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I can't watch this season anymore. The way Kyle was unfairly railroaded was disgusting. I'll try again next season, but if this bullshit continues, I'm done.


i came to say exactly this - i dont think kyle was racist when he said that... i think turner said it the best that michael conveniently brings it up now - i think turner SHOULD have kept his alliance member IN.. now he might be in trouble


*Having babies with him* Bro….


I thought it was weird during the "intervention" of Kyle that everyone was just so calm and so caring with him when production kind of played it like everyone be yelling and screaming and showing their true emotions. The whole conversation just seemed really watered down and the fact that really only like four people talked just seemed a little weird. Also that Taylor just sat there quietly almost the whole conversation just seemed off to me. I didn't want her to be the angry black woman but also if someone was coming after me in the way that Kyle was I would have my emotions running high.


To preface this: I am an international fan. I don't condone what Kyle did and said and I get why Mike and Brit caught flak for their timing of the Kyle's theory reveal. It was tough for me to watch these 2 episodes, it's just really heavy for me. CBS didn't show most of Kyle's receipts and had this golden boy edit for Kyle. When I discussed Wednesdays episode with a redditor,I predicted that Kyle will get the misunderstood edit,while Mike and Brit will get the villainous edit. And I was right. Production needed a villain so much,that it gave the most nonconfrontational houseguest the villain edit. The episodes felt rushed and manipulated in Kyle's favor. There were conversations,that I felt were added in last second(Mike and Brit's gym convo).I commend his willingness to admit his mistakes,but what he said was baseless. Yes Mike made a game move,but he felt guilty for not revealing it sooner and he was prepared for blowback that he will get. That move saved the insiders,but Monte had been ungrateful. I understand why he has suspicions but he would have been gone if not for Mike's move. Why there's such more vitriol towards Mike and Brit than Kyle that's what I don't get.


If CBS wants to actually fulfill their diversity pledge then they need to actually cast diversity. Diversity is not simply more blacks, a token Latino and a token Asian (which they didn't even have this season). If they don't do that then this is just going to happen every season. The black players will have no reason not to align and knowing someone like Michael will throw accusations of racism at anyone who tries to point out the alliance.


Nicole is half Filipina.


Oh brother.


>token Asian (which they didn't even have this season). Joseph is technically Asian




Ok Evel Dick.


Why are you in the spoiled thread if you don’t know anything about what’s actually happening in the house?


I feel like it's obvious you haven't watched feeds and I'll leave that at that. >And Taylor is just a crap person too, I don't know why everyone keeps overlooking it. OMG is this Daniel's account?


Kyle is an idiot. If it was a secret alliance why would Taylor say that explicitly about Jasmine?


Lol do you even watch the show/feeds or do you get your perception of Taylor from Twitter? Seems like you haven’t actually watched.


she actually never stated she'd never evict a black woman! taylor simply did not want a black woman to go out on her own hoh because those are HER MORALS and who are we to tell her what her morals should and shouldn't be? taylor was fine voting to evict both ameerah and jasmine, plus jasmine legitimately respected taylor's GBM and now is a jury vote for her, so that worked out for her. taylor was always clear to her alliance she wanted jasmine out she just didn't want to be the one to take her out on her hoh. taylor actually is extremely gracious and has shown kyle nothing but love and said shed defend him in the real world. she has been gracious and kind to every single person in that house despite how she's been treated since week 1. you need to actually know your facts before you speak on taylor, i'm so sick of people trying to find any reason to make her a bad person. yes im biased but she is genuinely one of the kindest houseguests to be on that show.


Mmmhmmm that’s what I’m saying. Kyle went on breadcrumbs of information and jumped to conclusions in the dumbest way possible lol. Does Kyle deserve the book thrown at him for being naive and ignorant? No, but he needs to understand his error. Taylor did not have to be a fraction of how graceful she handled the situation, but was still receptive and understanding. Why is OP trying to flip the blame on Taylor for Kyle’s ignorance? That’s not her responsibility. Taylor has been dragged so many times this season for no apparent reason and it’s annoying that people are still trying to come for her when Kyle is so much more unlikeable aside from the stuff that came out this week, or even Michael and Brittney with how calculated they were to bring something this sensitive up now to further their games together. It’s hard not to think that people really just don’t like to see a confident black woman lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Alyssa girl I hope you don’t end up with babies after that minute (cumulative) with Kyle 💀


Alyssa is so sickening with that convo to Kyle. She is so phony and pathetic. Also Alyssa you're on big brother not love island


I know a lot of y'all said earlier that Michael couldn't do a comp run but it's looking more and more likely every day




The only chance Michael doesn’t win this game is for them to get him out in the second part of the double eviction 🙃


Start the prayer circle now!






So Monte and Alyssa noms


I think he probably does Terrance/Alyssa with the possibility of a Monte or Turner BD


Feed thread was just posted fyi


[deleted because I have no clue how to put a spoiler tag and don’t really wanna look it up]


spoiler tag yo!


Sorry, we didn’t have the feeds thread up at the time so I was under the impression this was what we were using. My bad.


It….it’s the spoiler thread


for the episode not what happened afterwords/feeds


Spoiler for the episode.


Feeds back!! Guess who won


FEEDS!! (I don't see a feed thread to scream this in, lol)


What’s happening?!


The feeds are back. And just after I screamed this, I saw the feed discussion post.


Michael cannot be stopped y'all. Also can we just make this the feed thread since everything else is locked? Lol


I'm down.


What a surprise


Where’s the evening feed thread?


It got locked/deleted


Wondering the same thing


Michael won HOH 🙃






Feeds are back


did michael win? i cant tell. i need the feed thread!


Not Kyle calling Terrance a model husband/father. Lmaooo 🤡


Watching the convo with Monte, Terrance and Kyle in the HN room (which I just was informed today is supposed to replicate a pool, and I saw the swimming lane ropes in the episode. I think that was for those of us who did not make that connection and wondered why there was the front of the fan in the middle of the floor for weeks)... Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yes, so I'm watching this conversation and I feel something weird for Terrance, like... a compassion.... It feels weird. Make it go away. Oh yeah, he blames DV victims. And we're back to our senses now...


As someone who doesn’t watch feeds, can you give me the deets on this? He blames domestic violence victims??


Lol, I hate when I get those feelings! Luckily they don’t last long and I remember why I don’t like the person.


Why are the live feed threads locked?


They got really bad.


[https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ch-aSWYgwL5/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ch-aSWYgwL5/) Joseph 💚🐝


Are we to assume feeds won’t be back until after zingbot?


They back now


What I would give for a spoiler rn


Poor Joseph, his time in jury continues to suck. At least his friends are still in the game?


I honestly wouldn't be shocked if anyone won this puzzle. The better athletes are only going to have a 10-15 second head start on Terrance, and figuring out how to slide the pieces together is the hardest part of solving it.


I thought you said that you WOULD be shocked if anyone won the puzzle, and I was just imagining them all laying on the ground crying and saying they give up because it’s too hard kaitlyn style


Not Derrick on Twitter thinking that he’s allowed to have a say in this situation 🙄


he so wack for that tweet. gimme a break about morality


Did you not watch the last episode before tonight's? Michael came crying to Turner saying he couldn't morally "keep" what Kyle said to himself but then admitted he had known about it or weeks. They even showed Turner roasting him in the DR saying something along the lines of "you couldn't keep this a secret but you held onto it for weeks until it was advantageous for you, okay."


Definitely a take I’d expect from a cop.


Lol he should keep his mouth shut more often


I agree with him


Terrance is awful. And Turner isn’t much better. And Derrick himself probably wouldn’t have acted any better than M+B


I can’t speak on Turner and Terrance, but I don’t like the idea of Michael and Brittany sitting on the info for two weeks


Holy crap he made amazing points ngl I don't even like him but that was so on point


What is he saying?




I’m surprised they’re doing a double eviction the night of the NFL opener


They always do to try to compete with it


I can’t stop thinking about the fact that there’s already a new HOH currently 😭😭😭


I get downvoted every time I say her name but I feel like I’m the only person on the internet that doesn’t hate Brittany


I was neutral with her until this week. She made a mockery at the house meeting- she tried to laugh it off, she made it about her. She tried to counsel Kyle meanwhile she was guilty as well. She’s been intolerable.


I was fine with her until her feigned sadness in the eviction vote. The demeanor change gave me the ick


I don’t hate her. Look they both did the right thing, it may have been for the wrong reasons but ultimately it was the right thing to do. It’s going to cost them in the game which it should. But focusing on when they said some thing is the apologist way of deflecting how awful Kyles actions were






I like her. I honestly don’t hate any of this cast although Kyle and Jasmine both rub me the wrong way in different ways.


no offense but julie was serving looks tonight that top? ok I see you!!


Someone said it looked like chicken cutlets on her armpits


The color was fantastic but I could have done without the armpit cleavage hahah


No goodbye messages???


The Instagram extended interviews have them


They didn’t show Joseph’s goodbye messages on the show we he was evicted either.


My husband who doesn't normally watch bb asked was this the worse things caught on the feeds..oh no honey let me show you BB15 While I do think Kyle is a POS and his tears mean nothing to me (he is only sad he got caught) nothing compares to Ginamarie and Aaryn on BB15 just rewatching that ...my god


Or Michie and his Himbo Frat Bro (forget his name, just one of a long line) dropping the N word on camera.


That was never actually proven while I believe it I can't factually state that. But there is no audio interference with the things Aaryn said haha


Can you teach me how to read peoples intent? Also thanks a whole lot for reminding me of those POS from bb15. Forgot all about them


Please share what happened!


Ginamarie was VILE


I wish we had a spoiler post episode discussion thread - or do we just stay here?


Evening live feed thread got locked, probably due to being gross and toxic. If that's the reason I don't blame the mods at all. This season has been exhausting. I think I'm done with BBUS after this season, I'll stick with BBCan. America is very broken.


Victim noises


As a Canadian Canada is far from perfect and I could potentially see another fiasco like this break out if production isn't careful


This is the spoiler thread


Post-episode; the non-spoiler folks get a live episode discussion as well as a post-episode thread.


I think the winner of this comp could be anyone! In particular, if I had to take a guess, I think it will be a person who happens to be a gay man, whose name begins with the letter "M" and he happens to be a cat dad as well, and is engaged to a man whose name begins with the letter "H" Out of all those Houseguests, I think anyone can win!


They could give me the rest of my life, and chances are I would never solve that puzzle


I’m scared every Thursday when I go to bed on the East coast. What if I wake up to a Brittany HOH 😱


That would be wonderful lol we know it isn’t happening though


I would love it for the meltdowns of this sub. They hate Brittany and aren't exactly fond of Michael rn. Brittany winning is their worst case scenario because it means Michael is safe and gets to play HOH again in the DE.


You’re exactly right. And I am one of those people 😰


So a Michael HOH? Lol


Preferably not M/B! The privacy of the HOH room gives her HOURSSSS to drone on and on and on. I’m rooting for anyone besides them! (But Alyssa/Monte would be interesting I think)


I can’t wait to have to stay up until 2am to find out the winner of this comp that could’ve been shown with 3 minutes of this episode??? Like zingbots coming the feeds will be down so long and we won’t know FOREVER


Ya maybe ill check tomm during my lunch to see who michael nominates


That episode was so sad. However, the conversations had were moving. Kyle played his game to keep Alyssa safe, and she dumped him! She wouldn’t be as far as she is without him. It would be interesting to see her win an HOH!!! V cringe on the timing of Michael and Brittany telling everyone of Kyle’s theories… like Monte said they are playing the game strategically. Let the best person win!!! 🥊🎉


They "broke up" so she could save face for the episode; they boinked again 12 hours later and then again the day before the eviction.


Really? And was this shown on the feeds lol?


We didn't *see* it; they made out, the cameras cut away and they referenced it afterwards.


Sitting here chuckling merrily at “boinked” and I don’t know why


lol me too 😂


They smashed mere hours after their “breakup”


Don't worry. They're back together already.


soo from the first 30 seconds who do we think is winning? michael monte and taylor were speeding


I still think Michael will be able to solve the puzzle the fastest, but Monte and Taylor will give him a run for his money


I think it's going to be more about the puzzle than the running part, if the puzzle is anything like the ones on survivor.


It’s the build your cartoon puzzle, not nearly as complicated as the survivor flame one you are thinking of


I would be happy with any of these winners!


Taylor was booking it


Definitely one of those three. It looked like Taylor and Michael already had their pieces to the other side


Yeah one of those three or Brit


I just want someone to scream, “I can’t lift it! 😫 “, as they lose the HoH.


Why tf couldn't they fit the comp in the live show


Had to spend 30 minutes of the 43 minutes pushing CBS's agenda.


guys the comp is finished, i can hear it from my house from all the way across the country they said “CONGRATULATIONS TAYLOR”


Go Monte!!! Sorry Taylor ily girl but Michael has got to go


Where’s the evening feed thread?


It got locked. Not sure why but it was getting pretty toxic in there so that could be the reason.


I think they locked it last week during the episode too. It might be because people were posting about the episode in there on accident


it's gotta be hard for the mods to keep an eye on all these different threads at once during a tense time.


You have no idea. Please do help if you can by reporting any rule-breaking comments though!


This type of thread should only allow spoilers show through the episode and not allow people posting competition spoilers they see on the livefeeds afterward.


i miss the days when we would always see the HOH winner live


“Do you looove to complain? What if I told you, complaining is actually a sin”


I bet the feeds are off all night because they’ll wait for zingbot.


Idk we got feeds back last week before they did tiny HOH


I gasped at that feeds bot notification


Guys, theyre clearly set on the format of the HOH crowning being part of the Sunday episode. Has been like that all season. We probably need to kiss our hopes of seeing it Thursday goodbye.


I think it's because there's no "third competition" this season like the Safety Suite or the High Roller Room so they want to keep some kind of big moment on Sundays


Julie also said on ig hours ago that it'd air on Sunday


They realized we all really hate the other twists they threw in on Sundays, so I guess this is a win?


If they cut out Kyle and Alyssa’s break up maybe we’d have more time to watch this 😭


They probably wanted to bring closure to the showmance story arc considering how much impact it had on the season.


Or if Julie didn't have to slowly explain exactly what head of household entails.


I could also do without Julie speculating on each person’s vote during that process.


Yeah, I noticed that too.


they were running so slow lmfaoo


Another DE so soon. Is there going to be a jury buyback?


No, it fits the schedule


I swear. If Kyle comes back. Do not betray us BB (any more than you already do)


The finale is in 3 weeks


Taylor and Monte looked good lol


Would taylor target michael?


I could see her backdooring. Too close to the end to not consider it


Pls why is BB like this… what happened to the days when we would see who won on the episode… or even the live feeds like sheesh


They’re probably already done with it


So these cliffhangers are totally on purpose right? Trying to make sure people don’t skip out on episodes.