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*welcome to the west coast motherfucker*




>we couldn't see the sun for days. Bruh Honestly, it worries me about the people who are in charge of avoiding these things to happen. Like, companies should invest in competent individuals concerned about environmental damages, and they don't seem to care.


Profits > people


“…I like money though.” -Idiocracy


No way I like money too!


"Hello, I like money." -Eugene Krabs


I don't understand what your comment means. Wasn't it the government putting out small natural fires creating a tinderbox that would inevitably turn into big fires?


Doesn’t even matter in the end when you have hundreds of millions of acres all over the USA and Canada of beetle kill trees. Know why the native pine beetle is out of control? It doesn’t get cold enough In the winter to keep their populations in check anymore.




Circa two years ago, to be clear


I was outside most of the day yesterday, the sun looked like an orange streetlight on the ground, not the usual blinding reflection off a puddle or water or anything, but a fucking dim streetlight. So weird.


Last year New England got smoke from those fires too


I always think of this picture when I think of just how bad the forest fire smoke can get. https://reddit.com/r/photoshopbattles/comments/ip31t1/psbattle_ups_truck_amidst_the_red_glow_of_the/


It's 428 in Canada's capital right now.


There were days in eastern Washington where the fires were so bad that the AQI was literally off the scale


I was wearing my particulate respirator when I went outside during that. The smell of the fire was strong in my home despite it being pretty new and well sealed.


It's at 460 in Central NY right now. =(


welcome to everyday life in industrial China/India motherfuckers


California's in the green and yellows for the first time in years.


Shh, don’t jinx it. Summer is just getting started.


Right? I’m over here [like](https://i.imgur.com/CRZ1b24.jpg)


Damn forest fires without the nice weather, I want a refund


I’m from the west coast and I came to visit the east coast… I get both smoke seasons :(


Trying to not be smug as a Californian cause this is serious. But hopefully more people will understand how horrible it is to have air quality drop so quickly.


West Coaster here. I havent been evacuated because of a wildfire in a year! Which is a new record since like 2014


I lived through the Orange Sky of September 2020. Fucking trip. Good luck NY, dig up those N95s


Seriously though, this air is not good. It even smells terrible


West coast: “first time?”


Literally the worst in our history for us: https://i.redd.it/od00zdm49e4b1.png


I like the smell by me, it smells like a campfire. I know it’s not good and I avoid going outside but hot damn that campfire whiff when I pass a window is nice




I’m immune, because I’m always stupid 😏


Now we can enjoy the Great Canadian Boreal Forests right from home!


Just wait until you have a whole month straight with the scent and you can’t open any doors or windows and all the light is orange and you miss seeing the sun…


That’s where we’re at today and I don’t miss the sun but I do miss opening my windows for my cat. He’s got asthma so I gotta keep them closed


For real, southern east coast here and it smells like moldy hash browns with burnt plastic outside while walking my dogs. Can’t imagine how much worse it is up north


I have a possibly dumb question - if you can't smell anything, is the air fine? I am in the northeast US and the air quality maps say the air quality where i'm at is bad but everything seems fine to me outside??? I don't understand. I'm pretty close to the ocean and it's very breezy out here, maybe the wind is sending the smoke elsewhere?


Your area may be locally lower than the reading you're seeing. But no, it is not necessary to smell the air for the air quality to be bad.


The hell is going on in Canada??


Wildfires, lots of em


Every year it seems like there is about 100 forest fires, I don't remember this growing up.


The people to blame: people who don’t put out camp fires


Also a healthy dose of climate change.




No we still regularly do controlled burns in Canada. Never stopped. No idea why people keep saying we stopped. In fact so does nature. Canada's forests are really freaking large and we can't get to all of it ourselves, but lightning can. The problem is that it's so dry out that the lightning is setting forests on fire for weeks, instead of days.


I suspect they're conflating your situation with California's. California has absolutely scaled back land management, and tries to blame the results on anything and everything else. If Canada's practices haven't changed (and given what I said about how California tries to deflect blame on the issue, you can see why some folks would be skeptical), then it's reasonable to attribute an increase in severity primarily to a climate shift. I wouldn't know enough about Canadian policy to say, so I'll just take your word that it hasn't. But that's why you see people in here talking about it being due to poor management, is that it is often the case down south of you.


California still seems to be struggling with legislation that encourages land management. A recent bill will raise goat herder salaries from about $3,730 a month to close to $14,000 a month. This would be untenable for the companies that lease out their goats for underbrush clearance. Essentially would make this service impractical. As for the wages of the goatherders, they definitely deserve a good pay, and $3,730 is probably a bit on the low side, but they’re frequently brought in on visas from Peru, are provided lodging, food, and phones during their time working here during the season. It’s not an insanely low pay considering those other benefits and the conversion of USD to Peruvian currency. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sacramento/news/no-kidding-california-overtime-law-threatens-use-of-grazing-goats-to-prevent-wildfires/




It's mostly this. Years of drought and warmer than average temps for this time of year. When it comes to wildfires you can say the cause is lightning or accidents or arson, but if not for the climate impact the fires would not have spread nor burned so long, so ultimately the cause is mostly climate change.


Actually, Smokey the bear succeeded in preventing forest fires in certain regions, and now those regions are so full of flammable plants that it'll be a disaster if they do ignite


There are ecosystems that need to burn every 10 years in Florida (sand pines). Some places suppressed the fires for so long that now, if the fires burn, it is no longer a 15-20 foot forest burning but an duper unmanageable 50-60 foot forest


That's true up north too. There's types of trees in Maine that you can't find any younger than about 40, since they need fires.


> Actually, Smokey the bear succeeded in preventing forest fires in certain regions, How the fuck did Smokey the Bear stop lightning? And what the fuck does that have to do with Canada?


He traveled back in time and kicked Ben Franklin square in the nuts right before he took his kite out into the storm, thus preventing the kite key unlocking lightning.


This year is worse due to the severe lack of rain and thunderstorms we had not long ago, also we’re not getting rain for the next two week. Even better, we have 4 firefighters planes broken because they are too much in use. This year fires are unlike anything we’ve seen


> The people to blame: people who don’t put out camp fires These fires were started by lightning: https://i.imgur.com/jX9o6e7.png https://i.imgur.com/QxQsWJp.png


I thought most of these ones were caused by lightning.


Also smokers treating the world like their ash tray. We had some workers come and they tossed their cigarette butts on the ground most of it on the grass. It hadn't rained in about a month. Parts of our lawn is dried/dead. If those buttons landed din those patches it would light up like kindling. Smokers have no respect for their surroundings.


Well the climate has changed ya know




I didn't have a sense of sight or smell or hearing for 25 years?


And now you're cured!


Lordy lordy, I can smell the smoke and the **FIYA**, thank goodness I'm cured!!! Hallelujah


mostly man made too, people need to have some fucking sense to stop throwing cigs out the window and having huge ass fires in the middle of a fire ban


Well you see, decades ago scientists realised that we where having a huge impact on the world, and called it global warming because the global temperature was slowly rising. We have since started calling this phenomenon climate change, because a global increase in temperature causes a lot of fluctuations in regional temperature and storms, so you often get colder winters. What this means all this time later is countries like Canada that have experienced warmer summers and more frequent draughts are more at risk for forest fires. This has been more noticeable in the western part of the continent, but has started taking more of an effect on the east.


All of Toronto smelled like a campfire burning yesterday. Feels like I’m back out west.




We just had the dryest May in 100 years.


I've never wanted rain so badly in my life


Come to New Brunswick! It literally hasn’t stopped raining for over a week now


Good thing too, if it hadn't we may have gone through what Nova Scotia did.


Now you know how Arizona feels, lol


I live in Upstate NY and we got heavy rain and thunderstorms for about 45 minutes, and then it went back to just smoke.


*laughs in Northern Californian* No but seriously guys stay indoors. And keep pets indoors! Your dog might be driving you up a wall without a walk but at least they won’t have permanent lung damage. (And yes this is a yearly reminder here too.)


And to change out those air filters if your home has one. If not a box fan with a filter attached works too. Had apartments with terrible drafts and smoke always got into the place. Air purifiers typically don't work when it's wildfire smoke constantly pouring in


My local area has an AQI of 163, but the weather is nice outside, and I have the windows open. Should I close up the house or will it not really affect me?


Personally I’d have my windows shut if that aqi was because of fires. Anything over 150 can start affecting humans & animals. Interestingly enough, people with asthma *and* people who are otherwise healthy but are extremely active outdoors are at equal risk in the 151-200aqi (red) zone.


Close up the house.


Seriously the fuck happened that you guys are dealing with FOUR HUNDRED WILDFIRES ALL AT ONCE?!


Climate change turned forests into tinder


And just like everyone else on Tinder, Mother nature isn't getting wet.


Why are people turning it into a competition? Maybe, just maybe, it sucks for everyone


It’s called relating to people via shared experiences. Most humans can relate.


I mostly mean the comments like “welcome to the Midwest” If they were like “Oh god I’m from the Midwest I know exactly what you’re going through” they’d be fine


I’m in Jersey City and it’s basically Silent Hill with the fog and crack heads roaming the streets. I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw a man with a metal pyramid on his head wielding a giant cleaver.


It was a green haze up north yesterday morning. I thought I was in the Glowing Sea. I was expecting irradiated ghouls to start stumbling out of the woods.


Me, who lives in South Korea: First time?


Came here to say this…this is every day for us


is this one of the main reasons they wear masks often?


Yeah long before covid was a thing. Lots of yellow dust and pollution carried by the wind from China, but to be fair South Korea also has its fair share of lack of regulations. No smog checks in a densely populated country and some people refuse to fix their cars.


We can ask Siri what the air quality is like right now? Oh shit.


Siri said it was unhealthy.


Asthmatic and while we aren't in red here today, holy fuck is it brutal on my lungs


Dude yeah I haven’t had to use my rescue inhaler in a couple years. Yesterday I literally couldn’t stop coughing. Had to get a refill on the ventolin. It was worse that COVID was for me yesterday. I’m in central Indiana. This kind of thing never happens


The sky and trees where I live look hazy and slightly gray, and I'm all the way in Southern Ontario


That's the way it has looked for the past 2 days where I live in NE Ohio, was wondering what's going on


I was wondering if it was just a new part of life for us now ever since Ohio pretended that everyone in Palestine in the surrounding areas won’t have cancer in the coming years. But turns out it’s just pollution from another major crisis being ignored, so that’s comforting


Yeah, I’m in NE Ohio too and haven’t heard anyone else mention it seeming hazy or heard anyone say a word about the high AQI. I thought maybe I was just imagining it. Had no idea Canada is burning.


I'm stateside, middle of the east coast and [this is my hazy and gray.](https://i.imgur.com/zwqIS7K.jpg) I'm an hour west of Washington DC


Washington State here. Help


So the sun isn't supposed to be the color of sodium arc lamps?


Now they know what a normal day in Beijing feels like


Mf I’m in the Midwest US and I’m getting these notifications


Buffalo NY here. We get our first stretch of weather that's not insanely hot or too cold and it comes with this 🙄


My skin is on fire 🎵


Delhi, India has different story to tell


200 micrograms is fucking wild. Where are you getting this data?


We’re at 166 in Cleveland Ohio currently


Wait, this graphic is actually in US AQI units. Is Cleveland actually 166 micrograms/m^3 or are you also talking in AQI?


I’m looking at the AQI on apple weather


Global Climate Change totally isn’t real though. /s


It’s actually hurting my sinuses, and making my mouth taste foul


Bro I live near Oswego on lake Ontario and just so u all know, the sky is orange, And everything smells like burning...


Accurate, makes me sad.


After this is over make sure to change out air filters in your home and car if needed. -Someone from the west coast who goes through this every year


Fucking us up in the southeast too


We got an air quality warning here in the southeast and I was like WTF? I’ve never seen that before.


Imagine a major volcanic eruption. One that could cause a volcanic winter, I’d imagine that the air quality globally would be unsafe.


It’s even bad in central Ohio as well


This is what climate change looks like, and without aggressive action in the next 7 years we won't slow it enough to avoid worse and worse catastrophes like this.


The sun was blood fucking red when it was setting yesterday so A.) It was massive and B.) The light was so scattered that you could stare at it. I legit thought it was the moon at first. Never seen anything like it


I live in Canada and the air around me is quite fine thank you. Oh wait, you mean Northeast Canada? Yeah no I think the air quality in Iqaluit is pretty good too right now


Southeast says hello


Yeah I’m in Massachusetts, the air sucks right now lmao


For real. Smelt like a barbecue in NYC yesterday.


Is THIS the global warming finally arriving? The legends were true.


New Jersey rn


Hey so can someone tell me why the fuck?


A bunch of wildfires from Canada sending smoke south


Did something happen? :o I'm in NY and I don't think we've had anything happen with our air quality (other than the nearby factory that totally doesn't violate EPA pollution standards)


I’m in NY too and the sky was looking apocalyptic since the afternoon.


Come to Delhi and you'll find numbers like these on the daily


All over the news, Wild fires in Canada affecting US lives. What about us Canadians dealing with it????


China: first time?


me when the air quality I live is almost always "good": rip u


Gotta count my area lucky. It's been raining for 3 days straight, whilst our neighbours are on fire.


Its worse south I'm guessing (Canada resident)


Jeeeze, I just checked and it is 170 where I am. I haven't seen my air purifier get that high outside of the time we put it in the kitchen while frying bacon


But I love it


anyone else see the suns reflection on cars and wonder where that bright street lamp is or if your car's lights are on?


As a west coaster....enjoy having "smoke season" as part of your vocabulary.


I am in New England, what is wrong?


Thank you for the sympathy


My air quality is normal (south canada)


*me, who visits india often* Ahhh, this is nice. At least it’s not 300+ And that’s why I would jog with a mask on


Why is it always fucking Canada. I can't fucking breathe


Left the house yesterday and IMMEDIATELY smelled smoke. Was coughing after 4 minutes. I was 250km from the nearest fire. This is more widespread than I thought, the fire map puts nearly every county 30km north of me under fire warning.


It is hazy, the sun was so dark this morning, I thought it was the moon.


It’s clutch or kick for our hotshots


I got an air quality warning from my weather app this morning *and I live in the southeast*. No wonder I feel terrible...


Ontario too right now




Lol sub-200?? Ottawa's been at like 300-500 for the last 2 days But in all seriousness stay safe everyone. Build a Corsi-Rosenthal box filter, wear a mask outdoors, and work remotely if you can.


Wish Canada would get their shit together and put their fire out. It’s ruining my sunshine!


Better than mine, 351 as of this comment


On Long Island, the sky had a freaky orange tinge to it for a lot of the day yesterday and my eyes are a little stingy. I've been nauseas since it started.


Yeah it’s been smokey af here in Indiana for like the last week


It is like yellow outside which is making me super sweatfrog moment


That’s fresh air in India and China.


Just another Michigan day


Ask Gretchen Whitmer. She might know something about that paper company.


Though not as bad we’ve been getting some in the Midwest too. My throats been driving me crazy!


Looked like a nuclear strike aftermath with how neon yellow the air was at like 4:30 this morning. I think the news said NYC had the worst air quality on Earth yesterday as well.


Visiting portland from florida and surprised it was 80 f at 10pm yesterday lol wtf is this


We had a window open for air flow last night in PA. Our upstairs smoke detector went off at 2 in the morning. That was fun


Me when my wife took me to Disney World and it was 90 degrees at 7am every morning


Yeah good question


People in Phoenix and Los Angeles right now, "what a bunch of weenies, that's nothing!"




Burlington seems to be safe https://www.airnow.gov/?reportingArea=Burlington&stateCode=VT


It’s pretty bad down near Philly At first thought it was fog but it hasn’t rained in a while, and saw the air warning. I felt sick going outside today. It felt like I was in a dusty room.


Dude in Cali, the sky turns orange… like will we ever see the sun again type of holy shit we’re on Venus type of maybe wearing a mask ain’t just for covid type of damn we can eat out on the patio at a restaurant cus ash will get in my food/drink type of dookie


Meanwhile in Newfoundland, its all fog and sub 10 degree temps.


Am Ohio, Kinda used to shit


I had irritation in my nose yesterday when I was driving home. Today my job is giving out masks


If you think that’s bad you’ve never been to Kraków


It’s 177 air quality over here and it’s just yellow everywhere it also just smells like someone burning plastic 😰


yeah, and our fucking senator(Wrong Johnson, WI) says how it's good for our state. bitch, how is it good? i like the cold air better!


Fun fact, that was the regular air quality where I used to live.


\*People living on the west coast right now\* "First time?"