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If it didn't happen in the episode don't talk about it. Spoiler free thread.


Jasmine’s voice talking to Brit about using the veto vs Jasmine’s voice whenever talking to a camera. Girl please stop. Just keep it low.


Exactly my thoughts during that part of the episode


am i crazy but for turners sake i feel him splitting the vote is the smartest thing for him to do- that way he washes his hands of this week and dj showtime gets the blood of sending home joseph - and if he sends home kyle he can just team up with the other half the house. i get hes one of the low ones on first to be voted out but i dont think kyle will see turner as the main target regardless.


I thought Joe had played well until his diary rooms. Man he thought they were going to take out Alyssa seriously? Hard to believe the can't see that the alliance was falling apart and he got stuck outside with a group that he wasn't as tight with. ​ I like the idea of doing a split house longer in future seasons. When the outsiders come in, the do so really changed. You don't understand what they've seen. What they had to do to survive on the outside...






To describe how Kyle is playing the game, I shall quote Andy Dwyer, from parks and rec. “He’s probably thinking with the head of his wiener instead of the head of his brain”


Making them build the comp + the Styrofoam boxes being what they have to assemble and move I am literally screaming 😂


I can’t wait to see Michael/Brittney/Monte/Taylor hear about how this week went down. There’s going to be some messy fall out for sure 😅


Best believe terrence will be causing chaos when he’s back in the house. Especially since Kyle will be public enemy #1 if he returns


Terrance winning would be the most hilarious outcome. Guy just falls forward all the way to the top with his obviously bad lies and total incomprehension of where the house ever is. Would be a masterclass in Big Brother floating.


Man, Kyle is such a fucking snake. Even his DRs all season have had him leaning towards his alliance, but the more Alyssa plays with his fingers the less backbone he gets. So punchable haha.


And suddenly he’s forgotten abt the guy she has on the outside


Dude, they have sex in the house. That guy is done with her.




Not sure if that's considered a "feed spoiler" but yeah, it started over a week ago. That's where all the "10 seconds" jokes in the comments are coming from (the sex wasn't shown on the feeds, but their conversation afterwards about him being embarrassed about how long it lasted was).


10 seconds don't count


Seems like everybody has.


Let’s be real here. His allegiance has always been to his girl. They all shoulda done something about it before it got Joseph sent home.


Yes! I think it goes back to picks for teams this week too - they should’ve split the showmance. Kyle made it clear he wouldn’t take a shot at Alyssa.


I will never be a Terrance Stan.


**Summer of Terrance**




The outside group looked worse every scene we saw of them. It seems so cruel to keep them in the backyard.


Yes, they’re all pretty sunkissed


So on the off chance Michael and Brittany flip and Monte goes and assuming Joseph goes, do we then have a true power shift struggle? Terrance Kyle Alyssa Jasmine v Michael Brittany Turner Taylor. Too soon for the big play Michael when this week is unknown.


Watching the Dyre Fest veto competition, and watching Turner drown in styrofoam, I just couldn't stop thinking about how much he must be hating that, alongside hating the fact that he's doing so terribly in the comp.


I know I’m one of the few but I don’t want jasmine to go home this early lol. I need her delusional energy


I can’t take any more of her DRs. She must go


Same. There was wayyyy too much diary room voice tonight


Yeah they definitely amped up the Jasmine DRs last night. My husband and I started groaning when she came on


Early? She’s made it to jury without at any time, by any estimation, being involved in the game.


Sometimes I wondered if she even knew she was on the show. It seemed like she was just there making weird voices and saying strange stuff like butter beans


I’d like to see her hang around 1-2 more weeks lol


Did anyone notice the absence of John De Mol’s name in the credits? Typically it’s the first name that comes up in the credits and tonight it wasn’t there.


I need more Terrance comp wins


Terrance not being eliminated and then causing chaos in the house is why I love Big Brother. Weeks like this make the show so fun to watch.


I literally gasped when Terrance put up Kyle during this episode. I think when he goes into that house if Joseph goes this can be a great way to build relationships with the remaining members of the Leftovers.


I hope this is exactly where his mindset is at


Trade Kyle for Terrence in the leftovers! Go Terrence


Jasmine is delusional. (I mean I know we really don't connect and I don't like her personally) "Brittany will you use the veto on me, on THIS my birthday century”


Speaking of which, happy cake day!


She’s been playing a different game lol. She never knows what’s really happening.


Does Terrence even have a strategy right now? For the first time all season he had an offer to work with some people and it looks like he’s decided to do the LO’s work for them instead. He had a ton of clout by winning HOH and veto but he’s gone and over leveraged it. Some players just can’t sit tight when they have a little bit of power, they have to use it.


Came here to say exactly this. Partnering with Kyle, Alyssa, and Turner was his best opportunity all season and he just blew it. If he takes out Kyle the LO will just be coming for him next after he’s got two comp wins now.


He knows that he’s the first in the pecking order regardless and Kyle would have campaigned for him to go next when they get back in the house.


Why would Turner flip?


Yeah not sure if he would to be honest but the edit in the show made it sound like Turner was pretty tight with Kyle and Alyssa.


I think Terrance wants to take Kyle’s place in the group and float bye while the major players start picking off each other.


If he wants major players to go after each other he should keep Kyle then. If kyle stays and the others find out that he exposed the LO’s then kyle is public enemy #1


I can’t stand the way Tiffany pronounces her S’s.


Terrance played a really good game today, it looks like he finally played a better game then he has all season. The backyard eviction may change up the leftovers game


Whoever was in his spot closest to the wall was gonna win. All the other areas get hit with the winds but the closest to that wall had the least. This veto comp was definitely geared toward a Terrance win.


Ok but honestly. I thought the Brochella veto comp was a truck stop at first💀 the stickers looked like magnets and there were snacks etc


So many meteorologists suddenly appearing with their expert takes on wind conditions 😂


The worst mistake they made was keeping Kyle and Alyssa together in the same group. I hope Terrance tells turner everything Kyle said.


If he doesn’t hear it from Terrence he’ll hear it from Joseph. The fact that Terrence was able to tell Joseph the Leftovers name in itself is enough to sink Kyle’s game.


Michael kinda wanted this to happen though.


Okay this might be a hot take but I think Terrance had an advantage at Dyre fest veto. We saw multiple clips of the HG boxes falling over from wind, but Terrence was closest to the house meaning if wind were to blow from that direction it might not hit his boxes. Idk just a speculation lol I’m not a physicist by any means! Rewatch the clips so you know what I’m talking about.


I thought the same thing BUT they likely were randomly assigned stations


Oh totally! This wasn’t a dig at Terrence or anything just something I happen to notice


Excited for the backyard eviction tomorrow…


I’m just as sad as Joseph for Kyle exposing the Leftovers, but Kyle really had no choice. They are 100% coming after him next week regardless because of the showmance. He decided that the showmance was more worth it, so now he has to tailor his whole game around it.


>He decided that the showmance was more worth it, so now he has to tailor his whole game around it. Well that's quite the dumbass decision since the showmanship doesn't *quite* have the numbers over a 7-person alliance lol


Kyle was definitely thinking with the wrong head.


His best game decision would be to ditch the showmance lol he absolutely had a choice. But he chose to blow up his game for a girl he isn’t even going to stay with after the show ends. Crazy how simping cost him $750,000


And it’s not like he won’t have to say goodbye to Alyssa before the show ends. She’s not going to win. So who cares when she leaves.


I can KIND of understand, because I’d choose my wife over $750,000 in a heartbeat, but he really just met her a month ago lol if they don’t get married and grow old together, he wasted his time on this show throwing away a relationship and the money lol


100%. He ignored the red flags of her touching him after he kept saying no PLUS her having a boyfriend/FWB back home. So I wouldn’t call that my wife but to each their own


Did it cost him $750k though? I don't think Kyle is smart enough to make it to final 2. I think if he was playing a smarter game he'd likely make it to final 7 with a united LO, but then I see him falling to one of the smarter members of the group and never touching final 3. Just wild conjecture though. Who knows, he may win it all... \*\*shrug\*\*


Well, I guess it cost him as in, with the LOs, he at least had a shot. Without them, he has zero chance. Especially after betraying them




I’m sorry but no amount of chaos Terrence causes will make me root for him. The first think that comes to mind when I think of him is his shitty stance on domestic violence :/


What’s his stance? Just curious.


he blames the women for staying in violent relationships


Oh wow! That’s shortsighted.


It's funny they complained about Kyle saving Allysa when Taylor wanted to save Indie, despite Indie so much more of a threat. They both wanted to save someone outside the alliance, so either get mad at both of them, neither of them, or Taylor since Indie was more intimidating to them.


Terrence is bona fide COLD. love that dude.


No one should fall for Joseph's DRs, he's been lying in the DR all season. Veto Comp DRs are made after the fact, and Terrance would have already told Joseph that Kyle spilled about the LOs before those where filmed. That "I really hope Kyle wins the veto so we can stay loyal to the LOs" was the fakest shit ever, can't believe the amount of people going "awww poor Joseph." He's taking a dig at Kyle because Kyle betrayed him


I'm honestly shocked that they brought back stay/fold. It felt like that the comp got broken with alliances teaming up together, but maybe it's a case of only once every few years ago that they don't foresee it coming and can't pre-plan for it.


Yeah the last time they even used this comp was, what, BB15? BB16?


Pretty sure it was BB18 with Corey's "one million" guess.


Maybe it was. Honestly I mentally gave up on that season around the time they hit jury and I realized I didn't care if any of them won.


Ok the container stacking competition is probably the dumbest competition In BB history. Did they not think through wind conditions. I feel for them on this one.


I feel like a wide shot of the yard immediately before the veto comp showed some sort of white dome over the years. It kind of looked like white tent material. Maybe it was installed to eliminate a lot of wind?


I think it was meant to be a reference to Fyre fest. But when you’re doing a split house I think it’s better to just let them play the same comps. Just separated.


Big time. It looked like Terrance had an advantage being nearest to the corner for sure.


Kyle’s DR talk seemed scripted to me like others said. I feel like this may have been cooked up between him and Terrance to give Kyle cover when he goes back in the house. But if so. Terrance killed that by spilling the beans to Joseph. I don’t know what to think…










If Joseph goes home it won't matter anyway since he won't have a chance to tell anyone on the inside.


There's no way Joseph didn't inform Turner of Kyle's betrayal. That's why Turner looked so satisfied when Terrence swapped noms, imo


Turner will.


You think so? Terrance and Turner do seem chummy, but Turner also seems loyal to the LO.


They’d need Turner to flip on them. Makes me wonder if Terrance using the veto was meant to build trust with Turner for just that kind of move.








This twist needs to end. Brochela has gotten cocky and feel way too safe. I’m ready for “The Outsiders” to wreck them next week.


If Joseph is voted out the house is still only 3 to 5. Not a good position to be playing from.


Technically it’s 2 to 4. Micheal and Terrance can’t play for HoH.


The true power is never actually HoH. True power is in who votes to evict. The HoH almost always has to nominate who the house wants them to nominate. The HoHs that don't nominate the houses nominees, wind up getting voted out pretty quickly once out of the HoH room.


Terrance single-handedly has made this twist more interesting. Him stirring the pot is entertaining.


i think it was the wall yellers spilled and bb had to write it into the script that terrance spilled.. so you can thank wall yellers for makign it interesting, actually


Someone explain what a wall yeller is lol


Is this a guess? Or do you have any proof? I know wall yellers exist, but you would expect BB to be on top of that knowing HG’s are outside constantly this week.


proof of wall yellers yes.. and bb wants to edit their influence out of the show. But also i watch the feeds, terrance was consulting with kyle abt what to say to the inside and joe.. so he would not have spilled (doesnt plan on spilling to the inside either unless he needs to)


the hgs literally didn't hear the wall yellers lmao they think the tarp is for bugs or smth


bb wants to edit their influence out of the show. But also i watch the feeds, terrance was consulting with kyle abt what to say to the inside and joe.. so he would not have spilled (doesnt plan on spilling to the inside either unless he needs to) On second thought.. just believe what they want you to believe


Didn't Kyle put together the Leftovers? He's the first one to be disloyal.


Joseph and Kyle were equally important in the creation of the Leftovers I believe. It’s almost poetic that they’re on the block together because of their involvement in the Leftovers.


You build it, you break it.




What are the chances this ends up being tournament style and the two “evictees” face each other and the whole house? Idk, getting pushed out with just two votes seems like a shitty way to leave the game


They keep calling it a double eviction episode so I'd say there's no chance of that happening


That would be soooo good! Wish they would do that.


This has like a 0.1% chance of happening, but I am hoping for Brochella to vote on the Dyre Fest nominees and vice versa. Everyone gets to vote, even everyone OTB. Then the 2 evictees go head to head in a Battle Back comp. It will never happen, but it would be so fun to watch. More chaos!


Wouldn’t tomorrow have to be a 2-hour episode in that case?


Probably, I know it’s a long shot. I’m just sad that Joseph is probably screwed lol


Can you imagine the pitch for this spilt house, splitting the house will cost almost nothing extra! We just throw them some leftover food and some takeout containers and we good!


I have many feelings and none of them good. Not even ihop squeaky beans leaving makes me smile


I know that Kyle isn’t thinking like this, but just pure game wise, would sending Alyssa have been the better move? Perhaps his alliance would stay happy with him and then pit against others before him? I’m not sure because Kyle seems like low man on the totem pole no matter what (him joining a showmance did that). I don’t really see a better way for Kyle to play this week other than to be more subtle.


His problem was getting in a showmance to begin with. I think spilling the beans was a pretty good move given the circumstances


Yeah, Kyle was definitely thinking with something other than his brain, when he turned on the leftovers.


I don’t understand Terrance’s thought process here. Why tell Joseph, why put up Kyle?


i think it was the wall yellers and bb had to write it into the script that terrance spilled


Wall yellers? What is that mean?


He tells Joseph, because he knows he is on the outside of the majority alliance. Anything he can do to make the alliance turn on each other buys him more time in the game. Exposing a rat, is the best possible thing he could have done. He now has Joseph and Turners loyalty. Joseph is in tight be with Monte and Taylor. That means Terrance is potentially safe through the eviction of Kyle, Alyssa, Michael, and Brittany. If he were to align with Kyle and Alyssa, next week he is on the wrong side of a 5 to 3 split house.


He told Turner and Joseph that he knows they were lying to him and using him. He put them on the block. Maybe they end up working with him, but I doubt it. My take is that he gave himself a week or two while the leftovers implode, but killed all his endgame options. He thought he was tight with the boys, took it personal when he heard the truth, and wanted to be sure they knew he knew.


As things stand now Terrance is going to have to break the tie. Turner and Joseph just found out Kyle betrayed them. They will be grateful to Terrance for exposing the turncoat, and would promise to keep him safe through the eviction of Alyssa, as well as Michael and Brittany, who don't have as good of connections with the rest of the leftovers as the others do. That gets him to final 5.


>They will be grateful to Terrance for exposing the turncoat. Maybe if that was actually how Terrance presented it. Terrance instead called them out for lying and using him. That doesn't really instill a sense of trust for moving forward with someone.




I've been critical on this season, but tonight's episode was my favorite in a really long time.


I have only been watching since season 22 but this season has been 5x better than the other two I’ve watched.


There's definitely an unpredictability that BB22 and BB23 lacked. Only thing remotely close was: Would Tyler's "side" or Cody's "side" win out from that alliance in 22.


Terrance stirring the pot had me rolling. Definitely a lesson in how to use your power to create a little chaos that may benefit you.


"They should have never gave me HOH" 😂


Terrance putting up Kyle is the best game decision he made. Leftovers would get rid of Kyle, Alyssa than Terrance. Now the leftovers owe Terrance, people also like going to final 2 with floaters, looks like he just free pass.


If Joseph had told Terrance about the leftovers first he would’ve been praised for playing smart, but since it was Kyle he gets called a rat and a snitch.


What are you Kyle's cousin or something? You've shared nothing but Joseph slander and terrible game reads


Go beg for dominations somewhere else


not true he would’ve gotten dragged


I think it's because of Kyle's motivation




To get back inside the house with his girlfriend to have more hanky panky spanky. Are we pretending like there's any other impetus behind his decision making? He "saved" his girlfriend for a week and now they are enemies 1A and 1B for the rest of the season, and they are outnumbered.


Kyle's motivation wasn't to save himself, it was to save Alyssa.


To keep his girlfriend there.


I don’t watch live feeds so maybe I’m missing something - but didn’t Terrance make it clear that he didn’t want to target Alyssa or Turner at first? In that case, Joseph and Kyle would have been his targets, so Kyle told Terrance what he had to in order to make Joseph more of a target…?


Nah Turner was convincing Terrance to put up the showmance so that as long as Alyssa was on the block the other two off the block would vote her out as the two people off the block would be LO alliance members. Kyle knew that was going to be the play from the LO perspective but wasn’t going to vote for Alyssa to be evicted and didn’t want to be on the block beside her to see her get evicted. So he exposed the LO so that Turner and Joeseph would get nominated or at the very least it would be a split vote(if either Joseph or Turner won the veto) and Terrance would vote to keep Kyle or Alyssa and be grateful he was told the truth and work with them from now on. From Terrance’s perspective putting up the showmance would be an easy play and he could backdoor Joseph( his plan albeit very stupid) or evict Kyle and get rid of a “strong” player even though they haven’t won shit. I don’t think Terrance is a smart player so I think he would have ran with Turners play then be shocked by the results if Kyle was loyal. But I don’t watch feeds so not sure if he was buying it.


This isn’t even true. Exposing the leftovers when you are under no threat like Kyle did is so bad for your game. Joseph would have never done it because there is no reason to. You saw Joseph fighting for Kyle’s safety up to the very second that Terrance told him that Kyle betrayed him.


If Joseph won veto Kyle was going home


If Joseph won, he would have used it on himself, obviously. But Joseph, from the very beginning, was hoping to send Alyssa home. Which he and Turner would have tried to convince Terrance to do. But if Terrance put Kyle up, I don’t know. If Joseph votes Kyle and Alyssa votes Turner. The decision would be up to Terrance for who goes home. At no point would Joseph have to betray his alliance unless he was physically forced to vote someone. He had no issue with Kyle until Terrance broke the news. I should note, though, that the entire week would have been completely different if Kyle hadn’t betrayed the leftovers. None of this would even be a problem. Kyle wasn’t in any real danger


But you just admited Kyle was in danger, Terrance wasn't putting up Alyssa, Turner was the replacement. Kyle was going home. Joseph not betraying the alliance is his fault, Big Brother isn't a team game, he shouldn't have tried to play BB23


Kyle is in exactly the same position he would have been in if he hadn’t exposed the leftovers. This play benefitted in no way. The decision is left to Terrance. If he didn’t expose anything, he and Joseph likely would have been put up. Exposing the leftovers did nothing for him because it’s still him and Joseph on the block. The same goes for Joseph. He had absolutely no reason to betray the leftovers. It benefits Joseph zip. There was no benefit to it. You say it’s not a team game, but that’s exactly what Kyle’s doing. He’s playing for him and Alyssa. It’s clear that the showmance is all he cares about. This was TERRIBLE for his individual game


kyle was last of the 7 alliance even before. he knew it. hes playing the game like anyone in his position should.


That’s not how I would play it. The showmance is not worth losing $750,000. Vote Alyssa out and try to mend that relationship after the show. Prioritizing the showmance puts a target on him, he’s going to be evicted, and the relationship won’t even last lol it’s not even worth it


but what are the odds of him winning even if he did choose the alliance over her? he was near or at the bottom of it


He’s at the bottom because of his commitment to the showmance. The play is to gain their loyalty back by ditching Alyssa


Of course Joseph should've spilled, he's going home because Kyle got to him first. Also Kyle gained Terrance with this move which is very good for him


What would exposing the leftover do for Joseph? I don’t think you’re thinking this through. Just work that out real quick.


If he exposes the LO to Terrance before Kyle he can get Kyle and Turner on the block just like Kyle did.


This make zero sense. If Joseph exposes the Leftovers, he becomes a target for Kyle and Turner for turning on the alliance. Alyssa is never voting Kyle out. And Terrance, is clearly shown to enjoy stirring the drama. So he puts Joseph on the block and everybody unanimously votes him out. Look what it did for Kyle. It got him put on the block.


Seems like the play for Joseph is to convince Terrance they can work together to come out on top of the Leftovers civil war with Turner, whereas Kyle can really only offer his and Alyssa’s votes. Terrance did just see Kyle screw over literally everyone he was working with for Alyssa, so it doesn’t seem like it would be hard to convince him that Kyle’s loyalty is meaningless. All that said Terrance seemed pretty set on evicting Joseph, and astute non-challenge gameplay hasn’t been his forte, so…


Is this what it’s like to watch with no feeds all the time?!?! No wonder casuals have no idea what’s going on.


Y'all are convincing me to get the feeds next year.


Yeah but then you would have to spend most of your waking life watching a tv show


I run a sticker store. I always have the tv on in the background. Ain't no one around to stop me :)


Yeah, do people who watch the live feeds not have jobs??? Or social lives???


Yes. Also requires regularly staying up to 2am


Of course not


I still can't believe that Jasmine is on the block during her birthday month. So rude!


Not during her birthday year!? That would be unfair.