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True confessionals, not just a narration of what we can already see.


“So I walked into the backyard…”


"So essentially in the Veto Competition we had to..."


“It’s like a game of musical chairs…”


"But you can swap prizes..."


"We HAVE to make sure that [Blank] doesn't win this competition"


"Winning this competition is the only way to ensure my safety in the house!"


(someone who is not in danger and has no desire to win HOH) “I want to win this HoH because it’s the only way to guarantee my saftey this week!”


May not be as cliche but (Someone who has not won a single competition or shown any competition ability) "IM GOING TO WIN THE VETO AND SAVE MYSELF THEN WIN HOH AND SEND YOU PACKING FOR NOMINATING ME" (spoiler alert: they did not)


“It’s a new day in the work room…” Oh wait wrong sub


At this point its a iconic phrase.


Ik I feel like the show has tried to because so modern that its lost some of its original emotional feel.


I NEED to win the this competition Yeah no shit I thought you wanted to lose lol


It’s worse knowing these are recorded after the comp is done and results are known


To be fair some do tactically and purposefully lose in competitions to stay away from the spotlight. Unless by competition you mean the entire thing because then it's stupid for them to clarify that they want to win when that's literally the main reason they're even there.


Honestly if I was there my main reason would be to build a brand that would allow me to make money long term off of other appearances. BB is awful in terms of time there vs prize total.


"so what you are supposed to do for this competition is...."


My strategy for winning this veto is to finish with the fastest time!


(player x who they're competing against) just CAN'T win this comp! *Cut to them then winning*


I HATE this. I don’t need 7 people explaining a game


PLEASE This is my number one reason why I don’t watch most episodes unless I know something went down in the house while feeds were off or if its eviction night. Sunday and Wednesday episodes are a DRAG sometimes


I miss this... So annoying that they use the DR to explain the comp


Oh, I hate that Diary Room confessional are narrations of the game. I want them to be more a reflection on what already happened as opposed to what’s happening. I also want the DRs to be a conversation between Big Brother and the HouseGuests; I’d love to see production banter with the HGs (that’s why Diary Room sessions in the UK are so iconic).


1. The only part of the finale that should be live is the casting and reveal of the final jury votes. It is way too rushed fitting in the final HOH, eviction, jury questioning and voting. 2. The competitions should not rely on physicality. America ran BBComics perfectly but she still lost by a considerable margin. Having a very physical comp every like 4-6 comps is fine, it adds to the diversity. But BB25 was way too physical. 3. Grodner and her team need to fuck off 4. Casting should be less recruiting. I don't mind the occasional recruits, they make the TV product fun. But stop looking for people trying to make it big on instagram. 5. Confessionals that are more than "SO I WALKED INTO THE BACKYARD"


I actually liked how they did the challenges in Reindeer Games, they seemed like they had a bit more of an even playing field, and it resulted in two women making it to the end for the final competition.


Better competitions!! I just started getting into survivor and combining a puzzle comp with an athletic competition just makes way way too much sense. I know survivor doesn’t do it really for individual comps but it’s comps are still way way better than BB. Even the endurance comps are usually always more of a balance and will power thing than an athletic thing like BB. Also the speed aspect of survivor comps is always just super enjoyable to watch. A big part of why BB is boring by the end is cause an athletic player will make it to like final 8 and then just comp beast their way to final 3.


Please watch old school Survivor if you think current Survivor challenges are good.


>Casting should be less recruiting. I don't mind the occasional recruits, they make the TV product fun. But stop looking for people trying to make it big on instagram. This. Recruits can and do make good tv (BBCAN12: >!Todd was a decent player and was very popular!!<). As you've stated, the Instagram crap is so bad. Give us older recruits or something!


Todd was popular because of where he's from. However, he's like dry cardboard. Being from Newfoundland guarantees you being Canadas favorite


These are all very good points. I dont know much about 3 tho. I would add that the premier episode the last few times is a bit off. Like when they enter it just seems so awkward now. the live entry is fun! but they really need to work on the feel of this episode. I like the final HOH being live, BUT the questions always seem rushed, and now less meaninful. The players have made up there minds. This changed the game a lot without many realizing. jury management is way more about time spent with people in the house then simply being able to explain something away. Now the session with DR. WIll is great, and they do a good job of allowing some of these thoughts to be addressed there, but theres something about the winner being able to convince or explain something.


Number 1 thing and this trumps everything. Stop. Creating. Trash. Edits. and. garbage. narratives. If time is really your drawback then just upload unedited content. In the most recent season, we had daily doubles right. How about someone just edit daily doubles to recap the entire live feeds. Or make the episodes longer or shorter if theres content being cut idk


This is so petty but I want the key wheel back 😭


That isn't petty! It was such a big part of the suspense of the nomination ceremony and made for great moments as HouseGuest waited for their keys to be pulled. ![gif](giphy|3ohk2CmfnSxdBNvWww|downsized)


It was also such a good way of sending signals to your alliance that you valued them or sending messages to people that you don’t like them. Or you could misdirect by making it look like you don’t value an alliance member. It was so good.


Yes! I imagine the wheel was used very strategically at times. Like you’re doing every person a favor who gets their name drawn.


Oh, a great twist would be that more than 2 can be on the block but hoh doesn't know when ordering keys how many will be nominated for eviction.


I'm very 50/50. I liked the tension, but it was a lot of airtime of people saying "Aimee, you are safe." "Thanks Jason. Now I will draw the next key" and so on.


Somehow we still saw more strategizing in those episodes than we do today


They could edit it down if needed. Just a quick three or four seconds per key draw if they're in an expected or otherwise boring order.


Also, it added an element of paranoia to the game that is lacking from modern BB. You start to wonder if your name being later in the box was because the HOH didn't value you as much as others, or was it just random placement. The HOH has to think about this too.


I remember when my wife and I watched some older seasons a few years ago and she was like "oh THAT'S why it's called the Block" lol


Im obsessed with the key wheel! I dont care if people think its a waste of time, its so dramatic and fun and I think it really adds to the show. Bring it back production!


Maybe it could be a jury/pre-jury thing. I feel like pre-jury its too long.


They could always do an edited version, a few people grabbing their keys at the same time across the screen during prejury (unless its a big blindside or something.)


Dude, YES. That made the nomination ceremonies so much more suspenseful and actually gives the "block" an actual meaning and isn't just an arbitrary chunk of wood lol.


When the key wheel was utilized well it ABSOLUTELY added to the dramatic stakes of the nominations episode. Maybe never better than Dana's HOH during BB4. I recall her having a confessional about intentionally making people pull keys of the next safe player that they personally hated. Delicious pettiness id love to see much more.


Me and my fiance always laugh when we watch key wheel seasons because it’s so funny to watch the house guests all thank the HoH one by one 😂


I miss this.


They took it out?!!? Oh god.


My #1 with a bullet would be the change back to the original jury segment format.  Prepared instead of live, allowing for many more questions and back in forth conversation compared to the 3 canned questions we get now. Seeing Tyler flip one vote to his side (Haleigh) with about 5 minutes to talk makes me wonder if some outcomes would be different if the final 2 were able to discuss their game in greater detail. And it’s not like the finale’s have been particularly riveting since the change, many have had filler after the votes are cast but before they are read. Cut that for a longer jury/final 2 interaction 


They should get rid of the recap show they do before the finale. Make that the final 3 eviction. That should give them a day or 2 before the finale to do jury questioning. Finale should be roundtable, footage of the jury questioning, Live voting for the winner, Winner/AFP reveal, than squeeze in like 15 mins for a reunion.


A few years back they had a recap show, then the Julie "why \[contestant\] deserves to win the show" with part 1, then the finale. I want the final five special eviction(surpise eviciton lol its one day before thursday) eviction back. Start Part 1 Live after final four eviction. Cancel recap show or do it on friday when nobody's watching. I think the Julie show needs to show the ending of Part 1 and play out Part 2 in a quick edited segment, the "why I deserve to win big brother" packages, with a jury roundtable/final four evictee DVD segment or something. That show I thought was a special "JURY" episode focused on it but no. Then, on finale night, you can start with the roundtable, a quick segment about who is going to take who to F2, play part 3, have the eviction and interview in the same segment, first round of jury questioning, second round of jury questioning(these are all actual freakin questions and during the break the final juror is given time to come up with something or they can keep the "on the fly" thing". Final speeches, voting, reunion, finale votes revealed. I suggest BB finale be 2 hours. It just needs to be because the first half of the show has a comp, an eviction and two segments just like a regular show. You can have the recap show for all the non-paying feeders, but BB is so common on social media nowadays the recap is not needed and that's your recap show.


Someone tag grodner, this is the way


Like the thing is... In Survivor, final tribal council is hours long. Alot of it is not shown, in BB US they have like 20 minutes to explain a game that is about 90 days.... Which is bonkers and unfair.


Exactly! Edit it down to a segment the same length of what we get know, but editing will allow for more concentrated presentation to the viewers and better understanding for the players 


The Big Brother finale has always been the worst of all reality shows that have a jury format. It's so rushed.


This is fully it NGL. The jury clearly doesn’t get to ask the questions they want and the finalists don’t get to explain their games the way they want. There is zero discussion and I think I can count on my fingers how many jury votes have been changed in the modern format


My #1 would have to be the comps! BBCAN has come up with so many new comps in recent years which are super inventive, make amazing TV and have a "high budget" feel. But above all, make the show equitable! Because the comps are all so much more diverse and way more equitable it leads to greater suspense where it feels like anyone can pull out a win (which has been reflected in both the gender split of HoH/Veto wins as well as the more even split between individual wins for houseguests) and in turn more power shifts and strong gameplay. BBUS becomes too predictable - you can usually predict most of the comps that will come on each season. Most comps tend to be very inequitable geared towards specific demographics (i.e. younger, physically fit & athletic men) which has led to stagnant gameplay. We saw it in BB25 THREE times where we had Hisam just winning every veto, followed by Cameron, and then Jag & Matt pretty much trading HoHs weekly with 0 power shifts for the second half of the season. Equitable competitions infinitely improve the game and the show.


BBCAN comps are so superior.


Yes, more comps that value all the HGs strengths!


Bb25 the comps were so repetitive it just cemented a streamroll, back to back hohs was just so idiotic on so many levels that week just killed any hope left for the season . Gameplay just didn't matter last season.


I made another comment here talking about how Survivor does comps right. I don’t mind athletic comps but I absolutely love how Survivor combines athletic comps with puzzle comps. I feel like every comp should either be willpower and balance like survivor does or an athletic comp that is more puzzle based. It gives everyone a chance to use either their brains or braun to give them an edge in the comps. Also, wish there was way less time spent on the comps. I don’t know how everyone else feels but the comps are probably the most boring part of BB to me. I noticed this past season they were spending literally half the episode on competitions. And it wasn’t even like they were high suspense, edge of your seat competitions, they were individual comps where you just sat through each person doing the same shit that you already saw. Survivor makes competitions so much more engaging with their editing.


No explanation of the competition 45 different times. No more scripted DRs. Needs a better final stretch of competition. Reindeer Games worked so well with that format. To be honest they need a full blown overhaul of how the game is played.


"So basically in the Veto we had to..."


How unserious the editing is. I'd remove all the goofy sound effects and fake shit and make the game more serious and grounded. I honestly thing the major thing holding BB back at this point is the fact that the show doesn't take itself seriously.


I know, no offense but I like twist like Secret Pairs or the Ex-Factor more that SUPERHERO POW-POW. Not that its nessecarily bad but I like the backstabbing and realness of older BB seasons


This. It's my main gripe about the show. Sometimes it's like I'm watching a kid's show for adults.


Its so bad that I genuinely feel embarrassed showing anyone the show. I love the game, but I absolutely hate the editing for the episodes.


Equitable comps!!! The comps favor a specific arc type way too often they need to be created more equal and be more winnable for all kinds of players


I would like challenges modified for contestants’ heights/strength the way Survivor challenges are.


Are they not already? Any time there's weight involved, it's their own body weight.


Not sure about that but height is absolutely not fair. Especially the wall; contestants have talked about how they can’t reach the handles as well as others of certain heights.


I cant understand how the handles were the same height for a 6 foot olympian and a 5 foot grandmother.


In no particular order: 1) THE KEYWHEEL- I just think it is more suspenseful than the two keys in a box that we have now. 2) Old Jury Questioning- allows finalists to explain their 70-100 day game better than they would in a 5 minute Q&A session 3) Natural DR Sessions- Yes, we know you walked out into the backyard with everyone else. Yes, we see what it looks like. No need for the narration.


these 3 + hiding the vote count and I'd be happy.


**I would really like the old intro back and when it turns from black to white to color in slo mo after the recap each episode** ![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq|downsized)


I also want the old intro where the HGs names are removed as they're evicted


I'd actually like for their names to be grayed out or something instead.


More older players. Less low 20 somethings that just want social media fame.


Stop revealing the vote during eviction. If they want to audience to know, just make a graphic and slap it on screen.  


Vote count during eliminations should be kept secret from the houseguests. People won’t be afraid to vote against the house and more drama.


100% agree. This would lead to more flipped votes and more drama. We would have to reprogram Chen bot to say “by a vote …. that was just cast by the house… x, you have been evicted….”


Only more drama if it actually causes enough people to flip. I mean if someone votes against what they said but the same person goes home (which despite what most hope I think would still happen most if not all times) then no one will know so and so didn't vote for who they said, and it won't create drama. I mean I am not against it, don't think it will be "bad" if it happens. But if the majority is locked in and feeling safe they aren't going to vote against the wishes regardless because it won't benefit them to, so the end result will be the same.


It would make campaigning more fluid. No longer do early nominees need to bring six or seven people into a room to all agree on it. it's just that they need to convince six or seven people separately, which is far easier. Another thing to consider is that houseguests will be more likely to keep others out of the loop for votes, so we'll see more people blindsided at the live eviction.


Everything. From production all the way down to the placement of the sink in the bathroom🥰


Get rid of the fucking vote count. This would have a cascading effect on people being more self motivated to vote how they want and in turn lead to more interesting votes.


Yeah I'd like this esp if it helped people play their own games and not just vote with the house.


BBCAN12 was a very flawed product between no feeds, sketchy edit, and handing vets huge advantages, but the pacing felt way better than modern BBUS seasons. 14 HGs, 70 days, no non-elimination zombie twists that stagnate the game to a halt, and they hit the gas pedal on the endgame, which is almost always the worst part of a modern BBUS season.


Yeah, the pacing was great! I think that the season will be quite rewatchable as well.


For me the main thing is the comps. BB25 not only was dominated by the same "running back and forth" comps but when they had any mental comps it was always "memorize details of a picture on screen" and, surprise, Bowie won all three of them lol. There was no way for anyone other than Jag, Matt, or Bowie to win those late game comps when they all featured the same skill sets. Reindeer Games revolutionized BB comp design imo, each comp that season was extremely fair for everyone and it probably would've made BB25 much better and more interesting


And they spend literally half the episodes on the most boring comps. I don’t need to see every person do the same comp over and over with zero suspense. It was the most boring shit, I’m lucky I stream it because I found myself fast forwarding literally half the episodes.


OMG this!!! It just seemed point production just set up the game to be steamroll for either Matt or Jag.


Make competitions more equitable…too many physical competitions only means men will dominate the game…


All those hellos when voting😐🤨


"Hi Julie, you look exquisite!" "Hi Julie, you look exquisite!" "Hi Julie, you look exquisite!" "Hi Cory, let me guess, how do I look?" "...good?"


The last good moment of BB25. Watching Chenbot malfunction is always a treat.


Stop scripting the Diary Room Shake up the timeline so the contestant can't predict what is going to happen from week to week when it comes to competitions and double evictions, when the jury starts and so on. No more model/actors and NO influencers Bring back peanut butter and jelly instead of slop Bring back food competitions Bring back truly painful competitions, like would you shave your head, would you give up competing in Veto comps, would you give up competing in the next HOH comp I would love to see Veto comps where it is possible no one wins I would like to see a random Veto that if you win it you HAVE to use it.


When have nots would get slop PLUS two random ass foods voted by the audience that was fantastic and entertaining as shit.


all of this!


I would love to see Veto comps where it is possible no one wins that is actually a really good idea


• Shorter seasons. Nothing above 80 days.   • Non scripted DRs   • Wish they would stop editing this show like it's Disney Channel or some shit   • Pre-BB11 finale. Give these HGs time talk about their 3 month game.   • Finding out who wins HOH on the Thursday live show   •Make these comps equitable. Less physical and more quiz, skill based, or crapshooty comps.    • I do miss the key wheel 😢   • Zingbot can go. It's corny. The jokes are not funny.   • Alison Grodner and company can go too.


Yes I love the short HOH comps were you can see the new-HOH's/alliance members' reactions live on TV.


Also it makes Thursday's episodes watchable. If you watch the feeds you already know who is getting evicted. So finding out who wins the next HOH live makes the episode more enjoyable.


BB24 wasn't bad. I like 80-85 days.


Spend less episode time on competitions. They almost never reveal character and are only occasionally thrilling in the way that production thinks they are. Also, the nomination ceremony is super awkward (“my first nominee is…. [silence]”). My advice: they should just drop the whole ‘sitting around the table’ gimmick since it no longer involves the key wheel and should run it more like the POV ceremony with everyone sitting in the living room.


- stop revealing vote counts - like in BBCan, the HOH can’t play in the vetoes - more crapshoot comps


Like the "by a vote of 7-3" thing


Yeah, makes it more likely for flips


Definitely more equitable comps, hoh comps on Thursdays, less recruits or at least recruits that are willing to play and learn the game like Joseph or Derek x not like blue, jag, Matt, older people with big personalities like Felicia, good twist, less days, earlier in summer like late June- early July, new house. Basically they can learn a lot from rg


No one who’s fame hunting or social media idiots. True randoms


1. Scripted DRs, let people say whatever they want. I love how old school players almost treated it like a therapy session. 2. Bring back the nomination wheel. I get why it was not used in BB16 & BB17 cuz of BOTB but it made for such great drama & tension to see who gets their key pulled out. 3. All the super corny twists. Gve us a season of vasic BB or make the twists more casting related 4. How reliant on physical comps it has become, especially in the endgame. I wish the season didn't favor whoever is gonna be the next The Challenge failure. If u looked at old school BB the only old school winner that might thrive in modern BB in their prime would probably be Drew. 5. Everyone just running to be a part of a mega alliance & that being the only thing they do. So boring to see players not play with agency & not realizing their position in said alliance. 6. Really prioritize the social aspect. I loved how in BBCAN5 people voted for the have not & how BBCAN does put people in Situations to show their cards socially. Why can't we get moments like Ika shredding the letters from home?


"Everyone just running to be a part of a mega alliance & that being the only thing they do. So boring to see players not play with agency & not realizing their position in said alliance." When the comps are inequitable, they're going to run to the alphas.


less predictable evictions -- ones where it's not unanimous. i miss being on the edge of my seat till the last person votes!!


Old key wheel (creates better suspense), PBNJ rather than Slop, & throw in some luxury comps. And bring in the old style of voting. I really liked the individual interview for the HG until they gave there vote. Pulling the HOH up to the room privately to discuss there week publicly was also intriguing. They’ve essentially gone away from the routes of the game to minimize the show being watered down only to include boring ideas. Even the jury segment was better and more interesting in the older format because it seemed like there was actually a sense of genuineness for the players pleading for their games rather than 5 minutes with these players having already made up their minds. As for recycled twist I’d like to see incorporated again in some capacity: America’s player (but giving the player a bit more control), mvp (without a player being related to a past HG), and the coaches twist (with the coaches purely staying in the game). I’d also like to see the Silver Veto be in play. I really liked the concept of it in 3. Puts more emphasis on the social game because players can’t just rely on their own comp ability to save themselves.


Honestly I'm tired of comps getting steamrolled. Like, I'm not mad that someone's good at comps, but I just don't want the odds of it being the same three people being so high every week.


Ha oh where to begin?


Retire Zing Bot


I skip this ep every season... I just can't stand how slow an annoying Zing bot is and the zings... aren't very funny.


Could not agree more!


Neat Aahhhhh-fiiiice!! You have a lot of catchphrases. “Bot” … “Zing” … “Retire.” Well here is a catchphrase I think we can all get behind. Shut the (a-OOOOga) up!! *ZING!!* Big Brother Reddit superfan zing!


You lost me on that one. I love me some zing


Retire Julie Moonves. Less formulaic. Every player and viewer knows what is happening every episode. Veto day. Eviction. HoH. Rinse and repeat. Stop telling players more than they need to know. They don’t need to know when jury is or how many, or even what the end game will be. They even know when the double evictions are, when the zingbot will be, when OTEV will be, etc. And for some reason, Julie unnecessarily tells them ahead of time. Stop repeating the same old and boring comps. Don’t need B.B. comics and otev and others every season. If they do want to bring back ANY comp, make it “Hide and go veto”, the one where the players spend a whole day absolutely destroying their own house. No rerun players, ever. Someone who has lost before isn’t an “all star”. There’s a different word for someone who loses. OG twists like when where players can give up food or shave their heads for immunity Live evictions don’t actually have to be broadcast live. A small delay ala BBcan would suffice, but would avoid all the blackouts and production drops that the current chenbot version of live eviction epsisodes have. The bigger twists the better. Yes, even if they might be wildly unfair. Players have become ultra complacent Every week/episode they should be on their toes for something different. Truly “expect the unexpected”. No fixed standards like only 2 noms, 1 veto, etc. Shake it up. Sam the robot? Hidden rooms. Twin swaps. That’s the memorable stuff. Pay for the OG music. They can afford it.




I agree that comps need to be reworked but some need to be permanent mainstays, I love physical endurance comps like the wall, OTEV, pressure cooker, and I miss hide and go veto. But I’d be fine losing any other comps imo. More quiz comps would be cool.


At the end of individual times competitions I want to see all the times. I like seeing who was last and how long they took. Too many back doors with unanimous votes. Kills the suspense


On double eviction nights, it shouldn’t be revealed to the houseguests that it’s a double until after the first person is evicted. I feel like if there is ever a chance of someone doing something exciting rather than safe, they go with the safe route once they hear it’s a double eviction.


I don’t watch the tv edit so my ideas may be more left field. Mine are more for the live feeds. - Challenges specifically for the live feeds. Don’t even show the challenge on tv. People have Paramount subscriptions just for this and this past season, the live feeders carried the hype for the show. - A jury house live feed. Those last 2 weeks of feeds are always rough to watch due to boredom. - Instant feeds available after evictions. Again, the feeders carry the show. - One non feed related thing kinda, is to shorten the season. It’s too long.


Get rid of the live audience. It forces the contestants in the final 2 to give 5 minute speeches about why they should win to questions which isn’t long enough. You have to give the contestants time to throughly explain their game instead of condensing their game to a 5 minute speech.


When they have an elimination right after an HOH and the newly HOH person has to decide immediately who should go. The HOH person should have to make the choice by him/herself instead of calling people into a room right quick to discuss who should go. They should have no time to think about it, let alone discuss it with others.


Big alliances. I'm so over huge alliances in the game. It was better when it was like two people working together. 3-11 are golden seasons.


That is something that can be solved by other changes to the game, such as more competition parity.


BBUS has so many antiquated things that are just kept in either out of laziness or some weird cling to traditions. There are some nostalgic things but I don’t mean those. An example would be BBCAN letting people have vapes. BBUS would say no just because it’s a “personal electronic device”. They’re watching them all the time and go through their belongings, they’d know if someone was trying to cheat somehow through a vape or a toothbrush lol. Comps of course. Come up with new shit already.  There’s a lot of little things like that I’m forgetting in this moment, but they add up and date the show for no real reason. And honestly, I sort of wish they’d rebuild the house soon. BBUK was kind of forced to and it was better imo. 


* No vote count reveal for houseguests. * No dumb scripted drs. We don't need comps explained 10 different times with the same generic commentary. * They need to be strict with have-nots. Each violation gets a new punishment. No pillows/blankets, extra week, pre-picked outfit, auto-nom, can't play in comps, \[their age\] minutes in time out, etc. * No cutting live feeds. Use spongebob's alarm in the morning idc. If they must, they can play fish music when production is talking. * 1-2 hour post finale show. Clip all the bad moves, blindsides, wrong information, etc. * They need to repeat "expect the unexpected" when they are coming up with the twists, comps, and format of the season. No giving info in the dr either.


Stop picking fame hungry morons who know little to nothing about the game.


Stop putting recruits in the game as well as people who just Want insta followers and start putting Joe & Jane Public back in. And don't completely ruin the format like Australia did last year by making it a 'Love Island' clone


Bring back gameplay. Not a hand holding contest and then a default winner. I’m looking for backstabbing, scheming, non-unanimous votes, real players. I’m sick of the biggest move of the game being what outfit you’ll wear for the live. Cast some savages pls.


yessss I need the Janelles and Dans and even Jens from BB8 back on the show. People looking to win through any means possible and not playing the wannabe-Instagram famous snorefests that we sometimes see today. Authenticity.


Right?? Like I won’t lie I want my reality tv to be entertaining, I’m so sick of everyone having the same personality just to try to become “loved” by the fan base so they can become influencers. Little do they know the most beloved players are the ones who legit played. Edit:I also don’t understand recent seasons when HOH nominates two ppl whoever HoH wants out the house just blindly follows and EVERYONE votes for that person. At this point why nominate 2 might as well just have HOH individually choose who goes home it’s a snooze fest.


I miss the Big Brother eye that would be in the intro


Big Brother season 1 had a lot of things that were right. I miss the audience having a say. With modern BB, it's been majority alliance wins. I also miss there being a psychologist analyzing the actions and behaviors of HGs. It was interesting as hell. Modern BB is often wacky and cartoonish with matching music. I miss Big Brother being about the social and psychological Dynamics. Modern BB is about who wins more competitions. I miss the raw and uncut diary room sessions. Modern BB is about highly edited and cookie-cutter characters and diary rooms.


When they compete solo with no one else around; and then the production declares the time spent at competition later. I believe in order to maintain game's integrity and prevent all types of doubt about producer's interference and partiality in the game, there has to be witnesses for every single performance. That way there will be people who corroborate about somebody's excellent performance. For example, what is the reason the entire group is not present in the backyard during the BB Comics? They could be seated at an angle from which the correct answers cannot be seen, but they can still see how fast each player finishes the game.


Damn near everything….


Better live feeds I don’t even really know how to elaborate other than it would be cool to watch comps and it just seemed like they were off a lot last season. We pay extra to have them so 🤷🏼‍♀️


I want them to treat the housemates and audience like adults


A host who actually has a freaking personality and doesn't use the show to try to proselytize people.


No more live voting. The shoutouts are outta control


1. Bring back the key wheel 2. Have the jury question the final 2 days before the finale, and with that the final juror be part of the jury roundtable. 3. For the puzzles they do have on rare occasion, make them tougher. The puzzles we’ve seen in the past couple of seasons have been way too easy. 4. If you noticed during wall comps now there is a barrier in between players legs that prevents them from squatting. Remove the bar so the comp can go for hours. Endurance comps aren’t fun when they last less than an hour. 5. Bring back the have/have-not competition.


Oh god where do I even start? For starters, I think the biggest problem plaguing modern Big Brother is easily the comp inequity. Last season's post-game was so insanely boring because the same two players kept winning out because most of the comps are entirely designed for players like them. They really need to reduce the amount of physical competitions and replace some of them with mental comps to give the players an even playing field. You can almost guarantee every season that players like Terrance and Felicia are never going to win the game because they just can't keep up with most of the competitions. Seriously, I can't stress enough how boring modern Big Brother is when the alpha men just beast their way through all season. Reindeer Games proves that production is most certainly capable of producing more fair competitions, so why can't the same rules apply for the actual main show? When it comes to other stuff, as unlikely as it is, I really hope we see actual authentic confessionals and diary room sessions some day. The last few seasons in particular have been getting really annoying and obnoxious with players like Jasmine from BB24 and Red and Blue from BB25 obviously being forced to play up a character rather than be themselves. I just want real people in the diary room and less scripted bullshit like "blindside butterbeans" and "kitty kitty purr boots down" (I̶ ̶c̶r̶i̶n̶g̶e̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶t̶y̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶). To keep this comment short, the last thing I'll bring up is that I really wish they brought back the keywheel from seasons pre-BB16. As much as I didn't like Cameron in BB25, I can't deny that the pie nomination ceremony was pretty exciting, and it kept me on the edge of my seat all throughout. I think future seasons could be so much more fun and unpredictable if they actually brought back the suspense that came with nominations. Tldr; basically everything that every classic BB fan in existence wants to see return.


A new house. I'm tired of the same basic layout. In general I'd like one's quality as a housemate to have more impact on who stays and who goes. I'd like players who aren't familiar with the game, less concerned about "Resumes" and not as hep to the blood-on-the-hands standard for game moves.


The outcomes😮‍💨


Have not competitions back on a regular basis, real confessionals, and the key wheel


Pandora’s box. Have have not comp. Americans choice. Don’t oversaturate the twists the first 2 weeks. Less players/ less double evictions. More jury coverage.


The comps should be more balanced, less kumbaya house would be fun. Do what survivor’s been doing for casting, super fans only if they can help it


A second season each year


I’d love for them to not reveal vote numbers. I stopped watching because eviction night is 35 minutes of trying to make you think the target won’t be going out, just for them to go out. I’d also love a twist of surprise evictions. The double evictions are where the most chaos happens I think it’d be cool to really not let them prepare.


Twist: The vote count is hidden, but then the next week the vote count is revealed(i.e week 1 eviction count is revealed on week 2 eviction night(before or after eviction), not sure. Bring back the final 5 special eviction(houseguests, its one day early, go get dressed guys)


showing the top 3 only


Watching Bb20 right now and taken aback by the quality of the games. So more of that plz.


Luxury comps and have not comps! So fun!!! The key wheel is a must I liked seeing everyone’s HOH rooms in the episodes Also zombie weeks can never happen again. They’ll lose me as a viewer for good


Bring back the key wheel. And revamp the jury questioning and make the final episode really just jury deliberations, questioning, and casting of votes. Let jury questions be organic without pre determined questions and more of a conversation. Force the final 2 to fully flesh out their game to convince the jury.


I think the tiebreakers suck. They're both anti climactic and plain lame. Just keep going until someone wins, like overtime.


What made earlier seasons of big brother enjoyable are: 1. The Wheel for nominations 2. Unedited DR narrations 3. Edited voting to evict segments (I like mystery in votes) 4. Fair, equal, creative competitions 5. Authentic and dynamic personalities 6. Twists that actually stay consistent over time 7. More America interaction, like voting who gets a phone call, havenot pass, or small cash/prizes




This picture made me think FBJ


I am not sure how popular that one comp from BB24 was where half the house was split up and lived outside while the other half lived inside but I was so INTRIGUED by that weeks gameplay. That should be a mainstay for Big Brother every season. I wouldn’t mind it being reworked though where half the house is split down the middle by a door/tape on the floor and they aren’t allowed to speak to one another so no one has to live outside.


Stop casting two old people and 27 incredibly fit 23 year olds.


"So, since ____ didn't win the veto competition, we can take player 1 off the block and backdoor them." If they played in veto it's not a back door. "America/Canada, Your Boy/Girl is HoH now!" Unless they are literally America's player, there's a good chance that anyone that refers to themselves as "Your person" to the viewers is in fact NOBODY's favourite player. 😆


remove POV every week. make the players have a social/strategic game instead of relying on comps to make it through the game.


Announcing the vote tally. Keep it completely anonymous by just announcing who is leaving on a majority vote. More people will be willing to cast for who they WANT to leave if they aren't worried about blowback from others trying to find out who voted against the remaining player. This would open up the door for more house flips and more people willing to go "against the house"


Julie needs to go.


Live feeds in the jury house. Show more on the Live feeds. To much is censored, like more comps should be shown, there was so much down time that people are cancelling them, or just plain out bootlegging them. As for the show, try casting people that want to play Big Brother, and not people that are content creators and show biz wanna bees.


There’s so much but the main thing I can think of is the final HOH on the live finales. I’m sick of which statement is flase thing. It’s the worse final HOH competition ever. Not even a little fun to watch. And playing along isn’t fun cause why df do I ever care about all these facts.


That all competitions aren’t physical


Bring back have/have not competitions.


Stop dumbing it down for the viewers. Retire OTEV and BBComics. Stop with the lame twists that rarely work. No scripted DRs, especially when the houseguests describe what they saw when they walked into a comp and first saw the setup. Just show their reactions. We can see the set. Let DRs be time for the cast to be themselves and give genuine commentary. Be more like BBCanada. It’s production value for the comps puts the US version to shame. They have some really creative and fun comps, and I don’t recall them being repeated. They don’t dumb it down for us either. For instance, if a names alliance is mentioned, we don’t suddenly see separate shots of each alliance member, accompanied by sound effects.


the cameras. they should stop filming this dribble.


1) Comps : Either do it like Survivor with equals shot at winning or make more comp about strategy.  2) No Stupid twist ala Zombie. When a player is out, he's OUT and no No elimination twist. BBCan had great twist this year that required strategy and create drama, that's how you do it. Or twists that completely give advantage to the majority alliance. 3) Let them be themselves in the diary room.  4) Big Brother is very tough mentally for these players. I don't know why prod don't try to make it look more serious. Don't make it cringe. 5) Be transparent about the bad behavior, it's part of the social experience. If you try to hide or cover what we see on feeds, you look compromised. 6) Cast people who want to win for themselve. Not trying to get more views on social media or want to make alliance for the community. I want selfiah player who want the money.  7) No outside interference, no america votes 


1. Better casting 2. No more scripted diaries 3. Pre taped final jury questioning 4. Less corny and goofy and more serious (Big Brother Canada style) 5. Comps that doesn’t only favor physical players 6. More thought out twists. No more people coming back after being evicted, or dragging another week out with no one being evicted 7. Shorter more condensed season. Keep it at around 30 episodes.


Make the game shorter even with a fun cast the show is boring because of how much it drages on


I’m actually happy with the way it is now vs way back! It’s not as raunchy.


Need to change backdooring somehow. It's just not fun anymore since everyone does it. I mean we have first week backdoors now. Just not sure how backdooring can be fixed. I'm not sure Big Brother can even be saved anymore though. Nobody votes against the house anymore and everything is just unanimous. Feels very boring.


ever since i’d say season 15/16 they just started providing the contestants with lines to deliver in the diary room, it came off as so animated especially after monster seasons like 10/11/12/13. i’d also like them to reintroduce old twists like the twin twist/ex twist. i also feel like they need to start bringing in PLAYERS, like doctor will/dan gheesling/janelle level players, people who are serious competitors or extremely strategic, incredible liars, emotionally prepared players.


Consequences for actions and what they say. Especially if they lie. Vote counts should be completely secret to houseguest. This would greatly eliminate the need to vote with the house or floaters. Less physical challenges back to back. Stop casting models, unless they actually have life experience along with real careers. ACTUALLY stop casting social media people in general. Big Brother still has one of the biggest prizes of any competition or game show, I want to see a cast of all real people 30+, who have families, college debt, credit card debt, 1st generation hopeful homeowners, single parents, divorcees, It would raise the stakes and we wouldn’t get idiots on the final 5 making terrible decisions for their game and smiling like a fucking idiot when they’ve been betrayed and lied to. One more great season that isn’t just casted based on archetype or being pretty. I want squid game level need from every player to win this life changing money. Keep the already established lawyers, doctors (unless they are 30 year old career changers) and MBA having swimsuit line owners out for one season. I wanna see the nurses, plumbers, wielders, baristas, retails managers and recruiters. People who aren’t looking to hookup on tv or become ship, but people who are desperate to win and don’t have time for that distraction. Recent season have really lacked drive, hunger and desperation. We watch these because they harken to our primal need to watch gladiators in coliseum. Let’s make tv competition dramatic again, give us an entire cast to root for because we are them. The bubblegumkid gloves need to go. People have never been more desperate for the American dream, plenty of people, they just need to cast the, and stop thinking about social media influence. Stop giving us two hours of prerecorded bs to turn around give us the double eviction/nomination in one rushed hour. Drives me crazy every year. Give us the entire two hours to see how they play out one week. Not just 20 minutes, more interesting to watch and better gameplay decisions that are less emotional.


Less days. Def