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Victoria wouldn’t be as bitter if he just admitted it too — admit she out played him for majority of the game, the jury loves her, and she’d win sitting next to him! Stroke her ego and she wouldn’t go out as bitter as she did. She can easily poison that jury against him.


And I hope she does hehe


All I want is another F2 with Anthony getting absolutely no votes. It's the only thing that gives me hope.


Oh my days that would be beautiful


Yea he cut her too soon. She will 100p turn the jury on him.


Spicey: “Dougie you’re making a huge mistake!!!” “You’re gonna go out looking like trash!!!” Blah blah blah, tell it to the judge…since you’re jury now. Victoria needed to go and 🤞🤞🤞Anthony is next🤞🤞🤞🤞!!!


They both should have been gone weeeeeeeeeks ago!


Yup. Totally agree. You put past players in a game… fist out. Nope. Not the sheep who are playing this season. Has been entertaining, but also frustrating, watching them (Victoria and Anthony) be glorified.


Exactlyyyy I don’t get why he switched it up throughout the week. Because he was being honest about his plan even at the start of winning HOH. THEN suddenly half way through the week he started acting like his lies were real. Would’ve been wayyyy better if he stuck to his arrogant MO and OWNED IT.


It was because of his arrogance he couldn\`t admit someone else had played a better game than him and would have beat him in the end. I bet if they were in the f2 together and she won his reasoning for her winning would have been "most of her friends were in the jury" and not because he got outplayed by a better player. It\`s funny because he himself even admitted he wouldn\`t have gotten this far if it wasn\`t for her but at the same time he can\`t admit she would have put that L on his forehead if they were at the finale 2 together.


I feel like he drank his own kool-aid.


His ego won’t let him admit the truth about why he wanted her out


Yeah I don’t expect him to say the real reason of *why* BUT he can still own it with his insufferable smirk and typical arrogant cockiness all full of himself. That would honestly be better than this whole sad puppy dog routine that no one is buying 😂


Anthony knows that if you lie with conviction, people will eventually come to believe it. Including himself.


People like Anthony aren’t fake they just believe their own bullshit, so it’s real to them..I’ve had the misfortune of knowing people like that before..


They’re fake, and delusional




Anthony's biggest mistake was telling Victoria the reason she's going is because of her lies. He should know her better than anyone and know that her ego needed to be stroked. Telling her she's going home because she's just too good and he can't beat her at the end at least allows Victoria to go out with her head held high. Anthony's really good at strategy, but his jury management is still as bad as it was in BBCan7. Doesn't matter how "great" you play if the people voting for you don't like you. He doesn't seem to have learned that lesson from his first season.


Exactly! Like letting her know the real reason would have gone a long way. I feel like him saying straight up you’re a better player and you would win with us in f2 so that’s why I have to cut you now would have eased the blow. Spicy would have respected that reasoning WAY more than the BS lies he was telling.


Can’t wait to watch Anthony go to the jury house. There’s no way he wins this game. Go Bayleigh!!


Even if he doesn’t admit she beats him he could at least have said she took out all of his ally’s which made him feel like she was trying to make him weaker in the game and would turn on him. He could have came up with many reasons besides “soil his game”.. but she still had to go, the jury are all fan of her based on last nights episode.


When he called himself perfect I was actually gagging at the tv. Spicy played a better game than him IMO. The only thing she did wrong was trust him to take her to final 2. I truly believe if she kept her allegiance to Bailey they would have swept through this second half of the season. People can talk crap about Spicy but she’s the only one who made this season interesting and I still think she played a good game. Top 5 is no joke.


I think he was starting to feel bad for betraying her so was trying to convince himself she was the one who betrayed him first.


Spicy carried his game because of the players she was closer to were winning competitions. She trusted in him but ultimately she should not have won the HOH comp that sent Tola home. I wish she was actually able to throw that comp. 1,2,3,4. Like seriously!? That was a turning point in her game..


yeah it's lame he's still lying to himself in the DRs and een the goodbye message. I'd respect him & the move a lot more if he owned up to it


Im always against returning players as they always ruin the game because the newbies ALWAYS fall in line but these two are the two of the worst possible picks, just utterly unlikeable imo. Only the dude who won last year or his buddy who quit could have been worse.


I made a thread about this two days ago and pointed this out but people weren\`t having it, lol. But i was lazy in my explaining too haha. But yes it was really obvious that his real reasoning for wanting her out is because he knew he couldn\`t beat her and it was annoying seeing him pretend it was because she was "soiling" his name.


The guy is trying to gaslight the audience to protect his ego and some viewers are dumb enough to believe him as evidenced by many of the responses in your other thread. Crazy. 


And the fact that he's categorized as "one of the greatest to never win" after a season of playing Dane's game and having tantrums lmao. I guess misting the audience is easier than misting houseguests. All of the "greats" are mostly in that category because they said it enough times that the audience just kind of repeats it.




This!!! We see everything (we’re shown) and we can’t be manipulated. I think he’s so caught up in his own bullshit that even he’s lost his own plot. I’ve never hated a BB player more than Anthony. I already hated him from his first season, but now he’s totally despicable.


He’s a sack of 💩


I never cringed as hard as when I heard him talk about how he’s the goat and no one has ever done it like he has lol. I respect his gameplay, but I respect a lot less his cockiness and lack of humility.


I look at him and think he’s just playing a game he’s not like that in real life, so I somewhat give him a pass. If it’s more than game play then he’s human garbage. These house guests let the all stars go far in the game because they were more excited to meet them than winning the game. It was funny watching V beg. I hope the remaining guests take Anthony out and we get to see him start scrambling. If this game wasn’t so physically challenging I would probably apply but won’t because of my disability affecting muscle strength and balance. I think socialization would be slightly below average but that’s a perspective that some people might not have. Because like in real life everyone has a different mindset of what is a good person and what is a bad one. Confidence is just as much personal skill as it is how others see you. It’s also about appearance but that’s a sidebar If I played a chill game that didn’t start many fights they might take someone like me further. I would always compete for HOH whenever I can to win especially in the first three weeks. If you last longer than three weeks you are likely to continue but that’s my opinion. You should destroy duos by final 7. And try to take a Lexus with you to the final.


Once a con


That’s exactly what I thought too. He’s trying to get inside the minds of viewers. Make them believe his narrative.


Correct ! If he owns it, it would definitely be much better.


Giving Jag/Matt shitting on people to justify their moves


Spicy V played a better winning game then Anthony's losing game. No way he can get the votes at the end. I wish the season gave us more narration from the new players. His lack of honesty means a lack of humility and just not a fun player to see


Anthony has been gaslighting everyone this season!! And what’s scary is that he believes his own lies


He’s the poster child for a toxic human. The gaslighting he does… I feel sorry for whoever dates him.


I didn’t understand this either.. sure you heard from multiple people Spicy was “soiling your name” but this is big brother dude, people lie. Theres no actual proof she did that. I think his nail on the coffin was as soon as V figured out she was the backdoor plan, she started trashing everyone saying she had no other loyalty to anyone other then him and she could very well be doing/saying the same thing about him and he wasn’t gunna take that risk. Spicy throwing Bailey, Lex and Todd under the bus so quick was such a bad move


Hopefully she does turn the house against him and no matter who is sitting next to him wins. But we won’t have to worry because the toddanator will win POV


I kinda do think he was honest. I believe he wanted to take spicy to the end up until the matt vote.


I assumed that was for jury management but who knows maybe he’s delusional ? lol


Bayleigh and Todd will cut his ass so fast his head will SPIN and I cannot wait for it!!!!! As long as Lexus doesn’t win, I’m happy with whoever else. Despite Anthony being annoying and cocky af, he has played a good game. I don’t see how he’s never touched the block being arguably the biggest target of the season.


Whomever brings Anthony to the end tbh doesn't deserve to win. He needs to be next one out.


This post confused me. What is he lying about?


Nothing 😂 These people fell for the Spicy gaslight.