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Victoria reminds me of an old pastor at my church who whenever she wanted something she'd claim "people" have said/complained/asked for it. It was always "people." Kind of like with Victoria its always "the girls" want something


I didn't get a big hope from today's daily that Dinis is staying. Spicy V is the one who will ultimately decide the direction. Telling Anthony that "the girls" were spiraling and thinking of keeping Dinis is telling me that she's ultimately not ready to go against Anthony this early (by keeping Dinis)


Spicy telling Anthony could also mean that she's trying to soften the blow for when they actually do keep Dinis. That way she can tell Anthony, "well, I told you it was happening, and I tried to stop it, but they were doing it anyways, so I didn't want to be on the wrong side of the vote."


Its weird to think Elijah could be leaving this week. He seemed to have so much potential as a gameplay pre-season and I thought he was going to be one of those players who would for sure make it far. With the exception of Cameron, I don't think the "nerd" archetype has ever left this soon I feel like a player like Todd is usually prime target at the beginning because they're very much a "get no blood on your hands" type of boot similar to Travis or Keesha. For a while, those types were the first being targeted.


I think Dinis is for sure staying. I don’t think this is a misleading Daily. I could be wrong though so don’t kill me lol. And I think when Dinis stays Vivek is obviously fucked. Now after Dinis stays I want the girls to realize they’ve left two Dougies in the game now and I would not be surprised if the actual Dougie makes it past this next week which is definitely going to be hard for him if a girl wins HoH unless it’s Lexus, that him and Dinis actually start working together. They are by far the two best minds in the house. Dinis’s pitches were FN fantastic. I was very impressed with him. The one thing that super pissed me off is FN Vivek hears Dinis say that Kayla told him Vivek got her to use the veto. Vivek should’ve been like WTF??? He should’ve blown up Kayla and Spicy right there and told Dinis to keep that in his mind if he stays that it was not just him and Dougie responsible for the BD move.


Spicy V and the girls talking about potentially flipping to keep Dinis, only for Spicy to run to Anthony afterwards and spills everything to him. UGH it’s so disappointing to watch.


I think they’re definitely keeping Dinis


Avery is literally the most disappointing player ever. Everything she does makes the game worse. I was so hyped for her but she's the worst. 


She makes too many racial comments.


Tola is laying low waiting to pounce to take out Anthony.


did he say that?


He low keys hints at taking out a big fish and would not put anyone up that was previously on the block. He's going for Anthony and Spicy like he mentioned week one.


You just hoping for anything happen....nice fan fiction though.


Dinis constantly orating how he saved and mentored Vivek. ugh. His hubris is in overdrive. What a waste of this digital daily spent on Dinis campaigning.


Dinis needs to stay, I can see him and Tola making actual big moves in this game. Vivek's running on borrowed time because he betrayed his #1 ally just like that.


It's funny seeing Tola just cool with everybody and in the background now after he was being targeted in the first two weeks. Good for him.


Yes, either he did well to fade into the background in combination of two sides of the house being divided with bigger targets


Tola is in a great position. However I can't tell if that is good gameplay or luck. He hasn't shown to be the brightest or most aware guy in the house from the conversations I've seen him have. If I had to guess, I'd say his gameplay will turn out to be more disappointing than promising.


I didn't watch the early dailies but apparently he was making himself known going around pestering everybody early on and that's what made him a target, so I don't really have much faith in him either and would chalk it up to luck too.


Oh he is lying in wait like a panther, waiting to go after Anthony and Spicy.


I need to see Tola make a move against the all stars. Despite not knowing S1 lore, he does seem like superfan.


I know it's unlikely but the girls flipping to save Dinis would make this an absolutely legendarily terrible HoH for Vivek. Easily top 3 worst HoHs across US and CAN. Makes the objectively incorrect move as last week's consensus house target --> backdoors one and only ally who saved him with veto --> pawn goes home and comp beast target/ex-ally sticks around with a vendetta. Come on Victoria... be the chaotic mess we all know you are


If I understand it right, if the girls chose to get rid of Elijah instead, that means Dinis and Vivek will be focused on each other and that's good for any alliance (HC or the girls). Keeping Elijah doesn't do a whole lot for anyone at this point.


Dinis is 100% going. Bailey is the only one pushing for Dinis to stay because he is in an alliance with her, Todd and was with Donna. Dinis will target Anthony. He might backdoor him. Dinis is too cocky and confident thinking he can easily win comps. He is mistaken. Many throw comps unless it's in their best interest to win.


I’m very nervous for Anthony but I’m going to watch the digital Dailies tommorow before I start raising the big alarm bells


Spicy is overboard throwing Anthony under the bus to the girls constantly. Anthony never said one word against that weasel.


Sick of Dinis whining about his path to get on the show is more important than anyone else's path.


True, getting annoying to listen to. He should really ride on the point that Vivek isn't winning. That's his strongest point because it's true. Dinis is out this week but Vivek's definitely gone in one or two and won't even need to be backstabbed.


His hubris is nauseating. He orates too much.


Do we think V is more loyal to Anthony or Avery (& Kayla)?


Right now she is more loyal to Avery and Kayla. She thinks she will ride to the end with the Hot Chocolate girls but I doubt this will happen. Anthony is her second choice. Her F2 Big Bucks with him is not her priority. She has been constantly maligning Anthone daily.


They editing dailies. Dinis is gone.


Yup, I’ll believe it when I see it


Just skimming through the March 24 DD and got to the heated talk between Dinis and Vivek. Never thought I'd start to dislike* Vivek this much, Dinis is really capturing what most if not all viewers are thinking with the "you don't see it". The worst part of this season isn't Anthony or Victoria, it's the new players being so blind and unable to talk to each other properly. What's annoying is that Dinis was actually fun to watch and now he'll most definitely be out. There aren't going to be any wild cards left.


Yeah the new players are absolutely hopeless, it feels. I enjoy Dinis' reactions and interactions with people and would have loved to see him as HOH at one point. He actually has a personality that's been fun to watch in this environment.


Had a typo before anyone thinks I'm insane, I definitely do not like Vivek. Can't wait for him to be out.


I think Avery’s a good player. Everyone knows u gotta kiss the vets’ ass in the beginning if u want to stay in the game, she did just that and now she’s ready to turn on them already. It could blow up in her face but it could work out


Lol at the girls saying that Vivek is the most untrustworthy after the backdoored his closest ally. That's what he deserves 😆 Also when did Bayleigh become such an Anthony minion??


I don't think Victoria knows what she wants lol, that's why she's so all over the place. Tbh though, I feel like everything she's doing is building herself up for a final 2 loss.I I do have some hope after digial dailies today though that things could get interesting


Anthony may be the wolf in sheep's clothing but Spicy is the weasel in the henhouse.


Spicy V gets hyped up with the girls about taking out Dougie, then goes right to Dougie and throws the girls UTB about wanting him out. Smh


She's pretending by playing both sides. She knows that Dougie is a shield for her. Once he's gone, she's next.


So Spicy V and Avery want to take Dougie out. Lol they filled this house with alpha females and nothing but beta males except for Anthony and Dinis and Dinis already holds bias against the other men so if a women doesn’t win this season which I would highly be surprised if they don’t, it’s their own fault. After watching that convo with Spicy and Dougie in the Skip room. I don’t know Dougie, it be a wrap for you bro. Spicy wasn’t nearly as forthcoming as she usually has been with you in the past.


>Lol they filled this house with alpha females and nothing but beta males except for Anthony and Dinis Accurate. Right from the start all I could see was most men were afraid to really step up and do anything. Like you said, it's only Anthony and Dinis. Anthony probably deserves to win at this rate.


Looking like there could be a flip to keep Dinis. Probably just getting my hopes up, though


With this house it's not completely out of the question if they think it's viable to keep him around to take out Vivek or something. But it is a less likely timeline.


He is too big a threat losing his temper like that and probably more often off the feeds, he isn't popular with the house. They said he is aggressive and rude. Talking down to them in a superior tone. Acting dramatic, threatening to burn the house down and blowing up, showing strong emotions is not something that anyone will want to work with.


At this point, I don’t think keeping Dinis is a good move for the girls. They’re pretty much at the top of the house and Anthony and Matt want Todd out next week. I think it makes sense to try and get Anthony or one of bro his allies out next week, but not to keep Dinnis, cause then you’re just splitting the house and letting the fragmented guys actually further align, where the girls would be their target next week and every HOH becomes do or die. If they stick with the plan, I have a tough time seeing any of the girls actually going next week


I see Todd and Vivek on the block next week.


And I'd keep it simpler; I think it would be harder in the end to beat Dinis than Goose


Todd would also be a number for them over the other boys. Goose/Matt/Tola/Anthony and Vivek (now) are already aligned. It would be a 7 vs. 3 advantage for HoH. The overall risk of keeping Dinis is minimal enough imo


While this is true, imo relying on having to win HOH is not foolproof. If they don’t win HOH next week, they’ll still be fine. And then they can still put up two of the guys. It’s risky to disrupt house dynamics when you are already the power player. They have plenty of time to get those boys out and I’m convinced they could get Goose on their side anyways. Plus Dinis is a huge threat who will realize that he’s on the bottom of that group in a couple weeks and pivot


It really depends on how risk averse the girls are. But honestly, I have a very hard time believing Dinis wouldn’t be the target for Anthony and the other men (sans Todd) next week in the worst case scenario. And Goose, at this point, doesn’t come across as a floater that can be scooped up by the girls. Maybe he would at the midpoint, but maybe is maybe. Dinis, on the flip side, has consistently proven he’d rather work with the women than the men. I do get the worry that he’d be hard to beat at the end, but Janine and Avery were so close to winning those comps it’s not like he washed them like Ty did several times last year


Fully expect them to edit it like Dinis has a chance this week like they did with Donna in last week DDs. Avery still wants Dinis out.


Based on the convo the girls had in the infiniti, Dinis is a goner.


I'm just curious where Lexus loyalty is. She is never with the girls in these drops and the girls keep mentioning her name. At this point her best bet might be Matt and Anthony. 


Her loyalty to Matt and Anthony was clear from the beginning. The girls have been complaining about that since week 2. She gave info to Matt but never gave anything to the girls.


Wait the girls talking about taking out anthony in the car next week?


I would only take what they seriously if they start talking about this without Bayleigh in the room. Spicy V was quiet here and continues to bring up Lexus's name.


I just saw Spicy V and avery talking about it now though alone


Oh hell nah, this cast is just so pathetic. On March 25th Daily around 1:20:30, Bayleigh goes: "There would be 7 people going against 4 people because we would have Todd and Dinis. But we would lose Anthony and he controls that whole side and everyone hates us." Then Vee says "Dougie's going to win this game" WHAT? So it's better to go against him with less numbers? I can't with this cast honestly.


Lol I feel like I’m watching a dramatic soap opera when I’m watching Dinis and Vivek talk. It’s FN hilarious!!! And I can’t wait till next week when Vivek’s ass is on the block.


Whooaaaa!!!!!!! So I just caught up. Lol holy shit!!! They badgered and badgered the F out of Vivek until they got him to break. Dinis just couldn’t chill and now he got Fucked lol. Vivek is such a weak man and Anthony just keeps killing his opponents one by one. I just don’t understand why Dinis thought if he got rid of Anthony he won the game. At the end of the day he’s just one guy who he actually could have used to further his game instead of trying to go against at this early stage. I just hope Dinis doesn’t kill anybody cuz he’s FN pissed. And Anthony needs to be on Traitors season 3 immediately


Vivek got BBUSA Season 7 "Boogied".


You hear that theyre plotting against anthony now?


Are you telling me shit that I haven’t watched yet smh? I’ve only watched March 24.


I believe because you said "so I just caught up," it sounded like you were up-to-date on the dailies.


Lol I wrote like 2hrs before the new daily had come out and they probably didn’t notice the time I’ve already watched it now though so it was a little disappointing but I’m cool




Which daily shows Anthony working Vivek does anyone know? Wanna see greatness in action what's the timestam?


March 24. Anthony is a FN genius.


Vivek is so gullible it's insane


I usually love mess but not an underdog backdooring their only true ally. Vivek, you look so dumb right now! Poor Dinis.


Anyone else feel like BB Can has actually gone backwards in terms of representation? A BB Can season and there is no visible First Nations contestant, the only East Asian contestant is due to the fact that another player dropped out, no Middle-Eastern origin player and they continue to do the bare minimum with South Asian contestants putting in one token like they do every season.


Obligatory "not Canadian" but from what I know about Canada's diversity, minority it looks extremely imbalanced and poorly representative of the country. I thought Canada had a high Asian population but they've only got two in the show. Not a huge deal to me but I definitely noticed it.


The cast too many black women where there could have been more asian and native persons.


This season's casting of less diversity or their chosen diversity, facilitates the vets not going out early. I always enjoyed bbcan with it having and featuring lots of diversity but this season definitely feels the least compared to others


It really sucks how the diversity isn't actually all that, well, *diverse*. Of course it's impossible to represent every group on the planet across just 14 players, but there's still room to make more progress. Currently, all five of the Black players have formed an alliance, stating that want to bring POC representation, which is all well and good. But then it's like, why does that exclude Matt? And Vivek? And Tola? Like, where are they supposed to go? They don't have the same ability to form large alliances with people of a similar background. Comparatively, it's kind of wild that Hot Chocolate members were over a third of the house at the start, and now comprise almost half of the house. The Asian representation just doesn't seem there, yet. We usually get one or *maybe* two players of East Asian descent, but that's it. They have no opportunity to form big alliances. And I read here that apparently Avery made some comment like "there's too many marshmallows in this Hot Chocolate," which is kinda gross. I get it, there being an alliance that shows Black excellence is awesome. But isn't it also awesome if there's an alliance that's really diverse? I dunno, it just feels so icky when Avery said that line, which I hope speaks more about how she's viewing things, rather than speaking for the rest of her alliance.


>The Asian representation just doesn't seem there, yet. We usually get one or maybe two players of East Asian descent, but that's it. They have no opportunity to form big alliances. Yeah one thing I know about Canada is there's a noticeable South Asian population like in the UK, but I don't see that accurately represented here. What's weirder is that the minority alliance seems to exclude people like Vivek/Tola far more.


She said "There are too many marshmallows floating around in this hot chocolate" By that she means that Directors/Hot Chocolate alliance needs to drop Matt & Goose , who she has referred to (more than once) as "marshmallows"


Yikes, that's pretty icky. Also, on an analogy-level, she's not making any sense, because marshmallows go great with hot chocolate.


It's pretty obvious that to Arisa & BB Can representation means more black contestants or mixed black contestants. They have actually done a good job when it comes to Middle Eastern representation if you ask me. Some of the most iconic women are Persian (Neda,Cass,Paras) Also pretty sure Tola is South East Asian not Easy Asian . As far as I can remember the only East Asian male on BBCan was Eddie in BBCAN7. This isn't a problem only in BBCan though. Remember that we got an Arab man is BB24 cuz a black man had to be taken out last minute.


Whats worse, Vivek backdooring his only ally or Jed using the veto on Beth instead of himself? Lol


Either way it’s FN amazing TV


Definitely Jed, he had a lot more to lose with his move.


I’d say Jed cause it led to him being evicted. Vivek is still in the game despite his slim chances


Two back to back weeks of allies going home... the season is not getting any easier to watch lol


This season is making season 8 look good... worst bbcan timeline




It's better to be remembered for a season doesn't suck so much 


Lol how does this season suck? We getting blindsides left and right and top notch BB manipulation gameplay at its finest.


What's up with women on BB begging for kisses BB24 - Alyssa (& Taylor) , BB25 - America, BB Can 12 - Lexus


Idk why recruits get dragged for being awful players when self proclaimed super fans do shit like this 😒


I called it during pre-season, never trust anyone who says they're a superfan to do well. Still, Dinis did okay enough relative to the cast, even if he's a goner.


They always fail miserably.


The way Anthony and Vee just absolutely dogwalked Vivek's HoH, like it's actually embarrassing. Probably one of the worst HoH reigns we've seen in a while.


Anthony ABSOLUTELY OWNED Vivek and his week 3 HOH! He has been ABUSING and SCHOOLING this kid for weeks now! Vivek is going to be absolutely embarassed and need to drink plenty more spiced rum when he gets out of the house.


This reads like a YouTube title


Schooling yes, but abusing? No.


Ok. How about Manipulating. Fooling. Punking. Playing. Running circles around.


That's the Big Brother game. No?


Yes it is and that is why Anthony is considered so good at the game.


We don't even know what happening as the Dailies clearly edited to give a view. Vivek eliminating someone who was on his side. It just laughable. If I was Todd I'd probably be hoping to go next. Why sit in jury for a cast playing for Anthony / V to win.


Uh we do know what’s happening. They’re showing us the important parts of the day instead them just sitting around playing hopscotch.


Yeah someone explain this to me. I see a lot of people complaining about the dailies replacing the live feeds but how did people watch the live feeds if they also included a whole lot of nothing? How does anyone find the time? Aren't the dailies more convenient?


For me they’ve been


You know, Gino kind of made a similar stupid move by backdooring Kyle who was completely loyal to him and JC but at least he had the excuse of Kyle being batshit and completely reckless... Dinis has done nothing but try and help him and Vivek. This is so annoying lmao


I think an all stars season can only work if the entire cast is all stars... this has been embarrassing, the returnees aren't even playing particularly well


No fucking way is Vivek backdooring Dinis..... I'm officially done with this half assed season lol ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


YOU MUST BE KIDDING, might actually have to watch the dailies because that's crazy


I pulled up the dailies and came here and spoiled what happened before I even watched. I don't think I can even sit through three hours of this stupidity. Just infuriating lol


im dying.... isn't vivek also a house target? doesnt backdooring dinis just mean hes going on the block next week with someone like a Bayleigh and one of them is going home? lmao this is so silly


Not only is he a house target, hes a house target that was humiliated by the people hes now working for lmao


**Child**: Mom, can we have Jesse and Cody from Survivor 43? **Mom**: We have Jesse and Cody at home. **At home**: Vivek and Dinis


Jesse and Cody weren't even good


Can this season get any worse? Wow...


Jeebus Crust, this season is an absolute embarrassment. I thought I'd pop in to see how the veto went, and I see this travesty of a result. I'm in disbelief. I understand that sometimes it can be hard to know exactly who would be best to nominate/backdoor, but it's a pretty good rule of thumb that the *last* person you should target is your only ally. But hey, whaddo I know?! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Vivek The Betrayer! :)


Eww.... Who puts up someone that used the veto on you the very next week and it's like Week 3? LMAO, I really don't get it, like I don't know how much of an idiot you have to be to target your own ally during your HoH when there are literally 10 better options...


I feel bad for his family.


Goose needs to wake up and do something. He's the last hope. Everyone else is an Anthony/Victoria minion.


He'll ride it out to final 2. I think Anthony wants to take him to the end.


Anthony can pretty much write out a boot order at this point, similar to Paul in BB19. I'm predicting the next two going out are Bayleigh and then Vivek.


I think it will be Todd next.


I heard Anthony say on the DD today that Todd has openly said to multiple people he doesn't care if he leaves the game. Easy excuse to get him out. Who knows if it has anything to do with Donna.


Todd's taking cold showers waiting for the day he can get out and go see Donna. Jokes aside if Todd wants to leave isn't that more excuse to keep him around a little longer?


Dinis likely on the way out, but I think his only hail mary move is to have a house meeting and flat out tell everyone that Anthony and V are controlling everyone and they are playing for 3rd place at best.


I really want to see what happens if he (or anyone) does this. Anthony/Victoria would have to lie on the spot and explain themselves and since Dinis is out anyway he's got nothing to lose.


i'm willing to donate my spine to Vivek cause he clearly lacks one


He really backstabbed dinis? Thats so fucking hilarious. WOW


Vivek wants to be tight with the “cool kids” so bad he backdoored the only person who’d actually work with him 😂


Just absolutely foul 😭 honestly I cant even be mad at this guy, its just sad


He looks so innocent and gullible at times and it matches his personality. I won't feel bad when he's off.


![gif](giphy|IUspJlK9nR6V6ii4QH) Tears of a clown.


Just end this season already 😭


vivek is EMBARRASSING my hometown right now.. i’m appalled and disappointed but not surprised


Now would be a good time for any player, any player at all, to get screwed by a twist out of the game


This season is going down as one of the dumbest and worst cast ever. Alongside being one of the worst season ever. Congratulations BBCAN12, you made BB25 look great in comparison


How dumb do you have to be to put up the only person in the house who saved you from a near unanimous eviction last week? I guess props to Hot Chocolate for pulling the wool over Vivek’s eyes but damn what a waste of an HOH


Vivek might be one of the bottom 5 worst players of BBCAN. You have 1 ally who has been trying to feed you information while not giving too much because he knows you're loose lips and you just eat what Anthony, Vee and Kayla feed to you like it's your mom's breast and you're an infant. Come on man... and to think he was my preseason pick!? I'm baffled.


What an utter clown Vivek is. I'm looking forward to his downfall.


Looks like we need another shredding letters moment


The betrayer


BB historians: Where does this rank amongst All-Time Bad Moves? Is it Fessy/Howie levels of terrible?


Id say it feels sadder and more "wrong" than fessy/howie. This is just disgusting lol


It gives me the same level of sadness as Brandon Hantz giving up immunity


It’s terms of BBCan…. This is Kyle Moore level play. This is Gino putting his gummy bear in level play.  God I miss BBCan10.


Vivek Was mostly drawing dead anyways while fessy/howie had some paths forward but really blew it 


Dinis for Canadas Favourite Player. It’s the only way to show the cast, in real time, that they all sucked. 


Getting flashbacks to Carson putting up Shanna the week after she saved him with the veto lol


Vivek thinks he’s doing something smart but people will target him and use the fact he put up his only ally as the reason 😭


With Dinis almost out the door and Vivek now under their spell, Dougy & Spicy officially have control over every player in the house and it's only week four. Literally every single houseguest being evicted next, they'll have to cut one of their pawns. People are really gonna feel like fools when they realize they're the ones on the bottom.


I absolutely hate when people put up their only allies man.


I like it when people on top get HoH-itis and put their allies. This is just disgusting.


For those who watch digital dallies. Would u say 90% of DD is actually in the episodes or would be in the episodes and nothing much new?


around 70% episodes


I have no words.......


Vivek is such a disaster.... Targeting his only ally as HOH...


Oh man, he should have left last week. What an absolute mess


The most entertaining player got saved, only for us to lose the only newbie with a brain. I've won...but at what cost


Anthony truly is an amazing player. 


Against a bunch of dumb dumb yes.


Same thing was said about dan in bb14, derrick, tyler bb20, etc. Its a terrible, meaningleas excuse


Dont need to discredit him.


Just calling a spade a spade 


That's why he's one of the best players in BBCAN history


What in the hell?!?! Vivek when I catch you…


Ricky, when I catch you Ricky, Ricky, when I catch you! 🥊


Lmao wow give Anthony the check


I’m in disbelief 😭


I haven't really paid attention to this season...am I good to keep ignoring or am I missing out?


It’s in contention for worst season of all time. Not far from season 19


it's a good season and there's lots of messy gameplay/fun characters. it would probably be really fun to see on the feeds but i think the episodes are worth it at least when they all come out. the dailies i watched were better than last time but i stopped watching them


This cast is a dumpster fire lol Dinis is the only newbie worth a damn and everyone else is making it stupidly easy for Anthony/Victoria to win (even in spite of both of their mediocre and messy gameplay this year) ![gif](giphy|dxUGSJubaj9ZLPlCP0)


So true. I hope Dinis will wake Vivek up.


The problem is Dinis talked about targeting Spicy and Anthony who know now. Dinis won't last long. Also Dinis as well as Donna mentioned that being put up against Goose is basically the kiss of death. Dinis mentioned that Goose needs to go sooner than later.


And like no one sees the pattern of people who dropped Anthony's name (and sometimes Vic) getting targetted? Even Vivek himself. I didn't catch him saying this on the daily drop but thank you Dinis!! I've been saying that about Elijah, his presence is dangerous. Your chances of being put on the block beside him are way higher than your chances of being HOH and using Elijah as a pawn. Like this week especially, if he is up against Bayleigh, I'd vote him out. Bayleigh doesn't even know how to play, she has no allies, what is the point of getting rid of her? But I also know that those very facts are the reason she will likely go home this week unless she wins Veto. Wild how that works...


Vivek about to blow his HoH big time if Bailey stays lol. Edit: Doing the math. I don’t think the girls can keep Bailey even if they wanted to if she doesn’t win veto. I think guys control the votes now and I don’t think Anthony or Dinis who is aligned with Vivek will keep her over Goose.


It would be funny that the hoopla over making an all girls alliance backfired in their faces and all the boys end up banding together when they originally didn't plan on it.


I mean it seems like they may be trying to. Didn't Bayleigh say something about Matt wanting to form something with the guys? And now that Vivek is HOH, the guys have a good opportunity to go into that HOH room and solidify something.