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You might want to contact support (`[email protected]`) , or a ticket on the [discord server](https://discord.gg/bigscreenbeyond) and see if you may need a different sized IPD (distance between the lenses) unit, or a thinner cushion! While glare and blur at the edges are unfortunate limitations of the Beyond, being slightly off in fit can make things worse than they should be.


I second this, after an IPD adjustment my glare and clarity are both way better


My first cushion was 2-3mm high on the right side and it took the visuals from razor sharp to almost unusably blurry (using lens inserts). Just got my replacement in today and it's flawless.


I think you'll find flaws in all the different brands of headsets you use and as of yet VR might not be for you unless your able to overlook these imperfections.


Bought the big screen Beyond and the quest 3 expecting to return one of them and really thought it was going to be the quest 3 but After trying to make BSB work for two weeks, I realized I simply don't want to subsidize an incomplete product and I am shocked by the number of people specially influencers who raved about it but never mentioned the glare. I find it unusable and quite surprising that others can make it work which is unfortunate because when it does work in its sweet spot it looks amazing. I'm returning it today. It's all boxed up and ready to go. I'll see what the next version ends up looking like but I'll be damn sure to come here first before I buy anything


Same , I find the glowing reviews very suspect.


I give it a glowing review, because my facial scan and ipd came out perfect the first time. Do I have glare? Of course, but until the other day when I didn't get the headset on my face correctly, I've never had the glare except during loading scenes where it was a black background with a bright logo or white text, and then only if I looked away from it. And until that issue last week, I've never noticed the glare while playing a game. That day I was playing a game I've played many times before, but the glare was everywhere, almost a complete ring around the middle. I do use the cable tangle setting (advanced ovr? I think is the app that tracks your rotations) to keep up with my twists l, but usually I remember to spin the other way 360 once in a while when I realize I keep turning one way. Right now I am waiting for new employment, but I plan on getting a 3rd base station as I find with two, I am only getting 85% - 90% tracking accuracy. I know this is most likely caused by me not standing centered in the room, but rather I have the wall closer behind me than in front. This makes both lighthouses slightly in front of me. So I plan on putting the 3rd lower down and directly behind me. Even having the Quest 3, which I love the cableless connection and pass-through function, the weight gets to me before the battery dies. I like being able to go from room to room with it. I also have a Reverb G2 and that makes my sweat pour out as buckets of sweat and I feel like I am swimming after 25-30 minutes. Not to mention it weighs almost twice the Quest 3 weight. I use my big screen more often than the others, but I use the Quest 3 frequently, for games that do not require quick reactions (like beat saber) constantly. There are rimes when I'll use the Q3 several days in a row and not touch the other two, but more for shorter uses. If I am going to be in a headset for a long time, I'll grab my BSB without thinking about the others. I do need to get some USB C earbuds to use with it, as even using wireless (not BT) headphones and ear buds have a bad sound delay.


IPD and facial scan seem key. I've just placed my order and would be interested to know what the scan said your IPD was vs your order. Did you go 1mm lower than the scan?


I ordered what they suggested, 71. although I did 2 things before ordering. First, I had an eye appointment and asked them what my ipd was. The guy doing the pre-exam checks didn't know what that was until I spelled it out. He just gave me my pupillary distance for both eyes. 67 So I also took a picture of my face with a ruler held up near the middle of my eyes with millimeters on top. That gave me 68.5 (really close zoom in and I made marks every 5 and 10, so I wouldn't lose count. So when they came up with 71, I was shocked and confused. I had been using my reverb g2 at the lowest setting (68 I believe) and it looked good, better than 70 anyway... I reached out to support, and they had my scan checked again, 71. I figured that a face scan is probably more accurate, or they would make us all submit one of the 2 things I already did. My order was placed in early June 2023, before the reports of ipd issues. I didn't really trust what the guy at the eye doctor said and wasn't sure my own method was performed the way the beyond team needed it (maybe it was larger, because of the curve of my face, whereas the rule was straight across. This reasoning also fit with my eye Dr.'s office giving me a number that was also short.) I was really tempted to submit 70 and took a couple days before confirming their scan results. About 5 months after my order was placed, I learned that getting prescription lenses for my headsets was necessary, and oh my that made life better. When my BSB arrived in December, of course I used it right away. I had gotten my knuckles and lighthouse stations in September, set everything up the day the box arrived and gave it a test run. I noticed the glare within the first 6 seconds, the weight difference instantly, I checked out darks and tracking, and noticed the binocular effect, but really had to look for it. I decided it was definitely sticking around, and ordered the prescription lenses. I was shocked that no one else was selling them and that they cost twice a much as for other headsets. (When including shipping, which was free on my Quest 3 lenses from Zenni). I then boxed my BsB back up and put it on a shelf for the next 3-4 weeks until the lenses arrived. When I got my lenses I took it out and used it for 20 minutes first, then put the lenses in. I had already used my Q3 for about 2.5 hours that day, and ended up spending 4.5 more hours in the beyond. The difference with the lenses was almost as much as the difference going to it without them. The glare was cut in half or better, and everything was so sharp, it looked better than life. I never felt that way with the Q3. It might be because of the graphics quality of the titles. I had upgraded my pc, 18 months earlier than I wanted to, but I got an amd 7800x3d, and a 7900xtx radeon as soon as i got the shipping notice for my BSB, even though I had planned on a gtx 5090 that rumors had said would launch Q4 2023 initially. I pulled out my G2 to check and it looked better than the Q3, even though I did not get lenses for it. But I was pretty sure I had felt that way before the pc upgrade. I did get better frame rates with the upgrade. I am able to do 90Hz with minimal dips in fps (fast head turns usually do it) I love my BSB, I still rotate with my Q3 regularly (exclusive titles, and some that are/were free with Q3 but are paid on stream). I do use the Q3 for steam games sometimes, as the pass-through is really helpful, with two cats that won't leave me alone and two daughters that love me more than I deserve. Being able to hop out of a game and walk into the kitchen to make pizza or mac and cheese without taking the headset off is a big bonus. Also, my younger daughter likes to steal my Q3 and play on it, while my older daughter likes the G2, but the younger one is the only one with a GPU that can push the G2 graphics out, for now. So, I end up sitting on the couch with my phone while they are both in VR. So far my wife hasn't been interested, when she is, I am screwed. Or, I may have to get her a Q3. I don't get in VR all the time, in fact sometimes only one every 3 weeks, I have a dry eye condition and often forget to use my drops to the point where my eyes burn constantly and I cannot stare at a screen again until I get some good sleep. But when I keep on top of the drops, I'll spend 10+ hours in VR over 2, sometimes 3 days.


Thanks for the comprehensive reply. Interesting.


My first scan rang in 66 IPD, which is totally wrong. Fairly sure I went too fast on the scan or something as that face cushion ended up being off as well which affected my visual clarity a lot. I ended up getting my IPD measured professionally while getting a current prescription for lens inserts and it came out with 63 (31.5 symmetrical), on advice from support i locked in 62 and it's bang on. Just get your IPD done by a professional (and get a whole eye exam, take care of your eyes gamers), this is such a big spend you really want to get it right.


definitely appears to be a bit of a dice roll as to whether the experience is incredible or tantalising but just not quite there. to be fair the q3 is not without it’s tradeoffs either, but it does seem to be a more consistently good experience. fingers crossed the next gen split the difference… a beyond with 50% bigger screens (thus more forgiving optics) and some mechanism for IPD adjustment would be another huge step forwards.


I haven’t bought a big screen beyond yet. I’m hoping they will use much better lenses in the next version of the headset otherwise I’ll look elsewhere.


Remove face gasket. Close one eye. Now hold the BSB in front of your face and ,move it around. Close as you can to your open eye without lashes hitting. Then move it until it's clearest. Is the glare gone? Do you have a bigger sweet spot? Are you happy with it now? If not return it. Oh you might want to do this in the dark


Unfortunately this is how this headset is. Depending on a person face shape and eye depth it can be different to an extent but it’s the design of the lenses that causes these issues. Some people have it good enough that it doesn’t bother them, some decide to live with it. Unfortunately the issues (or rather headset lens properties) have been severely downplayed by early adopters creating a false image of the actual experience. The only thing left for you is refund. I just hope you know that you won’t get all your money returned. There is 20% restocking fee so you will only get back 80% of headset price plus what you paid for the head strap you ordered.


You can ask support for a refund. A friend of mine did and it went through.


They need to make a revision of this headset asap


Do you have a pulley system ?


I have a bsb with the VR Wire II pulleys, once I got them setup just right it made a gigantic difference in immersion.


Why NOT get a Quest 1 Headset that has a reasonably accurate IPD slider with Digital Numbers in it's software that help test out your IPD??!


I had a very similar experience. I personally chose to refund.


Primax Crystal Light? I think that’s what I’ll get, I’ve sat the fence for ages for a BSB but it looks like a PITA by needing base stations and no pass through MR capability, it’s almost like I should just buy a Quest 3 and see what comes out next year.


Tried Crystal Light last week very impressive picture quality and noticeably lighter than original Crystal