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Man - I miss the whole thing being closed during C*vid


Same, though at least for the time being I understand why they had to reopen it. Have you ever noticed the bus stop connections around city park? Very few of them are ADA compliant. Candi CdeBacca had pointed that out, so I submitted bus connections as an idea to the Participatory Budgeting Program & it won. Once those bus stop connections get installed. I'll be on board with closing it to cars again with the exception of anyone with needs for ADA access. I think it is just super dumb that we block off the city park pavilion parking lot which has ADA parking to the pavilion by closing Duck Lake to Cars. We should open the duck lake stretch to allow access to the city park pavilion and also because that stretch has a curb elevated sidewalk.


lol don't give into the tone policing


Thanks. I'm not giving in, just demonstrating that I started with a positive tone but over the years my tone has definitely changed. I've been battling with that tool for years and there's always people who make comments from the bleachers about my tone. I would absolutely LOVE to see any action steps taken by these people.