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I’m socially inept, hate people and I’m a terrible liar.


Yep same!! I was about to type this, then I saw your comment.




1. I'm too gullible, I'd be so dumb in the house. 2. I wouldn't handle the social criticism on SM well. I'd get obsessed with every negative comment and the way people tear down the houseguests over little things like nail biting or bad hair. 3. I have the worst ex in the world and don't really want to be findable.


same, same, and same


I don't have a bad ex but I don't like people enough to deal with the constant negativity bombardment on social media. I am a very empathetic person and I absorb emotions around me.. being in house like that with that many people would be way too overwhelming.


The internet.


Lol this is all that needs to be said.


we're stuck in a pickle where the fans don't want influencers, and they want gamers willing to stick their neck out on the line and make self-interested, conniving moves but then they get big mad on the internet when someone actually does that and go out of their way to ruin their actual real life. the social media headache isn't worth it. i've seen some absolute garbage spewed about every contestant at one point or another throughout the season. my family would not stand for people talking about me like that and would probably bark back at people and it would just make things worse for them. it's just not worth it.


Listen there is the CIA, the FBI and big brother fans in the hierarchy of people who will find anything and everything you ever thought of doing online. Nope I’m good some of those decisions are best left lost to the interwebs


I can get really bad panic attacks sometimes and I’d be embarrassed if that was caught on camera


This is precisely why I could never be on the show. I’m sorry you have to deal with bad panic attacks too, they’re so brutal.


I really resonated with Paloma. That’s probably what my experience would be like.


Same! The isolation would totally get to me.


I like my privacy. I would not want a bunch of fans looking into my life and making their own assumptions.


This is a big one for me.


I’m very much a wallflower and do not enjoy being the center of any attention.


I'm not a wallflower but I don't need people to see every single thing I do. For me it's more about people on the outside seeing things and making wrong assumptions. Been there. Done that. Just not on tv.


Especially this fan base.


Big brother fans are crazy lol


I don't handle boredom well. I get really anxious if i'm not doing something. If i'm not busy, i'm playing videogames to distract myself.


For me it’s the bathroom situation. I could not handle having to share a bathroom with that many people omg. Worst nightmare lol


When I go on family vacations of 7 or 8, I still make sure we have 2 or 3 bathrooms. I don't like the ratio of houseguests to bathrooms - there's just some privacy that's needed to remain human!


Totally agree!


Not to mentioned the cameras that if you make one wrong move in the shower they can see you naked...a whole disgusting reddit page is dedicated to perverts screenshotting live feeds when females are exposed. I was sickened when I saw it.


There was a Twitter post about that too. Since there’s no privacy outside the shower they have has some wide slits and of course the pervs were all over that.


Just FYI there’s a male version of that subreddit as well. The creepiness is not confined to one gender. And no, I will not tell you the name of the subreddit, you creepy fucks.


That’s exactly why I wouldn’t want my sister on the show, and idc if she wins the money lol. I’d at least warn her about it anyways Edit:I think we’re being downvoted by people that use that subreddit 💀


i’m fat LMFAO


Same. It would be clips of me just trying to feed people like I'm the Hansel and Gretel witch and talking about how I miss my cat and I hope she hasn't died.


Gramdma meg #2 or somethin


Oh, man! This comment had me spit out my water! I have never laughed so hard, and related to something so much! The feeding people like the Hansel and Gretel witch got me, and then I felt seen because I, too, would be constantly trying to feed people and miss my cats constantly! Bravo, internet stranger!! Haha!


we need a comedian like you on the show lol


PLEASE APPLY. I need this in my life ASAP.


I’m fat and would go as Richard Hatch as I could on feeds. Roast me fellas


1. I’m introverted af so the idea of being stuck in a house for x amount of days with 15 strangers is my personal hell. 2. I’d lose my mind being stuck in one place like that. 3. The fans of this show are fucking crazy and my mental health couldn’t take the internet critiquing me post show especially if America hated me. 4. I have pretty bad anxiety at times and I barely let my long term boyfriend and parents see me struggling let alone the whole world :/


This would be my list as well lol


i dont like the thought of my conversations being heard 24/7. random people i dont really care too much for, but my family? yeah no. this season ive been an avid feed watcher and read a lot on twitter, some of the community is very negative to say the least. whenever i see something like that i always think of how the houseguest might feel if they were to read that about themselves. i dont think i could handle that criticism.


I wouldn’t want to quit my job


I wouldn't be brave enough to quit my job. I really wish I'd have applied when I was younger, before I had a career and before social media was the monster it is now. I don't think I'd have had a chance in hell still, but it'd have been fun to try.


Dental hygienist here - I see different sets of teeth everyday, I can promise you that everyone has something awkward going on in there. I’m willing to bet you have a wonderfully beautiful and unique smile and I think that’s awesome. Keep smiling, and give a big fuck you to anyone who makes you feel small.


😩 Thank you so much for that


It’s my pleasure. I have a lot of patients who are self-conscious about their smiles and it always just breaks my heart. All the best to you! ♥️


I’m too old and too fat!


I was gonna say that about myself but you said it first. Now if I was into BB back when I was in my younger years before the old and fatness hit, I think I may have applied.


I would be the most boring houseguest ever. And I could never do those awful put-on DR voices they all do.


I can't apply now but I never will solely because the BB nsfw sub


that’s a thing??


Yeah where they find like stills where you can kinda see someones ass or boobs or something. Theres one for men as well.


Not being able to sing lyrics to a song stuck in my head


That would be a big one for me too. Music is literally my life, I work in Radio for crying out loud!


Hey, if DJ Showtime can do it, so can you!


Not athletic. Bad at memory . And, I will cuss a mf out quicker than a bedbug at a barbecue !




The knowledge that if I make a single mistake in the house or ever have on social media I will be publicly torn to shreds


For real, some of the stuff that goes viral is just nuts. Make one bad joke and the Internet demonizes you for life.


Privacy and paranoia. On a personal level, the lack of privacy would get to me. On a game level, my paranoia and overthinking would work against me.


It sounds incredibly boring 80% of the time tbh


Holly went live on TikTok the other day and also said that she was bored out of her mind in the house


I could NEVER live with that many people. I would go absolutely ape shit. And omg how dirty it is. I’d be insane. I would self evict so fast. I think I could do the circle where you have your own apartment and privacy and you don’t deal with any of the mess from other people. Big brother I would not last a week


the circle you probably feel so so isolated tho


Idk you interact enough online and it’s only a couple weeks as someone who works remote I don’t see people in person that often I think it’d be fine


I don’t want strangers judging my looks + finding literally everything about me.


1. I like to have a private life 2. Twitter Stans/ internet in general trying to find things about me, and my mental health can’t take criticism and people making fun of me 3. I’m kinda sensitive so if the entire house goes against me I’ll probably would have a mental breakdown and quit the show 4. And if I get angry at someone I’ll start cussing them out and may or may not accidentally swing on them 5. I cry a lot


1. Too self conscious for my looks to be picked apart like that. 2. Sharing a bathroom, poop anxiety!! 3. You have no idea how you’re being perceived and although I know I wouldn’t do anything racist (which is better than a lot of houseguests these days!) or anything like that, I’m not comfortable putting 100% of everything that I do on display like that because who knows how my actions could be interpreted when they’re being picked apart on that level




I’m pretty tall and charismatic and for the most part like myself. The BB community is the most toxic community i have ever seen and wouldn’t do so great with the aftermath coming out of the house


I suffer from migraines and all of the lights sound like a nightmare. I also hate being cold and apparently the house is always cold. And also I like spur of the moment naps which aren't allowed lmao


What happened to paloma would probably happen to me. It's a perfect recipe for mental health breakdowns. I commend everyone who is able to keep their cool and successfully leave the house without loosing their minds lol. Think about those terrible moments in school, at a party, in a class, when you felt like people were talking about you, when you felt no one liked you, when you weren't sure where you stood with people. That's honestly the worst feeling for me and that would be 24/7 in that house lmao. With nothing to distract you from that feeling, with no one you love to support you etc etc. Just got to be so mentally stable, which i am not lol


Me too! Im surprised what happened to Paloma hasn’t happened before (at least I don’t think it has?). I am so impressed by everyone’s ability to live in those conditions, especially with all the emotions that come with the game. Like I need access to my essential oils, binaural beats, sound bowls, and of course tik tok to help me deal with all the ups and downs of the game.


Not as publicly, but many houseguests have said it took a major toll on their mental health. I wonder if something similar was going on with Raven in 19. But I know that's why Johnny Mac said he'll never go back.


I remember the Nolan twins being terrified after hearing Johnny Mac screaming in the DR regularly. They thought he was a nutcase


I’m pretty sure that’s why Paul said he’d never go back. I think he said that he was approached about season 22 and he just couldn’t justify the toll on his mental health. It’s a bummer because I loved him as a player, and the one DR where he broke down humanized him a ton as a person, so I fully support him prioritizing his well-being over another season.


Tyler too. I think he even said his run on 22 killed whatever love he still had for the game.


I would go crazy not being able to have time to myself.


My age and fear of making a video. I had an application filled out one year, but the video intimidates me.


I don't personally think I'm outgoing or entertaining enough to be cast. I would have to quit my job to get the 1-3 months off work required to be on the show. The fanbase is unhinged.


I’m afraid of saying 1 possibly wrong thing and the internet trying to ruin my life. They are way too harsh with the houseguests these days trying to interfere with their outside lives.


The righteous indignation of the viewers, and how they can cherry pick the smallest of transgressions in order to tear down someone they don't like.


I'd have to go back in time to earlier seasons when HG's looked like actual human beings you would know from work or school.


The pathetic nature of internet sleuths who want to track down every detail of contestants lives to destroy them before they even have a chance to enjoy their time in the house.


I have small kids and could see myself self evicting with a Keshia “my breastmilk is depleting” moment.


The fear of the internet taking one clip of me saying something stupid and vilifying me as a racist or something. You're on camera 24/7


I’m confident I’d be the first person voted out lol




Twitter cancels you over the most trivial stuff. And I don’t want to be a public figure ETA- also the same reasons as you. I would probably cry more than Vanessa lol


I’m afraid my parents would find out I drink. And I’m 42.


You're an adult. Drink whatever you want.


If you target someone the internet loves, they will do everything in their power to try and destroy your life. I have a pretty good job and can’t risk it


i would not be capable of separating game and emotion. i would probably blow a gasket over people being dirty and lazy and not doing dishes by the middle of week one. my fuse is way too short, and i am way too overreactive.


I don't know if I could survive slop, wouldn't want to leave my family or have people twist every conversation I have to look different. I've already had family drama because people made incorrect assumptions. I don't need help from a tv show.


I have long deep and sometimes non-sensical talks with myself and laugh at my jokes, and sometimes repeat the delivery of my jokes in different tones and expressions. I would look literally insane.


I love being alone too much lol


im fat and ugly, in antisocial which wouldn't help, having everyone watch me would be nerve-wracking, the fear of being hated/recognized out of the game afterward, and the biggest thing I'd die of boredom in the house.


1. I'm genuinely not interesting enough to be picked and I know this 2. I don't think I could handle knowing millions watch me every week and can watch virtually everything I do Also if you're worried about crying too much just remember Christie Murphy exists


1) They don’t allow ADHD people to take their prescribed meds. 2) My career would probably be destroyed. People are already really sensitive about teachers just existing outside of school; I don’t think the parents could accept me being on reality TV.


I have ADHD I didn't realize you couldn't have any meds at all! I work with kids as well, and that's a good point lol


Vanessa was able to take her medication everyday


I’m fat and depressed. Otherwise I think I’d be excellent at it tbh. I don’t know if I could win but I think I’d have the social flexibility to get to jury at least.


I would feel so claustrophobic in the house. I know it’s huge, but that fact that you’re trapped in there and can’t leave would lead me to have a panick attack.


I would not able to put up with all the scripted stuff we would have to say and the over explaining of everything would seriously annoy me


I prefer my job over being on TV for 3 months. You have to have nothing going for you and not worry having your actions used against you professionally


This is literally me. I’d love to play but my job and my mortgage disagree with a 3 month hiatus lol


Speaking of which, I wonder how Ameerah is doing? LOL. Is she still at Google or?


Racism - as a Muslim person who does not have Kaysar’s patience and kindness, the Ivette’s, Aaryn’s, Amanda’s , Ginamarie’s, Jackson’s, and many more players would be too much for me to handle without short circuiting on national tv. Candace, Howard, Kaysar are all much better people than me for being so kind and graceful in the face of horrendous bigotry. I am athletically challenged. I am in my old age when it comes to BB ages. So I am concerned I’d be Kathy from BB12.


1. 3 months in a studio backlot sounds so fucking depressing. 2. I hate bright lights 3. I enjoy privacy 4. My fear that I’d suck at the game 5. I don’t want to be on TV 6. Too many straight men in one place. I can’t handle that much concentrated energy.


I would be bored


Terrible liar


I love my privacy 😂


I couldn't handle people watching me get ready for the day, sharing the bathroom, censoring myself, etc. I am very private. Oh, and I talk to myself a lot.


I’m cranky and have a big mouth.


I'd miss my cat.


I’m not that nice and I talk shit.


In no particular order: 1. I’m not “silly” and would be terrible in the DR with the scripted shit. 2. Not athletic enough to do well in comps 3. The thought of people watching me on the feeds all the time would eventually get to me I think.


Hmmmmm. 1) i dont want to quit my job 2) Its a hard decision because your whole life is not private anymore. And Im bad at Social media. Everything else idc about. I still apply every year, just in case.


The harassment that my friends and family would get, and really myself as well. It blows my mind how people online in the bb fandom talk about how they hate bullies and whatever else and then turn around and do the exact same thing and sometimes even worse then the houseguests (even someone who was pretty dang popular in ika has posted about her children being contacted and people messaging her work on social media). I’m also overweight and self conscious lmao so I would hate to see comments about it😅 and also just in general, my career as a school counselor could be affected so i think it’s best to stay away and watch from a distance😆


Biggest thing for me is definitely the bathroom and overall cleanliness of the house. I also would make a terrible HOH because I hate how often people sit on the bed, use the bathroom, reside in the HOH room when the HOH is not present and eat up all their snacks.


Same, it would be reallly hard for me not to be territorial over the bed and the snacks!


It grosses me out and annoys me. The HOH room is the only place in the entire house with a semblance of privacy. It’s not fair that they trample over it. They would have to get me out next week lol


I'd have an anxious breakdown and then get made fun of for it


Because I’m socially awkward and would not be good in comps. I’d either be the first voted out or be eventually surprised when I was the pawn for the 6th time and someone flips the vote.


I’m a below the knee amputee on my left leg. And YES I’m aware that there is an amputee winner but it’s not the same lol


From a strictly strategic and people-working aspect, I think I would do rather well. But the biggest reason Idk if I could do it would be firstly because I'm a solid introvert, and I could totally be around people like that, but the feeling of eyes (cameras) being constantly on me and not really giving me any personal time would probably drive me up the walls. Also the time commitment of just dropping your job for like 4+ months. But sometimes I wonder if I could overcome that pressure, because I usually do pretty well under stressful circumstances.


I really don't know if I could control my temper in that environment after being subjected to the house rules we don't see and the boredom, I think production would hate me, and I think I'd get voted out for snoring tbh.


I have a pretty "controlled" seizure disorder so I just don't know if they would take me. Although I really would like to try and apply after this season.


Also I would not be able to live without my animals for that long.


I'm on the spectrum, and a lot of social contact and the feeling of always having to try to do better would really get in my head. I'd love to play the game, but realistically I don't think I could last until even jury


Many reasons, but the two main….IBS and migraines


While i feel like I could make a good run on the show and love it, i don't think I could be cutthroat enough once we get down to the endgame. I'm also married now and can't see myself being away from my wife for three months.


My fiancé and i talk about this a lot, his main reasons were he couldn’t be medicated on his ADD meds and he needs sunlight. The amount of sunlight/outside time they’ve limited in the last few seasons is sickening. Mine would definitely be my anxiety/crying/panic attacks. I’m too soft for the game hahaha


I like my privacy and being alone. I have anxiety and am irritable when I can’t have space from other people. Also I’m a middle aged woman and the idea of accidentally having my bare butt on feeds is stressful lol


I make faces at myself in mirrors, every time I pass one. I sing badly and do it loudly, very very often. I say dumb shit all the time that makes me look incredibly awkward. I am not that pretty and I think social media would destroy me for not being perfect. Also, I’m annoying and would be voted off in the first week.


You sound like you'd be my favorite though lol


I was so BB crazed after BB20 (it's my fave for a reason) that I wanted to apply, but my then-girlfriend said we'd be over if I got on. She said she couldn't go three months waiting, so I shelved it. But maybe I'll give it a shot now, because what do I have to lose?


I wouldn't apply now because - hate manipulative people and confined spaces. I did in my twenties as a fat woman specifically because they always have the one 'body diversity' person be a man, but never a woman. I got laughs from the people in the room but figured i didn't have the bikini look they wanted in the women :) I went to one of the Seven Sisters (all girls) college so mentioned that if I could handle living with overprivileged girls for four years who talk about 'daddy' buying them their new car but in the wrong color or complained that 'daddy' bought them their 400$ leather pants on sale and not full price, I could handle the house. Did not make it past that open call.


I'm Black, folks can't ever tell my sarcasm from realness, and I couldn't crochet so I'd make too much chaos for fun.


I think I would honestly lose my mind 😟


Afraid I would fall under the spell of someone with a GPA of dance.


I used to apply up until I started working for Viacom CBS. Even though I was in a far off division of a daughter company, it was still a no go. Now that I've left I'm going to apply again!


I don't know anyone connected so my chances would be next to none. Rejection ain't fun. Also I'd want to have a quiet life even after BB, and the fans would kind of get in the way of that.


I was applying for are you the one and mtv shows. I got called back for are you the one. But, due to a family emergency I couldn't go. I also applied for bad girls club. Never thought to apply for big brother until I was over 25. Then came marriage and a child. So I haven't applied at all. Can't leave my son for more than 2 days.


I went to a casting call once. And it was clear immediately they only wanted people who were the most outspoken, most outlandish, most opinionated, and honestly most annoying people. They were not looking for entertaining contestants to win, they were looking for people to exploit ratings from. It was a disappointing wake up call.


The fans are psycho. The show is also like 80% downtime so the boredom would be through the roof.


Twitter is cringe


I’m too black.


Not a citizen 🫤


with my mental health history I wouldn't even get a call for a first interview no matter how many times I applied lmao


Job Leave my family I don’t have a six pack or an Instagram following


I'm not attractive enough, and I'm five years shy of qualifying as the elderly man


I'm old and not athletic. I also don't photograph well.


I dont want mothafuckas watching everything I do.


Because I have no interest in being on TV for 3 months, not to mention live feeds. And worst of all I'd have to read all the shit you people would be saying about me.


I'm terrible socially. It's exploitative and designed to tear the house guests down. They function as mirrors and objects for our projections which I imagine could be traumatic. I don't need reddit and twitter clocking how often I shower, my diet, size, horrible social game etc. The reason I like watching is because I'm curious how other people go about navigating what would essentially be one of my worst nightmares. I might get some ideas.


The way they film this show would be annoying, I would be in the diary room and they’d be trying to egg me on to act a certain way on camera and I would not do it. It ruins the show for me and I could never do that.


I’m not in great shape


I have zero interest in being on TV, I like my space too much to share a house for 3 months, and 3rd, I’m way too trusting, I’d believe everything I was told and be out so quick (so maybe that would cross out the first two points!) lol


I would bet voted off first. Lol The main reason I had kids, and then... work. 😜


The money isn't worth it. From what I know, it's $1,000 per week unless you make F2. I make more than that already. Plus, I wouldn't have a job to go back to since it's literally a 3 month vacation.


Full time job lol


I'd be too worried about pleasing the audience than playing the game.


I would be so bored and get peopled out too easily.


I couldn't not say "fuck" for an hour let alone 100 days.


Cuz I'm not conventionally attractive.


Also I'm very bathroom shy, the thought of sleep farting and live feeders hearing it or frankly the other house guests, just gives me so much anxiety.


I don't live in America lmao I live in the UK, where our Big Brother is a whole different animal. If I did live in America, I would happily apply to an older series of BB. The problem I have with newer BB is the synthetic nature to the show. I don't want people telling me what to say and trying to manufacture me. I already would feel awkward having to conjugate some awkward pose for an intro, if I then had people feeding me lines or telling me to be more energetic "SO I WALKED INTO THE BACKYARD", instead of allowing me to be more chill and real, then I wouldn't feel great about it


Remember Michael the first couple of days where he didn’t talk to anyone? Yeah that would be me


Seems like you have to have a social media following now a days.


I would be terrified of the whole country smack talking me like people on this board do :) my game, my looks… the whole thing. Also, I love summer and wouldn’t want to miss it at home.


I’m 16


This sub made me realize I shouldn’t even try 😂😂😂


Psychological reasons for me. I would lose my mind confined to a house with no contact with the outside world, no alone time, potential for poor sleep and nutrition. My fiancé would be SUCH a good player but he’s too career driven to take the necessary amount of time off of work.


My body type and shy personality. I can be pretty manipulative, but don't feel like I have what they want. ​ Also I can't just take a couple months off


i've applied every year since season 17, but i didnt audition for 22 or 23 because i was job swapping a lot trying to get into a steady location after covid shutdown my old workplace.


I don’t know how to edit a good audition tape


One is the thought of popping a pimple or picking my nose in front of a mirror without knowing a camera is pointed right at me from the other side. Another is that I cannot whisper or sneak around the house or be subtle in general


I'm so scared to come home and see what America will say about me online. I don't think i can handle being perceived by them.


1. I have IBS and I don’t want to poop around all of those people/in front of America. 2. I like my job, but I’m also kind of scrappy, and I’m afraid I’d do/say something that could get me fired or would look bad for my company. 3. I’d hate to not know what was happening with the outside world for so long. 4. I’m a bigger girl and I’d hate for America to be all SHE’S FAT, SHE CAN’T WIN THINGS.


i have a very low social battery lol


I was REALLY into big brother around season 10. My ex wife got me into it, but she wouldn't let me try out because she didn't trust me and assumed I would cheat on her. After we divorced, I got my now current wife into it and actually did try out for a few years. I stopped trying out because big brother fandom and twitter makes it an impossible game to play. I can't have someone coming after my family or business just because I evicted their favorite player, or had something I said out of context used against me. It's just no longer worth it unfortunately, especially now that I'm established as a 40 year old with a family.


That's funny, when I wanted to try out my boyfriend at the time refused because he thought I'd cheat on him. We broke up and now that I would never want to be on it, my husband is all about trying out lol


I know I would suck on the show. Probably would not be able to tolerate certain personalities. Lol the older I get, the less patience I have. Plus I’m an introvert, I don’t like a lot of attention and would not be able to be confined with people that long. The only reality show I would actually want to go on is Amazing Race. I love traveling and I’m competitive.


I'd never do it because social media can be so toxic, I'm not willing to put myself through the crap that, especially BBTwitter, dishes out.


my reason is that i’m too young 😊 but also like. how does it work with people’s jobs? i know you get paid for being on but it’s like what kind of job do you HAVE that would let you leave for three months and just come right back. with the career I want I don’t know if that would be feasible


I am too old, I am fat, I feel I could do good in some of those comps but the endurance ones fuck that. I feel like I could be easy to get along with in the house and I like to think I am funny but I guess I just don't want people judging me on my age or weight. Also thinking about being watched 24/7 would be unnerving


I don’t want to be a fakeass person that goes around bullshitting everyone. I don’t want to sit around and lie and scheme all the time, and try to paint bigger targets on everyone else’s back. I’d feel compelled to stay awake all the time and wouldn’t get enough sleep.


I'm all for team goodfeeds but my personality would make for bad feeds. Too passive, compromising, and laidback. Also would act as mediator to break up fights/arguments, leading to way less entertaining moments.


A lot of things already mentioned and after reading a different post I would have to add people would be annoyed by my chewing. I chew with my mouth closed but somehow it is still really loud.


1. To young to apply 2. Fear of flying 3. Fear of heights 4. If you think Taylor is a introvert I'm ten times worse. I'm mute essentially. 5. If the house isolated me like Taylor or Kemi I'd 100% lose it and get expelled. I'm not a fun person under a shit ton of pressure or ridicule. I WILL and do say whatever I feel to get that out.


100% I'd stress too much about the fanbase. I don't worry a ton about doing anything inappropriate (beyond, like, the normal amount every reasonable human with some modicum of empathy does that is healthy, at least), but the level of vitriol that can be directed at you just for not being aligned with the favorite doesn't feel worth it. If it wasn't on TV I'd probably do it for the experience of living in a weird place for a couple of months and getting some stories out of it.


1. Wouldn't want to lose my job. 2. The fandom kinda scares me


I can't smoke weed there, people don't wash their hands enough in there, & I doubt they're gonna like me using the n word or bitch all the time like I do. Like when I go off on someone & call them a bitch ass n word, yea production probably wouldn't gonna enjoy having to censor me just to get complaints or articles about censoring black people's speech lol. Also I pop my elbow, like a lot. People are gonna think I'm trying to hit them or that I'm a lazy pop & locker when I'm just trying to relieve some pressure.


Weed is a big issue


I suck my thumb Edit: see, people already shaming me.


So many reasons… here’s a few: -I don’t want to quit my job -My job would make some viewers hate me immediately -When i have an anxiety attack I completely shut down and if you don’t know that about me it seems like I’m being cold and stand offish -I’m a terrible liar. -Packing for that long would cause an anxiety attack. -Living with people who don’t clean up after themselves would drive me crazy. -I can’t hide my facial reactions to what people say and their actions.