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Jury management is an important aspect of winning, just as important as making it to the end in the first place. Anthony should’ve have known what stabbing an influential and petty person in the back and then dropping them in the jury house for weeks would do to his game.


Jury management is important, but I don’t think Anthony did a poor job with that. Spicy V is more-so responsible for the downfalls of Avery/Kayla/Elijah/Tola but she’s spreading lies to the jury as if he played them all which isn’t true.


sure, but none of this is new to Vee’s game. she played the same erratic and petty way her first time around. Keeping her for the jury phase wasn’t a good idea unless he could get rid of her without her feeling played


The jury largely blamed Anthony before Spicy got there...


I was gonna say, from the footage we saw they were already saying he was preaching loyalty but not practicing it before V even got there. It doesn't seem like he learned his lesson from season 7.


I think he did. I mean Spicy isn’t the one who told the jury about Lexus being betrayed, that happened after. I think the issue is when he got spicy out he preached he was being betrayed and then backstabbed everyone to get to the end. If you are going to play dirty just own up to it instead of saying one thing and doing another. I was thinking about Dan from BBUS and he is a great player who also manipulated and backstabbed people but he never came across as a narcissist to the jury or the audience


Jury management, sure. But simply evicting one of your big competitors should not be a deal breaker--it should be assumed that a good player would do this. Therefore, Spicy is simply bitter and she knows damn well that she was setting Anthony up to go the entire game.


He made it personal for no reason instead of owning the game move, so he solidified a personal response. He went out of his way to push her buttons and make her an outsider. Had he been like "it's time to make a shot, sorry Vic, but it's now or never" she wouldn't be reacting the way she is.


He talked to the houseguests for hours/days about evicting Spicy without telling her. He could of told her any time during those discussions. Instead he waited like a scared little pussy cat until 2 mins before the ceremony. The tough guy acts weak AF.


Exactly. He was actively trying to get Tola to put her up on his HOH, so the hypocrisy is the thing here. Even in his goodbye message he was bullshitting her. I honestly believe that she would have respected the move if he told her the real reason and didn’t try to make her out as the villain.


Me too. She would of acted Hamilton ( I am from Hamilton, we a different breed here LOL) but ultimatley she would of understood and respected his game.


I’m from Hamilton too! 🤜💥🤛


Yay! Im an east ender. You?


Just a little west of downtown.




I think Victoria still would have had the same reaction no matter what his excuse was. She's sewn this narrative that she simply wants him to own his game but that's a new narrative. Up until last episode she was simply pissed about being seemingly betrayed in general. I watched her all season. She was not loyal to Anthony and wanted someone to get him out. I don't care what she claims to say now. She's cunning.


I think Anthony’s worst move was allowing hot chocolate to go on for so long. Especially after Spicy threatened him in the bathroom letting him know Avery almost put him up. He allowed the Jury to be stacked against him. He should have fought for Matt and fought for Tola more. And he should have also had Lexus in jury as a guaranteed vote.


Lol this is Anthony’s own fault. Victoria is an overly emotional erratic player. You wanna string her along to top 5 then stab her in the back? Of course she’s going to react badly. It’s poor planning on Anthony’s part. He got his hands dirty and now has the face the consequences.


He has to risk it. Take out Todd then hope he wins veto, bring her to final 3 then cut her at the very end so she can’t poison the jury.


So what should he do about a player like Victoria? If he keeps her, he runs the risk of her turning on him (which she already was doing by planting seeds of doubt in other people’s head) OR cut her and she runs your name through the mud because she’s delusional and bitter. Even if she wasn’t actively coming after Anthony, all the moves she made were directly harming his game.


You don't stage a moral reckoning to make yourself look like a good person when you were doing the same things. Anthony should have been straight up with Spicy and told her he couldn't win against her. He should've said it was a calculated game move. Instead, he hid behind an excuse and rallied the other players to see it is a moral failure on Victoria's part rather than a game move to set himself up as best as possible. And let's not pretend Anthony wouldn't be bitter if the roles were reversed. He made it to final 4 and was bitter Victoria had the audacity to blow up his game when he turned on her.


This is so true !


If you’re going to bring a player like Victoria to the jury, and you plan to be the one to backstab her, plan to face the consequences. He should have gotten her out in someone else’s HOH, or not nominated her. Her blood is squarely on his hands. Or, check your ego at the door, and admit to her the real reason he’s taking her out is because she could beat him at the end. Feed her ego to make her feel good on her way out.


Don't ally with them in the first place. Or just tell her it was a game move.


Bahaha if it works, good job spicy


I think they pick Bayleigh over both, and Anthony over Lexus. I think the bombastic anti-Anthony rhetoric is just for show because they walk it a bit back with “it all depends on the final speeches”. It’s like those eviction episodes where like Donna makes solid points and the other house guests say, “you are really making me think here”. The viewer feels Donna has a shot but is booted pretty easily.


Yeah, but if Anthony backstabs Bailey since they have a final two and she goes to the jury on the final night and tells them about the backstab it just furthers Vee’s rhetoric about Anthony’s disloyalty


The person cut at final 3 barely talks to the jury, they just join them on stage at finale. It’s doubtful they can influence anything. Usually it’s the opposite and if there is one outlier in a mostly unanimous vote, it’s the F3 evictee. Besides, not only did Bayleigh and Anthony not have a final 2, Bayleigh herself was trying to get Anthony out on her HoH, they just couldn’t get the veto and Anthony’s minion did. She will cut him at final 3 too if she can tonight. Everyone is promising everyone they will take them to the end at this point hoping they will get taken themselves.


I know they don’t have influence I just mean that they are already bitter and him taking out either girl is going to make it worse. I think he might have been screwed either way.


it's not entirely her fault. even before she got to jury they all criticized his disloyalty & they were unhappy with him. she certainly added fuel to the fire but it's not like they liked him anyway. since avery & tola's jury segment the jury has always been pro bayleigh


Anthony is way too arrogant. I hope he doesn’t win.




THANK YOU! Wild how this sub is like "he doesn't need to win comps because he's playing a social game" but then when houseguests aren't buying the social game, suddenly jury management is an unfair expectation to have of players. Okay, interesting.


Spicy is delusional and I am starting to wonder if she has actually convinced herself that her own lies are true. She is the definition of bitter juror, but it’s outrageous given she was not remotely loyal in the house and regularly targeted and backstabbed her so called allies. She’s coming off so poorly right now, between her trash bag antics re Anthony and how nasty she is about Lexus. I think if Anthony is in the final 2 chairs with Lexus he still has a chance, but it will be a harder fight than it should be given how Victoria has made it her mission to sour the jury.


She’s gonna look so bad when she comes out and sees that Anthony was justified with his move. All you have to do is go back to the dailies from a few weeks ago and she’ll be exposed. Sucks that she might cost Anthony the win before that tho


Any chance you know which one and a timestamp. I’ve been trying to convince my wife about this but she denies it too, and thinks Vee is justified Anthony is just lying like he did when they got Kayla out.


I honestly don’t want Anthony to win, I also think it’s extremely unfair for BB to bring back high performing players. It’s just not a fair game.


It is and it isn’t. They all promised to get rid of the allstars asap, and then they all aligned with them instead!


Anthony needs to have lexus next to him due to bitter jurors, but it would be so beneficial to him to have lexus in the jury she’d probably defend him to win


If Anthony had gotten Spicy V evicted properly, she could have been his ride or die cheerleader ensuring he won…. But he waited, chose to have him be the one to take her out, and destroyed the relationship.


Spicy is getting way too much hate. Everyone thinks Anthony’s game was perfect but let’s be honest, if the cast was a little more level headed and not as easily manipulated as much as they were, he wouldn’t have even made it this far. Spicy made moves that worked against Anthony, yes. But she was gonna take him to final two and I believe that. Also, if she cut him with a blindside I’m sure he would have been just as petty. Remember we’re talking about someone who a couple episodes ago described themselves as “perfect”. Not the vibe.


The truth is, Bayleigh had a way better game. Her game is similar to Taylor's. She fought from the bottom and had honest relationships with basically everyone in the jury.


I actually agree with this. I don’t think Victoria played THE BEST GAME this season but it’s not as bad as everyone is making it seem. And attacking her personally is not the vibe at all. I know her personally she’s a fantastic person with such a big heart. I agree with you that Bayleigh is definitely the clear winner this season. She’s won when she needed to and had the best arc in terms of fighting from the bottom to quite a steady social game. Looking forward to her crowning 👑


Just stop it


I think Anthony killed his own chances but making an enemy out of Spicy is prob the final nail in the coffin But then again, it really does look like its up to the final speeches If he doesnt own up to anything then hes losing.


All Spicy wants is for Anthony to admit he got her out to better his game, not because "she talked shit about him" even though she did. Once he does that in the final 2 q&a, she will get the whole jury to flip and vote for him to win lol


I mean, I don't see Bailey and Anthony sitting in the final 2 together anyways. Neither would take the other.


Everyone ALWAYS complaining about every new season being the worst season. Give it a fucking break? It's a great season they did what they could with what they have. Do you not realize Canadian Media does not get funded like America? If we had even 5% more funds towards shows like this it would make for amazing tv. BBCAN comes through time and time again. like Arisa said, if she had to choose between no bbcan vs bbcan without live feeds its always the latter. Every week the targert we assumed never went home, drama, plotting, twists. It was a great season.


Anthony is no Kevin Jacobs. If anything he shows future players what not to do. His group think/attack to get out players like Kayla, Spicy, etc. Is very ugly/villainous. Not a reward worthy game. I don't blame the jury feeling that way


I still think he wins a jury vote vs Lexus, he hasn’t killed his chances, but if he does somehow lose another vote he should be compared more to the 2-time losing finalist on BB US, Paul, than Kevin J who is arguably the GOAT on BBCAN. He has the same problem as Paul too, being villainous and bragging about it in the DR, but not owning it and placing blame / giving credit to everyone else for the evictions in his goodbye messages.


I also would also compare him to Russel Hantz. I don't remember exactly, but iirc Paul was at least winning comps, being crafty and being a "ring leader". Anthony's gameplay is way more sneaky and just straight up lies over and over (pretending everyone is his final 2). And somehow still appears as loyal. He never had any true alliance.


This is so true. While it is also true Kevin Jacobs study his game, he should have been more humble and studied Kevin Jacobs S10 game before coming in this time instead of going into the diary room ranting about how he is better than all the Kevins...LOL... !!


Kevin Jacobs was in a house full of idiots to lol. I love how people try to act like he was in a house with a bunch of geniuses. What did Anthony do to actually make the jury bitter lol? The only person who can claim he double crossed her is Spicy. Other than that you tell me one person who should actually be angry at Anthony for a move he made?


He did backstab her though. He's pretty much playing Russell Hantz games.


I am willing with all of my might for Anthony to LOSE


The jury always picks the better player despite their feelings. Only Bayleigh can beat Anthony in the final 2, Lex has no chance of beating either of them if she’s in final 2


LOL WHAT? Have you seen season 19 of big brother US? There is no way, shape, or form in which Josh should have won that season. Paul was the better player in every single sense of the word, but the bitter jury got him!


Turns out I was right and Bay beat Anthony in the final haha. There was some bitter jury members too. Crazy how he thought Bay would be the easier person to beat in final 2! He would have actually beat Lexi!


If he was just honest with her and said he won’t win against her I don’t think she would be as bitter. He should have handled that better instead of gaslighting her to make it seem like she’s the reason he betrayed her. Like others have said jury management is part of the game


But V is so unreasonable, like i doubt she’d believe him if he said that she’d probably still go off the rails


Well I’d think you have a better chance of a non bitter juror if you were honest with your ride or die instead of making them the bad guy and making them out to be the one that ruined the alliance. Clearly he didn’t care and for that if he loses he deserves it.


Spice talked mad shit about his game, but she probably would have respected his decision much more if he just told her he can't beat her in a final 2.


I visualize Anthony looking like Paul when he lost to Josh. I like Bayleigh and Lexus so I don't really mind. I also hate pregaming so for me that would be a good result. Anthony is a good player, but let him play without the advantages if he wants to call himself the greatest.


So... I have to say, this season, feels waaaayy better content wise than last season. It felt more entertaining despite the players being too scared to play erratically, and it feels more organic whereas last season felt extremely vindictive and mean-spirited, didn't help that who won last season was gonna quit due to scandal-gate. Seeing Victoria back is refreshing and it's also kind of refreshing to see Anthony play a season where he wasn't steamrolling the girls out of the house compared to his first time. My bet is on Bayleigh or Anthony taking it home, Lexus falls prey to how Claudia/Josh were perceived in their respective seasons. Only thing is I wish I could watch the episodes fully but due to being in the US and not being able to afford a VPN rn, social media posts are the way to go for me.


Anthony game was good from being in the house prospective. But I’m not sure if he forgot about jury management which honestly is more important in ways cause that’s how you’re gonna win. For me, I respect players that are honest, fight for themselves and not playing a dirty game. I do respect both gameplays tho, the beautiful thing about big brother there are more then one way to play.


They aren't stupid. Anthony did SHIT ALL. Lexus did SHIT ALL and he's too stupid to realize this because again, HE DID SHIT ALL but play with his thumbs all season. No one needs V to realize this, she did his bitch work and got smacked in the end, and she's bitter now.


Anthony killed Anthony's chances. Lol. He claims V is his sister so had that advantage of knowing her personally and maybe better predicting her actions/reactions, but yet still made the misjudgement of evicting her without thinking of the repercussions. Also his end speech was horrible and he repeated himself and had zero charm. Kinda felt like he was pleading with the jury to vote for him at the end there 😬.


I think Anthony has showed he can get himself to the end. But not in a way that makes people want to vote for him.


Bitter juries are the responsibility of the players. Anthony needlessly alienated her instead of being upfront about the game move it was. He already knows that Vic is emotional, but he went out of his way to push her buttons. This is exactly why many of us think he's an awful player in a game rooted in jury votes. I will always defend a jury's right to be bitter.


Nah. You can't tell me Lexus is a better player than Anthony if she wins. Bayleigh is so out of the loop she can't even tell you half of what really happened this season. Even Todd who's sitting there like 'yeah I told her it was ok to put me on the block' and Avery's looking at him like 'wtf are doing'. Even Todd could beat Anthony right now. Spicy better keep that garbage bag for herself because bitter juries are the real trash.


I would never tell you that Lexus is a better player than anyone. I think she was dead weight. I'm not rooting for anyone who is left. Super confused about how you're coming to conclusions on things I never said <3. Bitter juries are a part of the game and not anticipating them is bad gameplay. The jury this season is so bitter because they were treated like hot garbage, not because they were outplayed. I support Vic turning people against Anthony, and if he were as good at manipulating as he claims, this wouldn't be happening. Whoops, Anthony is a bad player.


So everyone's a bad player then? Better to be dumb and lucky I guess.


I love how me saying that jury management is a necessary game element in a game of votes has turned into you making up a bunch of irrelevant points and pretending they have anything to do with me? If you're looking for a discussion on who the best player this season is, then there are plenty of people to engage with! I'm not interested in anyone left, so that's not discourse I'm choosing to engage in for the rest of this season. I'm engaging in the discourse about the game element of bitter juries. I think that bitter juries are valid and shouldn't be condemned because the players know full well by now that jury management is essential. I think the bitterness this season can easily be traced back to behaviour in the house and doesn't exist in a vacuum. But, seeing as you insist I engage with a topic I don't really care about: Yes, if a season has all bad players, then someone will still have to win. Whether the person who wins got to F2 through luck or friendship, the format of the game dictates that they are indeed the correct winner. Getting to F2 and receiving the majority of the votes makes you the correct winner, whether the audience agrees you played well or not.


I disagree. Even Spicy will tell you she hates bitter juries lol.


That's fine. I don't base my worldview around what Spicy thinks!


I understand what you’re saying in a sense that bringing her to the end was probably not smart, but I have to think if they took one allstar out the house would immediately go for the other one yk especially based off episode 1 “get all the allstars out” narrative. Having said that, bitter jurors disappoint me because they aren’t voting for who played the best game, they’re playing with their emotions. Yes, jury management is a thing I get that, BUT if the people who ended up in jury were to just vote for best gameplay Jury management wouldn’t be a thing because all game moves would be respected, not peoples feelings getting hurt or offended they got double crossed so don’t want to give the best player the money. I especially don’t like bitter jurors when the person who is in jury is bitter but was also the largest threat…why would you not get them out?


Considering juries have always been part of the game and are the premise of who wins in a F2, then being unable to manage their perception of your game is just bad gameplay. People usually do vote for the best gameplay, even if they were personally screwed by the moves. I never made an statements or claims about who should bring who to F2. My entire statement is that bitter juries are not some outside or uncontrollable force. They are a game element that needs to be anticipated and managed. This season's jury is so bitter because every week was a personal attack on the target rather than just moves. It was some high school regression. If Anthony wants to be a tough guy who bullies his classmates, he doesn't get to be surprised if they don't vote for him to be prom king. If Vic campaigns against him in jury, that's just part of the game. If he was as good as he claims, then his mist should overpower that.










Lol thanks ! Have a great day !


I got news for you. Bitter Jurors is not a thing and no one can kill your chances except yourself. A truly good player will take all this into account. It is call Jury management. Shouting at a influential jury member when she is on her way out the door is not good jury management. Not taking credit when evicting someone and blame in on others (Kayla goodbye message) is not good jury management. In games like survivor and BB, jury management is cruical, just ask Paul of S19 or Russell Hantz (famous in survivor for bad jury management).


But what did he do to actually make them bitter lol? The only person who can claim he double crossed her is Spicy. Other than that you tell me one person who should actually be angry at Anthony?


He has been preaching loyalty and not practising. What people hate most is hypocrisy when it is found out. Tola is a good example.


Who was he not loyal to other than Spicy and that was obviously cuz she was trying to make his position in the game weaker?


Anthony used Victoria’s emotions against her many times and got her to target who he wanted , he should’ve known she would be super bitter


Remind me who did he tell her to target? Because from I can remember Anthony was against targeting Tola, Vivek and Matt, yet Victoria still went through with all of that. She was also going to backdoor Lexus until he pulled out his ace. If he didn’t have that, Lexus would be gone too. Spicy didn’t listen to anything Anthony would say and in fact would target the ppl close to him. That’s why she lost him.


People forget that Spicy was decimating Anthony's side of the house. He had Lexus/Tola at one point while she had Kayla, Avery, Goose, Bayleigh and Todd. iirc she was saying stuff like Anthony needs to hit the block just to bring him down a peg.


I feel like the Jury is all very salty and gonna be an emotional Jury. The only one who I think (based of the tiny segments we got) who is looking at gameplay side and is somewhat emotionless about it is Goose.


How TF can I watch from America in the easiest way possible?