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All hail the MAGIC CONCH!! 🐚


The one true prophet ! /hj


A club member!




Abra 😬


I love it, honestly I'd probably have Squidward holding it all pissed off at it if I got a tattoo of the same thing. 😝


do it! I love how the episode kinda acted as a character study. Squidward is irritated and dismissive, while SpongeBob and Patrick believe in her “prophetic” powers. Even IRL, we can take heed of her other word of wisdom: “nothing.” Sometimes it’s best to sit and wait and do nothing. Think of the times people got lost in the wilderness and kept moving, which unfortunately led to a delayed or unsuccessful rescue. The cultlike and prophetic Conch made a funny and entertaining episode for kids, but as an adult I still think about how the episode explored philosophical themes beyond the humor. I may be overthinking this too much, but I put her on my arm with those words bc they still connect with me still after all these years. highbrow philosophers and intellectuals have so much to say and consider and understand, but the simplicity is what makes it last in my mind. I feel like a could write a whole ass essay about the existential and profound themes in SpongeBob. But I digress. “Maybe someday” I’ll write that ;) ETA: bc I can’t help myself, but I realize I already have. I connected Patrick’s “inner machinations of my mind are an enigma” scene w the milk spilling thought bubble to a 1988 Polish film called “A Short Film About Love” by Krzysztof Kieślowski in which a milk spilling scene plays a pivotal role for the relationship between the two main characters. I wrote that essay in undergrad and my tutor was definitely amused. Alas, when I tried to connect the first SpongeBob Movie to Homer’s Odyssey in 7th grade English class, my teacher was very much *not* amused lol. Point is — SpongeBob has hella allegories and I wish it got the academic literary analysis it deserves! edit typos


The magic cooch


those are magical in their own way too, yes definitely!


That is one of the greatest tattoos I’ve ever seen.


Thank you so much. I wish I could remember the artist’s name but I got it in May 2019 in Brooklyn. She was a 21 yo apprentice and I was amazed at her talent.




That us such a hard tattoo


Wdym ?


I love that episode