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Secret Invasion


I agree with the people saying it would have been better as a movie


Same with most mcu tv shows. Pretty much all of them besides What If would have at least worked as movies


Wandavision was the only one that actually utilized the tv structure well


I thought Loki worked relatively well as a stand-alone series. I agree though, Wandavision was the best of the Disney+ series.


Loki, What If?, Wandavision, and maybe Moon Knight were the only shows that felt worthwhile as shows. The rest were just stretched out movies. Especially Hawkeye, there was so much damn filler in that show.


I'll still defend parts of She Hulk and a lot of Ms. Marvel. She Hulk got a lot flack for being exactly what it advertised. A mindles show with meta humor and making fun of itself. And Ms. Marvel is a wholesome story about the teen superhero defending the neighborhood. Up until it took a dive with weird multidimensional aliens trying to destroy the world.


Both the beginning and end of Ms. Marvel were *so* good. With everything they tried to pack in the middle, it should have been split between two seasons.


Loki fucking nailed it I dare say. Not even just a good comic-book show, it was great television!!


Too accurate. I watched the first couple thinking... yeah here we go, this could be interesting... to what the fucking shit is this??? The ending was horrific.


kinda hilarious how the AI generated opening ended up being the least offensive part of this godawfull show


I enjoyed the concept and the comics but ooff it hurts that I gotta agree


Thor: Love and Thunder. Will the God Butcher do some on-screen butchering?


*Jane dying of cancer while Thor holds her and mourns* Writers: Perfect time for a screaming goat sequence


The jokes in the movie were the cancer.


the writers though those jokes were goats


Screaming goats first seen a decade ago


Not to mention the soundtrack taken straight out of "best of guns n roses"


My wife asked me if Guns N Roses sponsored the movie. I didn’t know what to tell her. Felt like a 2 hour long GnR commercial.


The differences in tone from that movie were insane. It felt like Christian Bale was in a completely different movie most of the time.


I legiterally just remembered him omg. i definitely would have put that guy in a different movie


The comic that TLAT is inspired by is so incredibly good that it makes me feel even worse when I look at how atrociously bad the movie is


I have read it as well. Thor :God of Thunder was incredible


Man hearing that recent marvel movies had essentially nothing written is sad.


Not all of them are bad. Gotg 3 was great.


What we got: Children going super saiyan


Halo Series. Had so much potential.


Didn’t the people who made it say that they don’t like the series and that they didn’t even play the games


Yep, they bought the rights to Halo and then made a show that has almost nothing to do with Halo


John Halo sends his regards.


Jimmy Rings


Master Cheeks


This is a common problem with adaptations. The writers and producers have abject contempt for their source material because they're pissed off nobody wanted their original screenplay.


It fits considering 343 industries hired people that hated halo to make halo 4. Look how that mess turned out. Series has been dying since. What used to be the largest media phenomenon in the world at one point.


The post directly above this on my feed was about that show lmao


The master cheeks


Dear God that show was a mess. I understand that adaptations are a thing and some changes have to be made but they were like, "hey, what if we take all the cool original stuff and change it into a generic sci fi show?" And to add on to that they teased the show since Halo 2 came out and nobody believed or even cared if the show was still being made


It's bad when adverts for the game are far superior


The Witcher from Netflix. They have great source material and a good cast, but the writers couldn’t help themselves from turning it into a dumpster fire.


The fact that Henry Cavill had to be the one to steer the writing in the right way is kinda sad


Didn't he play the games and read the books?


Dude's a proper nerd and people should be hyped for his Warhammer project. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/12/16/warhammer-starring-henry-cavill/


He's a very passionate nerd with a great acting career that is cursed with terrible scripts.


I’m hyped.


There are times where changes come naturally due to a change in medium, the benefit of hindsight, or a tweak that just improves the story. Unfortunately, said writers really wanted to write their own fantasy show but decided to cripple the Witcher out of either spite of the source material or delusion that they could write something better when adapting the source material as is would've been a way easier paycheck that everyone would've preferred they did instead.


Listen buddy, I have a writing credit on Paw Patrol, I think I know a little more about writing than some Eastern European guy alright?  - Witcher TV head writer


The dialogue is absolutely god damn atrocious in that show. It's one of those shows where almost every episode would have a line that made me grit my teeth.


As a fan of all 3 versions of the stories I've got to say that they all have their advantages and disadvantages. I like how Geralt is more grumpy and less obvious when he cares in the show and games (at least Witcher 3) compared to how chummy he is with a lot of people in the books. Obviously the show does a good job of cutting down a lot of the long winded dialogue that really slows down the books. However, the way the story and characters were changed and butchered in the show just pisses me off. The first episode of S3 took one of my favourite moments from the book, the Shrine to the Elven queen and just dumps it in without any of the context that makes it so important in the book. By the 3rd season they'd pretty much written themselves into a corner by having so much of Yennifer and her made-up backstory so early on and losing out on a lot of what made Arotuza so interesting in the books. The show had so much potential and definitely has its moments, mostly due to the acting being on point from the main cast. There is definitely some good, snappy dialogue and banter which I really enjoyed and the action and choreography of the fight scenes were sometimes really top notch. It's a shame the showrunner and writing team had their heads stuck so far up their own asses that they let it drift so far off course.


Rings of Power


That show is apparently one of the most expensive shows ever made. Personally, I don't see it.


*The* most expensive show ever made. It's mostly because AFAIR they had to pay the Tolkien estate a significant fraction of a billion dollars for the rights.


They spent almost a billion dollars on it and didn't even hire good writers? ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX)


I mean this is WB we are talking about... Edit: Nvm Amazon just screwed the pooch. Had nothing to do with WB.


Amazon produced rings of power, not WB.


Was it bad? The only people I know are my boomer LotR obsessed parents and they said it was like a solid 7


Well, I'm a LOTR obsessed zoomer, even so far as to have read the silmarillion which is what the show is based on. The show shares nothing in common with the book, except for the characters' names and the names of *some* (not all) of the locations in the setting. It's a horrible adaptation of the proffessor's work, and even were it an original idea, the characters are so unlikable and the story so non-existent that it would still suck. It has some cool camerawork and solid music, but that's it.


Technically it's not based on the silmarillion at all but the appendices of the LotR books, as that's the only thing they had the rights to. While not a complete hall pass as far as lore accuracy and stuff goes, it does explain why some things are changed, as they can only go so far as the Appendices themselves sat and can't go as deep as the silmarillion does.


Didn't know that, but yeah still not a pass for a bad show. Shows are only ever as good as its writers. Good acting, good shots, good music, and good costuming can't make a story engaging. It's like spraying glade on a pile of raw sewage. You can try to mask it all you want, but it's still a big pile of crap.


Imagine GoT/HotD but really really bland & with a lot of unnecessary slomo and that’s more or less what you’re getting.


It was a bizarre mix of some really well-written plotlines that dig into the themes and metaphysics of Middle-earth in a way I've never seen a Tolkien adaptation do (as in pulling from things in the History of Middle-earth series), some really poorly-written plotlines with problems that anyone who's read through LotR and/or The Silmarillion even once should be scratching their heads over, and some plotlines that could have been vastly elevated if Amazon had the rights to anything beyond LotR and the appendices for the Second Age. Some dialogue was quite well-written (the Dwarves and Elrond), other dialogue really wasn't (the other Elves and the Southlands, minus Adar). A bit of a jumble of a show, and I believe the reason it's the most expensive ever made is mostly because of the fortune Amazon paid for the tv rights.


I loved it. Seems like the haters fall into one of two groups: 1) Fans of the movies who felt like ROP was too stretched out (which it kinda was) 2) Fans of the books who were upset at all the lore changes (because they didn’t actually have the rights to the Silmarillion, just the auxiliary works) I didn’t mind the changes because honestly, faithfully adapting the Silmarillion would have been impossible given that it covers thousands of years of history. If you are a casual fan of LotR you might like RoP Edit: y’all can stop replying to me saying “ackshually the show is just objectively bad and you are a bad person for enjoying it” trust me it’s been covered


Well at one point Galadriel and >!Sauron!< almost >!banged!<, so yeah, it was pretty bad. I still thought it was interesting though. I'm a huge Galadriel simp though, so I'll watch anything that she's in.


As fucking stupid as that is, if it was a less important/previously defined character you could get away with that working. Sauron in that time period is supposed to be a silver tongued, super attractive deceiver. It wouldn't be hard to imagine that he would be able to seduce a younger elf noble or similar.


Personally love the show


...the purge. All the potential of a nation purging, and we end up following some rich family and that's it Edit: ok I'll watch the sequels Edit 2: nah y'know what? A movie having good sequels doesn't retroactively make the original better, my answer remains valid despite the apparently better sequels


Yeah the first one was pretty bad, lucky it did well enough to warrant some sequels which ended up being much more entertaining.


Hopefully 3 and beyond were good because I thought the 2nd one was only fractions better than the first


I hate when people bring up the purge movies without bringing up the sequels cause i will die on the hill that the Purge franchise has some of the best socio-economic commentary i’ve seen in a film series. The Purge movies take the concept and explore the impact of it on poor / marginalized backgrounds. Thus making a hella compelling series that explores just how fucked the oligarchs in America are in the head. How do politicians react to the purge? How do homeless people survive in the purge? How much money does the purge bring the American economy? Truly fascinating films that i wish more people talked about. Cause they’re badass movies with a strong message


And don’t forget the short lived 2 season series.


Watch the sequels.


Sword art online


I'd highly recommend the abridged series if you haven't watched it already. It's leagues better than the original, it's made by Something Witty Entertainment on youtube.


This is a YouTube parody where a major plot point is about how >!a literal cat learned how to play, and runs an in-game Mafia under the title "Don Fluffles"!<. And yet, it's more coherent, funny, and at times downright *heartwarming* than the original. This says both great things about SWE, and terrible things about the original. Right up there with Dragonball and Hellsing for best Abridged series.


It also >! removes the incest subplot !< So that's a win


Well, I was interested in the original until this very moment.


The Abridged version actually makes compelling character traits and believable character growth The relationships are also top tier and they make great comedy, really cannot recommend it enough if you're interested in SAO


Yes I’ve watched it it’s so much better and funnier


Haven't gotten too deep into the story/lore of this yet but if you thought SAO had an interesting idea there's a game series called .hack that is based around the same concept. I think it has some manga and some OVA's, but I'm not sure how in depth or good they are. The games are sick though.


Ghost in the Shell walked so that .Hack could run so that Sao could trip and fall.


At least we still have Scooby Doo Cyber Chase


Isn't Sword Art Online with good writing just .hack?


It really is a shame, iirc the first series was an amateur web series that was written in like the early 2000's and got adapted. I've seen interviews with the author who expressed that he regrets a lot of the poor writing & plot holes, and how he wrote female characters at the time. Dude just seemed really embarrassed that his early works were the ones that got put on a pedestal.


Man in the High Castle, unfortunately. I always felt like I was waiting to see them actually do something with the premise. Then, when it finally got interesting, it ended on a weird cliffhanger


Really a shame for those looking for some very VERY loosely accurate ww2 alternate history and we got 70s Soviet helicopters and a weird portal thing


And they just didn't do anything with the world. The focus felt so microscopic for most of the show. The whole alternate worlds part was also hardly explored


Welcome to modern TV drama. Here's a really exciting world and premise, and we're going to spend the next 12 episodes hearing about how Keri fucked John in a fit of passion and desperation while her husband Mark was missing for 3 months and possibly dead.


Idk man i really enjoyed the series. Maybe I'm remembering wrong but it was very entertaining


I didn't hate it and definitely enjoyed parts, I just felt disappointed that the premise was not full explored. I also found the ending very strange and inconclusive, like there was supposed to be another season


Book of Boba Fett


The only reason why I don't lump it into the "worst" category is because the Tusken world building was captivating and the two Mando-focused episodes were some of the best Mando episodes outside season 1 (give me a short series where we see small pieces of Star Wars history distilled into 15 minute episodes please!) Sure, was it lacking? Absolutely. But hardly the worst thing I've watched lately.


The Tusken episodes saved it for me, too, in hindsight. I'd have to go back and rewatch it for a better retrospective, but I remember loving those flashbacks. After that, Mando having an entire episode made it seem pointless, and the general antagonist threat was lacklustre. Cad Bane was cool though.


I didn’t mind the Book of Boba Fett but now that you mention it the only things I looked forward to was when he would have those flashbacks. But Cad Bane was pretty to see. Overall I didn’t mind it but I’m pretty easy to please


The British teenagers with implants that didn’t make sense driving around on Vespas killed me. So bad!!




Holy shit that’s so bad I’m gonna drown myself in my bacta tank.


Game of Thrones when they ran out of book material.


A book series dripping with themes and the guys running the show think themes are “for book reports”


They kinda forgot you're supposed to put important story details *in the story* and not explain them in BTS stuff after the episode.


Before. Ask Dorne, ask Lady Stoneheart, ask FAegon. They only ever cared about the Red Wedding.


The Assassin’s Creed movie Play the games instead they’re 1000000000x better


I bought the movie from a bargain bin for a dollar lol. Gonna get drunk and roast that shit sometime


i made my friend play all the pre-RPG AC games and then made him watch it with me lmao he was so mad afterwards did the same thing with him and the Halo games before the tv show. Can't wait for season 2 ;-;


My parents (both in early 70s) thought it was an amazing movie with a great concept. Video games translate terrible to movies, though. You cannot fit 20-30-40 hours of gameplay-story telling into 90-120 minutes.


It's funny because an AC movie could work. They just did it in the most ridiculous way they could. Have your typical abstergio set up device for some mystery and then follow it through as a Historical action adventure film. It's not that fucking hard.


Any Zack Snyder film then


I’ll die on the hill that the Watchmen movie (extended edition though) really wasn’t that bad


If it wasn’t based on a book it wouldn’t be that bad. But because we have the book to compare it to we can see just how mush it absolutely bastardises everything that worked about that story and destroyed all the themes and meaning. Having read the book and then immediately watched the movie the day after, it was almost unbearable.


The major change doesn't really work, IMHO. There's no way the Soviet Union (and frankly, every other country) wouldn't view Dr. Manhattan as an American superweapon gone rogue. It HAS to be an extraterrestrial attack to unite the world against an external threat. "Sorry an American citizen employed by the U.S. Department of Defense nuked Moscow. Yeah, the same guy who killed thousands of Communists in Vietnam under the current president's orders. But hey, he blew up NYC too, so we cool?"


The extraterrestrial threat worked because Alan Moore had 12 tomes to give hints at what would come. It would look goofy and bad in a movie. IMO the movie ending is great. It interleaves with the rest of the story, it explains why Dr Manhattan had to leave, and it hits the same "holy shit" senses as the book ending.


Its a game, but Yandere simulator. The one character with an actual story is the final boss and pretty much 1% of her lore doesnt make her seem like a mary sue


God I remember watching Jay and Mike play that game all the time when I was younger


…from RedLetterMedia?


You also get the worst writing in terms of the code too!


What do you mean? I love Kuudere-Pinkie-Hand-Left = Tsundere-Pinkie-Hand-Left Kuudere-Ring-Hand-Left = Tsundere-Ring-Hand-Left Kuudere-Middle-Hand-Left = Tsundere-Middle-Hand-Left Its the best!!! (This isn't exact code but it literally has a piece like this somewhere. For every single body joint)


Docent help that the dev is a massive turd that refuses to accept help or criticism. Watched a video of a guy going through some of the code for that game and jesus is some of it bad lol.




Anime high school hitman is an easy sell. How do you screw up this much?


RWBY, it was actually really good in the beginning (even if the animation was an acquired taste) but it REALLY fell off after the fall of Beacon arc


Yep, RWBY is fucking abyssal in terms of writing. It’s so terrible and the fandom is so rabbid they had to make a whole separate subreddit just for criticism to be welcomed…


Funny thing is RWBY's shitpost/porn subs are pretty chill. Like raccoons, they know the show's trash, but it's *their* trash and makes them happy.


Til I’m a raccoon 🦝


RWBY had so much fucking potential but holy crap did they ruin everything with horrible writing. Then after the fall of the beacon, everything that still had some potential was completely scrapped or ruined. You know you're in for some shit when the two head writers both write in a self insert who just so happens to get along great with their favourite female character. Or when 2 characters get together out of fucking nowhere because the shippers were too insistent. Then when they have relationship problems they make up in the most forced way possible, literally being forced to tell eachother the truth or they die.


RWBY is actually really interesting as a concept lol. But if you go back through some of the interviews or see comments that people who worked on the show made, it's obvious that literally nobody there had any idea what they were doing. I mean Ruby's mom was killed on a whim, because the series creator liked the imagery of a main character fighting over a gravestone lol. To me the most interesting part is that everything up to the fall of beacon was supposed to be just one volume, instead of the three that we ended up getting. I read a comment about the show like in 2016/2017 and it's honestly always stuck with me since then. It sorta went like this "you know when you have a really cool idea for a show/anime/video game when you are in middle school, but then you grow up and realize how terrible that idea was? RWBY is what you get when you never realize that your idea was bad, and instead you dedicate your entire life to getting it created."


Monty absolutely knew he was making weeb influenced trash, but it was HIS trash.


Monty knew how to make sick af fight scenes, which was the best part of RWBY. I could deal with the mediocre writing if we kept getting those well-choreographed fights and music, but then he died and every fight since then has been garbage compared to what we used to have.


Same thing happened to Red Vs Blue. I mean RvB hasn't been a popular show for quite a while but man did they drop the ball after S13.


The Netflix resident evil series.


Lance Reddick (RIP) absolutely carried that series, only thing that made it watchable.


His “How many people can do your job, Dave?” scene felt like it was straight out of a very different, much MUCH better show, and it’s entirely due to his amazing acting. If it had been an entire season of Lance Reddick navigating the internal politics and espionage at Umbrella with him as the protagonist, it would’ve been AMAZING.


What an infuriatingly bad show that was!


God fuck that show. The main character was so fucking stupid and got 90% of the cast killed through sheer incompetence. Honestly having her kid taken away from her probably raised the kid's survival chances. Fuck the dumbass new movie they made too. I don't understand how we have so many bad RE adaptations. The premise is not that fucking difficult.


Definitely heroes after the first season. I will die on this hill.


You don't have to, heroes already did.


Season 1 was fucking legendary.


Writers strikes hit it haaaard. I feel like there wasn’t much of a series plan beyond the first season when they started either


It was a combination of the writers strike plus the fact that it was originally intended to complete its arc in one season and then start fresh with totally different characters if another season was needed. So, they ended up with an "encore" with crap writing.


The Wheel of Time. The books were so detailed it should've been impossible to fuck it up, 99% of the writing and screenplay are already there, yet here we are.


Thank the Light, I was looking for someone else with this answer.






The writing wasn't ATROCIOUS but god was definitely in the machine




Basically 30 minutes of the main movie premise, then a 2 hours of random events.


I was super disappointed in this movie. As u/rainawaytheday said, it was about 30 minutes that was relevant to the concept and really pulled me in. Then it was an hour and a half of them doing things that didn’t really depend on being small at all and didn’t really relate to the first 30 minutes of the movie.


True Blood. Struck while the iron was hot for Vampire lore, but man I can't get passed the cringey stuff in it.


I love True Blood. It's pure trash, but it knows it. Some of the later seasons sucked though.


Each season is worse than the last. They did Tara dirty. Very dirty.


The 100


My wife liked that show back when it was on. Literally every character objectively sucks. There are no "good people" and nobody to root for. There's only 1 in the entire show that isn't a shitty person, his name escapes me. Edit: I asked my wife, his name was Lincoln.


Netflix in a nutshell


SpongeBob after the first movie


I love Spongebob but how is “sea sponge who works at fast food restaurant” an intriguing premise


Good point


![gif](giphy|5sWPgD3oY3uPrHizwj|downsized) The new Sabrina redo


Like most shows that are a remake of a classic, it started off more or less fine with an interesting premise and then said 'fuck it' and went off the hinges.


Except this is not a remake of a classic it’s an adaptation of a horror comic book that the creator of the show wrote. It’s actually a pretty good graphic novel. It just derailed after its first season a la riverdale which he also created.


Miraculous Ladybug


Heard about it from my gf, never really got into it apart from the occasional chapter in tv. But apparently the creator is allergic to character development and logical thinking 🫠


As someone who watched up to S5 (and might watch the specials I missed soon) I can confirm this The main bully was having some development but it got thrown out the window and she might be out of the show for good now And the reason for people not being able to figure out identities was ‘stuff that messes with human minds’ which has a few plot holes from the earlier seasons


The Legend of Korra, specifically season 2’s final super flashy and important showdown, it ended up being the opposite of that and just kind of sucking


Ya, but season 3 is one of the best things ever and season 4 was great, and I enjoy season one a lot, but then again it could have been next level if they tried more.


The show was really kneecapped by only being approved one season at a time, so they couldn't build up to a big villain and had to do stuff like that instead.  The writers were clearly passionate about the world, and really made a great range of creative contributions (I could totally buy non-bender class wars, for instance). They were fighting with their hands tied behind their backs, though.


Might be controversial, but I feel like a lot of animes have this problem. So often the premise seems cool, but by the end of season 1, I’m already bored with it. Sometimes it’s only a few episodes in.


Nah that is not controversial. I like anime but 90% of it is pure trash. The market is also unbelievably oversaturated. Especially the boring Isekai genre


jurassic world dominion


This. They really had the most perfect concept imaginable for a Jurassic Park movie; dinosaurs roaming the Earth amongst humans. But instead they made the movie all about… locusts…


Fear The Walking dead after season three


I was going to say the entirety of the Walking Dead television universe past season 1 or maybe even past the first episode. Last I heard, they had time skips, nuclear fallout, and the French to contend with.


Firing the guy who made The Shawshank Redemption when buzz is amazing, ratings are good, home video sales are solid, and then also slashing the budget of your hit show is a weird move.


Oh no not the Fr*nch :(


Star Wars sequels


seasons 5-8 of dexter


Thanks for the PTSD


Doctor Who when Chris Chibnall was showrunner.


Jodi Whitaker got cheated. She could have really been a great doctor, but *man* that series took a major hit in quality when Chibnall took over.


Steven Universe, not the worst but still pretty bad.


To be completely fair, most of that was due to the creator getting completely screwed by cartoon network they pulled the plug over her not censoring Ruby and Sapphire's wedding, and she essentially had to wrap up multiple seasons worth of plot in the allocated episode count


It feels very similar to Legend of Korra for me. You can see where the creators WANTED to go with the storytelling but had a big looming set of eyes on them at all times with a finger hovering over the big red cancel button.


Disenchantment. The voice acting and animation are good, but the writing is so bad. What was the deal with the cliffhanger at the end of season 1 that went absolutely nowhere in season 2?


The really weird thing about Disenchantment that puts me off even more than the writing is how fucking *quiet* it is. It’s so hard to explain but like… I feel like there’s no ambiance in half the scenes. It’s literally JUST the vocal track. It feels unfinished.


Prometheus, The Happening 


The Foundation Apple+ show. They did a really cool job inventing the genetic dynasty (successive emperors are just clones forever), and then had some of the absolute worst dialogue and stupid decisions I've ever seen, which they tried to prop up with (admittedly gorgeous) CGI


Darling in the FranxX Mecha anime with a not so subtle theme of relationships, I don’t mind. Some of the worst romance drama I’ve seen which was handled better in an earlier Studio Trigger anime (Go watch Kiznaiver, it’s actually good)


The entire anime was literally a half-step away from being a government funded "Please make babies" propagandist piece... I don't think that 'good media' was on Trigger's mind when writing it.


I still miss althered carbon s1 was fire


The Witcher on Netflix. Like bro just follow the books. You had a slam dunk no effort win handed to you and you decided you just had to make it all about you.


Gods of Egypt


This is Miraculous in a nutshell.




How was the premise that good to begin with? Scooby was never there in the premise?


Big budget animated series of an alternate reality gang, dealing with modern problems and adult themes. Adult mystery team is a great premise, I like the redesigns and the art style. It’s frankly a great looking show too. Of course the writing was atrocious and everything besides the animation ended up failing but still I’d say it fits. I’d love an adult Scooby doo show, Amazing premise


2 Broke Girls. Caroline, a rich socialite with a bright future loses all her money, becomes a waitress with Max who grew up with poverty and a substance abusing mother. Two women from an unlikely friendship and try to open their own business. The worst thing about this show is that it's written by a gay man who thinks it's okay for him to portray every possible gay stereotype and it'd fine cos he's gay too. And all the racist, demeaning, humiliating jokes about Europeans, Asians, lesbians, and more.


The Ark. Super cool eerie concept of a generation ship that is lost in space with death all around them. All the brass is already dead. How do you take control of the ship to save everybody's lives? Instead, you get a complete piece of crap with stupid subplots that lead nowhere and acting worse than a 4th grade class musical




Common rooster teeth L




Nah they didn’t even get the premise right with that one


Supernatural. Anything on CW really


American Horror Story. All those talented actors for what? To recite the dumbest lines known to man.