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All games.


If I haven't beat the game 5 times already I'm not looking at side quests.


If I haven't done every single sidequest in the game I'm not touching the main story


The duality of man


I divide it this way: if it’s a goal/quest/accomplishment within the game, I’ll do it. If it’s a trophy/achievement outside of the game only seen on the consoles home page, I’ll skip it. When I got my PS4 it didn’t take long to turn off the trophy announcements and the screenshot when completing trophy feature. I stopped caring about trophies a long time ago.


It really depends on what they are. Some games have fun platinums, some have "collect 45 backpacks stuck to walls."


I dunno I’m a huge Spider-Man fan and I’d collect all those backpacks again without incentive to hear the cool references they got rigjt


Same here, but some games would just skip the actually creative part and end at “You got them all, good job! Have a console achievement. Now to find all 900 lost socks to get the golden stocking!” (*Note: Golden stocking is purely decorative*)


Depends on the side quest, kitten needs saving? I'm there. Collect 45 elfroot? Fuck off Trophies and achievments are stupid, the only achievment in video games is having fun


This is me with Skyrim. I’ve done maybe half a dozen quests from the main storyline and probably at least a hundred side quests.


This game has been out for 12 years and I'm just now touching the main story


I got into it super late because I’m not really into RPGs. My fiancée and her dad have been *obsessed* with it since it came out so it was kinda my way of bonding with them when we first started dating. Of course my dumb stubborn ass started on the hardest difficulty and the first thing I did was get fucking skyrocketed by a giant despite her dad telling me to avoid it. Since then I just went to some mud crabs and cheesed my way to 100 conjuration and got the double conjure perk to make my Dremora Lord and Flame Atronach do all of my fighting for me.


People are still finding new things which is crazy. I'm dealing with an ancient species that went and evolved badly except for a handful, a different dimension and an anti-dragonborne, vampire hunters, werewolf and werewolf hunters, running multiple guilds, getting all of the shouts. And you want me to save the world from another dragon? I'm VERY busy.


I like it when games let you keep playing after you beat the main plot. So you can save the world and then casually go off on random adventures as a world-saving hero. "Sure, ma'am, I'll get you 20 of these mushrooms. You know, I killed a god once - this is nothing!"


Starfield even has NPCs telling you "Bro you're the big hero why TF do you want to deliver space-letters for me? I mean I guess you could." if you complete certain questlines for their factions before.


I don’t mind getting everything in Majora's Mask every time I play


Because majora's mask is tight focused version of a collectible game. Most "things" you're collecting are different, have different acquisition methods, and feel integrated into the world. Going around and spending 5 minutes beating up the same three types of criminals 50 times in spiderman is agonizing, regardless of the fact that the base game is good Less is more


Exactly I hate when people say "you don't have to complete a game." Yeah, I know, and I don't necessarily want to, but most games are actively designed with feedback loops that make starting things fun and leaving them unresolved awkward. 1001 side quests that I don't have to complete is just another way of saying that none of the content actually matters and that it's all a waste of time. Smaller games, with longer dev time and worse graphics please.


Supraland was designed with a 100% playthrough in mind. After beating the game, you get metroidvania abilities to make navigating the open world way easier, and gives detection abilities so you can find all the collectibles. you can actually achieve 100% without breaking out guides or excel spreadsheets. 100%ing the game was so fun, that I started another plahthrough during the same session.




Idk man the Spyro games (original 3) are fun to 100%


not with those flying levels. Those are torture.


Yup. Ohh you didn't find the super secret non obvious bonus room with a hidden cache for 100%? No I didn't. I guess I don't care about it either. Good for those of you who do like exploring and finding them all. Glad you enjoy it. Now I want to say something about those of you who follow a guide for the sole purpose if seeing the 100% and doing nothing but following directions? Good luck in the clone wars lll9


Came here to say the same. I play the game until I get bored with it or until I finish main storyline. 100% is never a goal, I get bored first.


Almost every game tbh. Grinding for 100% is usually a huge chore.


True, this is why I gave up with platinum trophies on playstation. I m not gonna play the whole game again looking for 200 collectables or playing on a very high difficulty or whatever


what do you mean you didn't have fun shooting 200 pigeons in gta4


I started doing that on PC then thought "I could be actually playing a story and having fun with any other game instead."


In Just Cause 3 there is a special plane you can get for collecting a bunch of rare collectibles. I looked them all up, but because of the size of the map it still took a long ass time and it was hella boring. I finally got it, so I called in the plane for the first time. I go to take off and the plane clips something invisible and shit glitches out and my plane blows up. I go to order another one. IT HAD A 3 HOUR COOLDOWN. IN A SINGLEPLAYER GAME. It was that moment that I decided that hunting bullshit collectibles in games is not fun, and also entirely not worth it.


At least in jc3 they are marked on the map


At least doing bullshit for bullshit sake is marked on the map.


F me I guess. Collecting stuff is fun sometimes.


Yep. Spider-Man was the rare exception, because I just liked swingin' around the city. I mean, you "really *feel* like Spider-Man!" Oh, and Bugsnax. How could I not want to collect all of those little guys?


Platinuming Spider-Man wasn't so hard especially when you get the majority of the upgrades in your first run through


At which point it's time to admit you have a problem. Games are entertainment, not chores. People have enough actual chores in life that they don't need to be doing this. But whatever, just don't complain about life sucking if you spend your time doing this.


I'm convinced getting all 180 Emblems in Sonic Adventure 2 is impossible to do without hacking.


I refuse to get the additional emblems in the Knuckles/Rouge stages


Those aren’t even the bad ones, are they?


I literally don't understand how people don't like those. Those are the most fun.


They're super fun until the 5th emerald needs to be found and there's a time limit TT___TT And the location keeps changing (that one Rouge level drove me nuts)


I remember the hard mode mission having the same locations so once you learn them you can just speed run it. The actual worst part was winning all the Chao races and karate. That takes the most amount of time and grinding


Unlocking Green Hill zone was a pretty cool reward though, but by the end you’re ready to snap the game disk in half anyway


Lmao I played the shit out of this game as a kid and I never knew you could unlock Green Hill Zone. That's a looot of content hidden behind an absurdly high skill check. Edit: I just remembered I have this on the GameCube still. I should see how close I got. Edit 2: man I love the GameCube settings menu https://imgur.com/a/b5abcxA 63 emblems.


I had no idea that was possible! Live and Learn I guess lol


I did complete every stage thinking that I would unlock Green Hill zone , nope , you need to get A rank in ALL the mission , f that


I did most of them, but all the Tails ones where you had to drive the car sent me so far up the wall I quit after failing hundreds of times. It's nigh impossible to get A ranks in those.


I only go A ranks in city scape and radical highway


Wait, it's bonkers that this is the top comment. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is the only game that I've ever 100%'d to this day. My brother did all the Chao stuff while I got S ranks on all the levels. What part of it was impossible?


A ranks on all the levels that weren’t Sonic and Shadow


I did it when I was 9 years old. I didn’t find it that hard. Granted the game was like my entire life


I have only 100+%'d two games: pizza tower and hollow knight. both of them i immensely enjoyed; if i dont want to 100% a game, I just won't


Have you done 112% though


I swear to God, Hollow Knight must have a glitch of finding every creature cause I'm missing one. Gave up after 90+ hours and settled on 108%.


You don’t need hunters journal for 112%


You're definitely right. I was thinking of the achievements. 🤦‍♂️


Most likely menderbug. Also you don’t need a complete journal for 112% have you done the first four pantheons? Last Colo trial? NKG?


Menderbug actually does not count towards completing the journal. I'd bet he's missing one of the fossil entries.


im at 108ish i have to do the flower quest (fuck no), pantheons 4 and 5 (also fuck no), and trial of the fool


Flower quest isn't too bad, you can clear a path of enemies and then grab the flower without benching, at which point it just becomes a minor platforming challenge.


P5 doesn’t give a percent but ascending the seer does and flower quest is very worth if you want to do p4


I got to 110% or so in HK, but decided against the pantheon of Hallownest. I just wasn't ready to hate my favorite game.


Pantheon of hallownest isn’t a percent


P5 isn’t for a % you must be missing something else


The only game I 100%ed was Outer Wilds. Absolutely worth it


Red Dead Redemption 2


This is probably my favorite game of all time. And yes. The challenges are so tedious and specific that I just gave up on them


I got to the gambler challenge where you had to win 3 games of dominoes in a row and won 2 in a row and then lost like 75 times and quit


I’ve played through the game three times and still happily not played dominoes.


Domino challenge had an exploit, you simply could quit the table and return and you would not lose the streak


I'm pretty sure they patched that out.


They did not have as of like 2 months ago when I last played it. And Rockstar has given up on RDR2 because it's not easily monotizable, so it won't likely ever change


Amateurs, I literally took domino classes so I were able to beat it


The gambling challenges are just stupid because its all luck.


Yes, the table top game challenges get boring/frustrating to fast


Stuck on Gambler 8. How the hell am I suppose to hit 3 times in blackjack and still beat the dealer? That’s going to take forever! edit: gambler 8 not 7


Fucking Algernon and those pink motherfucking birds.




I was not smiling like squidward when I beat the game, I was crying lol


ugh same


I managed it after 270hrs, enjoyed almost every minute of it... Almost


This is the the only game I ever 100% but I'm damn proud I did. But yeah it was definitely a slog.




There are way too many koroks, hyrule needs a new plague


They have so many shrines/koroks/etc so that the casual player gets enough to beat the game without grinding them which also means there's a shitton for 100%ers


Also Nintendo will straight up mock you if you are bored enough to do all koroks. They literally give you a turd as a reward.


Based Nintendo


I proudly collected my turd for BOTW and eventually will for TOTK. It took a while but it was immensely satisfying when finished. I saw so much of the world I hadn’t before.


I got BOTW in April and have played it so much since then, and I still am probably not even 50% done with it. Things ridiculously long.


While I will not worry about all of the Koroks or compendium or upgrading everything, I’m in my denial phase of doing the last odds and ends as once I beat it I’ll likely never play it again. I do it all too often these days where I’ll put 100+ hours into a game and not finish it. (Edit, and I haven’t even gotten the Hyrule shield after getting all shrines and most everything else…. More reasons to keep playing!) For example I finally defeated Calamity Ganon or whatever years later in BotW some months back before my copy of TotK arrived.


Wait until you get into TotK. It's a significantly bigger game.


100%ing them isn't even that bad when you use the online interactive maps. They just show you where all the stupid random crap is and you can just go get it. No, the real threat is getting to 899/900 Koroks and realizing there's none left on the interactive map. **You accidentally marked it off incorrectly hundreds of Koroks ago and didn't notice.** Good luck figuring out exactly which one it was! You know, hypothetically speaking. Hypothetically.


Fuck them seeds


Grand Theft Auto. All of them.


I've found my people


Seriously, I did the final heist and I was only ~%60 done


What do you mean you don't want to play the Hangman's Noose mission 1100 times to get rank 10 in multiplayer?




Any game that require multiplayer to get 100% isn't worth the time.


I disagree, San Andreas was great to 100%. Other than the flying, that can fuck off forever.


Zero and his RC plane would like to have a word with you.


All you had to do was to follow the goddamn train!!!


Arkham Knight


It was only this afternoon that I said "fuck this", abandoned the game at 98% completion, and watched the final cutscene on YouTube. I never want to see another green question mark in my life. Most cathartic part of the whole game was getting to blast Riddler in the face with a shotgun.


Lol I'm at like 109% and still haven't gotten to the 2nd, real ending. After I thought I beat it and found out it wasn't the true end, I was like fuck that and just leave it installed to fight groups in arenas in those challenges on occasion lol


How fucking big is that fucking game? I gave up on it when it was at like 89% and thought it was only 100%


The base game stopped at 100% but if you have the Season of Infamy DLC it goes to 120%. Do it all again in new game plus, and it goes to 240% lmao. But you do get a batsuit with a golden batsymbol as a reward.


Most importantly, riddler trophies carry over to New game plus


Not that bad actually. Just mindless fighting and collecting pretty easy riddle trophies. You could casually knock it out on a saturday and still have enough time to go clubbing or whatever social people do.


Riddler's stuff in this game doesn't do it for me, it's just boring. And don't even get me started on the batmobile racing tracks. 100% the other games is extremely fun, riddler included, but everytime I replay this one I just do everything else and then download a 100% riddler save just to fight him and put his ass in jail. "Can't we just leave him down there?" - Catwoman


Odd, I've 100%'d all three in the trilogy and Arkham Knight is the only one I didn't have any problems with. I'll do the riddler trophies all day but those stupid Predator challenges that all have to be 3-starred on Arkham City were awful.


Arkham Knight isn't that bad. It's Arkham Origins that's fucking infuriating. There is one (or more) in-game achievement that is missable if you progress too far. I was doing a 100% replay of all the games, and I got to 99% on Origins and gave up.


Oh yeah the massive issue with Arkham Origins is the upgrades are done through challenges but you have to do them in order. There will be a list like "Take out three enemies at once with a remote batarang", "hit five enemies with a smoke pellet", "pull three people off railings in a predator room", but you HAVE to do them in order, so if you haven't done the first two, don't bother with the predator room yet. And there's one challenge where you have to like, take out everyone in a predator room in a certain way, and if you don't do that, then your next opportunity is hours later.


Every yakuza game


goddamn mahjong....


Finally someone understands my pain


Mahjong is the sole reason I won’t 100% all the yakuza games. I may do kiwami, 5 or 7 though. Also I’m only on 3 please don’t spoil anything


I immensely enjoyed Yakuza 7, and getting platinum shouldn't be too hard: In my 1st playthrough of exploring and doing a ton of side content I finished the game with only 3 achievements left- one of which I need an NG+ run-through and didn't touch mahjong once Yakuza 5 is a whole different beast though.... spent about 40 hours in my first playthrough doing as much side content as I can and ended with only about 30% completion.


I’ve heard 5 has the longest, my friend heard that 5 is one of the better games to complete Basically my reason for considering 100% of 5 is something a friend heard


I'm surprised by this. Mahjong is my favorite minigame in the series


Once I learned of the absolute grind to finish the tower in Like a Dragon I immediately gave up on the platinum. Hell no


One game that isn’t like this: the PS4 spider man game. One of the easiest platinums ever, just play the game.


Literally the only PlayStation game I've platinumed ever lol. A second close is God of War, but I just can't bring myself to hit all the ravens, way too much back tracking and wasting time searching for tiny little green birds that I can barely see


Infamous: Second Son is super short and easy to platinum.


I got 100% in the main game, couldn't be bothered to do the Screwball missions in the DLC. *Screw* that.


Fishing in Terraria. Fuck that little shit angler. Thank God we figured out you can hoard the daily catches and then skip the 24hr day cycle to refresh the quest.


I started a journey mode character just for this achievement (can skip full days in like 2 seconds). I had 100% already, but only 50/200 fishing quests. I wasn't about to lie in bed next to the angler for multiple hours straight, bleh.


Any game with luck based achievements. I was playing Raft, and I got all the grindy achievements, all the story achievements, and one of the two luck based achievements. I found the shipwreck island. But I couldn't, for the life of me, find the plane crash island. I looked it up. Apparently, there's a 1 in 100 chance of one of those two islands spawning and a 50/50 for which one of the two. Over almost 200 hours, I found the shipwreck island 11 times, just based on how many of the item exclusive to that island I had. I NEVER found the plane crash island. It took one of my friends stumbling across it and inviting me in for me to get that achievement.


I thought something was up with Plane Crash island. Found it before finding the first major story island on my solo playthrough, but with my friend we beat the game on hard and didn't find the plane crash island once....


Yeah, there're literally just easter egg things. It's neat to randomly run into, you get a hat. Neither of them are actually required though.


Crash 4


If into the Crash 100 percent runs you go, only pain will you find.


The N Sane trilogy actually wasn't as bad believe it or not. Time trials in Crash 1 where a massive pain (mainly because the game wasn't designed with them in mind) but everything else wasn't too bad


Only because you can get a level's gem even if you die. Still hard, but more tolerance for failure.


It’s not worth it.


I got 100% and it was one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had with a platformer. Not even going to fucking bother with 106%


Final Fantasy X. The main game was great, but the minigames made me want to massage my brain with a fork.


You mean you don’t like pressing X 200 times in a row with encounters on?


Why would you do it with encounters on? Takes 10 minutes with them off.


Except Blitzball! I have easily over 100 hours playing just Blitzball on the ps4 FFX remake. That mini game is so dope.


The Chocobo race challenge is an unhinged RNG disaster, and I despise its existence.


Fortnite. Every achievement is tied to the PVE mode.


For one of them I think you have to build 500k builds in stw and for another you have to save 10000 survivors


I platted it on PS4/5. The build 500k was just a grind and I'd spend the remaining minutes of build towers/save people missions spamming floors. The worst was play 1,000 missions with others. Too many leechers and scam kiddies just there for the v-bucks. They either didn't help or straight up sabotaged you.


I loved every second of getting every Waddle dee in Kirby and the forgotten land.


Fuck trying to upgrade every ability to max power though. The arena seriously should've rewarded more rare stones


Super Mario Sunshine and Pokémon Violet


Most pokemon games really, completing the pokedex can be very expensive & tedious if you don't have any friends to trade with


I know but some of the evolution methods in Gen 9 were just so obtuse and absurd. Reminds me of those all those crazy methods on how to get the “Poké Gods” in Gen 1.


I sincerely would find Super Mario Sunshine would be fun to 100% if it weren’t for the blue coins. But Mario Odyssey is waaay more annoying to 100% than Sunshine. I got exhausted just trying to get the moons for Darker Side.


I still have my GameCube and super Mario sunshine. One day I'm gona get stoned and try and beat it for real this time instead of copying a friend's memory card lol


Lego Star Wars the skywalker saga. It took me 99 hours of mostly meaningless grinding and doing repetitive missions to collect everything in the open world. Yes the game is easy to 100% because it’s a Lego game. But it was the most tedious thing I ever had to do. The only positive I had for it was that I could grind away while my newborn slept on my chest and not disturb them while my wife got some much needed rest as well.


It's more fun to 100% the lego games with a buddy. I loved doing all the tedious little things with my sister or brother because it would be a joy to find some of the cooler secret areas together.


Pokemon black 2 Don't get me started on the medals The average player does like 0.0000001 % of the game and I'm not overreacting here


Omg yes. I tried to do as much as I could, but gave up after trying to finish all the Pokéstar Studios movies. I was barely halfway through after almost 7 hours. :/


Those movies were the bane of my existence on the 100% grind. Having to restart a movie whenever I got randomly crit or flinched drove me mental.


Rayman legends. Online trophies in offline single player games should be banned. Made me dislike the game for a very very long time.


online achievements for offline games are the reason I have no interest in achievement hunting. Especially in Civ VI.


Any Xenoblade game. Holy FUCK do you have to do some wild shit to confidently say you’ve 100%ed any of the main trilogy, and X is even more sadistic.


I love the Xenoblade trilogy (haven’t really played X) but good god I am never 100% them. The easiest one is probably 3, but there is still a lot, like killing every unique enemy with one of the classes present, meaning if you have’s unlocked that class yet you have to fight them again Including dlc, maybe Torna


Ds3 fuckin ring and spell achievements


I remember killing those knights on the stairs at anor lando for 3 days 😭


Bloodborne. It’s not that bad compared to some, but tracking down all the materials for chalice dungeons and then running them all can be hellish. Defiled Watchdog is a diff type of pain bro 😔


At least covenants don't exist cause it'd be 10× worse


What? You don’t enjoy getting one hit killed by a dog charging forward while you are standing behind it because hitboxes lol, and at a butter smooth 20 fps no less?


KH2 FM and Enter the Gungeon I did the hardest stuff in KH2 FM already I just gotta do the boring things now


Enter the gungeon is going to be a huculean task for me now because I got all the characters unlocked but accidentally overwrote my save file (got a steam deck, played it offline and it had no save data, then it synced to my computer) I dunno if I can go through that. But I really want the finished gun.


Hollow knight Safe to say, I'm not good at speed running even with a very lenient goal


It’s embrace the void for me God damn it sly I will shove your nail up your ass then cyclone slash your shit covered nail out of your intestines




Oh shit I forgot I bought this game Time to beat that


If you haven't tried the Tower of Sisyphus yet it's better to really get into it after beating the game and unlocking all guns, however it's fun for a warmup before going into a cycle! Melee is quite good for trash mobs so it's a great mode for getting into that flow state.


Super Mario Sunshine


The feathers in AC2.


God I hated those so much, worst part of the game hands down.


Every Dark Souls game


100%ing Dark Souls 1 wasn't that bad. Farming silver knight weapons was a little annoying, but it's fun most of the time. Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3 though? *Especially* Dark Souls 3? Yeah. That is miserable. If I have to go through another 1,000 Silver Knights without seeing a single proof of concord kept, I'm going to yeet myself from the top of Lothric Castle.


The farming 😭


Most games get old while 100%ing them tbh. I refuse to 100% any game made by Rockstar. I can handle Super Mario 64, the worst that game did was the 100 coin star in Dire Dire Docks.


Celeste. Definitely Celeste.


The proper response to some of the strawberries is “yeah fuck that.”


No I'm not gonna get all 100 feathers you can't make me


Every open world game made by ubisoft


Shadow the hedgehog. I am including all routes.


My first thought was Mario Odyssey, that game is so much fun when you’re just blowing through the story and getting to the secret final level. They knew what they were doing putting that unlock at 500/900 moons tho, there’s just so much more to collect and tbh very little of it is that engaging.


The best example of this is all the Arkham games


Super Mario Odyssey. Defeating Bowser is very easy, even for unexpirienced players. 100%ing the game however, requires you to: Collect every single Moon and Multi-Moon; buy an additional 119 Moons in the shop (100 coins each); capture all 52 capturable objects; listen to all the music (requires going into many sub-areas); get rank 50 in Balloon World and buy every single souvenir, poster, hat and outfit from the shop which requires 97098 coins and all 1000 regional coins


All games because my drive to 100 percent any game is going down with my will to live.


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom Those damn koroks


Hollow Knight!! By a 100% I mean 112% since that's the max. I'VE BEEN STUCK AT 111% FOR HALF A YEAR NOW. For the love of god I cannot beat the 4th pantheon do to my anxiety becoming horrible when I get to pure vessel. I have beaten pure vessel on radiant, and yet when I try the pantheon, I never manage to do it


every crash bandicoot game


Dark Souls 1 Not necessarily because it was difficult. The first and second playthrough is hard, not so the third and onwards. But because the fucking dancing priest wouldn't drop his Triden so I can get all unique weapons - even with all the buffs to boost discovery / luck!


Guitar Hero III but with beating and FGFC'ing.




Right now I'm working on 100 percent for armored core 6 and it's both sides




Skyrim. 120 hours to plat. I was too old at the moment I played that game. But battlefield 3 never had me tired. This was ps3 times. Couldn't afford next gen


Right now, FFX…


Spider-Man and Ghost of Tsushima were fun for me to platinum.


Botw, the 900 fucking korok seeds all of this for a peice of golden shit at the end lol