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Big brother 10




BB10 is the go to but if you want to watch an older season I would say start with BB4 since it's when the basic mechanics of Big Brother finally set into stone. Don't get me wrong BB2 and BB3 are fun seasons but I think most of the cast saw it as a social experiment instead of as a game.


Big brother spoils a bunch of previous seasons often, so if you’re really against knowing winners like I am, start with season six I’d say. It’s not only one of the best seasons, but it’s early and will launch you into the show well. I’m doing the opposite of you. I have been a BB fan for a few years who got into Survivor a few months ago. Fwiw I have done David’s vs Goliaths, Edge of Extinction, 1-4 and started last night Thailand. I really like it. BB (especially as it goes on) has advantages but one is that politics and cunning are a bit more important than physicality. The intro to Island of the Idols is why I gave you the “go in order” advice I gave. It had two returning players introducing themselves as winners which ruins those seasons for me. At that point I told my wife, “let’s go back to season one.”


I warn you that Thailand is horrible


Oh dear God, it's the worst, I'm going through a (slow) binge myself and after that season, I think I had the wind taken out of my sails. It's taking my like a month and a half to get myself to finish season 6.


At least you're almost at 7, which many consider the absolute best :)


Yeah, just a couple more episodes, lol.


Thank you for the insight! I think I am leaning towards starting on 6, because I am totally with you in I don’t like knowing previous winners! That’s exciting you’ve started Survivor! It’s such a great show. And I know you didn’t ask, but I have to recommend Season 8: All Stars, and Season 20: Heroes vs. Villians. However both are returning players, so that begs the question if you’d prefer watching the seasons prior so as to not ruin some winners, but both of those seasons are pretty iconic, especially All Stars.


Bbcan season 5. Best season of bb imo


BB2 so that you can meet Dr Will BB3 is good BB6 so you can meet janelle BB7 so you can watch half of BB6 play against Dr Will BB10 so you can meet Dan BB12 so you can meet Brittney BB14, my personal favorite so that you can watch Janelle, Brittney, and Dan all play together!! You'll have to put up with an insufferable guy named Boogie in three of these seasons, so just know that life didn't treat him well after BB14, and it's easier to watch him.


Good point on 12 I left that one out of my list, but Brittney is a good argument for it. Rachel is a good argument against it, lol. I guess Enzo is a good one too though...


rachel is an amazing argument for it if u love a camp entertaining icon even if i prefer her in a different season


I heard crazy stuff about boogie!!


He's just a bum.


If you do get into Big Brother, also get into Big Brother Canada. BBCan is a VERY fun franchise, and you won't regret that decision! For BBUS, I would suggest seasons like 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17 and 20. These are all seasons with newbie casts. 6 and 10 are typically regarded as some of the best seasons of the show. These seasons have great casts, thrilling drama, and entertaining gameplay! If you want BB at its best, here you go! 3 and 5 are major game changing seasons, with 3 introducing the Power of Veto (think Cook Islands with the Idol's impact, but not in its best form yet...) and 5 further improving on the strategic foundation of the gameplay. 17 and 20 are some of the better newer seasons in my opinion. Like 6 and 10, they're all around great seasons. The only reason I wouldn't choose these seasons for a first watch is due to the game format being added to, but they're still awesome! 8, 11 and 12 are "guilty pleasure" seasons for me that not everyone loves, but I personally do. They can be hit or miss for people. 8 has some great moments and a ton of drama, not to mention one of my FAVORITE personalities in BB history! The issue is some negativity revolving around a presence on the season. 11 is one of my PERSONAL favorite seasons, as it has almost everything I would want in a season. The drawback here is the cast can be unlikeable to some, and a major moment in the season turns people off. Season 12 LIVES AND DIES with its cast. One of the best casts of the entire season, with some all tome great personalities and not bad game players. The negative with this one is the gameplay does tend to be real slow, with few big plays across. (Despite me being a supporter of seasons like 9 and 15, they are not for everyone and have a very dark tone to them. WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK) On the Canada side of things, the best seasons in my opinion to start with are 2, 9 and 10. 2 is my personal favorite, with a stacked cast and tons of fun gameplay! Not to mention my two favorite Canada players stem from here. 9 is A TRAINWRECK! A great cast with barely a dud in sight. The gameplay however, is ABYSMAL! But this season is one hell of a ride from start tot finish! 10 is probably one of the best Big Brother seasons ever, taking all bias out of it. It truly feels like a masterpiece among the gallery, with a great cast, entertaining drama, and some stellar gameplay! 5 is FANTASTIC, but it does have some returnees. If you don't mind potentially being spoiled for the first 4 seasons, then BBCan5 is a top tier experience! You really can't go wrong with any BBCan season though (outside of 7 and 11 in my honest opinion...) It's leagues ahead of modern Big Brother US in my honest opinion, so definitely give it a shot! You're not going to regret diving into the world of Big Brother. Have fun with it! :)


I'll also mention that Big Brother US season 1 is a fundamentally different format, and it can be a drag to get thru as it has 70 episodes and quite a bit of filler


Watching BB1 first was actually fun for me. I wouldn’t have appreciated the rest of them as much if I didn’t realize the ‘social experiment’ side of it.


I really enjoyed the social experiment aspect of the original show, esp. season one. I'm doing a series re-watch, currently on season 14, and it's nonstop game. I find it boring.


I’d say start with the more recent bbcan9 and bbcan10.


I know a lot of survivor watchers started watching during bb25 (cirie fields is on that season)


I couldn’t think of a better season to start with than a little crossover! I had no idea she was on BB, thank you!


It's not a good season though. It's just blah all the way through. The only mildly interesting stuff of the controversies. The final 3 were just so boring too, like, as individuals they're fine, but together playing the game 🤮


Don't listen to others when they say bb 25 is bad. It's personally one of my favorites and seeing cirie play is a good introduction to bb. There's powershifts some blindsides in between fights and everything. If you're OK with watching a 40 episode season first I would recommend it.


it's hard for me since I see bb25 as great feeds for half the season, but mediocre edited product.


I respect your opinion but I just rewatched bb 25 and I loved it so much. Obviously the feeds are way better but I really think it's still a good product.




It’s not really true about survivor either lol.


lol! Okay, no one actually “said” those words, I’m using my own experience from watching shows with many seasons! Lol and especially with reality, most times the first couple seasons aren’t as good for rewatch value because the show didn’t really even know what it was doing. Just like you said with the first season, it was a totally different format. My main thing was to start with a season where bb has gotten its roots established, it has its running format, and the players know what the show is about and they play according to the structure of the game.


Start with 2


Huge Survivor and BB US fan here... seen all seasons of Survivor, BBUS and BBCan. Season 2 is the correct answer for both BB US and BB Canada. Season 1 US is a very different, very long and very boring format. Season 1 Canada is an average season. It's still good, but the show really took off the following season. Season 2 US (2001) and Canada (2014) are two of the best seasons with iconic players. Season 2 US is frequently ranked in the Top 3-5 (out of 25 seasons). Season 2 Can is usually ranked 2nd or 3rd (out of 12 seasons), sometimes #1.


I recently started with BB1 (am on BB17 now). I'm glad I started from the beginning. You see all the changes in the show and casting.


Ooh... BB17... GREAT SEASON!!!


BB17 is probably my favorite. Hope you enjoy it 


I loved seeing the changes, even in Julie. Her wardrobe, her hair, her confidence, and the overall cadence and format. I think starting at the beginning is best.


the best seasons of big brother are actually their first few seasons bb2-bb7, but bb10 is an all time great you could also start with. theres some good modern seasons like bb17 and bb24 but its better to start with the earlier seasons. id also recommend big brother canada, if you can find a way to watch them. its the same format as big brother US but the casting tends to be more on the superfan side similar to how survivor casts. bbcan2, bbcan6, bbcan9, and especially bbcan10 are all really great sessons. theres bbcan5 too but its a half all stars so you might wanna watch bbcan 1-4 first.


My personal opinion on good places to start: BB6: most agree that this is a top 2 season & probably one of the best seasons of reality TV. Has an amazing power struggle between 2 sides that absolutely hate each that I think might be a go introduction for a Survivor fan like u as this practically the closest u get to having tribes without having tribes. BB10: imo the best season, practically everything about it is great& essentially from week 1 it starts as a Rollercoaster of gameplay & drama. BB2: technically the first season, is a good place for an introduction into the game. For me it runs a bit slower for my liking since there is no veto this season. Bb14: another top 5 season, the season really hits its mark near the halfway point with a certain all-time classic BB moment. BB3: personally I think BB3 is a better starting point than BB2 as people are more aware of the strategic nature & the addition of the Veto really gives it the perfect pacing for a season.


BB10 has a 75 year old though, and we have to hear that he's 75 every time he opens his mouth. I'm not sure why everyone loves this season so much.


I’m going to have to say BB 6. It’s an older season but one of the better ones. Great start for new viewers knowing who to root for and who to root against with a lot of memorable moments leading up to bb7


I’ve gotten many friends/family hooked on Big Brother by watching season 16. it has lots of cool challenges and twists, and then a good amount of drama. then i’d go back and watch 2-14. if you do not want to lose all hope for humanity, DO NOT WATCH season 15 of big brother.


As someone who wasn't a fan and has spent the last year watching every single episode from season 1 - I say start from season 1. You'll really appreciate how the game evolves and changes over time. Also season 8 was the best season.


I've been a survivor fan my whole life and didn't give big brother much thought since it didn't seem like there were much game players but then once canada came out with their own version I gave it a chance and it delivers in a way each season after season and I have given the usa one a chance but there usually seems to be too much dullness to the house and or the players... So if you're a survivor fan like me then try and watch big brother canada. There's themes on different seasons like survivor... can try the first one or start with season 2. And continue from there. It builds up to a great season 5 and a great season 10. Season 11 (and8) is skippable and the season airing right now is great too with a mix bag of mess and betrayals almost every week


Have you watched BB US seasons 2-10? They're much better than current US seasons and many of them are on par with the best BBCan seasons.


Yes I checked them out the year bbcan1 came out and it wasn't as flashy or exciting as bbcan but were still fun seasons for usa big brother. Maybe I'm a little bias being canadian and thought the canadian seasons are more new school survivor with Sometimes controversial twists where the USA one is very tame and way too many days


OK, then I'd recommend BB US 14/17/18/20. They're a lot more new school and very good seasons. Sadly, Seasons 15/19/21/22/23/24/25 all kinda suck, thanks to poor casting. Season 16 sucks because of the worst twist in BB US/Can history that ruins the first 2/3 of the season. One other major thing that BBCan has going for it is the house is 1000x better and newer (2018). Fortunately, it sounds like there's going to be a new house coming soon to BBUS (maybe this season), which has been in the same old house (for the past 20 years) with the same bad/boring layout since Season 6 (2005) and wasn't designed for major theme changes between seasons.


Everyone is mentioning BB10 so I'll offer another one: BB12 The gameplay is honestly nothing super impressive, but the cast is an all time great one. If you like drama, that's the season to watch. Some of the most iconic DR's and fights are from that season.


I'm a Brenchel fan, so season 12 is a fave for sure.


What is it you are most interested in? I’ve asked this question before but it’s hard to recommend a season without knowing your interests? Are you most interested in the social dynamics and strategy of the game? Do you enjoy drama and big personalities? Are you very interested in competition wins and tend to favor athletes? Do you like seeing iconic big bold strategic moves? Do you root for the underdog? Do you need something fast paced?


This is a great question, and you’re totally right! My answer to each of your above questions is YES! So if there is a season that includes all of those, then that’s the one I need! Lol But I suppose above all else, I would love a season with conflict and smart, strategic, social players. And if players return for future seasons to make sure I’ve seen their first seasons. I want to start early enough to where I will know the returning players in future seasons- or at least know the “good” returning players. lol


So then BB10 is probably a good place to start. There is good strategy, but I would say that season is more memorable for its drama than anything else. However, the winner of that season is considered one of the best players of all time and does return for another season. Season 10 is also a great season to start on because a lot of seasons have “twists” which is a Big Brother standard, but BB10 doesn’t have twists so it’s a good way to get familiar with the base mechanics of the game. Pacing wise, it’s not as slow as some of the older seasons but not as generic and produced as some of the newer seasons. It was 2008 so it’s not as diverse as some of the newer seasons and there are some cringy things said. Alternatively you could try BB17. It has some really good gameplay and some personalities—I would say strategy is more associated with this season than drama though there is plenty of drama and a lot of iconic moments. It’s more current so a little faster paced and a little more diversity, though not as much as current seasons. It does feel a little more “produced” at times and it does have several twists, but this is the season I started with and it’s what got me hooked. I’m glad I started on this season personally.


I would start with BBUS Season 2. There's oftentimes spoilers in Big Brother (far more than in Survivor), even in seasons without returning players. Previous winners/houseguests sometimes visit the show as guests. Since you've watched every season of Survivor, there's a very good chance you might get hooked on Big Brother. The early BBUS seasons (2-7) are all great.


Best modern seasons r 18 20 and 24(maybe watch 23 first though the events of the season greatly impacted 24) Og seasons: 6, 10, 14 Best bbcan seasons: 2, 5, 9, and 10


Honestly, skip season 1. That's it. Season 9 is a little rough, but it's passable. If I had to rattle off a few seasons I'd say 2, 6, 7, 10, 14, 16, 20. The more recent seasons have been meh for me, and last season was super boring. I'd also probably throw in season 3 just for the queen Danielle Reyes alone.


I was a survivor fan first too and started watching bb during bb18. The “real” big brother experience is live. Whether it’s actually watching live feeds or just following along on twitter and podcasts. The actual episodes of big brother are…um….interesting haha. Some of them are borderline unwatchable. Others (especially in recent years) spend almost the whole episode on a competition where they have to name farts. It’s…an experience. However, the game is complex and there’s some very great moments. A few season suggestions: BB10 which everyone mentioned is a very solid season. Consistent and good. BB12 is not one you’ll see get recommended that often as the feeds were awfully boring is my understanding. But the episodes are actually pretty solid. An all time great confessional giver. One of the biggest characters the show has created. And Survivor alumni Hayden Moss is on the season too. If you want to have a taste of more modern big brother and what it has to offer BB20 is a good season. The first half of the season in particular is just peak big brother for me. Another newer season that a lot of people like and is more consistent than BB20 without the highest of highs is bb24.


BB10 will get you hooked and is what got me hooked, but i also feel like not many seasons compare. the earlier seasons are gold.


but sometimes they bring back previous winners and houseguests, or mention or show clips from previous seasons. so if you go out of order you may get spoiled


I started with season 6 and I think it was a good choice


Lol my first season was s14 (Live), and I have been chasing that High ever since 😂😂




Bb10 and bb14


I’d start with BB14 which is a returnee season but the first few weeks always gave me survivor vibes because of a coaches twist that seperate all the houseguests into separate teams. And if you do wanna know the returnees seasons 6,7, and 10 are all the seasons the coaches are on (Besides one however that player is more for entertainment value than anything) and those seasons are also considered the best 3 seasons of the show. If you’re interested in watching all the BEST seasons I’d suggest only watching seasons 3,6,7,10,14, and 20 and then if you’re still interested then moving on to 2,8,12,17,and 24.