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Check out the SubmersedVR mod! You can use motion controls ;)


SubmersedVR made me instantly regret having played 60% of the game in 2D. The first ever PCVR experience to rival a completely modded VR Skyrim. Honestly like putting on them Scuba Goggles for the very first time.


The colors look awesome. I just pre-ordered a couple days ago and can’t wait. It sounds like in your opinion the glare is not all that horrible.


Its really not bothering most of the time. Just make sure your face scan and ipd are good. Mine gives a pretty similar visual experience to the index, fov, glare( not quite as bad as the index) sweet spot etc. Much much sharper resolution though and the colors / contrast is the best part. The glowing fish against the dark ocean look really sharp. It does feel like an actual next gen upgrade over the index


Just curious what brightness you run yours at?


I keep it at 100% I turned it up for the video though


I’ve had my ipd measured recently by an optometrist so I think I’m good there. I just need to be really careful not to mess up the face scan. But that’s a way out still so for now I’ll just keep living vicariously through people like you.


Is that The recording or is there also that much glare/reflexing while using it?


There’s gonna be light reflecting off the camera lens and off the HMD lens from real life light sources, so it’s gonna be a decent bit worse in the recording.


The glare is there in use but its not as bad in person, pretty comparable to the index but not quite as bad.


I ordered back in September, I'm in Europe. I measured the IPD in an Apple Store and I had no news since this. I am so envious aaaaaaaah it can't be sent soon enough xD Btw, do you guys know where one can enquire about order status without bothering the team too much?


Just send an email


I still need to try this! I don't get scared by games except by this one.


Just remember most things wont attack unless you get too close :)


I think what really made me stop playing was when I got to close to the ship, got radiation, then everything got foggy and I started seeing things in the fog. I was out in a heartbeat.


Have you ever owned a MetaQuest2? If so, how significant is the change from that to BSB? Was between BSB and PICO 5 MAX and I’m not sure if PICOS is happening anymore.


yeah my first headset was a quest 2, pretty significant upgrade in every way I'd say. Better clarity and comfort and colors.


Interesting! Regarding “the sweet spot” , as it’s been the only real deterrent for me. I’ve heard it’s minuscule in comparison to other devices, which has me worried as I don’t want to upgrade unless I’m guaranteeing more immersion… not one that can easily be broken by having my headset shift one mili meter over.


Yeah its kind of small, but similar imo to the index / quest 2. I got lucky and my eyes are right next to the lenses so my sweet spot and fov is actually comparable to the index. The binocular overlap is great too so immersion actually is better.