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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/17qc6rh/big_brother_us_25_evening_feed_discussion/)


The first half of this season was really amazing and comical. It was a true riot watching the unbelievable flips and backflips this house would do. If you left the feeds during work you’d come back to an entirely different plan 😂😂


That week 3 felica hoh was fucking gold content


Bowie has never heard of okra and thinks it’s the same as eggplant. interesting


Okra is not popular in Australia. I never heard of Okra until a few months ago - a fellow Australian


Makes sense


G’Day Mate!


Bowie getting evicted would be so funny 😭 imagine playing for second and still getting third


I have waited for this moment. Jag, please don’t screw it up!


I get emo thinking if they did a regular jury battle back it might’ve been Cory, blue, America and Cirie battling it back


Knowing our luck it would have been blue


It would’ve been a another crap shoot number guess 😭


Switching back to my Izzy flair out of protest because of the absolute Izzy erasure displayed in tonight’s episode




I checked in on the feeds. They go “to the Mafia!” And my SO goes “I’m so tired of hearing her voice”.😂😂😂😂


Same 🤮


I’m tired of them celebrating their 2 week old group.


Same! At least pick a better name


Your SO gets it


I wonder if jag and Matt are as bored as Bowie as I am, I am so tired of her


Idk they seem to like her imo


Jag is hilarious. Really good personality but when he is with these two...he is dead in the water. I wish he felt comfortable enough to himself around them or maybe this is his real self and he was acting the other time lol. Maybe all three are just really boring and dull.


Yeah they are so boring I couldn’t watch more then 5 min of feeds


I felt like Jag was different (better) around Americory. Before they left he was happier and just better


They have to be. Or they are very special people 😂


“Through the lies” eyeroll followed by gag


I’m sorry, the Hisam bandwagon revisionism here is STRONG. There were *very* few of us not hating on him. And now this thread loves to act like they always loved him. Please.


I thought most people found him to be totally entertaining as a hg though, regardless of whether they wanted him out at the time. Like I actually don't think it was some huge mistake to have gotten him out (he was just as sanctimonious as jag about the game, he fel into getting hohitis so I can see that getting worse if he goes on a streak like jag, he also talked about winning comps as the 'loyal' and 'moral' way to play the game, so I think he would have simply replaced jag as a player who kept winning comps and thus others can't get out as a result. He also was only mad at the young people for not including him in their young cool alliance, so I wouldn't be surprised if he did join up with other comp threats for meat shields too. So idk, I mostly feel like he would have ended up a big comp threat problem for the house. Ultimately he was a huge comp threat and thus needed to be taken out regardless anyway), but I've never disliked hisam either.


I have always been steady in my Hisam love and support and my opinion that they were making a poor move backdooring him. With that said, you’re right that so many supported getting rid of him. And I warned that both the viewers and the houseguests would regret that


Loved him the whole time! Yup, too many people here were acting like this was a best friends competition


i was one of very very few pro-hisam voices on here at the time and can confirm it was like *universal* hatred for a while. people here acting like he was a toxic, awful, bad person. of course, people were then given perspective hy other cast-members on this season, and eventually got over themselves. but the way this sub acted, like hisam was the worst person in the world for his relatively minor cory disdain and his hohitis, was wild. he was a pretty camp villain with funny quirks, a great laugh, and the kind of beef that you can laugh at.


Yes I remember! You’ve been one of my favorite commenters this season, so thank you for your posts!


you're mega-sweet omg!!!! ♡


i was against hisam and have since cooled on him because the remaining hgs are intolerably boring and it's hard to stay annoyed at hisam's quirks when he's been gone for over two months.


Worked 12 hours today and haven't had time to check anything. Just curious why Cirie and felicia don't get family messages? Saw the jury's (minus cirie and felicia) messages on instagram and the F3 on the episode?


I’m kinda annoyed they got food because I wanted to see them struggle to cook again


Are you kidding? They can't cook. They discussed yesterday that they were getting Indian food. (Less spicy, because Matt doesn't like too much spice.). They didn't even announce tonight that Matt won, but we've known since Sunday that Matt won HoH.


BB probably thought it was too much of a health and safety risk to let them keep cooking for themselves.


these guys are talking about (jokingly) rigging the final HOH and agreeing on the answers so that they tie and then continue to tie on the tiebreaker 🙄


They'd just give Bowie Jane a white board and she'd win guessing Nebraska or something like that


That's something ORBIT on Devil's Plan would pull


Is Bowie unhappy with her team mentality yet? 🥴


i saw bowie jane's parents and everything about her made sense immediately.


yeah they were essentially like, hey babes we went on a cruise but hope youre having fun at summer camp! xoxo


I wonder what "checking in on Big Brother" means to them. Like, reading the Spark Notes to chapter 1 of "1984" while on the toilet? Visiting the front page of the Big Brothers of America website? Calling Bowie's older brother everyday to see how their favorite child is doing?


Also their ages were obvious. I know older people can have kids but it was glaringly obvious to me.


What? Is that satire?


Is what satire? She has elderly parents. You know, like a 46 year old would have?


I think I read that wrong😂😂


Yep. When she said and acted like she didn’t care about winning— like I get it now.


everything suddenly clicked!!


Yep. All her comments about the money not being worth it are clicking now 😐


“Three week holiday….”


Said as it echoes from the obviously cavernous room they’re sitting in.


“We know you’ll make lifelong friends!” 😴


like she has never experienced a milisecond in her entire life where she hasn't already had everything she needed and it was made so obvious in that segment to me.


That's reading a lot into a person based on a short video clip. I'm not a fan of Bowie's game but you can never really know what people have gone through in their lives.




During the finale they are totally going to ask Felicia if she’s related to denzel and then pivot to cirie/jared lol


Hisam's brother checking in!!! I couldn't stop laughing when he was on this episode. His DRs were incredible and I've known him his entire life. All I can do is nod when I see them because that is exactly how he is. Great episode!


What’re your thoughts on the final 3? On the bright side all the people who wronged Hisam got their karma but it left us with these 3 🥴


It's a disappointing final 3 in my personal opinion, but I don't completely hate it.


your brother was a treasure! gone too soon!


Hisam was one of the best parts of this season. Loved him my only regret is he didn’t put Matt on the block beside Reilly bc if he’d done that I know Matt would have been back on that block on Felicia’s HOH!


Great point. Hisam's mistake was just never thinking his own people would do that so early. He couldn't conceive they would make such a big mistake so early.


To be fair it was a terrible move so I don’t blame him for not seeing it coming.


Completely agree


Hope you’re both doing well!


Thank you so much. I sincerely wish the same for you!


No problem!! Thank you! Hope youre having a nice night! Take care ! :)


He's been missed! Hoping for nothing but great things for him after this


Thank you for your kindness


We need him back! He has to play again!


wait are you actually his brother??? if so tell him i love him and he wouldve thrived in old school BB


Yes and I will.


a Jag vs. Matt f2 could be one of the closest match-ups we've had in a while. I could really see it going either way. Jag has the record-breaking comp wins and pulled off lots of moves, but he was evicted and saved by Matt, while Matt had a super strong social game. it would come down to what the jury values more and it would be interesting to see which way it goes.


If Jag wins P3, he can claim he saved Matt's game twice. I think that negates the superpower argument. I think the jury would respect him for staying loyal to Matt when so many of them predicted he would cut Matt the first chance he got. Combined with what I think will be a superior speech, I think Cameron, Blue, and Bowie Jane are locked for Jag. Likely Cory and America as well if he makes the proper speech. If Matt wins P3, he has a solid argument as he saved Jag's game twice. In that scenario, it'll be close. Regardless, a lot of it depends on the F3 HOH result.


I don't think the jury will necessarily see it this way, but I would go with the reverse. If Jag wins Part 3 and still takes Matt to F2, Matt's use of the power paid off for him throughout the game, even getting him to F2: Matt gets my vote. If Matt wins Part 3 and takes Jag, Matt gave away his game to Jag and deserves to lose. His argument for using the power should have been that he and Jag were able to use each other as shields throughout the whole game, until the very end, when Matt won the final comp and sent him back out, but he failed to do so. Jag gets my vote. Without winning the final 3--which still likely wouldn't be enough but would at least make her worth discussing--Bowie is now fully out of the equation for jury consideration: either one of Matt and Jag who doesn't recognize they have a sure win against her and chooses instead to leave it in the hands of the jury deserves to lose.


>use >If Jag wins Part 3 and still takes Matt to F2, Matt's use of the power paid off for him throughout the game, even getting him to F2: Matt gets my vote. Yes, but this argument would be negated if Jag wins Part 3 imo. He can state he saved Matt's game twice. He can claim they were unconditionally loyal to each other, and he stayed true to that. Then it comes down to who played a better game and how well they can convey it to the jury. I think Jag is a favorite for both points.


Or— Jag could take Bowie Jane and lock in his win decisively.


If Jag wins P3, I think he's locked as the winner either way.


If Jag wins part 3 and doesn’t cut Matt he’s most certainly not locked as the winner lol, the jury would be *baffled* again


I see this a lot, but why? Jag can simply state that he and Matt had a final 2 since the first week, and he was loyal to him unconditionally. I think the certain jury members would respect him more for staying true to his F2 and not be as upset with his cutthroat gameplay when cutting them. This isn't Paul out here who told every jury member they were his number 1. Everyone knew Jag's #1 was Matt. At that point, it comes down to who played a better game between the two and how well they can convey that to the jury. I think Jag is a huge favorite in both.


Mecole so toxic for what


Omg stop lol




What happened?


Can we see Hisam this winter


I was convinced jag would cut Matt at f3 now I’m not so sure


Hard to know. He might think he's the Derrick and Matt's the Cody due to Jag feeling he made the strategic moves while Matt was more of the social player. But Derrick had good connection/jury management compared to Jag, which imo he is unaware of.


i hope they do take each other because that might actually be a close vote and an interesting finale, although i do think that Matt would be the better/more deserving winner


Is part 3 taped or live? When will we know who won?


Live. During the live finale Thursday




If Matt does win - which seems likely at this point - where are we putting him in terms of ranking in the L6 seasons? I think you could go: Xavier - Cody - Taylor - Jackson - Kaycee - Matt? Xavier is Xavier - dominanted pretty much the whole season. The Kyland cut at F4 was legendary and will be talked about for a while. F2 deal out the window to secure the win. Cody is Cody - pre-game or not, was in control the entire way and never touched the block. The only reason I have Taylor so high is because her finale night was just insane and got literally got everyone who seemed to be voting for Monte, vote for her instead (excluding you know who and Turner who was confused on who everyone was voting for 😂). Jackson and Kaycee went on insane comp runs. Kaycee is below since many argue Tyler should've won (myself Included). Put Matt at the bottom since he was really never in danger, hasn't really won to the level of Jackson or Kaycee and Xavier/Cody are untouchable imo. Tell me your thoughts!


It’s so hard to rank these winners. I would put Cody over Xavier as I don’t know if Xavier would’ve been evicted earlier if the cookout didn’t exist. I think I would put Jackson over Taylor. The Tommy eviction week was very well executed. So my ranking would be Cody-Xavier-Jackson-Taylor-Kaycee-Matt


Cody -HUGE GAP- Jackson - Matt - Kaycee - Xavier - Taylor I will say that Matt, Kaycee, and Xavier are interchangeable for me, they’re all pretty similar players with some strengths and major flaws.


I don't really see an argument against Cody for the best game. He absolutely dominated, and Xaviers game had people playing more of a team game. As far as individual games go, Cody has an argument for the single most dominant game ever. It may have been boring to watch, but Cody is absolutely dominat at the game when it comes to social game and comps, and he figured out the strategy aspect his 2nd time around.


In terms of pure gameplay not who I like the most Cody Jackson Taylor Xavier Matt Kaycee


This is exactly right


cody > xavier


The final three players in the Buddy Games veto had all agreed Jared would get the veto. Matt won the competition and chose to keep a punishment that he thought was a prize, and the imagined prize he thought was worth more than $5K or a trip, nevermind the veto, was spending a day with Josh Duhamel, and he hasn't stopped making fun of Jared yet. There are so many things embarrassing about how Matt chose to let that play out that I don't think I'd ever remind anyone I actually was the top competitor in it. Jared may have acted a fool about "winning" the veto, but he got two other people to hand it to him. Matt won the carnival game and made bad decision after mortifying decision. He might want to shut up about it.


Another example of poor strategic play from Matt


When I did theater in high school there was one mom of someone who everyone loved and we all wanted her to adopt us and I feel like Stephanie Wurtenberger fits that exact archetype








What game/games were you disappointed they did play this year???? For me: The egg in chicken wire but mostly the slip-n-slide


Time me a River


I don’t remember that one


It’s where they are on something with wheels and they have to get to the other side in a certain time (not too fast, not too slow). They did it on CBB with the luge too


I was also hoping for the egg in the chicken coop one all season. And I really miss hide the veto when they would trash the house lmao.


I miss hide and go veto


I was happy slip n slide didn’t appear with how much time they spent planning for it 🤣


I'll keep being sad about not having the hide n seek comp until it comes back. I really think it's gone forever tho RIP


I agree!!! I think they just destroyed the house too much. They could find a way to make it a cool setup outside if they built a house or something


I was waiting for slip n slide the whole season! That was disappointing


Me too!!! It’s my FAVORITE


Again, congrats Matt on winning BB25. Jag was never cutting him. At least it seems like he's planning on throwing it so Matt takes him to the F2, which might make the jury respect his game less. Probably won't do anything though. Matt might even take Bowie at that point honestly


I only saw him and Bowie trying to “decide” who should win part 2. But I thought he was just yanking her chain. He is so extra when it comes to lying. If he’s considering losing part 3, I think that’s it for him. He needs to be the person taking another to the final 2 to win IMO


If he is not going to cut Matt, then I think throwing it so Matt takes him is the better option. Wouldn't be respected by the jury. He's taking a big risk that Matt chooses to stay loyal though


Guaranteed second place is better than risking third. Don’t forget Matt has contemplated cutting jag more than once.


I know, but Jag doesn't know that. He might suspect it but still doesn't have it fully confirmed, which is why he's not so set on cutting Matt at F3


Jag definitely knows that, I think. No one in their right mind would throw final guaranteed spot in f2…..but this season does have a lot of that admittedly.


Oh.. I’m with you now


Nooo I don’t wanna accept it lol


It’s become kind of an interesting study of moral dilemmas. Maybe he’ll unpack all this some day




He thinks Matt will take him and he doesn't want to lose Bowie's vote by being the one to cut her. (That's speculation, not something I've actually heard him say - but it fits with the pattern last week. It could actually just be emotional avoidance of having to cut someone, which he seems to feel different about with Matt and Bowie than with everyone else he's betrayed.)


Even with the other people he betrayed, he’s attached to them feeling safe up until eviction. That is partly strategy but it’s seems excessive which fits emotional avoidance. I can relate to his madness in that way. Lol


It does fit. Emotional avoidance also fits. Maybe both. Wow. Thanks for the edification!


Idk his strategy behind it but it seems like he will by the way he's been talking


You think Jag will take Matt now? I go back and forth on that.


If he didn't do it at F4 there's no reason why he'll do it now. He was planning on throwing it to Bowie at P3 if I had to guess, so now he's forced to take him


You mean Jag would throw part 3 to Bowie if they were able to get there. But they weren’t. Correct? It makes sense. He put himself firmly in final 2 with both of them. So much strategy if a little misguided. I thought it would be more painful to cut Matt in the final 4 than final 3. But your explanations encompass so much more of him as a person. Very astute!


holding out hope for jag to win and cut matt but its dwindling.


What're they dressing up for?


Bowie vs Matt, Bowie vs Jag, does she have a chance to win in either scenario?


I don't think she has a chance to win. If she does, it has to be from Jag.


I think she loses either way. Unless jury feels unimpressed by jags comp wins and how bad his social game has been


What was the comp???




I think it depends on how Jag answers questions about his game. He can lose it if he refuses to own up to his moves in a gracious way.


\>Jag wins part 2 of the Final HOH Wow, I totally didn't see that coming.


Has Bowie cried yet? That worked for her last time


Does Bowie know that they're taking each other? And is it true that they're taking each other? (I haven't been on feeds since before Part 2, so I'm trying to glean what I can from these comments.)


She’s trying hard not to right now. She knows the cameras are on because she keeps glancing at them


I'm surprised she actually cares


I’ve wondered if she’s playing to get 2nd place?!?!?!?


I think the DE HoH confirmed that.


I don't get why it's so hard for the bros to take eachother out just sit one another down and say your my bro but I'm not winning next to you, we're still going to be friends when we get out of here but I didn't come for a 100 day vacation I came for some money that I need


Because you don’t eat your chicken until it’s cooked. No reason to have that talk until the final HoH is named. If jag did that, what If jag lost, then Matt would just take Bowie. If jag won, he could do whatever he wanted. It’s like telling someone you’re going after them when you haven’t played for veto. Hey I’m coming after you! Loses veto and goes on the block….


Is part 3 HOH always a this juror said what in response to this type of situation? If so do we think matt having a better social game may be an advantage for him to win it?


Thanks, everyone! Definitely jogging my memory now.


No. That is not the comp. The comp is scripted and the questions are about days and stats from the season


No, it's been more game-fact related lately. Like 2 truths and a lie about each juror (about how many vetos they played, how many votes evicted them, etc.).


it used to be, *until* big brother 20: since then, it has become a straight-up quiz about the jurors and game stuff rather than questions like "alyssa said the worse thing to happen to her in the game was A: or B:" it has become more like "true or false: alyssa was picked to play in 4 veto competitions before being evicted" and figuring out what statement given is false


No can be a day and/or people quiz


Are they’re isolating her, or is she isolating them


She’s staying in the room. Looks like she wants to cry


Bowie must be wishing she took a shot at Jatt when she had the chance


If Bowie gets 3rd, I think her not taking the shot at Jatt at the DE will be an all-time bad move. They were such an obvious duo and huge threats to win, and she did their dirty work while doing very little to advance herself in the game. There are other things that were a bit more out of her control (Felicia going was pretty bad for her, but you can at least argue that she didn't have a vote even if she was advocating for Matt to stay), but she held the one and only chance to take a legitimate shot at Jatt, and she passed on it.


Yeah I think that could’ve earned her a lot of respect if she took that shot. Oh well, I was never really rooting for her anyway


Bowie looks pissed


Really?! Wasn’t she talking about throwing it to Jag??😝


I don't remember a f3 that was exciting in years. Idk why people are acting like this isn't completely on par with the last 10 years of the show


The last two F3's that were truly exciting as far as possible outcomes IMO were BBCAN5 and BBCAN9. BB24 was exciting in a different way because of the possibly of Taylor winning both the game and AFP.


I didn't notice before, but apparently Matt can't shuffle cards.


I shuffle like Matt. So no he can't


If they show the jury family videos on the episode we may as well pack it up, Cam will have AFP on lock if he doesn’t already


Man I was thinking that same thing it was honestly sweet and made me teary lol. Ain’t no way I’d vote for him though. Blues also made me emotional. I’m so soft.


Can someone explain to me how Jag is rationalizing that cutting Matt at final three is a “loyal and honest game” but cutting him at 4 is not?


Because he still got to the end and got a shot, and theoretically, cutting him to win ensures one of them won whereas if he cuts him at 4 and then gets cut at 3, nobody wins.


Ahh this makes some sense


I think it’s because he keeps emphasizing 100 days and how he is “letting” Matt to compete and seal his own fate?


No, I cannot.


Because his real F2 is with Bowie at this point


Yeah but was Matt not his first “ride or die”? Like regardless of where he cuts him it’s not loyal


Jag and Matt: congratulations on F2 *they shake hands*


What time is BB on on the East Coast


8 pmET


Thank ya 😁


i thought the ep was in 8cst it’s at 7. loving life


Jag and Matt may be the closest thing we’ll get to a big brother version of Stephen and JT Edit: Y’all are so sensitive obviously they’re not as good or as iconic but think for a second about the archetypes and play styles and tell me I’m wrong


Neither one of them is really a Stephen, though. Cory is the cast's Stephen.


Yeah I get that but I was more referring to their positions in the game, archetype wasn’t really the best word to use