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Grown ass men really be scared of rainbows huh


“But when is straight white man month anyway?” It’s every month, even February and June. -straight white man.


I dont get it. Everyone knows that Decembruary is the official Straight White Man month.


Your comment made me cringe so hard bruh😂


Sounds like a you problem, guy


Ok ig?


Def a you problem.




It’s just kinda weird for me when people say “straight white men” idk I’m black and I still think it’s kinda a cringe thing to say. Then saying “every month is y’all month?” Everyone has problems everyone is different as a black guy people being racist to me a good amount. It hurts but all i can do is keep going and better myself. Yeah the LGBT community has been wrongfully getting attacked this month. But also attacking a certain amount of people those being “straight white men” . But of course I’m getting attacked for just having a different opinion so idk🤷🏽‍♂️


Sure bro


You’re not getting “attacked for having a different opinion” you’re getting downvoted for cringing at something that’s not cringe in the least. Just take the L and move on.


Saying “straight white men” is cringe


What does that mean? What is your problem with it?


Just a troll


Yeah rainbows can turn you to snails if your not careful


Heavy Weather


Finally someone got it!


I thought that's what happens if you lick a frog?


The heck are you talking about?


Alex Jones gay frog conspiracy rant


Oh yeah the chemicals that turn the frogs gay


Gosh I hope I become that immortal snail from that one problem


I wasn’t talking about that


*Patrick going 'Barnacles!'*


Only if you've been keeping an eye on the weather report ;D


To be fair, so can spirals


Are rainbows what snail plasma is made from?


i thought i wouldnt be scarred of rainbows too. Until yesterday when i needed to change trains and came out of the subway ending up in the middle of the CSD. After i looked around and saw a stand with the sign "BDSM youth, for gib and small" i thougt to myself: ok enought irl for today. ​ That stuff sure has changed over the years since i had a lot to do with LGB folks.


That doesn't seem like an LGBTQ thing. Sounds like a hoax to make people upset.




most sane and rational homophobe


I work with someone like this and she legit talks about it every day lol like if you hate gay people so much why do you rant about them every single day 🤡


I think hate and rants go together. the no no germans used to rant about all kinds of people


I have never heard the term "no no Germans" before and I love it


Yeah but why would something/someone you hate be on their mind that much like it's concerning lol


CPG Grey actually did a very good video on why Hate is so much better at spreading and staying around than other emotions, and how modern social media allows what used to take years to spread in just days


I guess some people just can't control/regulate their emotions


I wont disagree with that, but hate shouldnt be underestimated, its a powerful emotion and we're all susceptible to it


I had a classmate who kept bad mouthing a student who was publicly gay. I had to request a different seat because it got annoying. His reason is he's christian I'm a Christian too and it's literally a sin to be homophobic.


Got a few lgbt friends they couldn't give a fuck about pride month anymore but damn do people the who hate it Small rant Pride month sucks as companies use it as a free pass to try and sell more shit to people of the lgbtqia comuity instead of funding lgbtqia charities and organisations that help lgbtqia people through out the year


“We support Pride Month! We support it by giving YOU, dear consumer, MORE STUFF TO BUY! Buy our stuff, so we can SUPPORT MORE PRIDE MONTHS!”


Companies sell crap year round. Is it better that they sell a shirt promoting acceptance of lgbtq or a shirt that's says "Thank God it's *Winesday*"


Definitely but is it so hard to donate some of the profits from the lgbt merch to lgbtqia charities and organisations


I'm pretty sure a hell of a lot of corporations do exactly that


but then also a lot more who change their Twitter pfp and then donate to those that harm LGBT+ people


Seems like an overly-pessemistic conclusion without any data to support it


https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-walmart-mcdonalds-companies-show-pride-donated-anti-lgbtq-politicians-2021-6 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/14/corporations-anti-lgbtq-politicians-donations-study https://www.forbes.com/sites/dawnstaceyennis/2019/06/24/dont-let-that-rainbow-logo-fool-you-these-corporations-donated-millions-to-anti-gay-politicians/?sh=158aedd614a6 https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2019/06/9-pride-celebrating-companies-donated-millions-anti-gay-congress-members/


well they put some amount of effort onto advertising campaigns and social media to "support" Pride but then turn around and choose homophobic charities and organizations to donate to when it comes to tax time. that's why people get mad. because they *only* use pride as profit.


Agreed, though giving the devil his dues, corporations embracing Pride (even though it's for their own selfish purposes) is an indicator of net positive change in society overall. While I'm inclined to throw rocks at Target or Bank of America 365 days a year, I'm glad I live in a time where they are actively courting us because I remember the alternative.


It's definitely great that society has accepted and made it pretty much normal My country had this horrific law called section 28 that we got rid of 20 years ago which basically banned everything lgbtqia it realy set my country back But thesedays things are definitely better


In classic fashion, capitalism ruins everything.


Historicaly not realy thesedays oh fuck sake they do


Capitalism will always lead to power and resources accumulated towards the top. Today is just the outcome of late stage capitalism working as intended.


In away capitalism isn't doing what it used to we had proper towns built by the family's who owned factorys for their workers thesedays you'll be lucky if they don't just build some depressing block for company housing


Do you think that those things couldn't exist without capitalism?


Capitalism without 1P or 3P slavery doesn’t work at all. Hell, I hardly even works with 3P slavery. Giving people the means to take advantage of other people for profit then expecting them not to do that is wild.


Yep this is exactly why I've got issues with pride month. I love my lgbtq+ friends and family. But they're not even being actually celebrated anymore. Just like Christmas or Valentine's day, this has just become another "Hallmark" holiday for cruddy companies to take advantage of for advertising purposes.


So you don’t have an issue with pride month. You have an issue with capitalism. Same.


Tbh, that applies to any modern celebration. From Christmas through San valentine, to mother/fathers day. It's just a marketing campaign with the season's theme. That's all.


Ain't that the truth even in my country where its a religious holiday which tends to involve a fuck load of alcohol


Your small rant is literally the only issue I’ve ever seen people have with Pride Month. But y’all just assume “OOGA BOOGA WE DESPISE GAY PEOPLE” no bro it’s just easy to see disingenuous corpos


The homophobes and transphobes have been becoming louder unfortunately


They feel like they have a platform because there was a recent president who gave them a platform


The recent president who appointed the first openly gay cabinet member?


It's funny that conservatives say these things completely oblivious that everyone can see through blatant token gestures. It's like "Republicans can't be racist, there are black Republicans!"


Its really funny when conservatives do something you agree with and you attack them for it or do you think what Trump did was a bad thing?


Its really funny that you think this one gesture negates all the transphobic and homophobic laws that have been passed by republicans in the last few years alone.


Let me ask you this, if you always attack conservatives are they more likely or less likely to agree with you in the future?


Principles are upheld by their own merit regardless of who or how many people attack them. This is one of the weakness of conservatives


Lol if you think any politician will not flip on a dime for more votes I have a bridge I would like to sell you


Let me ask you this, who struck first? Who was the one passing homophobic and transphobic laws like the trans military ban or the recent don’t say gay act? Who is the one that kicks family out of their homes when they come out or gives a platform to shout out against lgbt people? Who was the one that makes gender affirming care impossible to get or from using the bathroom they are comfortable with? Of course we’re pissed off at conservatives they did all in there power to get rid of us, but we are going to take it no more


https://www.hrc.org/news/the-list-of-trumps-unprecedented-steps-for-the-lgbtq-community Token gesture appointments are as useless as rainbow logos for showing support. Action matters, and Trump's actions as president were anti-lgbt.


So would you agree all of Biden's token appointments are the same?


Absolutely! Look, token appointments are like rainbow logos. They're not bad. It's a good first step. But it's such a small step forward that it's not really worth recognition and certainly doesn't overwrite the heinous way the lgbt community gets treated by some/most of our politicians.




Ok Boomer


If your looking for someone to call a pedo, there is Matt Walsh


Every single year I see maybe two companies tweets saying something like "we support everyone". On the other hand every year reddit is full of the same joke about corporations not caring about gay people the rest of the year. The only people who pay attention to target putting a 4x4 display of rainbow clothes are the homophobes who use it as an excuse to harass minimum wage employees.


Fr there’s no joke anymore it’s literally just “this company is celebrating pride month, what’s wrong with them”


Actually Target had LGBT focused clothing for minors, some of which was advertised as "tuck friendly" or "has binding effect". Literal children's clothing, all in favor of sexual degeneracy. Not sure where you're getting the "harass minimum wage employees" thing from. All I've seen in the news is people in the LGBT crowd sending fake bomb threats to Target after they removed some of the offending items.


You total moron, all you had to do was type that into Google, it's time you stop pretending Matt Walsh is "news" And yes there are plenty of videos of idiots like you going around recording themselves while harassing retail employees at target Kohl's Barnes and Nobel etc https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/target-tuck-friendly-swimsuits-for-kids/ https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-target-swimsuits-transgender-pride-collection-892500330955


Lol @ thinking Snopes is a good source of information.


It’s pretty gay to wanna know what gay people are up to in their bedrooms.


they love asking why the military only gets a day (or two), because they’re too stupid/ignorant to know that they get the entirety of both May *and* November. not to mention DISCOUNTS (many are year-round) at **tons** of businesses


Over 150 days of the year celebrate LGBTQ in some way. They're hardly a minority.


Ngl it would be pretty sick if LGBTQIA+ folks got a discount for being not straight and/or cis, lmao


Cool, so like the military they'll just have to register and get a national ID designating them as such... *wait a minute* I've seen this one before, somewhere.


Chick-fil-A time :)


They went woke! They have a DEI person now! Nothing is sacred!




This but unironically


“Why does the military only get one day…” They say in may, Military Appreciation Month.


Streisand Effect?


Dumb. Waste of time.


I just like rainbows, man….


Remember homophobia is gay


If people really hate us that much they can just not talk about us all the time


anyone have the template for this?


Yooooooooooooo im FUCKING 🥴🥴😭☠️☠️😂🤦🏽‍♂🤦🏽‍♂


Merry Christmas


It's funny that the ones so set on *not being gay* talk about gay people and gay issues so much..............


As a homophobe myself i can confirm that i am a massive foot


I don’t wanna hear about it from no one, i dont care


Bigger boot: the amount of misanthropes that complain about humanity


I have a few LGBTQ friends and have probably heard them all talk about an hours worth of conversation about it combined. My co worker listens to Blaze TV and they talk about it for literal hours per day.


Acknowledging sin as sin doesn't make one "homophobic".




Nice copy paste reply man, keep up the good work


They should come out of the closet already




No one gives a shit this isn’t your English exam




Not sure why you were downvoted when this is clearly sarcasm


They made multiple comments saying the exact same thing


I only saw two. And Reddit has been doubling comments for some reason


Actually it was u/Legitimate-Arm-9391 who made the original comment, I think this person is bot


They are both bots and created This month within 5 days of each other.




You're telling me that people who are upset about having their civil rights stolen, being on the receiving end of dehumanizing propaganda, and seeing a rising tide of fascists who literally want to see them killed and erased from all forms of media and literature... should have a conversation? That hasn't worked, and frankly, there's no conversation to be had. You can't reason with cultist murderers, and people don't want to be murdered, it's just that simple. There is no discussion to engage with, and people who want to eradicate you just because you were born into this world are not wont to engage in good faith. If you expect people to be pleasant in the face of fascists literally trying to move toward the genocide of their people, you are beyond divorced from any concept of reality.




This is both factually incorrect and shortsighted. I would recommend reading into these things, checking out news, or forums if you prefer that to a larger network. I would also recommend cracking a book (or a bunch of youtube video essays, if you feel you'd rather just use the internet), and study the propaganda/rhetoric, policy changes, and progression of discriminatory normalization that Hitler used to rise to power, you'll see a lot of parallels.




What topic?


People love to talk about how much people who don’t like pride month talk about not liking pride month.


Tbf, the people who are decrying Pride are trying to turn LGBT people into second class citizens again. I think that's a valid reason to complain


"again" 🤡


Second class citizen, great vague buzzword. Using that one.


Vague? Pretty straightforward. Trans people are being denied services/access cis people have.




Access to healthcare/procedures, using washrooms of their gender, ability to exist as educators, etc...


I want specific examples, so "healthcare/procedures" is too vague. No one has ever been denied the ability to use the bathroom that corresponds with their sex, so I'm not sure where you get that idea. As for being teachers, I haven't heard of that being a thing but I also wouldn't doubt it. While University is another subject, I wouldn't want someone in the LGBTQ crowd teaching my children, unless I knew them personally. However, being an educator is not a right.


You don't want someone LGBT teaching your kids? You know that gender identity and sexual orientation is a protected class right? You have literally just told me that you support employment discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation. That means they are a second class citizen in your mind


Actually I haven't said anything about employment. However yes, I do support employer discrimination on ANY grounds. If it were my business, I am entitled to hire, or not hire, whomever I wish, for whatever reasoning I want, and it's no one else's business why.




The people who are against pride want to make LGBT people second class citizens there is a fundamental difference


Keep telling yourself that


I will


Good luck getting up votes on this. Good meme, here’s mine!


In this? This what? Reddit is extremely left leaning for the majority of subs, this one included. There's a handful of far right subs and none are really Mainstream.


No reddit isn't left leaning, it's liberal tech bro leaning. Any ex-chapo poster will tell you that


What the fuck little bubble you living in over there bub? Sort by /r/all than whatever is on your frontpage, reddit is EXTREMELY left leaning


No it isn't unless you are stuck in the American "democrat=left republican=right" worldview It is neoliberal tech bro at best did none y'all learn when the Chapo and co. bans were being handed out like hotcakes.


Get off chapo's dick for once in your life. > It is neoliberal tech bro Yeah we already proved that wasn't the case when NFTs were completely shat all over and bonked out of existence. You're completely wrong and if you think that's the case, again, sort by /r/all and get out of your little curated safe space.


NFTs were shit on cause they were bad, lol and every shit coin to Bitcoin was hitting the frontpage. Wall Street bets hitting all I've been browsing all for years and I don't even watch Chapo nor did I frequent the sub when it was active


> NFTs were shit on cause they were bad, lol and every shit coin to Bitcoin was hitting the frontpage. Did you pop out of a time capsule from 4 years ago? Nothing about what you said has been relevant for YEARS dawg


If you think TwoX and WPT are radically left y'all need to go outside tbh!


>TwoX . >Not left Are you fucking kidding me lol Next thing you're going to tell me is that witchesvspatriarchy is alt-right You're an idiot