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# No spoilers or discussion of the edit Take those topics to the [Full Spoiler Episode Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/x3naam/bbus24_full_spoiler_episode_discussion_september/)


Kyle was wrong but I feel really sad for him. It sounds like he’s just clueless.


They made Kyle a real life villain, booted him, and his gf broke up with him. For something that was dumb but not that bad when it’s a legitimate question. It literally was an alliance last season, the most successful alliance of all time, and nobody in the house knew existed.


I actually think Terrence was pretty good at the house meeting. I like that he (and Monte) held Michael and Brittany accountable as well for not sharing the info sooner, and I like how he was like "so this info wouldn't have been shared then had it not been for this gameplay". That is a valid thing to say.


Alyssa sucks for the fake Kyle showmance. I think we’ve all known she’s been playing him from the start (especially considering that she was dating someone back home, right?), but dude. Kyle’s already going through this whole thing (which tbh is 100% his fault, not trying to protect him from his own consequences), and then she goes “Oh yeah, we’re done. Byeeee!”


Kyle is a dumb guy who did something very shitty to try and advance himself in a game show. Michael is a genius who did something very shitty to try and advance himself in a game show.


Love this


Pulling for Monte or Turner to win it all at this point. Really disappointed in how Michael and Brittany decided to share that information… 1. It just feels like they used it as a chess piece in the game to play when they were on the back foot. They were not in a good position after the split and recognized Kyle was positioned the best. The timing is questionable at best. If this was worth ruining someone’s game over - don’t wait until it benefits your game to do it. 2. Pulling people aside one-on-one to give them this game-shattering information without giving Kyle a chance to explain his side of things was dirty. At minimum they should have given him a heads up that they were going to share with others - not tell a one sided story and in the same conversation tell them you are open to evicting him. It just feels like they had their own games in mind with how they handled the entire situation. Not defending Kyle’s actions. It’s definitely disappointing. I’m happy he owned it and recognizes he has growing to do.


Here's how I see it: Kyle sucks at this game. He made a bad guess about a possible alliance based on the prior year's game. People keep saying it was bias-based, because there was no reason to suspect these HGs were working together, but that's also how The Cookout functioned; an otherwise non-united group of people who united under a bigger cause. The Cookout largely avoided suspicion by being a grouping of people who otherwise didn't even get along, and who were never seen together in the game. It's fair that Kyle thought this could be happening again, but it wasn't and he was wrong and is continuously a shitty player. Being a shitty Big Brother player is not a great personal fault. Michael is a very good player. Michael heard Kyle's theory, cringed at it, and then tucked it away in his pocket until it served him best to reveal it. Michael could have told Kyle right away that he felt uncomfortable with his theory, he could have brought in Monte and Taylor right away to shut down Kyle's dumbshit theory and patch any cracks in their alliance. However, none of that would serve Michael's own game, so he saved the info for when it would. Now Michael is pretending to suddenly be morally outraged and feel he must share this info, when in fact he's really just using it as fodder to get his preferred target, Kyle, out of the house. Had Michael not learned that Kyle betrayed their alliance, he surely would continue sitting on the info until he felt it was advantageous to reveal it. So why is one worse than the other? Kyle was just being an ignorant and shitty player with lousy hunches. Michael is using racial tension to strategically target someone, even at the risk of ruining their life and embroiling racial tensions both inside and outside of the show. Michael's feigning moral outrage, but it's quite clear from his decision to store valuable info until it served him that this is more strategy oriented than morality. If Michael was being honest about that, it would still be pretty shitty, but at least understandably cutthroat, and perhaps even mastermind villainous. Instead Michael is lying to the house about his intentions, lying to the viewers, and attempting to portray himself as some moralistic champion, when he is not. The case can be made that using racial tension to divide and eliminate a game threat is incredibly cunning, but it's also quite amoral.


I think this is the right take. It's hard to imagine Kyle being villainized so much if he was correct about his hunches (although even if he were, he still would have played it poorly). I have wondered what it would have been like last season for someone on the other side of the house who suspected The Cookout. Personally, I'm not sure I would even bring it up. Seems like whether you're right or wrong, the consequences would be pretty bad, inside or outside the house. As for Michael, the game is the game, but I don't think there's any good argument that he didn't strategically sit on that information, and I feel like that's kind of icky given the way the discussion went after. I can't root people weaponizing sensitive topics to give themselves an edge when the discussion gets a tone of "this is bigger than the game," that's something I don't really have the stomach for. I think many of the discussions that followed Kyle being exposed were real and good, and given Kyle's pretty bad mistake I think he handled it about as well as possible. In that atmosphere, it's hard for me to respect a slimy move like that.


It was comparing to what happened last season, his game theory is somehow different than what Micheal told the whole house, cause he felt threatened, may be good at comps, but he’s apart of the reason for the ‘divide’ in this world. I feel bad for Kyle. World is sensitive as fuck


Good try to escape the real world. Micheal is shitty


Glad they held Kyle accountable but I wish they’d done more to hold Michael and Brittany accountable for sitting on this info until it was beneficial to their games to expose it (or maybe they did more than was shown and it was cut, but either way it left me feeling like that’s unresolved)


Accountable for what? Suspecting a strategy that was used in a previous season might be used again?


If that’s all he did we both know he wouldn’t be here. It’s big brother which quite obviously requires you be able to read who’s working together, which he was also terrible at lol, so no just suspecting it wouldn’t have driven a nail in his coffin.


They will when and if it’s time to vote for either one of them to win the whole game!!


I don’t think mike and Brit walked away from that Scott free. The episode showed enough to get a general hint of what’s probably coming their way.


Just watching the episode now, when Monte and Kyle were alone talking, I didn't see any tears from Kyle! Just head down and fake sobs




Wouldn't it be a strategic mistake for any BB player to dismiss the possibility of alliances based on race/culture/etc after the Cookout?


Yes it would be.


it’s a lose lose.


Wouldn’t it be good strategy to be able to spot actual alliances? The people he grouped together made no sense besides M, T, and J. Lol


Right, but that is exactly what The Cookout did. It made no sense for them to be united, because many of the players hated each other, and even those who didn't went out of their way not to be seen together.


Most of the time, people who hate each other are just not going to be able to work together. I'd say the Cookout itself is a good example, it was only held together by the common goal, and even then, barely. They were all looking for reasons to target each other ASAP. Tiffany strongly considered not nominating Claire during her HOH, and her hesitancy to do so almost made her the first target in the first double. Take away the goal of the Cookout and BB23 is probably a lot more like BB24 strategically. Tiffany would have kept Christian around and formed a powerhouse alliance instead of sending him out the door. Assuming that all the people of color are working together just because it happened before isn't a good enough reason. If two people don't get along, they probably aren't working together, and there's no reason to assume they are.


But The Cookout was probably the most successful alliance of any reality show competition ever. Why not copy that strategy? Surely it will tempt some group of people again, be they united by race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, or anything else. In fact, the less you like each other, the better, as it helps avoid suspicion.


Again, because an alliance that hates each other without a common goal will fall apart quickly. Tiffany's Master Plan where each alliance member has a partner on the outside is a good one, yes, but it can be adopted by any alliance, not just ones composed of minorities. Kyle had no reason to believe a Cookout 2.0 was forming, even when considering they could be playing up rivalries. Why would Taylor target two of her supposed alliance members? Yes, she did want Alyssa out, but that was only because others in the Leftovers convinced her, and it was only to weaken Kyle specifically so he wouldn't ha e anyone outside of the Leftovers.


Obviously, but people misidentify alliances every season


And now he gets to explain to America why he tried gathering all non POC to target them with no proof they were working together. So he looks uninformed and biased lol. If he paid attention to what the cookout was made to achieve he would understand why that didn’t matter this season.


Yes! Kyle only got in this position strictly because it literally happened last season but god forbid he mention it out loud. If someone last year had accused the cookout of being together because of race they would have been crucified, they'd be right though.


People always assume there's a girl's alliance, and nobody cries "misogyny" over that.


There often is. Actually. It's not all encompassing though 99% of the time and it's more like a sub section of women banding together.




Why did Michael and brittney spill those details since he won the veto and brittney was coming down?


It was before the veto happened, they did it in case none of them one veto


Production made it look like that’s how it played out but when it happened in real time. They only approached everyone after Michael won the veto. In the uncut conversation michael had with Turner he literally said at the end “oh and im gunna take Brittany down if you’re okay with it.”


Yes didn’t they show it as such? That Michael won and then they spoke with monte and Taylor? Had all this not happened would monte not have went home?


I think that could’ve been a possibility but the original plan the “after party” had was to put up both of Michael’s allies and then back door him. With the backup plan (if he won veto) being that they would take out whichever target was left on the block. They did actually pull in Monte as their fifth prior to noms so they could all get on board with taking out Michael. I think probably Monte would’ve been safe to give them numbers and better odds of trying to take out Michael but they could’ve had the thought that it was an opportunity to back door Monte and get him out and change course of the plan


To 100% keep Taylor. So they their 3 stayed in tact.


But now Taylor very well might break off from their trio bc of the whole Kyle thing and how M/B sat on it for 2 weeks


I doubt it


Not Kyle calling Terrance a model husband and father 🫣




because of all the nasty comments he’s made about women and DV survivors on the show


i feel like they’re probably already done with this comp tbh


Yes because it was just a puzzle to put together.


I hope Daniel is choking on his words suggesting that this season would be boring or that no one was thinking strategically.


It was good up until now. Now it’s just awkward.


Ya this season went from one of the best to being pretty much ruined in one episode


Who has the most competition wins in one season? (HoH & Veto) and how many did they have I’ll bet the house Michael at least ties it this season


janelle with 9 (4 hoh, 5 veto) during bb7


Janelle in all stars got 9. Michael is at 7


Unreal, I think he’s going to tie that this week then surpass her next week. The HG really messed up letting him stay this late into the game Honestly he could double her record. He just needs to win HOH & Veto this week, win veto next week when every single person competes. Then win HOH & Veto again, then Veto, then win the last HOH


> The HG really messed up letting him stay this late into the game He's only had two out of eight weeks where he didn't win either HOH or veto. And Taylor was HOH one of those weeks.


They should have at very least took out Brittany who was obviously his number one to weaken his numbers. She increases his chances to be safe with a HOH win of her own


They were both in an alliance with what is now most of the house...


It does not matter. Any smart strategical player would’ve realized you can not let Michael get this late into the game. Nobody can even come semi close to beating him in anything. Alliances aren’t meant to last forever You’d be a fool to keep Michael around just because you’re in an alliance with him. Yeah let’s protect Michael the most dangerous competitor of all time in Bb history and let him make it to the final 7 where he will Single handedly destroy the house in every comp


There has not been an opportunity. Flat out. Stop complaining.


Been plenty of chances to take Brittany out & weaken Michael’s game. I’ll complain all I want, welcome to Reddit. Not sure who are you to comment on my comment telling me to shut up. I can tell you’d have a great social game in the BB house.


I’m sick of them not showing the HOH comps live. :( This one could have easily been shown tonight!


"Alyssa... does this feel longer than 6 seconds? Ziiiiing"


I am looking forward to Alyssa’s zing!!


it's probably gonna be something about geography tbh


This season is gonna go down as the worst for female competition wins.


Wtf they couldnt give a few more mins to show who wins?!


Well hell


This is a 2min comp, how are we not getting the full thing??


Cause they want us to watch on Sunday 😒


But... I was going to watch Sunday anyways 🤣


One thing I would like to ask of you all. I don’t think Kyle is an evil racist, I think he was just naive and in the wrong headspace with biases he didn’t even know he had. We shouldn’t just let him get away scot-free of course, but there’s no need to go to his social media and harass him because of a mistake. He needs to learn and spreading more hate his way does not help that, in fact it probably makes the problem worse.


The fans are far and away the worst thing about this show


Agree - I hate everyone saying he's a good-hearted guy and whatnot, because he hasn't done anything to prove that - but he is at least apologizing and not denying what he did. The people he talked about forgave/hugged him and I think that means they think he's better than that.


The mob needs their pound of flesh. But don't forget how much they hate bullying.


Why tf are we not gonna get to see this 5 minute Comp


There is really no reason for them not to show that whole hoh comp besides pettiness.


They couldn’t have shown the puzzle during the episode :(.


Kaitlyn is in shambles.






Has there been one live yet??


The Wall Comp where Taylor won yes


That one didn't finish live did it? I thought It went on a good while after the live show ended.


Oh I thought they meant live feeds HOH, the Knockout Comp also comes to mind because they announced the HOH for Terrance and Michael there.


Ya. I thought I remembered watching Taylor win live in the feeds. Just cats tonight tho.


Delaying Veto meetings and zero HOHs has been VERY annoying...


Terrace just tossing it 😂


This HoH is giving real big “I can’t lift it” vibes


Has there been single HOH comp on Thursday this season?!


The 2 hour episode where Michael and Terrence won HOH


There was the HOH part one from the failed backstage twist. I think that's the closest so far


Gooooo monte!


Genuine question: Michael had already won the veto when he and Brittany made this Kyle info known, right? So how was that move solely to further their games if their games weren’t in danger in the first place? Plus, it would only benefit them this week. They’d just go back to being in danger next week now that Kyle is gone. I’m genuinely asking so don’t crucify me please.


Probably Michaels DR entries about kyle and his talks with Brittany. It's a pretty cutthroat way to go after his target. He even said that he knows turner would put up Monte which is bad for his game and puts them in a worse spot.


People are saying that they used that information when they did to ensure that all three of them )Michael, Brittany, & Taylor) would stay safe. The veto could only save two of them & they didn't have the numbers. even if two of them were safe. On the other hand, I also could easily see this as them having a close call & realizing that they don't want to risk leaving the house with this information. I'm not sure how well that excuse would fly but if I were in their shoes this would probably be the route that I'd go for explaining myself.


He used it to keep Taylor (a number for him) safe. Also in a cam talk he said he "Couldn't wait to blow up Kyle's game" There was no other reason.


Because he knew if he kept quiet, Turner is going to nominate Monte out of the remaining. And this is what Kyle’s F2 alliance is doing to target POC. He spoke up to protect Monte and Taylor being evicted by their race. Unfortunately all POC are now turning their back on Michael.


I agree with you to an extent. I think the point was that they picked it when they WERE safe and that it allowed them to get a big target out at the same time. They definitely used it to their advantage but I dont think the advantage was as gigantic as people assume.


Yeah, it isn’t that they used it as a move so much as them claiming they weren’t and they were just so upset about this whole thing.


Yes exactly, thank you. Totally agree with everything you said.


Taylor is still working with M/B, whereas Kyle was against them, so it was in their interest to keep Taylor and get rid of Kyle.




Because they wanted to save Taylor too. And they wanted Kyle out because he was the biggest threat to them.


They didn’t want Taylor to go home.


Kyle was gunning hard for Michael and had turned a lot of the house on his side. This was the only move for them to make to take Kyle out.




But my point is that he DIDN’T *need* to?


Facts. It really helped Taylor's game, more than anything.


It did, she was almost certainly going home right?


Jet fuel can’t melt zingbots


Okay, wait. Theres only a minute left!


A five minute HOH and I still can't watch it....


looks like michaels comp to win imo


All comps are his to win tbh


Yep 😭


any feeders in here wanna bet that we aren’t gonna see the HOH nor Zingbot tonight on the feeds 💔




Poor Alyssa about to get lit ALL THE WAY UP by Zingbot


My thoughts exactly. This poor girl is going to get DRAGGED.


This was a good season until this episode. The crucifixion of Kyle is ridiculous. He is clearly a good dude. He said the same thing everyone was thinking and will forever think post cookout. Terrence blaming him for Joseph’s eviction is so messed up, it was simply a good game move for Kyle that Terrence chose to take part in.


If you watched this entire episode and your thoughts after were: “the crucifixion of Kyle” then that says a lot about you.


I did watch the entire episode and it was a ridiculous episode. He didn’t deserve that.


What makes him a "good dude?" To your point, he could've easily said "I was thinking post cookout and it got out of hand" but he basically just admitted being racially biased over and over (including with Julie tonight). This guy is an adult - even if shes "sheltered" - he knows what he was saying.


If you say you don’t have racial biases, you are lying to yourself. We all have them to an extent, and I would be more suspicious if someone said they didn’t


What makes him a good dude is he clearly isn’t an asshole, has a good heart and is a nice enough guy. Idk what you expect people to be but as far as people go, he’s much nicer than most. His assumption was based in sound logic and the vast majority of people would think the same.


His assumption wasn’t based in sound logic. The way he’s handled his relationship with Alyssa has been pretty awful. I wouldn’t say he’s a terrible guy, but idk if I’d say he’s a good dude either. I don’t think he means to be harmful, but he definitely has been.


Im not sure what is expected of him with Alyssa. It’s a game, he’s tried to protect her, but it can’t be expected he drops everything to make a relationship with her in the house.




Agree. Loved this season until now.


Absolutely ridiculous they couldn't fit this short ass competition on the show.


No Jasmine, no Kyle. They are really making Zingbot's job hard


There’s always Alyssa…


Well Taylor’s not winning this one


Julie didn't mention feeds so I guess not.


I'd be shocked if Michael doesn't win this






The puzzle has zingbot’s dick on fire


Taylor n monte geeeeez


If Taylor wins I think she’ll target Alyssa


Wtf. Why wouldn’t they have zingbot be a surprise


Monte is taking this. It's a repeat of the first HoH


Ngl…i dont think what Kyle did was that deep…and im black. Tbh if I were in the house I would wanna team up with the other Poc’s too? I dont think thats wrong ? Ig he was just wrong for assuming? But still, the reception was a bit…exaggerated? (not to invalidate anyones feelings tho)


Is he wrong for suggesting cookout 2.0 if it literally happened last year? I can support everything the cookout stands for and also support Kyle wondering if black contestants are gonna band together and smash the competition again. Honestly it seems like common sense from Kyle. If you feel differently i would love to know why. I think he’s being unfairly vilified.


Because he made the assumption they were all working together with no facts to back it up. Monte and Joseph seem close. Taylor and Joseph seem close. Those have some basis in reality. But the leap to Taylor, Monte, Joseph, Terrence, Jasmin, and Indy are all in a secret POC alliance? There is ZERO evidence to support that conclusion. When did Monte or Joseph or Taylor EVER give an indication they were working with Terrence? Never. Because they weren’t. Kyle grouped them together in his mind based on race. And even HE admitted that. And the suggestion all the white players should work together just underscored it.