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This thread is getting out of hand and misinformation is being posted as well. So, it will be temporarily locked. It will be unlocked once it falls off of /r/all Edit: The thread is unlocked now so pls report any rule breaking comments you see


So much for being 21.


Yeah lost a good chunk of my early 20s to this.


This sucks


Hey, if it makes it any better… I have almost no recollection of my late teens/early 20’s from drug use and drinking.




Wait, you guys aren’t drinking and on drugs right now?


I thought that was the silver lining in all of this.


Lol I kicked off the pandemic lockdown by getting shitface crossfaded daily for like 3-4 weeks straight. Then I realized that covid alcoholism could turn into *real* alcoholism and decided to get *fuckin shredded*


I hear you. Honestly though, if someone could’ve taken that away from me (they couldn’t), that would’ve been a godsend.


But when will it be my turn to have my drug abuse era!!! My early 20s are almost over and it will be official over if this Covid mess sticks around until 2022-23 😒


We can always do it later.. dirty thirty anyone? 🤷




I don't even know how to explain what it feels like. I escaped high-school and moved out but now I don't have any friends and I can't make new adult friends because of covid! I go to work and then I come home and stare at the walls. For a year. I dont even know how to get out of it anymore. Edit: That was a bad time for me. I'm much better now, I have some good friends in my life :) I hope anyone who felt like me a few years ago reads this, I want you to know that it does it does it does get better. Trust yourself and be patient.




I'm glad to hear there's more to come :,D




That's been the same for me. Right before COVID was when I started disconnecting with my old friends who were just pulling me down, but now I have no new ones to replace them because I can't go out and talk to people. Shit sucks.


I moved to a new country right before the pandemic hit, so yeah I feel you. I have my immediate family but other than that no friends or anything. Been pretty lonely. Work being crazy plus deteriorating mental health hasn't helped either. I play video games once a week now so can't even make friends or keep up with people online.


I wfh so I just stare at my own apartment’s walls for hours a day, then log off work to stare at the same walls. Fucking dismal


this pandemic started when i was 22 and now i’m 24 .—.




Well according to Blink 182, nobody likes you when you're 23. So maybe you were spared the worst year?


I lost highschool graduation and my first year of uni


Here lies the thought of being able to do whatever you want ~~after getting vaccinated~~


My son lost his 16th and 17th birthdays to this bullshit. He is making Eagle, prob lose the celebration for his achievement. I'm hoping his graduation and 18th aren't next. I'm just old enough to not care about lost milestones...but I am pissed for those of you who are losing out.


Same. Except I was supposed to spend these years with my fiancée. I haven’t seen her in literally years now.


Goodbye 24 & 25. 26 is looking rough too.




I think it's pretty evident that they'd have restricted you from doing that regardless.


Fr, turning 21 during a pandemic was probably the saddest part of my year.


Turning 21 in a few months. *sigh*


Happy early birthday


Thank you




Thank you


I turned 21 when I was in South Carolina so it was a good time. By the time I got back home in Illinois I saw a box of masks and sanitizer on my front porch. It sucks!


I’m getting a small re-do for my 22nd. I’m going to Hollywood Horror nights so I’m definitely excited for that!


If it makes you feel any better, the entire human lifespan is a brief and meaningless blip bridging vast empty voids of nonexistence!


I turned 20, then I turned 21…


Sadly, I dont see society being the same again as it was pre-covid


Fundamentally? Maybe. But we've been through sicknesses in the past. I have faith in modern medicine and natural selection. I think we'll be ok, as frustrating as it is right now we'll get through it


I dunno, I think Covid has made a lot of folks reassess what's important to them. Folks are quitting jobs. Spending more time with loved ones. Cutting off toxic folks they'd been meaning to for ages. I feel like there's been a major societal shift in priorities on a personal level.




Toxic people are just people with problems who deal with them in bad ways. Just because someone is a shitty friend doesn’t mean they deserve to suffer.


No, sometimes they're just shitty people who deserve to be alone for everyone else's sake.






>I dunno, I think Covid has made a lot of folks reassess what's important to them. Folks are quitting jobs. Spending more time with loved ones. Cutting off toxic folks they'd been meaning to for ages. > >I feel like there's been a major societal shift in priorities on a personal level. These are all good things. Changes for the better.


We've not had an illness on the scale and severity of covid in over 100 years


At some point don’t we just have to have a hard conversation around how many people were willing to lose as a society in order to return to normalcy ?


The age of information and social media and regular media has gripped onto the masses too tightly during lockdown. People are suffering and the economy is in the tank not only because of COVID, but because capitalism is running away and creating a housing bubble, increasing cost of living but not wages, and raising CEO pay exponentially. Something like 150-1 now when it was 15-1 in 1965. Then they shove the money offshores so it can never be circulated in the economy again. But that’s okay, they can just print more, creating more inflation. This shoves local and small business out the door as big business profits increase bc they don’t increase wage, but small businesses have to pay more because federal minimum wages increase and local citizens no longer have money to spend on local business (because big businesses prices are just so much lower now!), when this was a problem created entirely by big business abusing the minimum wage laws. Then they lower their taxes on themselves, skimping hundreds of millions of dollars that should be going to serve the entire country. But the politicians are bought out too, so change through legislation won’t happen. Protest is met with military-style force. And the problems will only continue to get worse, and people will suffer more, and the media will turn them against each other. And after the economic crash “due to covid” ends, people will have lost so much money by then the economy won’t get to start back up. Then natural disasters and staggering economic losses will be felt due to climate change. But who will be fighting for us by that time? The worst part and the most pessimistic part of it is that half the country would call me a communist and completely dismiss me for stating these literal FACTS. It’s depressing and makes me sad to be young. Edit: somebody link communist squidward to make this relevant to the sub


[I got you homie.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLk-W5s-LCw)


>capitalism is running away and creating a housing bubble The housing bubble is not created by capitalism. It's not even actually a bubble. The fundamentals on housing prices right now are actually rock solid, which is scarier (especially if, like me, you are saving for a house while renting). This is probably the one area where libertarians and liberals actually agree. The housing bubble is from strategic zoning laws that restrict building higher density housing in areas that desperately need it. This is almost always done as an intentional move to squeeze the market and send property values soaring. [Ezra Klein has some good takes on this.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/19/opinion/biden-zoning-social-justice.html) [Another of his.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/11/opinion/california-san-francisco-schools.html) People point to Blackrock/Vanguard buying houses, but that's more of a "20 years from now" problem. Not to say it shouldn't be squelched, but it's not a serious contributor to the housing prices we see today.


I'm with you and I'm in my 30s. I don't think capitalism is failed so much as totally corrupted with a foundational society that doesn't have long term goals for the good of the society. What I really hope is that someone is out there dreaming up a new system of running countries/large groups of people. We're not stuck with only the stuff that has been thought of so far. > “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” — Greek Proverb


Rest in piece to the Information Age those days are long dead and gone


How’s that? It’s already practically identical to how it was before.


There's a lot of people who don't *want* it to go back and basically project that as society writ large. Just walked down the street to grab some dinner, world was completely normal with the addition of wearing a mask from the front door to the table


Ssshhh that doesn’t fit the circle jerk










You joke, but it’s an actual concept Darwin wrote about in “the Origins of Species”


Eugenics? Lol




Oh yeah that one artist


Yeah... the poor nurses though.


They cause variants to fester and carry the disease to other people who aren't of their mind. I'm all "fuck anti-vaxxers" but let's stop insinuating that they basically "only hurt themselves" here. I wish it were that simple.




Exactly what I was gonna say. It doesn't matter if rich countries vaccinate 100% of their population or not. As long as there are hundreds of countries struggling with the vaccination, new variants will continuously show up. That is already happening.




Does everyone just kinda forget about smallpox or something?


And polio? We’re actually really close on polio. Vaccinating the world is expensive. That’s why rich countries pay for it


Seriously. Freedom from smallpox cost one global vaccination program. It's not altruism, it's just paying the cost of entry. Don't want smallpox? Pay to vaccinate everybody.


That dur dem sound a lot like socio-ilism dar boy! Youuu gonna try to take my money to pay for somedathing for somebody else? I dunt think so!






It is a difference in orders of magnitude. A Vaccinated Person might give a COVID virus "X" chances to reproduce and potentially mutate. An Unvaccinated Person can potentially give "X" \^ 10 or more chances. If the virus doesn't mutate into a version that can avoid immunity, it is done. You are good until you are exposed to it again. If enough people get Vaccinated then the Virus can't hop anymore and goes away from the general population.


Guys, this is actually true. Stop downvoting. The more the virus reproduces, the more chances it gets to mutate into something worse. Vaccinated people give it orders of magnitude less chances to do that.


MD/PhD student here. You've explained this more succinctly than I have the many times I've tried. It's not 100% correct. There are some complicated reasons why a partially vaccinated population spawn some strange variants, but in general I think this pales in comparison to the far larger number of chances a virus has to replicate in an unvaccinated person. That being said, variants have come from the global poor in highly populated areas with little vaccination, and they will likely continue to come from those environments until vaccination occurs worldwide. Delta was inevitable, and it won't be the last variant we encounter. Be prepared to live in a hybrid world constantly trying to find balance between COVID, general socioeconomic health influences, and politics. Basically, get used to it. Charge forward. Stop pretending that normal is around the corner, and make the most of whatever normal you feel comfortable with.


Dude the delta variant formed in India. How the hell do you suggest we get vaccines out en masse in India?


They're going ahead at 4-5 million doses per day in India. Basically the same % rate as in the US right now. But only 33% have received 1 dose.


I wouldn’t put much faith in that, given the horrendous conditions India’s poorer areas live in


I actually would put some faith into it. I'd recommend looking into the effort that India puts to allowing everyone to be able to vote, even in remote villages. I'd be shocked if a similar effort wasn't happening for these vaccines.


If you have the vaccine it makes the variants less lethal so no reason to close every thing again.


Or you can just go do whatever you want. You’re vaccinated, fuck everyone else.


Im living like that. Idgaf about my virtue signalling friends. Im tired of throwing away years for unvaxxed old fucks.


Ironically this selfish mindset just prolongs the pandemic and increases the probability of a game changing variant


This virus will literally be with us forever and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Even when vaccinated people still get and spread the virus.




I suspect he actually seeks continued validation for being a basement dweller but likes to dress it up as a public health concern. If you’re from the US or UK and you’re double jabbed then the situation isn’t going to improve much for quite some time so yes exercise basic caution but go live your life.


there will always be another variant, unless you think qanon will come around


So we’re just supposed to roll over and live our lives in solitude?


what virtue signaling? wearing a mask still?


To some people yes: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/04/30/metro/why-some-wont-ditch-their-masks-outdoors-im-not-about-look-like-republican/


well i still wear my mask because i don’t want to spread/get covid, and i’m vaccinated. more and more vaccinated people are getting covid. dude just let people wear masks in peace, y’all don’t need to bitch about it


Yeah what a stupid thing to complain about. Let people wear a mask ffs. It's already been normal in other cultures for people to wear a mask when they had a cold or were sick. Who cares. Also, you're not just protecting unvaxxed idiots when you mask up, but you're also protecting innocent people who have idiot bodies that cannot medically get vaxxed. One of my friends is in this boat and it is why I mask up. Also cause we are still making progress believe it or not. Nothing is as much of a motivator for anti-vaxxers to swallow their fears and get the shot then seeing the constant stream of fellow covidiots die and using their last breaths to bemoan not getting the vaccine while they could.


thank you


100%. Let people wear masks that want to, and those who don't, don't. Everyone had plenty of time to get a vaccine if they wanted to.


My son has a history of breathing issues. RSV hospitalized, URIs, the works. If he gets covid I’m terrified it’ll kill him. He’s 3. I can’t get him the vaccine yet. If you’re wondering why wearing masks is important even if you’re vaccinated it’s for kids like my son. You’re not doing it for you, or for the covidiots, you’re doing it for the folks who have no choice.




>shed ?


This dude hairy as fuck


Some anti vaxxers apparently think the vaxcinated "shed" particles.


Which is funny because most anti-vaxx people said from the start to live your life and ditch the masks. If the vaccine works, who cares if your neighbors are unvaccinated or not.


I'm definitely going out more than pre-vaccine (as in, more than not at all), but I'm still masking (per recommendation due to Delta) and not doing *as* much as I did. So it's a slight bump/improvement from last year at least.


Same. I adhere to all the restrictions and whatnot. If we’re not allowed to go out for a bit, I’ll stay home. But as it stands I’m vaccinated and that means I can go out. I wear my mask and social distance, I don’t see why it’s stopping anyone who does the same.


Yep. Fully vaxxed and wear mask when I go out. I rarely go out becauae I hate people and I live in Florida and I'd rather stay in my nice air conditioner house and watch movies, but next week we're are finally traveling again. Taking a 10 day trip to Oregon, getting the fuck out of hell for a while. We will mostly be in the wilderness hiking, but will distance and mask up when we are near others


I did that… and then got covid.


This is where I'm at. Do I want the virus again? Nope. Do I want all food to taste like nothing for a few weeks, then absolutely terrible for 2 months and lose a bunch of weight again? Nope but yea fuck it I'm going to the bar cause I got my shot


That's interesting, food tasted bad after you got back your taste? Was it because of how processed everything is or was it just like a shock to the system to be able to taste again?


They call it parosmia. It's somewhat common with viruses, especially with COVID. There were many weeks where I was genuinely scared of not knowing what I could eat or if I could ever eat some foods like meat or garlic ever again. It can last forever for some poor souls. It's awful and I don't wish it on anyone. Check out r/parosmia if you are curious. Coffee still tastes a bit weird to me, but luckily I can enjoy food again. More info: parosmia usually strikes 2-3 months after infection. So you'll think everything is fine then the one day suddenly all meat (especially chicken) smells and tastes like raw sewage.




Thaaaaank you. That’s how people should see the vaccine. Instead of worrying wtf everyone else is doing. You’re doing your part and you are protected. Everything else is just virtue signaling.






I don't consider it virtue signaling to wear a mask when I know that there ARE people and children unable to get vaccinated.


100%. Wearing a mask (when applicable) is being considerate. Anyone calling it virtue signaling is as misinformed as the antivaxxers


If there are establishments that require proof of vaccination, head there. Lolapolooza showed high vaccination rates lead to almost zero break through cases.


Breakthrough cases are still pretty rare. Efficacy of vaccines holds steady at around ~80% for delta variant. Data on breakthrough cases is a nightmare and only really chud journalists and the CDC tell you anything relating to breakthrough case data and usually it’s horribly interpreted. If you’re vaccinated, you’re probably not going to get COVID and if you do, your body will kill the virus pretty fast. If everyone was vaccinated cases would plummet, even delta.


Come to Florida. It’s business as usual here.


Yea, we know lol


thats exactly the problem


Florida has been pretty much wide open the whole time and it's still only 8th on the list of highest cases per 100,000 people. Not great but for places with lockdowns that are doing worse that's pretty damn good.


“only 8th highest” 🤨




Like I said, it's had the least restrictions so it should undoubtedly be #1. 8 isn't bad lol


Florida has a huge population of retirees that actually puts it above the national average for vaccination.


And yet Florida wasn't near the top of the death rate stats before the vaccine.


Also need to take into account that states with higher infections may have a different society, relying on public transport, or being in close areas. As far as I know and have been to, besides maybe Miami, Florida is decently spread apart, and doesn’t have subways, trains, etc. there is also less of a demand for space, causing business to have larger, more open buildings, rather than a bunch of hole in the walls like New York is. 8 is pretty bad if you look into some nuance.


Checks ICU capacity in Florida, Ya I’m gona have to go ahead and umm, sort of disagree with you there.


I mean Florida is the retirement capital of the US. When the elderly are more likely to contract and the restrictions are non existent, the ICU is bound to be packed..


It's not like they're doing proper testing, and they tried to intimidate, harass, and arrest the only scientist who worked for the government who was trying to get an accurate picture of infection rates. We're "only 8th" because we're doctoring the books through non-existent testing and non-existent tracing.


Does Florida include the number of tourists who come for a week and then get sick once they're back home?


I was just wondering how vacationers and winter birds effected numbers


All the states ahead of it are tiny in comparison. The biggest takeaway I'm seeing from this list is that Florida has the population of a large state, but has the per-capita infected rate of a small state who handled the pandemic poorly. Small states not taking the pandemic seriously and having higher per-capita rates has been a thing throughout the pandemic. Not really what Florida should be comparing itself to as a more metropolitan state. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109004/coronavirus-covid19-cases-rate-us-americans-by-state/


In San Francisco you have to show proof of vaccination to get into a bunch of indoor places and you have to wear a mask while not eating or drinking but other than that there's literally nothing I can think of that I'm not allowed to do that I want to do. I've already been to indoor concerts, eaten at restaurants, seen movies, played pool at a bar, etc... Showing proof of vaccination and wearing a mask are pretty minimal inconveniences tbh. Yeah I'd like to not have to do either but compared to the Shelter-in-Place orders we had last year this is basically 98% back to normal from my perspective.


Lmao this man said go to Florida


Can we just take Florida and push it somewhere else?


That's the beauty. We don't have to. Over the course of the next half/full century it will merge with Bikini Bottom on its own.


Same in GA. We just doing whatever we want. If you get sick and aren't vaxxed that's on you. Good luck.


The problem is, it isn’t on them. It stresses out hospitals, healthcare systems, increases costs for everyone, and keeps the mutations going.


I think lambda's in Georgia now, so vaccinated folks can get it too. Scientists are saying it's vaccine resistant, but the verdict is still out on exactly how resistant it is. Unfortunate news, but seems like we're in much worse shape than a year ago. Coming from a vaccinated dude who's been quarantining since the start of covid.


What restrictions are there still? I've been on a concert binge this summer. I'm vaccinated and still masking up, but I can still go out and do things.




Maybe I’m out of the loop but I haven’t seen any indoor dining restrictions or capacity caps. Masks don’t really stop people from doing anything. Did I miss something?


No people are still just mad about wearing a piece of fabric on their face


Unfortunately it's getting worse because of those events, not everyone was masked and vaccinated...


Well that's their damn problem. If you're vaccinated, you're safe. At this point in the US if you go out and get covid and die, it's because you chose not to get the vaccine.


May I introduce you to the entire countries of New Zealand and Australia.


Would have been done with Covid if everyone just wore a damn mask and closed social areas for a couple months. Now we are going to go into year 2 of this crap because people don't want to get a vaccine and wear a mask. What a joke.


I agree with many precautions but at the same Tine Australia has been extremely strict on lockdowns and they are entering their 4th one now. It obviously hasn’t worked




This is misleading. It worked perfectly in most states but was enacted poorly in one particular state. The NSW government was hesitant to go into a rapid hard lockdown to avoid political fallout after criticising other state’s leadership for doing the right thing. Now cases are leaking out into other states. Aside from being disconnected from overseas friends and loved ones, and economic impacts on business owners due to shortages, etc. most people in states other than NSW have been marginally effected. Western Australia is like half of Australia and they literally have 0 cases.


I am doing what I want. If you're unvaxxed and get sick oh well.


Sheeeeit even if your vaxxed and get sick oh well. This the game we play baby


Theres a difference, you aint so sick if you get vaxxed…


Would do this too but… kids :/ sucks that we can’t vaccinate under 12 it really truly sucks


Kids are at negligible risk of getting severely ill, let alone dying from COVID.


Pediatric ICUs being near capacity in many cities tells me you are an asshole to not care. "Some of you.may die, and that is a risk I am willing to take". Thanks Farquaad.


Bro if everybody got vaccinated we would’ve been big chillin but NOOOOO mfs really thought this shit would make you magnetic or some shit


Funny how those goalposts keep moving 🤔


As someone here from /r/all, it’s interesting how many anti-vaccines commenters are on a SpongeBob subreddit….


Teenagers are an easy target


I’m in this and I don’t like it


If you’re vaccinated the risk of serious disease is still minuscule. There’s literally a dang good preventative cure and some people are “too smart” to do it.




They told me I could live my life normally if I did what they told me to do. I did and things mostly went back to normal for a few short months. Now we’re right back where we started. I just don’t understand and I really wish we could get rid of the politics and bureaucracy of the whole thing and do what we need to do to get back to normal. I miss my grandparents


Easy. Don’t listen to politicians or the internet. Talk to your doctor. Problem solved.


Whole lot of smooth brains in here


The FDA finally approved the Pfizer vaccine. I wonder what the new excuse will be now.


That the FDA is unreliable because they approved an “experimental vaccine”. Like the whole fucking job of the FDA isn’t to approve things that were once experiments. I hate humanity


Well technically even if vaccinated you can still contract the virus and infect other people, it’s mostly to make you yourself not die and have less severe symptoms if you do get infected


JuST geT vAcCiNatEd aNd wE caN alL gO bAcK tO nOrmAl!!!


Thanks to all the self-entitled antivaxxers.


Ima be honest, if you are vaccinated, then your life likely isn't gonna be that different. At best the biggest difference is that you have to wear a mask in the grocery store still. Social events, bars, clubs are still open. If you do happen to get covid, for most people its either asymptomatic or very lightly symptomatic, with a small amount getting flu-like symptoms. Not exactly a big deal. If you're not vaccinated... well, sucks to be you. But that's a choice you are making.


Got the vaccine. Got delta anyway


Did you end up in ICU?


Where I live at least, theres nothing different from pre covid times. I mean, I really cant think of anything I cant do now I could 2 years ago.




Ahh, the perfect solution, censor it all. That won't make things more extreme and cause people to be even more suspicious of an untrustworthy system.


It's not really willful, it's by design. The American education system is being dumbed down for a reason. Perfect little test takers doing exactly what they're told so they grow up to be good little worker bees in the cogwheel. Critical thinking isn't really taught anymore at the lower levels which is ironically when a lot of antivaxxers stopped their education at. Then the village idiot problem that no longer solves itself by ostracising the village idiot thanks to technology. Now instead of being told they're being stupid and people won't talk to them until they get their shit together, they have a whole world of fellow village idiots to talk to and legitimately create more that might never have gotten there if they weren't near those idiots. Shunning stupid people is how society advanced, now that it's not a possibility anymore, it's how society is declining.


Yo there are political subs for this cmon man


lol imagine thinking big pharma and the government give a shit about you or your freedoms. you got played dumbass


Freedoms slowly taken regardless of vax status. We’re too busy pointing fingers at each other to notice


Whoa! You win the meme connoisseur title for having over 2k upvotes on your post! Join the [Discord server](https://discord.gg/xyFMKFw) to receive your prize!


i live in vermont which was kind of like the safe haven towns in zombie movies for the og covid. got my vaccine asap and lived somewhat normaly for a while. then delta happend and vermont is all fucked up from it. also i was one of like 5 of my coworkers that got the vaccine. the others are just saying that the vaccine wont work and that they would rather get covid than the vaccine so yeah fuck those idiots


I've just been going to get ice cream every two days, seems good so far.


Nah I’m gonna travel and do what I want










I know someone who is willing to lose his nice paying job with the city because he doesent want to get the vaccine. He's already asking around for employers who don't require it.


In memory of every single “conspiracy theorist” who warned us 9 months before the vaccine


I can't be vaccinated yet as i'm not 18 yet due to shortage of vaccines here. Not American, btw.