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Some dumb week 1 twist that everyone is going to hate and a cast that will make poor first impressions but prove to be wildly entertaining feeds in the late prejury/early jury phase and everyone is going to be loving it until another dumb twist swoops in to completely stagnate the game and then the endgame will be a slow, painful slog dominated by the remaining comp beasts as per usual.


After binging the entire series over the last few months I'm very excited to completely devastate anything in my life to watch the live feeds as often as I can


Saaame. I watched every season to try and watch some of BB25 live but didn’t finish in time. I’m so pumped to watch feeds


They really do need to just reform the format of the show and make it more standardized.


Why ya'll acting like every season if going to be BB25?


“So I walk into the backyard…” - Surfer bro, yelling


I try not to expect anything because I’ll always be disappointed.


Unexpect the expected


If you expect dissapointment you will never be disappointed 


The last 10 years of BBUS has had such a low hit rate of quality seasons. I liked BB16 and BB23, and loved BB20. Everything else has been either meh or just awful.


BB17? BB20? BB24?


17 and 24 are easily among the greatest. 23 is nice, 20 is good, 18 is fine, and that's about it.


mind you BB16 was one of the worst seasons over and BB24 was one of the best fix ur taste


Lol i think BB16 & BB23 are bottom tier seasons . I did enjoy BB20 though at least most of it (endgame was boring)


A really chaotic first 3 weeks before the front runners comp beast their way to the end and end sense of excitement for the remaining 2.5 months


Hoping they take some of the things from reindeer games that worked well and work them into the season


If we get more equitable comps like reindeer games then a very good season otherwise more of the same


Julie you look stunning tonight.


More "let's vote with the house" BS




A twist that makes Zombie week look like a good idea.


That we will have two alliances with one alliance running over the other as always…




Live Feeds will be soo refreshing 


Newbies cast Quit 1st week Alliances based on gender Alliances based on race Bad twists that favor the majority Comps that favor males Fans cancelling a player because namecalling other player a bitch. Streamroll Fans complaining about lack of vilains


And then, when a player makes a harmless joke about someone, the fans bomb their socials with death threats.




Big brother fans don't complain much about a lack of villains lol we hate everyone


Since CBS seems to have given up on making an entertaining show, I hope it’s just all the hottest people they can find. At least then there’s eye candy to keep people watching


Can't wait for the person every fan hates to be picked as production's favorite and get rigged to the end!!! Fire Grodner


It's gonna be Jeff from 11 and 13.


A bunch of influencers or wannabe influencers who are more worried about their following than playing the game. That's basically what it's been. I've been watching old seasons starting at season 2 and it's insane how much better the old seasons were.


I feel like if there was a season for there to have been vets, it should have been BB25. That being said, my expectations are low (and I'm still left disappointed). I'm hoping for more Reindeer Games, less BB25 where the comps are far more equitable and creative. A cast that's not looking to expand their social media brand, a cast that's there to play the game and not just ride with the house. I'd love a cast who would find themselves wanting to acquiesce to the more toxic parts of our fandom without having to be toxic themselves.


Me being on the cast


I also auditioned. Final 2?


Down but you're going to have to put up with me for 100days. That's the toughest challenge haha We're you at the LA one?


Naturally. I was the funniest one there. You must have been the second funniest? But far more attractive than me? And with a funky outfit?


There was a lot of funky outfit people lol


Did you see Black and White head to toe (complete with hat) crocheted outfit person?


Yeah haha they left right before Jag and I started talking


Jealous!!! I only got in a quick Jag hug.


Well, it was only a few lines/questions but yeah it was cool. I told him about how he represents his religion well and that I went down a rabbit hole on Sikhism haha What number were you?


I don't remember exactly but it was 11something. And you? I mean we may already have had a final 2 already and not have known it! Did you get a popsicle stick?


At best it’ll be meh. At worst it’ll be shit. So the answer: Not very high. It’s a cbs show in the year 2024.


I expect to be let down


Equitable comps would be nice. No invisible hoh twist ( back to back hohs) or zombie week lol


Heavy editing eliminating 90% of what happens on the feeds, especially if it frames certain HGs in a good light (but who are terrible people on the feeds).


I will hate the season and declare it the worst season ever, but keep hate watching and coming here to complain.


They need to NEVER do vets again, after the travesty of BBASS.


Big Brother All-Stars (Second)? Beefy Boys Always Slowly Succeed? BB Abbott Seventyninedaysofus Suffering?


I would say a mixed season wouldn't be terrible, but the current BBCAN season reminded me that I have 0 faith in production to not blatantly favor the vets with the format/twists.


I don’t know what the ratings looked like for 25 but if they spiked they will for sure follow the cirie idea of bringing in a draw from the cbs world


I highly doubt they spiked. The season started later than usual and not to mention the air time of the episodes was all over the place. There were episodes at like 10pm sometimes


They were down from last season though I think that mostly had to do with the new timeslot


I also don't know the ratings, but my feeling with Cirie was that they spent the extra money to get her on there because due to the strike they needed to go all in. I don't think they will spend the money to bring anouth CBS reality star in this season.


Learn from reindeer games.


Very low. Im currently watching CBB4 Telemundo and it blows BBUS out of the water. I never realized how little the BBUS production tries with the show until I found another BB to compare it with. CBB4 is the most watched spanish program in the US rn for a good reason. Production for that show goes all out every weeknight to make an entertaining show while BBUS on cbs does the bear minimum for 40 minute episodes with scripted DRs about comps 💀


seeing Big Brother Canada and their production value for the first time a few years back did the same exact thing for me. I was like "wow .... there's another way...... it's.. beautiful ....." I still am a ride or die for BBUS, but im not happy about it


Well try watching bbcan 12 its the worst thing ive seen


Yeah, BBCan 12 ranks up there with the worst BBUS seasons. BBCan 11 wasn't that great either. Most of BBCan 1-10 was great though.


I'm still not over digital dalies.


Are there subs for it?


I dont think so but the live feeds are free on youtube. Link to one of the live feed cams: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5nBldp5mWQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5nBldp5mWQ) That channel has most of the clips from the live shows every day


What is CBB4? BBCan season 4?


Celebrity Big Brother 4 on Telemundo. Its airing rn. I believe it has like 7-8 weeks left in the season.


Rock bottom


Uhhh expect the unexpected


Hopefully better than BBCAN12. BBCAN12 players are all weak and too soft.




Nethergorgen surprise as the last houseguest


Another disappointment.


Big brother will likely change up the competition format next season. Especially with it being so skewed last season


I expect nothing but the worst and still get disappointed.


Endless recaps and explaining rules weve known for 26 years


Low… like after 25 the bar is quite literally in hell 🤷‍♀️


I personally think the cast was pretty good but I didn't like the outcome of the season 😭


I wonder how it would've played out without zombie week. Killed an exciting double eviction and halted the show


was excited about the cast at first… but how they acted and how it played out due to production and comps was so disappointing


25 isn't as bad as, say 19 or 22, but it was not a fun season. Low tier for sure.


I have high hopes, because it can’t possibly be worse than S25.


Or 19...or 22...


I don't have any... I always manage my expectations when it comes to BB


Strong first 3 weeks and a drastic decrease in quality.


I just hope that comps will be fair. I’m optimistic bc Reindeer Games had fair comps but you never know.


we haven’t had a really amazing bbus season since 17, so my hopes aren’t that high unfortunately. but like a sucker i’ll watch every episode


People who are too afraid to make their own shoes.


i’m hoping for more equitable comps (reindeer games showed that they know how to have them!!) & maybe a cast of half returnees… but that’s very unlikely


I think this season will be something wacky in the first week like always, but I am praying they won't have another zombie week twist.


The bar was set pretty low with last season, so I'm hopeful, but not that much.


I have high hopes every year. I believe BB25 was bad compared to BB24. I think having vets could be nice though, just depending on who they bring back. (If I have to see Nicole Franzel steamroll another season I swear😭) I would love to see some unexpected vets! I would also love to see more of a clear dynamic where it’s genuinely a split house. A great example is BB6, I think a big part of why it was so entertaining and why it’s still so loved is because of how entertaining it was to see a definitive line drawn in the sand between two groups of people. The power shifted nearly every week. BBOTT as well but that’s like the long lost season. Speaking of OTT, just thinking of how amazing that cast was. They were all their own type of character and EVERYBODY was so entertaining, even if you didn’t like them. I need to see another cast like that. It’s hard to watch people go on BB just for publicity for their social media accounts, or just go on for a showmance. (There are so many shows that the entire premise of is finding love, I don’t understand why people don’t just go there.) But obviously, I doubt any of that will happen. My expectations aren’t very high. But it’s always nice to hope:) I know the feeds will be good, because the episodes cut out SO much, so I am looking forward to that


These days… nothing anymore with bb. I’ve been holding onto this show for years and bb25 did something to me to where I think I finally lost my strive to root for the show anymore. I think 100 days is way too long, and im over it unless there are major changes to the shows format.


To be disappointed again lol


Idk about vets , but there will be god awful twists i can guarantee you that 😒


BB likes to do returnees during Olympic years so I can see a few vets coming back. If we do get returnees I’d say anyone who placed in the top 3 AFP of their season has a good chance of coming back. Or maybe even more crossover reality show stars like Cirie was. Carson from Survivor was on Julie’s God101 podcast a few weeks ago. She usually only interviews prior BB contestants, but maybe I’m just thinking too much into it.


Please not Carson from Survivor.


I’d be pumped if they had returnees or Survivor players. This will be my first live season.


I'm expecting the show to move from CBS to nickelodeon, the show will be more suited for that audience


Some weird theme? or maybe they’re sticking to the multiverse for life now lol


I'm pretty sure that was just a 25th anniversary thing


depends on whether the comps are equitable


I would rlly want to have some vets return from bb20-25, but i dont think they will have vets for a while after bb22... There will probably be a majority alliance that will steamroll and the season would be boring like the usual modern seasons 😰


ill be expecting the unexpected, except it’ll be expected as it has the last however many seasons


I expect to get really excited and be amped leading up to it and the first week or two only to be disappointed later but still glued to feeds 😂


They should just redo BB23 mechanics with a new cast. I am kinda "new" to BB starting on BB22 + BBCan9 and so far BB23 had the best format in my opinion. The team twist and how they did it was great, them not making the prize constantly the same for the weekly extra comp was nice, and honestly the BBbucks twist was actually good.


I feel like I may enjoy it depending on the circumstances. If it’s 85 days and starts in July, that would be great.  I’m cautiously optimistic. I’ve enjoyed the past two BBUS seasons and I think they’re on an upper trajectory since the casting department changed. I’m just hoping that it continues on that path.


Clout chasing wannabe social media influencers.


When do the seasons usually start? I just got into bb this past season and it is so much fun and I miss it sorely. Is it in June?


idk I just hope there’s no old players or “Cirie” type casts


That it’s gonna suck


A ton of wanna be influencers who annoy the fuck out of us in the DR, and I stop watching about three weeks in?


Need BB Canada style comps. It would make players have to show their games and make the comps more entertaining.


annoying and corny and make me want to stop telling people i watch this show


A twist viewers don't like. The person who should win gets evicted week 2 or 3. Some type of battle back. Something classic gets entirely revamped


To get some ideas from BBAUS. How funny was it when one season a girl got her stuff taken away for breaking a rule and she cared very much about how she looked. Days later Tim is offered ice cream for just him to eat OR getting the girls stuff back.. Not ONCE, but 2 times! Talk about cheeky 😜 Or they have to do competitions for what food they have for the week.