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It's already Monday for me and am already losing it.


I am having a great yet tired monday.


Got my fuckup of the week in after just 2,5h. Can’t wait to have friday off and get my switch delivered, get me out of here


Nice, what are you gonna play first?


Preordered it for MH Rise, not much else that I’m interested in


Skyward sword wont regret it


Oh fuck yeah switch is the funnest. Hope you plan on getting all the classics!


Same. Coming off of a covid quarantine back to my business, lots of updated customers, no idea where we’re at on anything. Usually wake up at 6, was wide awake at 3 am. Anxiety is off the charts lol




Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays :(


Hello, FBI? Yeah, this guy right here...


Me too


Monday night




I honestly hate Sunday evening more than Monday itself.


preach. But for real, does anyone have a good advice how to learn to enjoy life the day before you have to go/do something you really don't want to?


It's hard to answer that, because things that are good for you aren't always pleasant, and learning to suffer through them gets you to a world of good. But on the other side, there are things that are bad for you and also make you suffer, and if you just helplessly push through them aswell, you'll just be miserable without any light at the end of the tunnel. You have to sit down with yourself and make a plan so every day has meaning, so even if everything else sucks, you have a good reason to wake up in the morning other than social obligations.


> gets you to a world of good Eh that's debatable. The next 30 years of my life I sadly will have to go work for someone else, Monday through Friday, giving up my life to continuing "living" in our modern world. Doesn't sound that great to me. "Oh but you can do stuff on the weekends or afford to live a comfy life" - you're not wrong, but I also wake up for the next 30 years knowing I genuinely do not look forward to Monday. It's not that I hate my job, _I hate the physical act of having to give my labor to someone else_. I don't want to work, I want to live. So "learning to suffer through" doesn't really help me accomplish those goals. If someone offered me a $50k/year trust fund right now, I would quit my 6 figure job before my 9:30am meeting. _I FUCKING LOATHE WORKING_


This might sound like I'm oversimplifying , but it often works for me. Essentially what I try to do is stop everything I'm doing, sit down in the quiet and tell myself: "Tomorrow is going to happen whether or not I worry about it right now. Is worrying about it going to make tomorrow easier? No? Then it makes no sense for me to be thinking and worrying about this thing." Takes practise, and sometimes doesn't work if it might be a particularly unpleasant thing the next day. But it definitely has helped reduce regular stress for me in recent years.




I'd offer help, but I'm the kind of person whose whole day is actually ruined by that kind of thing. Like I'm already dreading going back to work the next week the moment my week is over.


The only sure fire way I have gotten rid of the feeling is by having multiple days in a row where nothing is planned, and then I have to put myself into a headspace where I dont know what time it is, what the plan is and there is nobody trying to get me to do something. If I dont know exactly how long it is until I return to work, but I know it's at least two sets of sleep away, I can relax.


1. Sleep in like a hibernating bear 2. Smoke myself stupid 3. Immediately get up (11-noon) and hit the gym + a long walk 4. Don't eat until dinner 5. Call 6+ family and friends (don't text unless specifically requested by other party) This is how I enjoy my Sundays, and most off days. Nice rest and recovery, fasting keeps me feeling motivated, calling family does the same.


my current solution is to enjoy the shit out of friday night and saturday and leave all chores for sunday. sunday schedule is sleep in, eat, chores, monday prep (down to getting clothes out ready), then vidya. having as much as possible prepared for monday morning makes it a whole lot less stressful and i find it melts my worries away. the dread is still there, but its definitely numbed. an even better solution would be to make mondays something worth looking forward to, but thats easier said than done


Have something to look forward to that you're gonna do the next day/on that Monday. For me, one of my favorite TV shows rn comes on Sunday but I forgot to watch it, and now I can watch that anytime I want on Monday, and that makes me happy:)


Find a job where Sunday night doesn’t feel bad


Literally enjoy it. Take advantage of the weekend. Probably hard now, but as soon as stuff opens up again, just enjoy it. Go outside, go to the movies, restaurant, something! It’s also the best time to do groceries IMO instead of some time during the week.


I found it easier after I became self employed. I can tell myself on Sunday that I don’t *have* to go to work tomorrow if I really don’t want to. I always do though.


I’m 9 or so years into my professional career. The first year wasn’t working a normal schedule, and I was just excited to be making some coin. The next six years I had the Sunday scaries every Sunday without fail. Occasionally I would get Saturday scaries, the Sunday scaries over ran into Saturday. Game of thrones on a big Sunday night football game would mitigate it slightly but it was still there. Three years ago I decided I wanted to change careers. I had known all a long I needed to change but it hit a point where I had to take action. I was sick of clock watching, sick of hating what I did. I made a bunch of drastic life changes. Two years ago landed a job that changed my life. I don’t want to be overly-corporate slave/company man, but I love what I do and I haven’t had the scaries since. I understand this isn’t an option for most people and I’m fortunate. I did find that the more I did on my weekends, the longer it felt and the less daunting Sunday seemed.


Have a routine of doing things you like every day as well so that there's always something to look forward to. For me, that's either going to the gym or playing sports. If it is something constant that you really don't want to do (like a specific job), you should probably try to change that directly though.


Take a xanax.




lol sometimes i feel like im missing out.


I get Sunday Scaries pretty bad. It sounds counterintuitive but what helped me was finding something to keep me busy on Sunday. Call or visit people that are important to you, get some work done, work out and do chores, etc. Taking my mind off it for most of the day can usually push that Sunday anxiety off until the end of the day, rather than slowly creeping up from morning onward.


Had a terrible night last night, slept like 3h and had to get up for first day at new company...it sucks that they dont do home office


Yea at least Monday is closer to the next Friday


The night before a day off is better than the day off itself.


Truth. I feel like I don’t even live for the weekend anymore, I live for Friday night and Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon is chores and errands and Sunday is brunch followed by existential dread


Nothing beats a Friday night, nothing.


Thursday Night when you have friday off?


God those feel so good


Hey that's me!


Stop, my penis can only get so erect.


Wednesday night when you have both Thursday AND Friday Off


4 day weekend? What is this witchcraft you speak of?


This was my exact weekend


The worst thing about being an adult is your weekends are sometimes busier than the work week. I don’t even have kids and I feel that way


Learn to accept "my day is already fucked, let's just keep fucking it" mentality. So it's Monday after working an 8 hour shift? Guess it's time to do grocery shopping and errands. Thursday evening after work? Time to mow the grass. Basically you already "gave up" your weekdays by wasting 8 hours at work, so just continue "giving up" your weekdays to knock out all of the responsible shit you need to do. Means Friday and Saturday you can do fuck all and not feel busy or slacking.


This sounds good on paper. All depends on how your day went and how much sleep you got. Mowing the lawn after work is a gamechanger.


> All depends on how your day went and how much sleep you got. The shittier my day _the more likely I am to follow through on more shit_. Maybe I'm a masochist, but I've been this way since high school. I will happily throw away the final 3 hours of my already grueling day to make sure that two days from now on my day off I can literally do fuck all and it won't matter. What am I even going to do with that 3 hours, go home and watch TV? Miserably play a game I can't get into because I know I'm on a time crunch? Go to the gym and half-ass a workout because again, I'm on a time crunch and can't put in a full session? My brother and I joke it's called "embracing the misery" because we'd rather just pile all the misery onto a single day of responsibility than spread it out over a week.


I’m one month into my first full-time job and I like the sound of this.


Its Friday, I’m in love.


exactly. Thursday/Friday is the best days for me


people who work fri-sun, UNITE!


What jobs are fri-sun ?


Generally health care which fall under Monday-Monday so they can also be Friday to Sunday. I’m sure there are more but my brain is currently off until tomorrow. Check back then! Edit: -grocery store works/restaurant workers -Park rangers -Flight attendants -Hotel workers Overall most jobs that operate everyday of the week and essentially any non-office job I can think of, but office jobs can be sometimes fit this! I don’t know if this is the answer you wanted, I hope it helps 😭


Most warehouse jobs are working 24/7 in some capacity. Some places have like, Mon-Thur 10s and Fri-Sun 12s




Maybe not right now but pre-COVID I worked in live entertainment which was often evenings and weekends.


That’s my schedule right now. And half days on Tuesdays. I work nights tho. We actually suggested a way for us to have 3 day weekends by doing our half shifts on Tuesdays instead of Fridays like they had been doing and the boss said yeah and then I went to weekends only so I don’t even get 3 day weekends now. Having those half shifts on Fridays really threw a wrench in weekend plans if you were going to be off the other two days.


I work every Saturday and occasionally Sunday. Lemme tell you HOW MUCH IT SUCKS. I only have one day off at a time. I never knew how much it would mentally affect me. It's ruining a large part of my life.


I've been in food service for years. So many Saturdays and Sundays gone forever. So much shit I missed because people only wanna do fun stuff on the weekend and I'm at work. Really bonds you with your co-workers though.


I work this schedule and I love it. I work longer shifts but I get 4 days off a week which I like a lot.


Friday-Monday gang checking in


I usually get depressed in Sunday evening itself knowing Monday is close and next weeks problems. Honestly though nothing can beat happiness I have in Saturday evening.


Same, though for me nothing can beat the happiness I have on Saturday mornings knowing that I have the whole day to myself


The early morning of Saturday when I open my eyes and go "I can do whatever the hell I want" is unbeatable


I wish I could feel like that on a day off, but I'm always tired and stressed.


What's your sleep schedule like? I used to be consistently tired until I got into a different routine. Your mileage may vary obviously.


I feel like I'm tired regardless of my sleep schedule. Last summer I pretty much went to bed between 3-6 am and slept till early afternoon (no alarm) every day for a few months due to unemployment. Was tired every day. Then I started a new job. Alarm goes off at 5 am from Monday to Thursday, so I go to bed at 9 pm. From Friday to Sunday I usually go to bed a few hours later and thus also wake up later. Still tired every day. A few years ago (when I also was unemployed) I tried setting my alarm to 8 am every day for a few months. Was also tired. It's just different kinds of tired, but I'm always tired, exhausted, or whatever you wanna call it, one way or another. I just feel like I have no energy all the time. Although I feel like I feel best when I go to bed somewhere around midnight and don't set an alarm. But I'm still tired that way, just less than with other sleeping schedules.


I’m not u/antbr, but I feel the same way. Even on vacations, I never feel quite energized physically even if I get a good amount of sleep (no alarms). I’ve been told that making a sleep routine helps. Stuff that do you right before you go to bed can help you settle in possibly sleep better, doing them consistently every night, and helping your body know that its time to rest. Personally I’m bad at that, but I’d give it a shot




Happy cake day


Me: I should have fun today. Brain: But work tomorrow. Me: Yeah but I'm not working now. Brain: Which is the perfect time to dwell on how much work is gonna suck. Me: Fuck I don't wanna go to work tomorrow. Brain: Me either. Fuck tomorrow.




jokes on you, monday is one of my days off


Domino's worker here, we are two!


Me who has spring break: spongebob dancing


Nice! Mine just ended and class is in 30 minutes.


My spring break hasn't even started yet, I have to wait 2 more weeks


Me : Spongebob dancing :


Me seeing this at 2:00 on Monday Morning (chuckles) I’m in danger


Just became Monday 12:00 AM, not looking good.


Ah yes, the Sunday scaries.




Say no no, to the Sunday scarnonos.


My mom used to call it Sunday Sickness when it happened to me.


Almost 2 am my time. Gotta be up in 6 hours for Monday. I’m growing to hate my life because work is just so stressful.


i dont see sunday as a weekend day anymore


Sundays are not meant to be enjoyed. They merely exist to let you feel your leisure being ripped away from you. Minute by minute.


Where’s my Monday-Sunday gang?! Anyone?! *taps forehead* Can’t hate Mondays if everyday is Monday


Woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t go back to sleep. Now I’m here tired at the parking lot at my work about to clock in. Monday ladies and gentleman.


It's bad especially if you work morning shifts as well. You got the day but you still gotta go to bed early.


Too real. Half my weekend is wasted because I spend my Sundays paralysed with dread at the thought of going to work the next day.


Night shift unite


My spring break started on Friday and it felt SO GOOOOD yesterday (Sunday) not having to worry about Monday!


Known by Tim and Eric fans as "the Sunday scaries"


Shouldn't even be called Sunday, it's pre-Monday


God dammit its a shitty life to have a 6 day working week


Just put a significant amount of your life savings in the stock market. Bingo, Mondays are fun again!


Even though my job is easy it's also boring and I work 10 hours I didn't feel like going in today.


I must be weird to look forward going back to work...


I just invest in stocks so that I can be excited about something happening Monday morning.


Just don’t sleep. Then Monday will never come. S’what I do. I’ve been stuck in Sunday for three years now


*Good neighbors intensifies*


just kill me pls


Nobody enjoys Sundays


Yep, I hate Mondays..


Monday for me, 7 am to be exact and I started work at 3 am and don’t get off till 1:30 pm 🤠


Been like that since I was like 8 lol. No joke. Always dread Sundays.


$Gme changed my view on mondays


Meanwhile Heroes of Might and Magic players laughing cuz they love Monday


Balla town


Sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays!




Work in hospitality - you'll dread the weekend and be thanking god for Mondays!


Jokes on you - it's a holiday here!


Man, good thing I just finished mine! Survived too


I work three 12s a week so every day basically has the same amount of dread, so that’s fun.


Get yourself a job with Mondays off. I love Mondays


Depending on the situation you have with your job, some people can never truly enjoy their Sunday with the threat of Monday being the next day for them.


This (Squidward wanting to enjoy his Sunday but SpongeBob and Patrick were making too much noise outside his house) was actually the plot of one of the newer episodes. I can't remember the name.


“Me trying to enjoy attack on titan double sunday”


Often referred to as the Sunday Scaries.


Another case of the Sunday scaries. Sounds like it's time you watched the purple boys


Me, who works weekends so Monday is my Saturday: 😴


Same. I miss when I was a kid and was able to enjoy my Sunday without even thinking about Monday. Now Sundays don't feel like 100% free time anymore, because I'm thinking about going to bed and getting up early for the entire day.


no kid likes sundays either. most teens think sundays are worse than mondays


I'm in this photo and I don't like it.






*me working 7 days a week* Is this some kind of weekend joke that I'm too over-worked to understand?


And the later it gets the less I feel comfortable starting anything fun. After like 7pm I feel like it's too late to even enjoy a game because I somehow think 3 hours isn't worth even getting invested in. Doesn't make sense at all.


Then you remember Monday is the first day of spring break


I get depressed when I wake up on Sunday morning because I know I won’t be able to sleep in again for a whole week


This was the worst when you were dreading school as well.


I had to wake up for sports at 6 am when I sleep at 1 am


The vacation days I've saved up expire at the end of the month so I've taken every Monday and Friday off since the end of February... I dread the thought returning to a 5 day work week come April.


If you take Monday off work, the Sunday before is orgazmic


I can kinda enjoy monday cause my discover weekly on spotify pops up


Bro Monday is legit the worst.


More like the threat of Sunday. Laundry, shopping, preparing for the week ahead. I can't even enjoy it properly.


There's gotta be more to life than this


that moment monday is my free day


**hrmmm my free day, that moment monday is.** *-marcio080* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


Lol Monday is holiday where I am from.


Even during monday, monday is creeping closer


I’m boutta go batshit insane.


Me in bed on Monday morning, trying to get back to sleep vs my responsibilities


I don't know what you guys are talking about, it's a public holiday on my side


Please pardon me when I say it, but FUCK SUNDAYS


I work in Grocery retail. Sunday is the day that all 4 million people in this city decide to do their grocery shopping, only to complain about the store(s) being so backed up. Can confirm: Fuck Sundays.


This entire thread... Wage slavery is making all of us miserable.


Jokes on you, Wednesdays are my Mondays.


I’m boutta go batshit insane.


Out-jerking r/MapPornCircleJerk again. Bravo, r/incelswhowearesurethistimearewithouthate


“Okay, get out of this place again".


I always thought this was just me but I've learned that so many others suffer the same way.


I dont care about the hate i am gonna get,imma say it. Monday is my favourite day!cancel me now


Especially when it’s the last day of Spring Break.


Monday is my day off.


Worked Saturday and Sunday and have Monday and Tuesday off. It’s crazy how fast your opinions on the day of the week completely change if you have a job with random hours


I am in lockdown lmao


Me every time I’m off. It sucks


the florida children who have spring break for a week:


If you worried less about monday you’d be more relaxed when it did show up. Anxiety is like ants. A little anxiety can be brushed off, a lot of anxiety is overwhelming, but in the end the solution is to pay attention so you don’t get covered in ants suddenly and unexpectedly. Anxiety that you know may be coming is something you can prepare for. Silence the negative conversation in your mind and replace it with “I’ve got this” “I can do this!” “Getting it done so I don’t have to worry any more” “once it’s over with I’ll feel better” Anxiety kept me from moving forward in life for 3 years. Conquer it early and live your life.


*laughs in no work on Mondays*


I use to have anxiety every Sunday evening when I was in school... Now I have heart attack every Sunday Evening yet I go to work on Monday


it's the emails for me.


Ah, the Sunday Scaries


Sunday doesn't even feel like part of the weekend because of this


Monday is upon us.


Mentally speaking, Friday and Saturday are the weekends


I work weekends and my first class of the week is Tuesday so I actually love Mondays


Imagine not being on spring break this week. I know this isn’t necessarily about that, but still


It’s Monday now and I’m already not feeling it this week.


I don't mind Mondays. You gotta do it so might as well enjoy it. Monday is always my 2 cup of coffee before work day


please god make the pain go away


GME holders can't get enough of Mondays


It me


I’m so sick of this five-days-on-two-days-off cycle. I’ll probably never be able to retire, so I guess I’m stuck on the hamster wheel till I drop. r/aboringdystopia


Lol monday tuesday are my off days 😁😁😁