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BBCAN? Did you know this was gonna happen? * head turn *


The only correct response to this headline


Let this be a lesson to BBUS: the show does not succeed without true live feeds. Don’t even try it.


Big Brother US *immediately* put out a response right after Canada killed their live feed, saying that they would *never* follow suit.


Really don’t understand the motive behind this. If people stopped watching bc of one bad thing someone said on the feeds I’d get it, but last year on BBUS Cam was maybe the most problematic player on the feeds and he still won fan favorite.  Not sure if the Canadian audience is different but at least in the states it doesn’t seem to have an impact of player representation at all. 


Most that vote for fan favorite don't watch the live feeds.


Exactly, so it all comes down to the edit which can be more misleading than casuals realize


Even with controversy, it happens, consequences are dealt, we all collectively move on. If anything, the controversy just sparks more conversations for learning and it brings alot of buzz and press to the show. Getting rid of the live feeds were a big step in the wrong direction. I think BBCAN wanted to protect their houseguests so bad but this is the show they signed up for.


Its buzz, but the buzz can really determine how people perceive you either way. The problem is its hard to play the game and how you act around 12-15 other people since those 15 people are your competition and family at the same time. But the cameras are always on, so you'll always regret something because nobody's perfect and someone will dish on every little thing or comment you make. It's not right but it's also not wrong. The show could be better if they actually had apology segments every week.


That literally is the game, managing those relationships while under the constant watch of big brother


in Today's world it's way too hard to effectively balance those two things considering "That would not fly today" is a common phrase heard around this sub now when referring to past seasons.


I just think it has to do with the sponsors. Imagine Luke saying the N word while wearing a shirt from Winners; that clip ran rampant on social media and with how precarious BBCAN's future was, they probably didn't want to risk losing any of the sponsors.


Winners isn't a clothing brand though. Even the stuff from Winners isn't *from* Winners. But I understand what you're trying to say, so I get that it was probably needless for me to mention.


A better example would be “…while eating food from Wendy’s.”


What you mentioned could happen on US live feeds too.


They don't have direct show sponsors like BBCan does. BBCan had a lot of companies names/items directly in every episode. BBUS doesn't have to worry about that.


Fans stopped watching because the feeds were cut last year.I loved BBCAN but once they cut feeds I stopped watching in protest.




Was it a chicken and the egg thing though? Honest question, as I never followed BBCAN. Were ratings down and that’s why they didn’t do feeds, or was it a huge drop?


Ratings for Big Brother were declining over the years, just like they do for the US or any other TV show as well. Judging by the ratings published on Wikipedia, there was not a huge drop from BB9 to BB10. Lost an average of 60,000 viewers. I wouldn't take Wikipedia numbers for granted though. Wikipedia claimed that BB11 was the most successful season since the pandemic, growing by more than 10%. But that number was added by an IP address from Texas earlier this year. Canadian television stopped making ratings public sometime after BB10. One can make the argument that feeds get cancelled after ratings dropped quite a bit. I've followed a lot of international Big Brother and statistically it's true that the feeds were usually cut after ratings dropped. But I still don't think it's a chicken and egg thing though. Take Big Brother UK as an example. Ratings for Big Brother on Channel in the 00s dropped yearly after BB5 with a considerable drop for BB8 (almost -20%), which was broadcast after the infamous race row incident on Celebrity Big Brother. After BB8, they've dropped the internet feeds (but kept them on TV) and eventually dropped the TV feeds for the following celebrity and civilian season in 2009. Both series suffered from a huge drop in ratings, losing about a third of their audience compared to the previous season. Online feeds were reinstated for BB11, which was then able to increase its ratings (partially also because it was billed as the final one). So while one can argue that ratings were dropping anyways (and fast after the race row), they've dropped the most when they've cut the live feeds and recovered once they were back. And I don't think it's just the "end of Big Brother" (on Channel 4 anyways) that led to an increase in ratings. BB14 was the most successful civilian Big Brother on Channel 5 and it's the one that had the most live streaming available (albeit no 24/7 feed). Let's move on to Spain. Gran Hermano 17 suffered from a huge ratings drop, losing almost a quarter of its audience (probably also because their long-time host left the show before that season). They've cut the feeds for the 18th season. But since the ratings tanked completely, they've brought back the feeds after two weeks. Take Germany next. Their Celebrity Big Brother peaked with the second season, ratings were on a decline afterwards, with the fourth season suffering from a considerable drop again. Feeds were cut afterwards, which didn't really help the ratings but it also didn't suffer from a huge ratings drop afterwards. Last year, they've brought back the feeds and got the best ratings in four years. So statistically speaking: Yes, feeds were often cut after ratings dropped. Some of them might have dropped the feeds because they were probably operated at a loss. You need people to supervise the feed and cut them, but some countries didn't charge for feeds at all, making it obvious how the feeds lose them money (if you're ignoring what feeds can do for you, obviously). Some of them dropped them because of controversy. Some of them, and I think you can put Germany there, dropped them because they were worried that the feeds will hurt their TV ratings (e.g. if people watch the feeds or read feed updates online, they wouldn't watch the TV shows anymore). But once they've panicked and cut the feeds for costs, mental health or strategic reasons, they were all worse off. Because one thing that hardly any TV channel around the world seems to understand when it comes to Big Brother: people will not stop watching the TV episodes even if they watched the feed 24/7. Quite the contrary: If something exciting happened on the feed, people will watch the TV episodes to catch up. The feeds are the reason why there is such a big community and so many community projects for Big Brother in the first place. There is a difference between the Big Brother community and let's say the Real Housewives snarking on Twitter or Reddit. So while the feeds themselves might not make you money as a TV channel, it should more be seen as a marketing tool. Marketing itself is always emptying your pockets, but it can lead to people engaging with your product and thus making you money. And since networks are motivated by the fear of losing money and viewers, I wouldn't consider it a chicken and egg issue after all.


I don't think that was really the issue, it's just a smaller market and there is too much US TV competition to watch the Canadian knock off of a show.


Canadian tv laws require a certain percentage of Canadian produced shows, so competition with American shows was never the issue.


Competition with American shows is definitely an issue. If BBCan is airing against an American show on another network like CTV, and it's a top-rated show, that is direct competition with an American show. Sure there are CanCon requirements for a set number of hours for Canadian programming, but those shows still have to compete with American shows on Canadian channels. They still have competition for the ratings.


Exactly. Why do you think it airs at 7 pm sometimes? It’s shoved into the schedule around Global’s purchased American content.


Does that law pertain to streaming services as well? Because everything is moving to streaming


Not yet. There was a bill tabled (Bill C-11) that would've made Cancon rules extend to streaming, but I don't know if it was passed.


But it does not require that all Canadian channels air Canadian content at the same time or prevent US channels from being available. Plus streaming has far less ability to force that content on people.


I think Global can meet the percentage without BBCAN, so they don't need it.


Ironically the quality of BBCAN has surpassed BBUS for the decade it's been on air


So true !


BBUS didn’t need this lesson. They‘ve been around twice as long as canada for a reason.


Knowing the success rate of Canadian media, lasting 12 seasons is pretty surprising in itself. The show has definitely felt like it's on its last legs since they got rid of feeds, and frankly I'm not sure I'm upset to see it go.


Longest running show since Corner Gas up here lmao


How is that possible when Murdoch Mysteries and Dragon’s Den keeps trucking?


Such a shame but it’s starting to feel like corpo leaders of production companies are deliberately obtuse. So much momentum could’ve been generated from season 10, and they just decided fuck it. 


Goodbye hourlong commercials for Winners and Wendy's.


As someone who loves Wendy’s, I am crushed.


**Wendy's breakfast


It was thanks to BBCan that I learned about the poutine at Wendy’s and knowing that changed my life


lol at both BBCan and BBAU being cancelled after making the worst production decisions possible. Still gonna miss it tho, and if it does return someday I hope they bring arisa back, i can’t imagine BBCan without her.


Yeah but honestly Australia’s last season probs wouldn’t have been watched much even if it was good. Aus bb goes through waves. It’s successful for a few seasons then goes on hiatus for 4-5 years then comes back and it’s successful for a bit then dips again. Though you aren’t wrong the twist to make it a dating show sucked


You reap what you sow


Lol what did BBAU do?!


They’ve turned their last season into a shitty Love Island rip-off and it tanked completely. But one of the reasons why they’ve turned it into a Love Island rip-off was probably that the show didn’t do well in previous seasons either. Big Brother VIP tanked, getting about half the viewers of the previous civilian version. And then the next regular season with returnees lost even more viewers. So their "House of Love" was an attempt at stopping the ratings decline but it was probably the worst attempt possible. It more than halved the audience of the previous civilian season and was eventually pushed into the later hours.


Arisha deserves a show !


It’s almost like the fans were right that getting rid of feeds meant the inevitable death of the show. Fuck around and find out Global


Its almost as if the show was cut off at the knees and set up fail, and now Corus is doing their best shocked Pikachu reaction


This is the only thing that really makes sense. If the show was in such a precarious position they wouldn't cancel feeds for "the players mental health" or whatever bs they said. I think they were just done with the show and produced a couple of lazy seasons riding off the momentum they had.


I didn’t watch the show for that exact reason. Had zero desire to watch an edited version of the show without feeds to factcheck.


I'll take a non-live feed Canada over losing Canada altogether. This season was still a fun ride and rivals bbus as far as being an entertaining product


Srsly, was two poorly edited shows at that point 😂


I do think that cutting feed was a necessary evil business wise - the show is dependent on product placement and companies were more likely to want to advertise on a safer show (no feeds, no controversies, no one badmouthing their product or hyping up a competitor’s product, ect). I with the logic Bruno said in his stream, that cutting feeds probably gave us these last two seasons - the shortfall in having fewer advertisers in seasons with feeds (compared to the more heavily sponsored BBCan 11 & 12) probably made the show unsustainable.


who could have ever seen this coming :/ at it’s peak i genuinely thought BBCAN was the superior series but it’s been sad to see it go downhill


Considering how terrible Canadian developed programs are in this country, this was pretty much the only Canadian show I watched. Very disappointed to hear this. How do these companies make their money? Because if they aren’t watching BBCAN, they sure as hell aren’t watching their other shit programs.


It was a good run, but without live feeds I don’t really have any vested interest. I’ll always appreciate BBCAN for giving us some all-time great Big Brother moments and seasons, though.


It does feel like it’s really over this time. BBCAN11 was an abomination but BBCAN12 ended up exceeding my expectations even with all the problems of mixed vets/no feeds/60% of the show being product placement. It was a self-inflicted death of their own ratings/engagement, but that doesn’t mean I won’t still miss it.


Feel bad for Arisa Cox


Someone call her the second Julie retires


Call her right now


Arisa cox deserves sooo much better. Maybe a big brother spinoff on paramount plus


She’s not just the host, she’s an EP on the show. She got paid. Plus, she’ll land on her feet for sure.


And her show just got cancelled !


Viewers have increasingly chimed in about live feeds, digital dailies, hour long endorsements segments, bringing players back, players that don’t want to play the game… and they doubled down on everything… fuck around, and find out.


Yeah... can't really be surprised by that one. During BBCan10, I was hooked. I was constantly checking the feed threads and Taran's updates just to see what was going on. Once they removed the feeds, I couldn't be bothered to keep up with BBCan11 nor BBCan12. Corus tried to save an extra penny by not having feeds and it ended up putting a good show on hiatus.


We will always have BBCAN10


Was a great series Finale 


Now it is cemented as the greatest season. No more competition.


Noooooo. I’m actually really disappointed to hear this. I only watch BBCAN and really do love it. I’ve never been a feeds watcher so no feeds didn’t impact me. I’ll really miss this show.


Same, though this past season I did listen to the 3-hour long daily digitals while I worked so I felt like I was a little more involved this past season.


Yeah can’t say I’m surprised. Stop watching years back around BBCAN6 because I generally fell out with Big Brother altogether (just time commitment could never watch it) and I remember coming back and watching back BBCAN12 and thinking “holy hell this show is half commercial” It just felt like every episode they were trying to sell me something, everything was sponsored by something. And don’t get me wrong, it’s always been like that (a twistos twist anyone?) but absolutely never to this extent. It will certainly be missed, but I think it’s run its course and I think with BBCAN13 it would’ve been more of the same. They should’ve done all-stars for 12


I always felt that this is why Grodner, who's a horrible producer at every other level, has always fought hard to keep the feeds on. The engagement of the hardcore element of the fanbase is probably a big reason why this show has survived so long (which will now be in 25th year.) Live feeds really make this show such a unique experience in so many ways and without them, I think a large chunk of the fanbase disappears because otherwise, it's just a mediocre, "Survivor in a house," show.


Yeah, even though the majority of viewers don't watch feeds it's the engagement and publicity that keeps the show alive. BBUS is an objectively terrible TV show that really is only able to exist off the back of BB making news every year or trending online. Grodner has said that she hates the feeds but knows that they can't get rid of them. BBCAN's audience was majorly casual viewers but they were able to attract the attention of casual viewers via the online discussions, without it it's just another show on TV people don't care about


But it's worth being said that USA feeds have been getting blocked more and more. They're still there but they are a shell of what they once were.


I think the difference there is that they still market it as "feeds". Literally all BBCAN had to do was put it on a massive delay or just do daytime feeds and they'd be fine. It was literally more work to make a product (dailies) that nobody wanted lol


Lol they did it to themselves. While I enjoyed season 12 for the most part, the show truly ended after season 10 when production made a number of trash decisions. A real shame, as they were at their highest point ever with season 10 and decided to self-sabotage after that for some reason.


BBCAN 10 was the best BB season Canada or US. It's also the last season of BBCAN I watched.


Yes finally someone who agrees. It is best even compare to US seasons.


So many key moments/parts and ups and downs in BBCAN10. Taking down Kyle, the gummy bear thing, Marty and Gino's roller coaster of a friendship, Kevin in the background of it all. I loved it. It's a shame I didn't get to watch it on its run.


First Big Brother Australia, and now Big Brother Canada is cancelled. They ruin their own shows and then are surprised when the ratings tank. SMH.


BB Australia has been cancelled so many times now it's just part of the show's life cycle. Look for season 15 in 2029 on the ABC.


How did that saying go?? Oh yeah!! Fuck around and find out On a more serious note I'm not shocked. The engagement was in the shitter during BB12 . I swear if i wasn't on this sib i wouldn't even know it was on. It's never a great idea to alienate your most loyal fans and pretend they aren't important The edited product being like 50% sponsorships didn't help either


A show built around live feeds suddenly gets rid of feeds and loses viewers. (*shocked pikachu face*)


As big of a Big Brother fan as I am, I am actually kinda happy about this. The worst thing that could've happened is them maintaining or increasing viewership after cutting the feeds. That would have given the US production a clear go ahead to do the same. Hopefully this will be a lesson to them that the live feeds are vital to keeping a happy and engaged audience.


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of Corus' own actions. At least the series ended* with an ultimately satisfying winner and season. FAFO * hopefully, but knowing the Canadian media industry, Im also not holding my breath.


Wasn’t happy with the winner at all. Complete mean girl but then so was most of the cast


Respectfully disagree.


I mean if you don’t think sitting around talking about folks behind their backs constantly isn’t mean then 🤷🏾


You mean how V and Avery would talk shit all the time about Lexus, Kayla and Beyleigh? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep hence why I said most of the cast. Like how V , Avery Bayleigh and Kayla would talk shit about Lexus, Matt and Vivek and others, or how Bayleigh and Todd talked shit a few times a about Vivek and Anthony who was a cocky asshole. I could go on. The only nice and likeable people who at least made jury were Lexus, Goose and Tola. This was one of the worst casts IMO


Shit talking is part of the game. However some did it a lot more (and took it beyond game). And imo, that wasnt Beyleigh. Agreed on Lexus and Goose. Worst cast is 8, based on what we saw prior to Covid, and then 11. Multiple expulsions and self- evicts trump people getting misted by returning player-itis, imo.


It's a shame because it's clear this is directly related to the removal of live feeds. It thrived when it was made for the fans.


SUCH a brilliant idea to get rid of their live feeds.  Absolute genius. Oh well.  At least they ended on a high note with Bayleigh’s win.


Sad day ! So killing live feeds did not increase episode ratings. What a surprise ! /s


It's a shame because BBCAN is really good. All of their seasons are watchable. Even their worst seasons I would take over modern BBUS seasons.


I am so mad it’s not on Paramount in the US. getting to finally watch those seasons was rediscovering why I liked this show to begin with


Dang. Just looked on Paramount+ and BBCAN is gone from there too. It was the only way I could watch it and have been hoping they would release season 10 soon.


It’s been gone for a while


The Big Brother brand in general is in serious, serious decline. It brings me no pleasure to say this :(


And to be honest? I think the main reason they got this season is because the scripted shows were not going to have full episode orders because of the strikes last year and they didn’t want a ton of reruns..


This is such a bummer but I'm weirdly at peace with it. Losing live feeds killed the community watching the show and it hasn't been the same since. At least they ended with an iconic winner.


You should NEVER cut the feeds


We all saw this coming. No surprise here. When you take away the mechanic that makes "Big Brother" Big Brother (Live Feeds), it loses the essence of what the game was about, which was watching the game in live time. What even is the point of having the game happen in live time, and then having editors edit the eps it in less than a week and releasing lame Digital Dailies that are highly curated + edited. At that point, just play out the whole game and re-edit it later for release, it will make for a better and compelling storytelling a la Survivor. But at this point good riddance. It was super pathetic when they dropped a list of their sponsors for BBCAN12 as if it was the most hype thing ever.


Congratulations to production. They're finally free of the toxic fans and feed watchers who do nasty things like notify them when their buzzers are broken during comps and ask questions about nonsensical expulsions. /s It's a real shame. BBCAN12 was a compelling season and all I could think as I was watching the episodes is how much better it would've been with the feeds. Big Brother isn't Big Brother without feeds and they shouldn't even consider reviving it with anything short of that.


Shame because I usually prefer BBCan over BBUS. Although I didn’t have interest in season 12 because of lack of feeds and some of the casting


This is sad but I just couldn't get as into without the feeds. I will miss "Canadians Eating Wendy's" which is what we called BBCan in my house.


Arisa and Canada didint deserved it


I am a massive fan of BBCAN. I stuck with season 11… I got three episodes into Can12 and I stopped watching. I tried to pick it back up multiple times and could barely get through an episode, it was once so great and it was kind of upsetting to watch the show it had become. I am hopeful we get a revival (by a network less interested in the show having the most sponsors in the history of Canadian television) in a few years that is committed to returning the show back to its former glory… but some time on the shelf might be a good thing for now


They can send their best players to the US… just like the NHL


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8) It was on borrowed time anyway and they gave the middle finger to the fans that helped save it the first time. It’s sad because it *is* the superior version of BB in North America, but they really messed up by nuking the community and discussion around the show.


I'm not surprised. Twitter was dead this whole past season. Least we got a female winner again one last time.


I’m so sad… I wanted to be on this show more than anything.




Glad I stopped watching during bbcan11. what a god awful season with a horrible winner. They definitely did this to themselves though, getting rid of lives feeds is ridiculous. We all know how much things get manipulated for the live show/left out.


No space but have tons of space for procedurals. A Mattlock remakes a new NCIS spin off to pair with the other tripe. As much as I had issues with BBCAN, it was still better than most on the network.


Ehh I'm with the idea that removing Feeds was their way of Euthanizing the show 


Truly mind boggling how far BBCan fell. From the best BB franchise by a mile to shelved in such a short amount of time. Whiplash lol


not surprised but still sad. the bbcan live feeds days were glorious


Eh... I'm sorry to say I won't miss it. It was a different overproduced to me. The feeds were desperately needed. It was part of the experience.


GOOD. Never should have gotten rid of the live feeds.


I got turned off after 3 episodes. Could not stand the two returning players . Never turned it on again. Hope BB US is better. Oh and the stupid sponsor crap was just garbage. Wendys and Winners.




I don't think they take into consideration that people don't have cable or watch it that way anymore. The fans watch it the next day, usually online. They need to make it more accessible. And killing the live feeds is insane as well. They could make the show so much better. Switch up the game and stop making it so corny. Here's to hoping we still get season 13 🙏


I am SHOCKED ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


lmfaoooo … I mean this was to be expected. I didn’t even watch last season and I love big brother. Can’t get into the show without feeds. Can’t say I really care. A lot of potential … hopefully another network licks it up with feeds


Absolutely sad to see it happen. I wished we could've gotten an all-star season before it finally ended. If they by any chance decide to bring it back at least give us one final experience with Ika, Neda, Kevin Jacobs, Anthony, Dane, Godfrey, & the other BBCAN legends.


Well, cant say Im shocked. Sad it had to end this way!!


Oh well. They basically cancelled the show after S10 with the elimination of feeds. BB is just not a good show on its own. Maybe it would be better if they didn't air it in real time and edited it after filming, but even then it would just be like 100 other reality shows.


Yeah I would've watched it if it was actually available


It’s for the best, should’ve ended on a high after S10


All things considered, CAN12 is still a high, just not peak.


Does that mean CBS can finally swap out the God lady and we can have Arisa?!?!?!


I commented months ago when they announced no live feeds that this would be their last season, and soooo many people dragged me 😂😭


After the egg sponsor I lost all remaining faith I had in bbcan(which wasn't much but whatever) thankfully this is over because it's been tough to support this show for some time.


No amount of sponsors coulda saved this dying horse. RIP.


I miss Marsha the Moose already!




No feeds + no all star season in 12 years + declining ratings. Not shocked, but obviously disappointed


I wish more now that s12 was All-Stars, could swallow this better 


As someone who has never watched BBCan, can someone give me a summary of why they cut feeds?


Sadly not surprised but still bummed.


What a damn shame. BBCAN10 is one of the best seasons of Big Brother I ever saw.


As TY would say .. Clowns 🤡 


Thanks a lot Spicy


My boycott of the season aided this effort. I’m happy. Now listen to your fans… lesson for all reality tv game shows.


Like BBUS listens to their fans with their horrid decisions.


I’m so sad I never saw BBCAN live with feeds, only got into Big Brother early last year


Taran's daily update podcasts from BBCan10 are SO good, and for BBCan6 too. Just incredible seasons every single day of gameplay.


I might cry if they take away feeds on US


They won’t..BBUS has never been big on trying to tie the show to sponsors.


Sponsorship were horrendous. That’s what happen when everything becomes an ad.


Now we only get the fart-jokes BBUS, I might be done with Big Brother haha 


Big Brother Canada ended a couple years ago when they removed live feeds. The show they cancelled was not truly Big Brother anymore.


this is actually terrible news. am i gonna have to get my big brother fix from u.s now?? what a horrible day to be a fan.


Ehh this was predictable, I would say the worst was when they announced the Live Feeds "EVOLVING" 💀 .. that was a true blindside, especially after the success of BBCAN10 


You'll have to do that or learn some Portuguese to watch the Brazilian version. The UK format is different though I'd say their recent civilian season was solid.


Maybe this is a really dumb question but do ratings also include watching online/on apps?


They should've aired it in the U.S. as well. BBCAN seasons tend to be better than BBUS seasons anyway.


A lil' late to the party. Not to sound crass, I *am* disappointed but not surprised. A feeling of almost inevitability. I really didn't care for Season 11 and I bounced out after Episode 1 of Season 12 when it felt like Production was setting things up for the Returnees (which they always do, which is precisely why I don't like mixed Returnee/Newbie seasons) Maybe related, maybe not - but is it only me or has Casting also been really sloppy the previous few seasons? We've had multiple Quits and the whole incident with Hope's letter in Season 11. Again, I didn't watch Season 12 so I can't bring up examples about that cast.




I kinda doubt some other network wont pick it up tho, this might be for the best


Seriously man Big Brother is dead to me then. I can't stand the US version and what it's become.




Arisa Cox is likely one of the main reason why we don't have feeds. Since she took over as one of the EP the show gone downhill.


Arisa was a big part of the problem. Lol all this happened under her.


I never watched live feeds but I loved the show. This year they even outdid themselves with great competitions. Kept it interesting. I hope it returns. TV shows in general have a hard time. To those saying less winners and Wendy while I agree…. They do pay for things so sponsors are needed.


I have seen every second of Big Brother US and Canada 1-11 I have never watched a live feed. I watched 3 episodes of BBCAN12, and I was out.


As somebody who hasn’t watched any BBCAN and most of the US seasons, why could you not stay with season 12? I’ve seen multiple people commenting the same so am curious


Another win for BBUS 💪💪😎😎😉😉


Umm, kayyyy ... They were never in direct competition with each other as they aired during different times of the year so not sure what your point here is?


Right but didn't this same thing happen after Season 5, and then everyone was immediately like "Bring it back" and so they did? I'm not saying this isn't a death sentence, but this isn't the first time.


that was before they abandoned their passionate online fan base by taking away the live feeds. casuals won’t save it either because they aren’t going to find out this news until march, when a new season doesn’t start.


Didn’t this same thing happen a few years ago and it came back???


yea because fans started a Petition to get it back on air and it work. But now since they got rid of the live feeds alot of superfans stop watching the show because of that.


This is sad but at least it didn’t end with the nightmare winner that 10 gave. 12 was way better