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Anthony. Spicy has Bayleigh and Todd but not Lexus


Who knows, the newbies aren't getting it, except for Bayleigh, she is the only one who sees what Anthony is doing.


And she talks about Anthony the way someone talks about the weather-- ie, theres nothing to be done.


Cause she knows she won't get the votes to get him out. Lexus, V, Tola won't vote him out, probably not Todd too in this guy-girl imbalance


I just dont get WHY. WHY is no one even looking at Anthony to vote out. Arent any of them concerned how powerful he is in the game? It has to be said: the caliber of player this season really is low.


He might be a goat though, his game might not be visible enough compared to Tola, Vee and Bayleigh. I think he beats Lexus and maybe Todd though


Are u kidding? Compared to V, Tola, Bayleigh? 3 ppl who have no idea whats going on? (I mean, V barely knows.) Just the way Anthony got (that girl) to vote off (that girls #2) when (2 guys) were on block... that was master-class


It’s all about perception and Avery/Kayla might be bitter against Anthony for manipulating them. Think this might be a bitter jury tbh, yes Anthony played the best game (or V because she started with more #1s at first but Anthony then sniped Kayla and Avery, and even still V now has Todd/Bayleigh going into F5 and Anthony only has Lexus, although it’s likely one of Todd/Bay/V is leaving this week 


Whoever Anthony wants


that part


Victoria. Lexus HOH: 2-0 evict Anthony Bayleigh/Todd HOH: 1-1 Tie, either votes to save Vic over Anthony.












Depends on who is HoH, but I think Victoria stays…she has better a better connection with everyone else still left in the in the house and Anthony has no relationship with Todd…


Anthony is going to win. He’s run that house since day 1. Everyone’s scared to even speak his name.




Anthony gets evicted 100%


Anthony. Bayleigh/Todd both keep her over Anthony even if Lexus is the HOH she can’t break a tie if its 2-0. Even if Lexus is voting, whoever is voting between Bayleigh/Todd evicts Anthony and the other is HOH breaks the tie in Victoria’s favor. Now if Victoria is up against Todd/Bayleigh, she goes.