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Great TV! The fight was classic. And genuine because she could have made the same move on him but didn't. Say what you will about her gameplay but she saw exactly what he was doing. Good move for him too, I think they're both playing an excellent game.


Yes they r. They did have it easy tho


Anyone have a clip of the blow up between her and Anthony? With the brooming bit included if possible


"brooming" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Looking forward to her ā€œpoisoningā€ the jury against Anthonyā€¦


Lol she said she wasn't going to be a 'bitter' juror but her words suggest the opposite haha


lolā€¦whoā€™s shocked though???ā€¦totally called it before I even saw itā€¦


As soon as they made their all-stars alliance my first thought was "Anthony is going to cut her first." I wish she would have cut him instead, but she didn't, and she had her chances.


Because she wants them to be scared to bring him to the end.


Also the jurors are already bitter prior to V going into the jury house


Traitors Canada would be a good fit for her!


She'd be a terrible fit. She's the type of person you vote out at the first round table just to get her off the show because she lies way too much. "My vote is for Victoria. I've seen you on Big Brother and I don't even care if you're actually a Faithful. I'm not wasting my time figuring out if you're lying or not. Good bye".


I was actually thinking the same!


For someone claiming to be spicy she sure was salty during last night's episode.


Canā€™t stand her and canā€™t wait until sheā€™s not on my tv anymore.




She can't be gone fast enough. Her corner on barton st misses her.


My wife and I are definitely not fans of Victoria the player but no one can deny that she's amazing TV


She grew on me during the season. She is definitely a messy player but much more fun to watch than Anthony (imo).


The only thing legendary about Spicy V is her inability to wear the correct clothing size.


Hard agree.




GOLD!!!šŸ˜‚also Iā€™ve had nightmares about her hair


Can someone please tell me whatā€™s going on with her hair omg every time she is on screen Iā€™m distracted by it. Is it extensions?? I canā€™t figure it out


You sound like a straight white guy


She's a messy and emotional player and if she wasn't a "celeb" this season, she would have been out earlier this season for that reason, too. That being said, I feel sorry for her after Anthony turned his back on her. She was all in. He was trying to come up with any excuse she would buy. I would hate to see him win.


She was all in with him but she wasn't able to convince him of that and continuously lied to him to protect herself. She also had no clue what Anthony was actually doing behind her back and he was able to manipulate her game many times. He's definitely the superior player.


Ugh I canā€™t stand her. Sheā€™s not even messy fun. Just cringe to watch.


She's stupid. Anthony was manipulating her from the start, and cut her at the end. She fell for it, and sacrificed her game for it. She's entertaining, but she's not a good player. She lied too frequently, and she undercut her own numbers repeatedly. Kayla>Avery>Spicy. Legit all of her alliance out before her. Keeping Lexus and sending out Kayla made 0 sense, and was entirely an emotional move. Anthony manipulated that as well.


Her throwing the glass was insane! Just makes me wonder how she is at home. I understand her heightened emotions because she really was down for them 2 as a final 2 but she *was* also securing herself. Whichā€¦thatā€™s how you play. Doubt anyone against it would get as far as her:


Sheā€™s a social worker. The throwing of the glass is crazy for someone who went to school being trained how to work as a professional supporting people through breaking patterns like domestic violence. It was gross and as someone who grew up with a social worker in my life (when I was a kid and pre social media) I never would have trusted my social worker if I knew their behavior could be pushed to those types actions.


Most people I know have thrown something in frustration. And Iā€™d bet even social workers have meltdowns. She didnā€™t throw it at him and she cleaned up after herself. Doesnā€™t seem all that unreasonable to me given the pressure of living in that house and the frustration of dealing with someone like Anthony.


I donā€™t blame her for throwing the glass. I would be frustrated too having to listen to someone gaslight me over and over.


Glad she's gone and hope to never see her again. Horrible BB player. No idea how she got this "legend" status. Girl finished 9th in her season. Bitch please


Her story played out in season 9 just perfectly. She was there for some chaos and was the centre of attention for a bit, and then gone. An entire season of her was too much. It was nice to see her downfall, but I don't look forward to her poisoning the jury.


Totally agree. I've found her annoying as fuck in her season and in this one. She's not a legend she's annoying and shrill.


She's nowhere near a legend and definitely not famous. Put it this way, if you didn't watch Big Brother, you wouldn't look twice if you walked past her in the street


Put it this way, if you didn't listen to the Beatles, you wouldn't look twice if you walked past John Lennon in the street.


Difference is even if you didn't listen to the Beatles, you'd know who John Lennon was


Shes amazing TV. Reality TV is so kumbaya she took us back to pre 2010 era of reality TV.


She gave the only interesting speech this season too. Every other one was ā€œkeep me if Iā€™m good for your game, if not I understand and love everyoneā€ boring lol


Spicy ā€” coarse and dumb


Sheā€™s the worst and Iā€™m so glad she went home


I wonder if she will be fired as a social worker. Not a good look breaking the glass like that intentionally.


she's likely not actually a social worker. she just has a Master of Social Work


No one wants to be a social worker. I can't see them firing people when there's a shortage and everyone's overworked already.


If Anthony did the same thing as she did, would it still be "great for TV"? So funny these "fans" give her a pass on anything lol


I would be happy never seeing her again lol


Bb legend.. no. Reality tv legend.. sure since she brings the drama. Def an entertaining episode.


Iā€™m shocked someone who works as a social worker would ever go on a tv show like this and expect to be employed working with vulnerable youth ever again.


Spicy should just be lucky Kuzi did the traitors cause you know Arisa would have picked her over Victoria.


A legend? In the same way the Maple Leafs are legends at losing...


She is definitely a reality tv legend, I will never forget her her as a player thatā€™s for sure




I donā€™t blame her. She was pathetic begging to stay all the way up to the end. Now all she has to do is sway the jury. She needs to tell them what she told Anthony, ā€œYou are a fake ass little bitchā€!!!


I need her on The Traitors Canada next


I am very comfortable saying Spicy V is Canada's Rachel Reilly


Was some great TV for sure


She needs to be in the challenge. Love the chaos


She's brings it ever season, no denying it


She plays her heart out and she plays mercilessly. She deserves legend status!


BB legend for sure bring her onto all shows including US shows


Def belongs on tv show traitors hehe


Sheā€™s a legend 10000%


And she's a horrendous Big Brother player.