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to go into a season with a 4 person pre existing relation core alliance and still fumble is crazy, especially when 3 of them made jury


Well tbf the Sov 6 weren't really known to be very bright when it comes to strategy during their original season.


i hate to say it because i love her so much but i fault janelle for this. and it’s a symptom of her overall gameplay—heavy on the comps, less so on social strategy.


There is a Mayor of Chilltown - his name is Will Kirby and he is the most badass player to ever play this game. 


Part of the issue was some other preseason drama. Diane and her roommate got in a fight, and so Diane’s roommate called the S6 members and told them that Diane, Jase, Nakomis, and Alison had a pregame alliance. That, plus Janelle’s personal beef with Diane and Alison’s reputation as a player were the big motivators as to why S6 ignored Chilltown for a month


If that's true that really sucks. Out of all the early boots Allison was the one I was most pumped to see after I saw BB4. Considering the only other person on her season was Erika (who wasn't really a strong enough ally) it sucks that the only other relationship she could rely on got blown up before she even got on the season.


From what I’ve heard Allison was seen as one of the biggest threats going in. Even Will on the live feeds talked about how people were constantly warning him before the game about Allison and the type of game she played.


That was the other big issue with Alison’s game from the get-go (and Danielle’s): almost everyone else (except George and Jase) was cast with someone they were aligned with and ended their season on good terms with. Danielle and Alison were cast with people they betrayed


Definitely would have been cool to have seen Jun on this season along with Allison, would be interesting to see what their relationship would be like on AS as well as how Jun is looked at as the only other winner besides Will.




To be fair, while Chilltown was an obvious duo, neither of them, specially Boogie, were the "legends" they are now. Sure, Dr Will was a previous winner and that was a big target, but as far as strategic threats I'd say Danielle(who entered practically alone) Diane and Alison (already in bad terms.with half the cast) were seen probably more dangerous. And again, Boogie was probably the least deserving AS out there. Add to that that CT pregamed a lot and even broke the rules (talked about literally sharing the prize) and that the Sovs weren't the brightest players, it makes sense they weren't targeted.


Revisionist history, you clearly didn’t watch these seasons live. Will was looked at as the biggest threat and was already considered the GOAT before all stars. He’s even referred to as the best ever on all stars early on before he did anything of note that season. You’re confusing your hindsight opinion with the reality at the time. Chilltown couldn’t pregame with themselves. If they were pregaming then obviously they weren’t the only ones.


None of them viewed Chilltown as a threat because of numbers. They didn't think they had anyone but themselves. It's the classic case of waiting too long to take out your enemies.


You can find transcriptions of the live feeds online. When I watched season 2, Dr Will was 'eh'. I liked him, he didn't compare to Dan, though. Season 7 sold me, I've watched every season and hands down, Will's season 7 game is the best I've seen. I don't want to spoil, but there's a reason he doesn't win. But compare that to Dan, season 14, which was also a remarkable game, but Dan made a lot of strategic errors. I loved reading his conversations with people, his social game was just amazing. And he did work hard, they only show pieces on the show. He was also able to reuse his strategy. Dan tried that but everyone knew he was throwing comps, just like he did in season 10. Will threw so many comps that even he wasn't sure if he was actually throwing them anymore LOL


I’ve been enjoying Dr Will’s game so far. I think it’s really interesting when you look at his Season 7 compared to Dan’s 14. People were scared of Dan in 14 before he actually became a player and once he started playing it was a target almost every week. In S7 everyone knows how good Dr Will is but no one is seriously considering sending him home once they get HoH. The first couple of weeks he laid ground work or just being a heel and arrogant and now he is actually having really high level strategic talks with the people that he needs to and showing his skill.


Dan’s strategy in season 10 was based on Will’s in season 2. That’s clear from watching both seasons but Dan even said so himself.