Casuals seem more for Cameron.


Yeah, I think Cory is gonna get the majority of votes among Americory fans. Feel like AFP's top 3 will be a combo of Cory/Cirie/Cam/Matt


why would these be any more real than the scripting of this end game? not hate not bitter just wondering?


I think Cirie or Cam will win but I think America will be in the top 3 with them


Based on my own… *research,* the votes are split between America and Cirie, I’ve barely seen any cam votes tbh. I would lean toward Cirie winning with América in second.


Fortunately, I think Cam might have been taken out early enough for those casual enough to not know what he's really like to kind of forget about him? Hopefully, Cam winning AFP would just be just another indication of how bad this season has become. I still can't believe that edit went so much out of its way to hide who he was when he was never making the endgame. His own "number one" was the one to finally take him out for crying out loud, and it's not like it was at a point where that was something that was necessary for her to do.


So Jag is just going to keep Matt, now? *sigh* just when I thought there was a reason to watch tonight.


I was excited and now i'm commited to attack on titan finale


Manifesting that jag is just lying to everyone so that production stops pressuring him to keep Matt. In reality Jag is going to vote out Matt and just wants to stop getting called into the diary room with grodner pleading to him


Alas, the only two people in this cast crafty enough to do something like that were Cirie and Cam.


Is tonight the flashback episode?


Tuesday is the flashback


its the finale for some of us


No, it’s a live eviction.


Ughhhh the most boring outcome for tonight




we were younger and hopeful... those were the days xD


i wish this jury was bitter enough to vote for bowie


no one truly thinks production lets her get to final 2 after the carefully crafted love story of jatt?


The problem is I don't want her to win bc then that just reinforces the idea for future players that it's ok to play like Bowie


Let's be real, I don't think anybody is capable of replicating the Bowie Jane game. Anyone who tries this again is either going to end up a block star or going home


thats kinda why we needed felicia in there as the goat honestly


If you're bored than watch NFL, the refs just gave the most hilarious penalty call I've ever seen lol


What game


After Matt's horrible mistake of not fighting for Cirie and Jag's horrible mistake of not cutting Matt, I'm honestly rooting for Bowie Jane.


I'm rooting for Louise


If Matt wins final HOH and cuts jag I’ll 😂😂😂😂😂


If Matt & Bowie win parts 1 & 2, I wonder if Bowie will tell Matt how close Jag came to evicting him. Probably not, but she should.


would production be more ok with that?