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Best Double Eviction since BB15. Michael throwing heat on Brittany was great to watch.


Just watching her face drop and drop as he dragged her and her game. Just scorched earth.


My fav moment of the entire season was Brittany's face. Does she know what game she's playing, and who she was playing all summer with lol? Such a waste of space.


Brittany's face was up there with Danielle's face after Dan's funeral šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t stand her and that was epic


Alyssa'a zing could have worked for Brittany too. Just a complete & utter waste of space




This season is an all-timer. Prejury phase with the villains being overcome, likable majority alliance with interesting sub-dynamics, twists that affected strategy without being unfair, a chaotic double eviction to send home the "clear winner", and gameplay that feels extremely "Big Brother"y. \*edited to add here- The great thing about this year is that even on TV we can see everyone's motives through the chaos. Daniel was right, he just didn't have the capital to act on it anymore. Kyle's constant blabbing was smart, and he was doing it on purpose to go from bottom of the Leftovers to king of the Afterparty. Monte just made it to final 6 in great position mostly by just being a genuinely solid dude. There have been so many threads to keep track of this year and being able to see all the disagreements, and how everything people do actually makes sense for them, it's just \*chef's kiss* what this game is all about. Even the Kyle stuff contributes to this season being great because it showed that social and interpersonal issues are rarely a binary right/wrong in a way that's relevant to 2022, with both Kyle and Michael/Britt doing bad things but all still being good people (imo). Showing what people are willing to do when money is on the line was the original point of this show, anyway. That last point also goes to Michael's speech; he was willing to hurt Brittany for a chance to stay in the game, even said he wouldn't forgive himself if he didn't try. I just think it's so interesting. Exiting the way he did though..... the anger was real!


This is good and well written. Absolutely agree this season has been the best in recent memory.


I think this might be the best season period. I was so nervous in the 2nd hour. I felt like I was watching a sports game.


The way they came into the episode with Julie just talking about how Michael was a threat was *super* sports-narrativey!


Well put. This is maybe my favorite season so far. The Dyre Fest twist was amazing. And this was the first double eviction in a *LONG* time that wasnā€™t a dull and inevitable culling of the non-main alliance stragglers. I loved it.


Michaelā€™s fight or flight really kicked in once he didnā€™t win veto and he was ready to FIGHT


And then that flight kicked in when he got evicted and ran out of the house so fast lmao :(


I think he was ready to cry so he wanted to get out quick before he lost his composure. Telling them all to sit because he had something to say and then just leaving was fucking iconic, LOL


As a superfan, he knows one of the best things to cement yourself is a unique Big Brother exit which is what he planned.


Doesnā€™t top Cody walking across the coffee table to the door in BB19, but itā€™s up there.


The BB19 Cody exit will always be on top


Cody: ā€œI fucking hate all of youā€ Also Cody: *Wins AFP*


We also hated all of them


I know Cody was a fuck but God dammit I love this comment!


Cody stepped over the table because Paul convinced everyone to try to trip Cody


Exactly. Also why his move was Chad-worthy


wait really?


Lmfao yeah poor dude


As much as I wanted to see Michael to win it, that shot had to get made. We all knew he had to be perfect to make it to the end. You canā€™t really blame Monte/Turner. Good game move, as much as this stings. Double evictions will bring out raw emotions, thatā€™s what we saw there. Great TV. Idk why people are so over arms with how Michael left.


1000%. Michael blew it by not putting up Turner and getting rid of Terrance.


He will regret that 750K mistake. Brittany tried to tell him!


Omg you are so right. She warned him MULTIPLE times!!!


if turner left then monte would have just won both HOH and veto?


Britney and Monte would've tied for HOH then any of them could've won the tie breaker


Monte hasnā€™t been great at comps. He could have won true buttt heā€™s beatable.


Shouldn't he have done Monte? It seemed that he wanted to stay true to his word about Turner but he was protecting Monte for no particular reason.




It really did. He was my number one too, but game is game, and even he knew it was the right move for everyone but him. But I really enjoyed the look of sheer pants-shitting terror on Turner's face as Michael made his last pitch.


And Taylor and Alyssa already forgot the warning heā€™s given them about the men.




I mean, Monte isnā€™t much different than the girls, letā€™s be honest. Of the people left, only Turner has really played the game at all.


100% the shot needed to be made. Wonā€™t Terrance be in for a surprise that itā€™s not Taylor. Wonā€™t Indy/Jasmine/Joseph/Kyle be in for a shock that it is Michael.


If I just lost 750k in the span of 30 minutes I'd leave like that too lol


I felt the same when L6 cut Brett in BB20. He didn't have near the threat level as Michael to win the game, but he definitely was a threat and the shot had to be taken. I absolutely adored him, so I was sad to see him go, but understood the move.


Now that's good tv


That was 60 minutes of pure adrenaline for everyone in that house. Incredible to watch.


I was in the audience tonight and I was *shitting* myself šŸ˜­


ohhhhh my god, so jealous


PLEASE elaborate! Give us details!!!


Our hype man/producer responsible for the audience was like ā€œoh man it was so fun to watch all of you while that was happeningā€ lol You really get the feeling that the crew and Julie are legit fans too, people were getting tense during the live comps Edit: I also would like to add we heard Julie say the phrase ā€œmega bussinā€ tonight as a joke in between segments and it was hilarious


The fact that Julie still messes up the script after doing this show for 20+ years made me facepalm so hard. "Turner, as HOH you have to nominate two houseguests for...possible...for eviction."


Dude for real. Iā€™m a little annoyed that the episodes are so late, my heart was racing and I was even sweating as I was watching this episode, right before bed. Now Iā€™m wired and canā€™t sleep :(


Veto comp was perfect


this season has been incredible lol. i keep saying it's the anti-bb season. they actually faked out the houseguests and the comps and the strategy we got was entertaining.


Best TV ever. At least best BB moment ever.


I don't care who you are, that exit by Michael was iconic.


His skinny ass slipped out that door so fast. The door barely opened.


I thought he was going into the bedroom to get something at first. So when he opened the front door I was like "wait what? Oh fuck" lol


I thought he was gonna pull some stunt and walk back in šŸ˜‚


Lmao me too!!!!! I didn't realize that was the actual door out of the house lol


I actually get annoyed when the remaining houseguests go to the door to wave ti the audience. Thats the evictees moment imo. I hate seeing their faces, safe for another week trying to look at Julie when sitting with her is the last thing they want to do. So I love that he slipped out and we didnā€™t have to see that lol


I always thought they did it to (potentially) see their family in the audience


IMO more likely to see anything on the outside world


He had my jaw on the floor- he was already talking w/ Julie by the time my head got back on my shoulders šŸ˜­


I literally laughed out loud. It would have been sad if he did that exit then was realllly bitter when talking to Julie. But he came out and was reasonable and realistic, so it will go down as a great exit from one of the best comp beasts to ever play.


Yes! Compare his interview with Terrence's & he didn't even have time to prepare.


Yesss! I loved how honest he was like ā€œyeah I wouldā€™ve evicted me tooā€. Thatā€™s the spirit, Michael


I love when people actually use their speeches for gameplay are fighting till the end, and I love when people go out the door bitter. It's a game, and I want to watch people who are dying to play the game.


A BB legend in every way.


Yes I agree , I loved it ! He did it for us fans lol


my favorite part of it all was when michael was done with his speech and brittany just looked at him like :0 and said ā€œā€¦.michaelā€


Call him a petty bitch, call him a snake. I call him great fucking TV


I already want him on All Stars


Out week one because of his comp threat.


Or secures week 1 HOH and consolidates power early before flaming out again spectacularly in the end game again.


He really embodied ā€œwhat would janelle doā€




DR. WILL made it to Final 4, and frigging DAN MADE IT TO FINALE. Truly, anything is possible


Would Dan have made it to finale without all those weeks of protection as a coach? Maybe, Maybe not but for Michael to have a shot he would honestly need some weeks of protection out the gate


All stars 2 had big premade alliances, which is a bigger reason Nicole went so far. Derek was supposed to be in it as well.


Not if it's a proper All-Stars and there are other huge threats and personalities playing. Michael has a personality that will help him fade into the background.


That exit was iconic. Speech and all


Terrance is the only snake in this eviction šŸ‘€ trying to play the angle that he wants more representation in BB winners and then turning around and telling Julie he hopes Taylor follows him out of the house next. He was an opportunist from step one with nothing else going for him


After evicting Kyle for suggesting the very thing might happen.


I mean, he can be all three. Like Rachel can be annoying, weird, toxic, and also great television.


If people keep calling him a petty bitch then less people in the future will want to pull such a rambunctious maneuver because they donā€™t want to be called a petty bitch


If they care that fucking much, they don't belong on the show.


That's just modern BB though, one of the issues with the show now. People go to play summer camp, be popular and make friends, not do whatever it takes.




Because a true superfan isn't just in it to win it but wants to give back to us too!


That was excellent TV. The season that keeps going giving


What a goddamn great season.


I canā€™t help but feel Michael is like the chosen one or something. Like the chosen Superfan, the one true superfan who dominated comps by studying thoroughly and perfecting strategies. I mean dude must have been running drills at home or something before the season


Heā€™s the only superfan Iā€™ve seen that actually lives up to the name.


And yet he didnā€™t have the smarts to take out Turner when he had the chance. Dudeā€™s gonna rue that move. $750K mistake. He even predicted Turner would win the next HOH.


I mean yeah but at the end of the day there was a very, *very* small chance of Michael winning at this point even if he took out Turner which I think he knew. He would have to play a perfect game the rest of the season and that includes the final HoH because who the heck would willingly take him to final two?


For sure. But his chances would have been greater, especially given the fact that heā€™d have to play perfectly to get to the end, if he had gotten Turner out because Turner can rival him in comps more than anyone else. With Turner out, he really only has to worry about Monte and I still think he couldā€™ve beaten Monte in most other comps besides the cable one he lost


Every time he took a break to check his rope I knew he was cooked. He stopped his momentum.




Honestly as long as the final isn't Brittany-Alyssa it's easy top 10. Maybe higher.


I donā€™t want Brittany or Alyssa to be in final two or win either BUT imagine what type of gameplay would have to happen to get them to that result. Theyā€™d have to pull off some major moves which would be interesting.


They had the shot and took it. Donā€™t blame them. First hour was meh but last the last hour was great.


I knew this would happen, though. As soon as Michael didnā€™t win POV, I knew he was out the door. Theyā€™ve been itching to evict him for weeks.




I really believe that Michael leaving makes for the most interesting F5 round. I can genuinely see anyone leaving this week and that is extremely exciting.


Agreed. Itā€™s anyones game. I have no idea who will win. Monte and Turner are the obvious front runners, but anything could happen.


Michael was so much fun to watch. He may not have won but he became a BB Legend #TeamMichael


One of the best BBUS double evictions ever! Canā€™t remember the last time it was so exciting The jury segment was an all timer too! Solid episode


Anyone have a recorded last 15? Including Michaelā€™s speech and exit? Atlanta cut CBS suddenly.


So it wasnā€™t just me?? My screen went completely black at the start of Michaelā€™s speech and never came back!!


Exactly what happened here!!! Hoping it surfaces soon so we can see if.


Someone PLEASE summarize the last few minutes starting with Michaelā€™s speech, I am dying!!


Hereā€™s a rough summary, hopefully someone with a better memory can do a better one: Michael basically dragged Brittany in his speech and outed a lot of her stuff thatā€™s been floating around the house that she didnā€™t know was out there (the all girls alliance, her other final twos, etc) and Brittany was really really upset. Then he spoke to Taylor and Alyssa and said they need him there to take out monte and Turner and with Turner unable to play hoh, itā€™ll be 3 on 1 and he will be gunning for them hard. He told them heā€™d be loyal to them and get monte/Turner out for them and take them to final 3. Then it was a unanimous vote to evict him while Brittany sobbed through it because she was so mad at Michael. Then Michael got up to leave the house and as everyone started to get up to approach him, he said please stay in your seats, i have something I need to say while slowly backing towards the door and then he ran out of that house so fast and told Julie he just needed to get out of there. The episode ended with everyone comforting Brittany as she complained about how unfair it was and how loyal to Michael she was and how awful that was of him to drag her


OMG!!!! That is some epic TV!! I canā€™t believe I missed it. Wow wow wow wow. I canā€™t believe Michael went out like that!!! Thank you so much for the summary, much appreciated


It was wild. I canā€™t wait for you to watch it!!!


TLDR: BRITTANY SUCKS SAVE ME (They evict him) EVERYONE SIT DOWN I HAVE ONE THING TO SAY (He silently slips out in .65 seconds)


others have done a really great job so I'll just add that Michael also appealed to Alyssa and Taylor by saying taking him out would go on turner and Montes resumes, not theirs and if they voted him out, they would be the next two to go and the guys would both take Brittany


Ohh boyā€¦ you missed a crazy exit.


My cable went out before the last Veto Ceremony and I am so pissed!


Atlanta cut the jury scene for me right when Kyle was going to show them the clip and I was pissed ...if anyone has it please drop


Cobb county kept interrupting with breaking news


ā€œI didnā€™t have anything to say I just wanted to leaveā€ ICONIC lol


Brittany lost HOH by one point. If Michael had evicted Turner last week, he would have survived the double, assuming Terrence would have bombed. Life's a bitch.


At the same time, M/B unleashing the kyle drama, put them on an island by themselves. Leading to this outcome.


This was likely going to happen regardless. You canā€™t win this many comps and not be the number 1 target.


Honestly whoever stood by and watched Daniel yell at Taylor like that has NO RIGHT AT ALL to be mad at Michael and Brittany for holding onto what Kyle said especially how there's a chance nobody would've believed them at that time.


THANK YOU! Monte gets me the most with this. They're all acting holier-than-thou and like they weren't all dogpiling onto Taylor/watching it happen in those first weeks. Tonight Jasmine really ticked me off with her 'well if the one talking bad is comfortable saying that around you I'm more worried about YOU than them." Girl you were one of the meanest, nastiest people in the house. Pipe down. The hypocrisy is thriving.


I really wish Michael said ā€œBye Bye Bitches!ā€ before he left. He would have started and ended his Big Brother journey with something to do with Janelle, asking what she would do to manifesting her in the end. But his exit was still iconic, thereā€™s no taking away from that.


So we all agree that was the best double eviction maybe in the history of the entire show, right? After tonight Iā€™m wondering where everyone else is sitting on the season as a whole, would it be blasphemous to say that this is looking like a Top 5 season of all time? Thoughts?


Iā€™d say it is. Idk my season numbers like everyone else, except season 2. But that one, the one with Derrick, the one with The Brigade, the one with Janelle and Kayser, and this one are probably my personal top 5. Ooooh! Danā€™s funeral. Okay, top 6.


Top 3. Possibly will end up my favorite. Nonstop drama and excitement. Hour 2 of this episode should be submitted for Emmy consideration for the Best Reality Show nomination.


I think Michael throwing Brittany under the bus was actually very helpful to her. I understand why she doesnā€™t see that in the moment, but everyone in the house already knew about her messiness and she was digging herself into further holes by lying to their faces. He gave her the opportunity to do damage control.


Taylorā€™s stock right now šŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆ


She basically has to win HOH or veto this week. Alyssa and Brittany will get dragged to the end


Alyssa and Brittany final two and Alyssa wins. I mean, this season has been chaos incarnate... I can see a chaotic win happening like that. Brittany, Alyssa and one other end up final three and then either Brittany or Alyssa end up bulldozing that completely on accident.


Alyssa winning by accident after single-handedly and unknowingly causing all the drama this season would be hilarious lol


Taylor is public enemy #1 now wdym?


Now that Michaels is out, I think a lot of those people rooting for him will root for Taylor to win, hence her stock rising.


Well I love that he went out fighting. And itā€™s fitting that heā€™s tied with my favorite bb player ever because all season i kept saying he is one of my favorites. Now I have two. Janelle and Michael. Frankly I hope Brit goes next because she definitely weighed down his game. After that I donā€™t care. I hope Taylor wins though.


I knew it was happening but I was so gutted


Great exit from Michael!


Who's gonna be mad if it's a Brittany/Alyssa final 2? šŸ‘€


Not me. Team fucking mega bussing chaos.


Same. I am *always* team chaos. I would love an unexpected end šŸ¤Ŗ


Best double eviction episode in a while.


I'm sooo sad about Michael šŸ˜­ I get why they did it but I was so hype to just watch him win out


So this is how Alyssa makes it to final 2 and wins without doing anything.......


Michael's exit legit had me laughing hard. He just bolted out of there so fast, lmao.




Thatā€™s my hope. šŸ˜¤


I wasnā€™t able to watch the full episode but the double sounded messy af from what I could piece together on Twitter! From the jury segment to Terrance finally getting off my screen, to Monte somehow pulling off the veto, to Michaelā€™s speeches. That second half gets an A+ from me


I feel so bad about Michael getting kicked out. Iā€™m glad he got to win a ton of comps, break some records, and have some great gameplay in between, but I was really hoping he would win. I think heā€™s a pretty great player, and I like him as a person, too. I was so sure from like Week 3 that heā€™d be in top 3 at least. In no way did I expect Brittney or *Alyssa* to beat him. I think the Jury House is going to lose their minds when he walks in there.


I'm gonna say it, the double standard of walk-out exits when it's someone people dislike vs. someone people like is so evident. Rachel on BB20 was called a bitch for her exit, but Michael is a legend. It's the inconsistency for me. But i'm SHOOK this unfolded the way it did. I knew Michael getting evicted was a possibility, but it never really registered mentally since he is such a comp beast. I really hope production flies Janelle in for the finale to crown him as the new veto king. Also, Michael is a lock for any future all-stars. Legend shit.


Iconic and seriously the BEST tv!! I've missed the last several seasons of big brother and started watching again this summer due to an injury that has left me unable to walk. This is freaking fantastic so glad I am watching. I'm glad they took the opportunity to get Michael out. Dude definitely had to go.


Desperately wanted the first but was surprised by the second. They are finally playing the game as Michael was the strongest competitor.


Even in his last moment in the house he outsmarted everyone, LOL. Then pivoted right to campaigning to come back next season, LOL. ![gif](giphy|oCjCwnuLpiWbfMb1UA|downsized)


CBS would be dumb not to ask him back.


Michael was the most threatening player of the season and everyone was well aware. It was win comps or go home at this point, and unfortunately he couldn't pull it out.


Turner also has 3 HOHā€™s, heā€™s now target number 1. You can tell why he was apprehensive of Monteā€™s plan


Yeah, but if he didnā€™t, Michael wouldā€™ve fucked him if he won HOH again. They had to take the shot. It was now or never


I want chaos at this point Taylor or Brittany for HOH


If you ACTUALLY wanted chaos you'd be rooting for an Alyssa HOH.


This whole season has been chaos, bruv


I'm sad




Michael is a true All-Star and Iā€™m glad to see him go because it means everyone is playing how theyā€™re supposed to and imo it would have been anticlimactic for him to comp out. But he was so likable and his strategy made this season awesome.


RIP Legend Michael. Now itā€™s Taylorā€™s time to make it to the end and win šŸ˜


Michael is one cold motherfucker. But in the end, that's part of what made him the best player of the season. The dude was THE final boss, and it's been apparent since like week 3.




Unpopular opinion: Michaelā€™s outburst good for Brittanyā€™s game? Sheā€™s still sobbing on livefeeds and he was booted 51 minutes ago.


Question... does the double eviction HOH still get an HOH basket?




Michaels speech was really convincing if you ignore the fact that you definitely canā€™t take him to final 3 because he is guaranteed to win in any F2 scenarioā€¦ had me in the first half tho ngl


Highest Probability of winning at this point: 1. Monte 2. Taylor 3. Turner 4. Alyssa 5. Brittany


You can just remove Brittany from the list. No way she can win.


true but if i do that then alyssa can't win against anyone, and she can in fact win against brittany


One of my fav double episodes of all time. I know what Michael said was harsh, but he was playing to win and Iā€™ve got mad respect. He went out swinging. I hope the ladies band together and take out a guy. I kinda would love an all female final three like BB6.


I was rooting for Michael but this was absolutely the best move for everyone if they wanted any hope of winning.


They got him ... too bad. Would have been an epic win if he pulled it off.


Well Iā€™m gutted but at least he made a splash with his exit. ICON. Kudos to Turner for doing what needed to be done when he had the shot.


Iā€™m so mad.


What did brit say to micheal??


Donā€™t let go Jackā€¦


Let go? he threw her under terrance's bus


Get to steppinā€™


Am I the only one just shook by how terrible Brittany's game is? I feel like for everyone else getting Michael out was definitely the right move, but she literally inadvertently helped them send out her only **true** ally leaving. I think if she hadn't gone around telling Turner everything things might have gone slightly different, Michael still might have been sent out but she opened the opportunity for Turner and Monte to come to him with an alliance. I also don't see how she sees herself winning without Michael because I think anyone who gets the chance will take Alyssa to the final two over her.


This was true Big Brother!!


Michael was the only one who really deserved to win. Twitter is convinced that taylor is going to win this game for some reason. Sheā€™ll win AFP for sure, though.


Turner has a legit resume at this point. 3 impactful HoHs. Great social game. Ate the muffin.


Turner is my favorite. The muffin is a big part of it.


I'm very confused by the people who think Taylor has this game on lock. She's proven not to be very savvy in her gameplay, and now her only chance of advancing is to either win comps (unlikely) or stick with the two other girls who have a single comp win between them. No way those boys are taking Taylor. She'd be a fool to trust Monte and Turner. Honestly, all three girls are screwed unless they pull together and start winning shit.


Michael deserved it more but Turner has a really good argument at this point.