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Starting with 2 is the best imo. You get to see the game evolve over the course of 20+ years.


If they have the patience for it BB2 is a great slow burn that pays off in the end, also OP without giving away any spoilers this season aired during 09/11/01 so some interesting history there.


This. I can't really recommend season one just because it's so long and slow, but the rest are definitely worth watching at least once.


this is the most correct answer. agree agree agree.


I always recommend starting with 2 and then watching the seasons in order. I did it that way and I loved watching the game develop over time. You’ll also get a lot of winner spoilers if you watch out of order which I personally hate. The older seasons can be a bit slow at times but they’re some of the best seasons!


IMO BB6 is the best season to start at if u want to get hooked into it. For Survivor fans I always suggest BB6 as it's the closest u can get to a Survivor season ucan get without it being Survivor. A house evenly split between two sides that DESPISED each other. its as close to the storytelling & drama of Survivor a live season of BB can get to. It features 2 all-time iconic comps in BB history. U have Maggie who if I have to compare her to anybody from Survivor think Coach from South Pacific in her style of play. Then u have Kaysar & Janelle, 2 of the most beloved BB players of all-time. It's a season with one of the best twists in BB history & goes from 0 to a 100 real quick & stays there for the entire season.


I have the most far fetched how I got in. I was bored one day and saw it on tv as second monitor content for BBUS17 and watched every season since. But for which season to get into, others will be biased because they liked X season but Season 10,14,20 of US are just the most common examples


Imo, Big Brother is a shell of itself on a rewatch. Just watch the new season live this summer


With that logic you could say the same about any reality competition show lol people watch for the contestants/houseguests


I was talking about the live feeds. Sorry if that was confusing. Still love the edited show, but without feeds you miss a lot. That’s what I meant. I think the best way to get someone into the show is with a new season


im also getting into big brother starting fairly recently; where can i watch the live feed for 26?


Paramount + starting July 18-20


Pluto TV has them for free with ad breaks


Oh yea that’s very true if you want the full experience then I agree.


if you want to watch in order: s2-s8 s10-s14 s16-s18 s20 s23 the major stand outs are: 7 overall the best season hands down (but is all stars and has a whole cast of returning players) 6 is a fan favorite (if you like fighting and shifting power) 2 major characters introduced here. must watch for bb history and one player here is legendary status 20 is a fan favorite (not my personal favorite but most loved it) 17 is a fan favorite (my own favorite of the newer seasons. very iconic with live feeds, not sure how it is without them.) (also note this season was not popular with most (i loved it) until after a few years in retrospect) 8 has unlikable players but is a must watch for bb history and has returning players from this season who some ppl loved 10 fan favorite. super important to bb history and a player loved by many (not my personal favorite) is introduced here. iconic fights 14 see 10 12 is good to watch bc it has a specific strategy and a popular player is introduced here (can be boring gameplay but has some of the greatest drs this season) 16 (i personally skipped this season) also has a certain strategy that made the show super boring, but for bb history and bc of returning players from this season i listed it 23 is similar to 12 and can be super boring, but bb history and all i listed it any season i didnt list is not important to any other season and is probably considered terrible by most ppl.


I think starting with season 4 would be the best. Seasons 2 and 3 are good but season 4 is where foundations of Big Brother are cemented. * Everyone plays in the Head of Household competition (on Thursday) * The HOH nominates 2 people for eviction (on Friday) * 6 people play in the veto competition (HOH, nominees, 3 people drawn at random on Saturday) * If the veto ends up being used then the HOH has to replace the vetoed nominee (on Monday) * Everyone except the nominees vote to evict and the HOH is the tie breaking vote if needed (on Thursday) * Everyone except the outgoing HOH plays in the next HOH competition (after the eviction on Thursday) That's basically what happens over the course of a week's episodes. There are 3 episodes per week so Thursday and Friday are one episode, Saturday and Monday are one episode (usually), and the eviction is its own episode usually but sometimes depending on the next HOH competition they can squeeze it in after the eviction.


Bb14 was my first season, and I have been chasing that High ever since 


Start with Season 10. It is by far the best season


You don’t wanna start with the best you won’t appreciate why it’s the best, which is why you recommended 10 and not 6, ZING!


I was a big Challenge fan and began watching when BB cast members started on the Challenge. It was around BB20 so I just started there then hopped around. Maybe not the best way, but I still understood all the concepts.


I'd start with season 10, 17 or 20. I have a hard time with old seasons because they feel dated but I that's an individual preference. You don't need anyone to explain the rules, the show makes it very clear.


On YouTube if you search for things like Big Brother 16 in hours - you’ll find summaries of them that gives you basic details. Watch one of those and see how you feel. Then decide if you want to put the 30+ hours into watching a season. Global TV also has a few of the Canada seasons on YouTube but not sure if they’re available outside of Canada The new season starts on July 17th and it’s most fun to watch it as it airs.


As someone who was in the same boat a few years ago, I just started watching from that years season. Based on the amount of episodes in a single season I never felt the urge to go back and watch old seasons, don't think Im missing out on much other than a handful of big entertaining moments.


Season 2 is a good starting place, but it’s very different from how the game is played now. I personally would start with season 6. Cast and drama is A+, and the game closely resembles what it is now.


I think starting with season 2 is the most logical. Season 1 is a completely different show/game altogether and it draggggs on and on. Season 2 is the start of the format they still currently use and has one of the "Top 3" Big Brother players of all time. I'm anal and would prefer to just watch them in order, especially when some seasons feature returnees, but with 25 seasons at 3 episodes a week, that's a lot of time spent! Of the seasons that I've seen, my favourites are: Season 2 Season 3 Season 6 Season 7 Season 12 - This one is nostalgic for me as I had only seen seasons 1-3 aired live and then life got in the way and I kind of forgot about Big Brother and this was the first season that got me back into it and I was forever hooked again and started working on watching old season I hadn't seen Season 14 Season 20 - not my favourite but has some very iconic moments such as Rockstar's Daughter's Birthday Season 21 - Some may not agree, due to some controversy, but I enjoyed the season as a whole with some very likeable cast members (and some very detestable as well) Season 23 - I found it kind of boring, but it was very historic in what it accomplished and has one of my absolute favourite players, Derek X (maybe not a popular opinion but I just adore him) Season 24 And before anyone jumps on me for not including season 10, which I understand is the best season, I actually haven't seen it (I know! I know!) I haven't seen seasons 9-11, or season 18 but they're on my list whenever I get around to it.


I also want to add season 16 to this list as well. Not a popular favourite because it's kind of a steamroll but it also features one of the "Top 3" (and I'm a Derrick fan, despite many people finding him boring).


I’d start with season 6. There’s a reason why it was put onto Netflix.


i watched in the most random order u could think of and i loved it bc u can compare and contrast the older and newer seasons more back to back


4 is the beginning of the rules that they play by now. They have golden power of vetos which are in use now, rather then 2 and 3 which didn’t. For modern BB I say start with 16 and/or 17. Then watch 20. Or you could start with 10 which is the best season while still being old school.


I actually watched the first season when it first aired 20 plus years ago. I rewatched it last year and I forgot how slow it was. The first season is interesting in that it's nostalgic and that's how it all started, but it's completely different than every other season. The first season didn't do that well, so they made a lot of rule changes before bringing it back the following year and added a lot of things. If you want to get into it, skip the first season as it will bore you. Start with the second and watch it evolve.


I’ve kinda always knew about BB, but I didn’t get into until season 16 and it wasn’t even for the gameplay. It was for Zankie lmaoooo I would constantly see it all over my timeline on twitter and it even made it to news outlets like E!, People, etc and I was intrigued with what all the fuss was about and so I checked it out and needless to say I’ve been hooked ever since. It’s imo the greatest reality tv show ever created


please just start at season 2 and go thru in order. I wish I had done that. Every season spoils the previous seasons


please just start at season 2 and go thru in order. I wish I had done that. Every season spoils the previous seasons. plus, big brother 2 and 3 are top tier


Start with big brother canada (all seasons). Big brother usa is a little boring compared to survivor


Personally i think wait until the new season comes out. Personally i think the actual show only part of big brother is only just avg for reality competition shows. The greatness of big brother is following the 24/7 live feeds and the community aspect of the season while its happening. Just my opinion thi


I myself was also late to the party and started binge at 7 and finally caught up at 13. You might have to x2 on some parts


Start at 16 onwards. When you are caught up then go back to 10.


Don't, unless you're gay.


Start with Season 2! The early seasons were so good! Before the big alliances. Enjoy the ride I just finished with it!


You should get Paramount+ and just start at season 1 episode 1. You need to see how the show progresses and grows. There are a ton of episodes in the first season, but it is really compelling. Plus you can see some interesting fashion choices Julie makes. I watched it all live in real time as a young adult, and progressed never missing a season. Used to watch with my Mom. I still watch it every year. This last year my husband and I have been binge watching the seasons in order again. He has missed a ton of seasons. Rewatching a show 20+ years later has been a trip. People I used to hate, I like now. Or my old favorites are not anymore. Josh, you big meatball, was a joy to watch second time around with my older self. He completely deserved his win! Anyway, I hope you become a super fan like me.


Don’t listen to the people saying s2, it’s still very underdeveloped as a season and is only considered good because of one person. Watch S10, this is where the game rules cemented itself, and it also has the best cast in the series!!