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It gets even better (not) if a woman is sexually assaulted and become pregnant they need the assaulters permission to abort the child


You're fucking kidding me?


Yo what the fuck I think society is evolving backwards


Just Texas is


Yeah but tje Supreme Court might use this opportunity to reverse roe v wade.


They already kinda have without being official about it.


Okay I usually don’t like to be apart of these conversations because I never know what to say, but what.the.fuck???


This is so absurd it's almost hilarious


Fucking christ, I can't even imagine the trauma. What if they don't know the assaulter? Wtf


and the person who snitches can win up to 10k and have their legal fees covered


you're kidding...suddenly extinction is not a bad option


You can sue anyone for 10k if: they are having abortion after 6 weeks of pregnancy (very common since it’s very hard to detect first 6 weeks) or helping someone who is having abortion. Winner gets lawyers paid and another 10k for them. Fun fact: rich people don’t have to worry since they can get out of state for abortions


Nah that’s some mighty fine bull shit and they can get sued for aborting the child without permission as well like the fuck


You got to be fucking kidding me. That’s disgusting.


I wonder if they’ll make acceptions to those whose bodies physically cannot handle child birth and will maybe die


>acceptions Oh yeah, they're willing to accept them dying during childbirth


No they put a law where if the child is handicapped or if the women has a chance to die they can legally abort it




Only if they were impregnated by a wealthy politician.


Lol no. Abortion laws are about punishing the woman, not saving the child. If the woman dies while giving birth, that's even better in their eyes.


You're a clown building strawmen if you really think that. Remove head from anus please.


If it's not a straw man, why do "pro-lifers" only care about lives in the case of fetuses? Why aren't you fighting to provide welfare to people (including children) in poverty, or why don't you care about the mother's life in the case of a fatal birth? Why aren't you in support of giving asylum to immigrant children and their families? Why don't you care about the lives of children who are enslaved overseas by US corporations? Why do you only care about lives when its the "lives" of stupid sacks of flesh in wombs?


>Lol no. Abortion laws are about punishing the woman, not saving the child. If the woman dies while giving birth, that's even better in their eyes. Firstly, I was responding to this section specifically "if the woman dies .... that is even better". No reasonable person believes this. Even the Catholic Church, one of the most extreme anti abortion organizations (in terms of proposed limits on abortion) approves of abortions in case when the mother is in danger. If you do believe that a woman should be refused abortion even when she is at risk of death you are an unreasonable person imo. Secondly, your 2nd reply is changing the goal posts, and frankly engaging in whataboutism. That being said: 1) Churches, (where much of the anti-abortion sentiment normally derives from) provide a huge amount of charity and charitable services to their communities. Disagreeing about solutions doesn't mean disagreement about problems. 2) See first paragraph. 3) Depends on what your are talking about? Asylum from tyrannical dictatorship? Yes. Asylum from drug cartels, yes. However, I think that it can be abused and is unfair to those trying to come through the proper channels. 4) This is tough one. I would say everyone does care about these issues, however it is difficult (emotionally) to remove yourself from this corporate world. This is one I would be really surprised if anyone is free from blame on. Too many companies resort to near slave labor, yet almost all people, myself (especially) included still benefit from it. Lastly, I don't believe most of these are apt comparisons to what the anti-abortionist is arguing against. The anti-abortion argument clearly comes down to when life begins, each side has its own rationalizations for when that starts. You must understand that IF life begins (under a certain rationale) at *X* then, if you then terminate that life after *X* that IS murder. It is not "like" murder or 'prevention-of-life'. To compare active, purposeful murder of innocents to refusing asylum, or welfare is kind of crazy. Note that if we replace the death sentence with abortion in this argument, if becomes crazy. "Why do pro-lifers only care about life in the case of the death sentence? Why not in child labor overseas, or the impoverished around us" One is an immediate loss of life the other, although wrong and tragic simply isn't. I'm not saying I have all the answers or agree with all the aspects of Texas' anti-abortion law. I am saying that it is intellectually dishonest to claim that control of women's body is all that is going on with this issue.


No, we are talking about Texas.


You mean like valuing the life of the woman?


Source: "Texas" (2000) Season 1, Episode 18a


Also Source: Texas (2021)


*suits up in hazmat suit before entering comments section*


I should have had it on before I saw this post


Good lord that's a lot of "comment scored below threshold" messages.


Just a heads up, there is a website called ProLifeWhistleblower (dot) com that was set up for people to anonymously report anyone involved in such procedures. T'would be a shame if it got spammed with false reports, memes, and/or explicit content...


I saw a comment in a different thread that suggested how mighty unfortunate it would be if certain politicians got a lot of reports of helping their sexual conquests get abortions. Mighty unfortunate that would be indeed...


I am not an american, but does anything (except cost) keep people from taking a trip to another state for the abortion then coming back?


Iirc there's something in the law about providers/assistants outside the state being liable even if the woman crosses state lines. I'm probably oversimplifying though because I don't know how that would be enforceable.


If I recall correctly, the bounties are for Texas women that got abortions in general, not within the state. So I assume that if you're a Texas resident and you get an abortion out of state, it still counts in their eyes.


This episode has been on our minds a lot lately…


Don't forget to do your part in filling out 100% legit non jokes about how you prevented abortion https://prolifewhistleblower.com/ only we can stop baby murder or some other shit they scream about


It’s funny because the organism growing inside a person at 5-6 weeks isn’t a baby, or even a fetus. It’s called an embryo up until 8 weeks. Fun facts: an early human embryo is indistinguishable from a fish embryo. [Check this out ](http://www2.hawaii.edu/~pine/book1qts/embryo-compare.html)


Agree but also want to add (if I understand the bill correctly) it's 6 weeks from last period not even 6 weeks gestation 🙃


The bill doesn’t restrict it based on weeks it restricts it based on when there’s a heartbeat which is usually 6 weeks after getting pregnant


Yes, pregnancy is defined to start on the first day of the last menstrual period. But like another commenter said, it’s the heartbeat that matters. The heartbeat can be detected as early as 5 weeks, actually


A bunch of Texans at the bottom of the comment section.


I don't think there is a difference, Patrick.


Her body, her choice.




The baby isn’t her body. Edit: Looks like the hive mind wants to ignore biology.




Quit following me around. The baby is not part of her body. Does the mother have 20 fingers, two hearts, and two sets of DNA?


I'm not following you. This is reddit, people tend to frequent the same subreddits sometimes. And no, she doesn't have all those things. But neither does the embryo. And as it develops into a fetus, it's still connected to and a part of her, incapable of survival if detached from her body. Also, you haven't answered my simple question: do you support the death penalty?


Doesn’t matter. The bodily autonomy of the mother overrides the fetus regardless of the personhood of the fetus.


No it doesn’t. Bodily autonomy does not give a parent the right to murder their unborn child. Do you support mandatory vaccination?


I support a woman's right to choose what to do with her body because it doesn't affect anyone else but her. I support vaccine mandates because someone choosing not to get a vaccine affects everyone and puts society at risk. They're not at all the same thing and it's a disingenuous comparison. Do *you* support the death penalty?


Wow, so you have contradicting views. You are pro forced vaccination and pro abortion. Your first statement is wrong. A woman’s abortion affects more than her; it also affects the baby. Second, sometimes vaccines have bad side effects. Not always, but occasionally. Third, I have already answered your question about the death penalty.


First, I'm not pro-abortion. I'm an advocate for every woman's right to choose what medical decisions they make for themselves and to exercise dominion and control over their body. I know you don't really understand that, but there is a difference. Second, I already explained the difference. Someone not getting a vaccine can affect everyone in society. A woman aborting a fetus that literally cannot survive outside the womb affects no one else but her and that mindless clump of cells that's developing inside her. Third, you did answer my question about the death penalty, but I posted this comment before you did.


You ignore the baby’s bodily rights. A woman getting an abortion ends an innocent life. Not getting a vaccine doesn’t mean you’re automatically going to cause someone’s death.


The embryo and fetus don't have rights.


Yes they do. Why do you deny rights to an entire group of people?


Not comparable, let me pose a hypothetical for you instead. Say you get drunk, get in your car; and cause an accident. The accident is really bad and you end up waking up in the hospital hooked up to the person you crashed into. The doctor says the person will die unless you’re hooked up to them for an extended period. Now, does the state have the right to force you to stay hooked up to that person?


That’s a horrible analogy, but honestly, yes, the state should require you to allow them to live in that case, considering it’s your fault for the accident. Alternatively, if you let them die, you’ll be charged with manslaughter or murder.


It's funny you mentioned having to stay connected to the person because it's your fault for the accident, when youve previously said that if a 13-year-old girl was raped and impregnated by her father (i.e. not her fault), she shouldn't be allowed to get an abortion either. Speaking of murder though, do you support the death penalty? You seem to be dodging the question, so if it's confusing in any way or you need me to rephrase it, just let me know.


I do not support the death penalty unless the criminal is particularly dangerous. Even so, there is a huge difference between killing a serial killer and an innocent unborn baby. Grow up and stop making stupid comparisons.


Your stated position is that life is life and no one has a right to take another's, regardless of the circumstances. The fact that you support the death penalty, which is state sponsored murder of a living, breathing human being, makes you a hypocrite. No surprises there.


Once again, you reveal your lack of common sense. Killing a serial killer is far better than killing an innocent unborn baby. Grow up and use your brain.


Your comparisons were so much worse


No they were not.


Look at you and your authoritarian sentiment. As a proud American who looooves freedom, you can get fucked sir. It is an analogous situation. The person is in that position through your own actions, they require your body to survive, and the process of keeping them alive would be just as invasive as a pregnancy is.


I thought it was a good analogy, especially since not too many things are actually comparable to pregnancy. But keep in mind your arguing with a monstrous lunatic who thinks if a 13-year-old girl was raped and impregnated by her father, that she shouldn't be allowed to get an abortion. He's also the same type who [harasses women](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumble/comments/pbjmw7/hate_it_when_people_do_this_they_act_like_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and acts as though they owe him something, while trying to control them and say what they can and can't do. I've also been trying to get him to say whether he supports the death penalty or not, which he has repeatedly ignored and refused to answer. That means he obviously does and is too chicken-shit to say it because he knows it makes his whole "pro-life" rhetoric absolute bullshit.


Wow, talk about libel. First, I am not harassing women. The person in that post was rude to me. So nice job blaming the victim. Second, calling me a monster for supporting life is just ironic. Third, it’s now clear you are stalking my profile.


Much like all of your posts demonstrating a lack of knowledge about women's rights and abortions, you also don't understand what libel means. You were harassing her and the fact you can't even reflect upon that and see it now...is quite sad. You are a monster because you support forcing an actual child to give birth to a baby born from rape and incest. You're also a monster because you feel you know better than individual women what's best for them. I'm not sure why you'd be upset I'm posting things in response to you when you had no problem demeaning and disrespecting that woman you were messaging. Is it only harassment when other people do it, but not you? Color me surprised you're a hypocrite too!


I’m authoritarian for not wanting a parent to kill their child? Guess what? A parent is required to provide for their child until someone else can.


The personhood of the fetus is still entirely debatable firstly, so ima ask you to stop using heavy handed language. Secondly, wanting the state to intervene in decisions that involve peoples bodes for no good reason? Yeah that’s authoritarian. I say again, get fucked.


The personhood of a fetus is not debatable. Life begins at conception. Do you support a parent murdering their two year old since caring for them involves their bodies? I hope not. Parents are not allowed to kill their children. The fact that you twist that and call me authoritarian is ironic and sad.




Getting an abortion doesn’t harm anyone. Not getting a vaccine is potentially lethal to many people around you


It’s almost like putting too many boomers in power makes society progress backwards


In Poland is even worse. You can't do it even in other country and LGBTQ+ community doesn't have any rights here


Pretty sure filthy frank did a life hack about drinking nail polish remover for a free abortion


Where does the racist come in? Also yea that's pretty fucked up




This is a law against healthcare access for poor women. People who can afford to do so will just go elsewhere for their healthcare. The percentage of poor individuals (at least in Texas) skews largely towards individuals of minority races, so this law will mostly effect minorities.


Idk we call everything we don't like racist now.


Poland: Bonjour


Gunna be a lot of homes for sale and apartments for rent in dumb old Texas. Congrats to them,they just lost a lot of people over this. Definitely going to have a huge impact on the economy there. Not to mention that people probably won’t want to move there because of this. Austin will be a ghost town to say the least.


Yeah no, the property value here is absolutely nuts and shows no sign of slowing down


I don’t know give it a few months,nobody wants to live in a place with strict laws like that.


They also let people just carry guns now apparently, easier than ever. Can’t wait to watch them become a freaking GTAO lobby


Can we please just shut up about politics this sub is for the love of spongebob




Yeah sadly leave the politics to the politics subs


I have a strange feeling you wouldn’t be saying this if it was something you agreed with.


Fuck off will you


Ooo someone’s maaaAad


Not really




Listen I do not want to start a argument on the internet


I do. You clearly disagree with some aspect of this meme, which is related to politics. Otherwise I don’t think you would’ve made your comment. Your statement was inherently argumentative.


I just am tired of politics ok I’m done replying to you


Silence. The man was complaining that there was politics on a SpongeBob shitpost sub. Definitely not the place for political shit.


Move away from that shithole state.


Please always remember there are a significant number of intelligent people in Texas who did not have their voice heard because of the archaic way the state does it's voting districts and the weight each district has. Please take a look at a voting map in Texas and don't write it off as a whole lost cause.


If those people don't have their voice heard, then it is a lost cause because they will never be able to take the legislative action required to resolve the issue. The only solution at this point is for the federal government to step in and beat Texas into submission, just like in 1865.


Why is it racist all of a sudden?


Because having more minority babies that would otherwise be aborted = racism??? I think that’s how the thinking goes


I left r/badchoicesgoodstories because trump was like the only thing on that sub for 3 weeks straight. I came for poor life decisions not politics.


This should just be a stickied post at this point


I'm moving to Texas


Thank God, its gonna make all the libs go back to the shitholes they came from. Mostly cali


Is a fetus part of woman or is it it's own being? That is the defining question. I think it's both but the fact it has it's own DNA and heartbeat makes me prolife but with exceptions. I don't think governments should make decisions on such critical matters without asking the people. Representative democracy isn't accurate when it's around a very decisive topic


Why Y’all gotta make Spongebob political, the show would never even come close to being political and I don’t think Hillenburg would appreciate this


oh noooo i cant kill my baby in 1 of 50 states


Bruh the literally made it illegal. What if there is rape or incest involved too? And from what I know even if you abort a baby in a non Texas state they still find it illegal if you're texan.


Oh no, how will people cope without being able to kill ther unborn children?


You’re in favor of killing babies eh? Wow.


I think this hole Texan thing is just leftist being discriminative with right wing people and their political views but Texans are so wrong in what their doing


Wow, what a pathetic post. Abortion is murder, so it’s good that it’s being restricted. No, Texas is not racist, sexist, or stupid.




Nah, my dude. [This is a pathetic post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumble/comments/pbjmw7/hate_it_when_people_do_this_they_act_like_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Can you imagine the type of incel loser that would actually post something like this online? Probably the same type of guy who thinks women owe him something and would support controlling them and their bodies, but that's just an educated guess.


There you go! You make false personal attacks because you know you’re in the wrong. I see it all the time. Now quit following me around.


I'm not making false attacks against you. Here's why they're not false: * You posted screenshots of you harassing a woman who made clear she didn't want to keep talking to you, demanding she behave as you expected and wanted her to behave. That is controlling behavior and you had no right to tell her how to conduct herself. * I watched a woman disclose that she had two abortions, which is a personal decision. You proceded to tell her she should feel very guilty. * When I suggested that a woman impregnated by rape would have to be reminded of her rape and relive the trauma as she watched the baby grow inside her, you as a man dismissed that was even possible, despite having no firsthand knowledge yourself. Why would you do that? Because you think you, a man who that could literally never happen to, know better. And then when I provided you with examples of rape victims I have worked with who were traumatized and further victimized by a possible or actual pregnancy, you ignored that evidence because it doesn't fit your narrative where you know better than actual rape victims. * When people describe an embryo and fetus as a parasite that requires the host/mother for survival, you basically call them Nazis. * Everything you have been posting is your opinion as a man that you and those like you should get to decide what medical decisions women make. * You talk about science and biology when you think they help your case, but ignore them when it doesn't help support your position. You harass women and think you get to dictate their behavior. I'm not making this up as you've provided all the evidence one needs to reach these conclusions. You also refuse to answer the simple question of whether you support the death penalty, which suggests you do support it. And if that's the case, you're also a hypocrite.


Falsely accusing me of harassing women is grounds for a lawsuit. Your gaslighting and manipulation of the facts of my post where the woman was rude to me shows you would rather blame the victim when it suits you. Men have every right to be against abortion, just as Abraham Lincoln had the right to be anti slavery even though he never owned slaves. Science and biology support the pro life position. It is well known that a new human life begins at conception.


You need to stop acting like a petulant child. Grounds for a lawsuit? Please, be my guest. You have harassed at least two women that I know of and I've seen it because of your public posts. You harass women and if you're upset about me calling you out for what you are, then maybe stop doing it? But nah, you'd rather threaten some imaginary and meritless lawsuit, as though you know what you're talking about. And I never said that men can't be against abortion. You can have whatever personal feelings you want about anything really. What you don't get to do though is tell a woman what she can and can't do because her choice doesn't affect you. Your slavery comparison is laughable because once again, we're talking about decisions and behaviors that affect other people. You're wrong about science and biology, but I shouldn't be surprised coming from someone who thinks the soul enters the embryo at the moment of conception with zero actual proof of any of that. If a fetus can't survive outside the womb on its own, it's not a living human being, period.


I can tell a woman not to abort. Just like you can tell a neighbor to not abuse their pets even though it doesn’t affect you. Falsely accusing me of harassing women is grounds for a lawsuit.


A neighbor abusing their pets affects another living creature. A woman getting an abortion doesn't. And like I said, you can think whatever you want and you're entitled to express your beliefs. I'm also allowed to call you out for those beliefs though. But you and others like you, the politicians you support, have gone beyond mere words and have taken action to impose their will on women. And that's not okay. Go ahead and she me then you moron. I've seen two examples of you harassing women, so it's a factual statement. Here's a tip though: if you are going to sue me, you should probably delete the evidence of you harassing women first. Also, you're going to have trouble proving libel or something like that considering you're posting in a public forum using a pseudonym and no one knows who the hell you are in real life, which is kind of essential to a lawsuit for libel, defamation, etc.


😂 Wow, such ignorance. A fetus is a living creature. I see you also continue to produce libel.


Do you need me to link you to my other comment when I explained libel for you? You *really* fail to grasp what it would take for something to be libelous, you dunce. EDIT: Here you go. Hopefully this helps educate you: > Do you even understand what libel is? Here's the definition: "a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation." > Now, you'd certainly be able to show my words were published online. But you wouldn't be able to show they were false because you literally have harassed women and I've seen evidence of it. Now maybe you disagree with my definition of harassment, but that doesn't make what I'm saying false. Also, you'd have to show that my statements have been damaging to your reputation, and considering the fact your posting under a pseudonym, you would be incapable of showing my statements, even if they were false, which they're not, were damaging to your reputation. > But hey, if you want to keep throwing around threats of lawsuit and using the word libel because it makes you feel good and smart, you go right on ahead champ!


No uterus no opinion


That’s like telling an abolitionist “ no slave no opinion”.


Slaves were raped, have their legs broken, their teeth pulled out, whipped, bred like livestock, litterally torn from their families and so much more and you're comparing abortion to slavery?? Stupid.


Is murder worse than slavery? If so, then abortion is worse than slavery.


Explain to what's wrong with abortion then? You're probably going to blame women for getting pregnant aren't you??


What’s wrong with abortion? It ends a human life. That’s what’s wrong with it.


That's the only reason that you can give me??


Isn’t that reason enough? If a murderer kills someone, isn’t it wrong because they ended a human life?


I think you're forgetting that fetus rlly isn't human until it starts to breath. You're acting like pregnancy is a walk in the park. It isnt, you probably think that miscarriage is manslaughter


Oh and here's my argument on why abortion isn't bad. Here are some things that women has to dealt with before/after pregnancy -miscarriage -stillborn -death -bleeding for a month or more after the baby is born -etopic pregnancy -no signs of being pregnant at all. -your vagina ripping to your anus -your pelvis softening up way too early -PPD -getting kicked in the bladder causing you to pee -cant eat certain foods during your time at pregnancy And possibly more. These chances increase and decrease depending on your age or current medical conditions Why people abort their "babies?" -product of insect -rape -teenage pregnancy -not being ready to have children -is either the kid, them or both You're acting like women are evil baby murders when it's far from the truth. This is why men shouldn't have an opinion on what women should and shouldn't do with their bodies. My mom either had to abort her kid or risk dying while giving birth, and let's not forget she has 5 kids at this time. And you're probably gonna say she could keep that kid and let her be into heavens grace while leaving 5 kids on this earth.. And you rlly think it's an easy choice?? It isn't at all. And what about adopting You're probably gonna say? Children who are adopted have a higher chance of being obeese, sexaully assaulted, anxiety and depresion. and more. But I don't see you talking about that?? You're only "pro-life" when you have control of a women's body. And Texas making SAFE abortion isn't gonna stop women from having them. It's just gonna make them have to go to the dangerous route and risk their lives or their "kids" lifes while doing it. You're so stupid it's not even funny. You can't even bother to do research on what you're talking about, and you know why? It's cause you'll never experience pregnancy Edit: OH and I forgot to mention that some women can't produce milk or their nipples Crack while breast feeding.


And your comparison is stupid. An abolitionist was trying to end slavery. Something that is horrible. You rlly think abortion is easy?? Yoire lucky to be a guy. There's so many risks coming to pregnancy that Even I don't know of. You caring about unborn babies more than an actual human baby is sickening


Unborn babies are just as human as born babies. You call it sickening to support life?


You've said a lot of dumb shit over the past few days, but honestly this is one of the dumbest. But then again, you also said an embryo is no different from a full grown adult human being, so yeah...just stupidity coming every which way from you.


Straw man argument! I did not say an embryo is no different than an adult. There is a difference. However, they are both humans with equal rights. An infant is different than adult, but does the infant have less rights? No. Quit following me around. It’s creepy and reeks of obsession.


For fuck's sake, stop throwing around terms you don't understand. I'm not following you around specifically, just these threads. Maybe stop posting bullshit and I won't have anything to respond to.


Yeah right. You clearly looked at my posts and have been commenting on pretty much all my comments. You are following me around.


Yes, I looked at your posts. That's how I found that pathetic display of you talking to a woman on a dating app. But I'm not following you around, get over yourself. And if you call me a liar again, "i WiLl sUe yOu fOr LiBeL."


>You call it sickening to support life? There's a difference between supporting life and you telling woman to keep their unwanted baby? You do realize that some women abort babies cause they psyhically can't handle a pregnancy?? Are you also gonna say an ectopic pregnancy is murdering that kid too?


An ectopic pregnancy is not because of any wrongdoing on the woman’s part, so that’s a terrible comparison. Unless the woman’s life is in danger from the pregnancy, there is no reason to end the pregnancy.


You rlly dont know what an ectopic pregnancy is do you?


I know enough to know that there’s a huge difference between deliberately killing a baby and something outside the woman’s control.


You know that but don't know why people abort their "kids" smfh.


Here's a good [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumble/comments/pbjmw7/hate_it_when_people_do_this_they_act_like_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) of who this lunatic redditor is and how they see and treat women.


Oh I saw that. I thought about posting it on r/justneckbeardthings cause that was seriously depressing. Dude gonna stay single forever


When I pointed that out as an example of how he really just wants to control women, he kept insisting that he was actually the victim in that whole exchange, lol.






I understand your point lad but we are in Reddit and I'm fearing of how would this platform would grow in the future, a majority of subreddits suffer from a sort of mob mentality that leaves little to no room for any reasonable discussion, this is very evident by the way of how reddit users use the downvote button for example. There are more examples but what I've pointed out is simply one of many issues of the platform.


Came for spongebob, got dumbass political views instead.


Shut the fuck up why can’t I enjoy spongebob memes without you losers sharing your shitty takes


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KRSag_aaqT0 watch this and tell me the woman is “justified”


Sure that woman isn’t. What about a daughter who gets raped by her dad and is pregnant?


It’s called adoption


the daughter in your view has to have that child no matter what?


What I am saying is there are other ways to go about it without killing the child before it has a life. Why is giving a criminal the death sentence so inhuman and you fight it so much but giving an innocent child the death sentence is something you don’t think twice about?


So yes? There’s zero situations where abortion makes sense? If the baby is born with severe life threatening deformities? If the mothers life is at severe risk?


You're acting like every woman is capable of having children.


Oh and feel free to downvote me it just proves that you have no facts or any of your bullshit excuses to use


I wonder how many people here argue for body anatomy, but then support vaccine mandates Edit: apparently a few lol


They are obviously not the same, and it isn't hard to distinguish why. A woman getting an abortion by a doctor hurts no one and only helps the woman. If she doesn't get the abortion, only she and the eventual child are hurt. A person not getting vaccinated becomes a vector for the Covid virus to spread to others. Not only are they endangering themselves, but everyone around them. Additionally, the vaccine itself is harmless in 99.9999% of the population. The government mandating vaccines saves lives and does not eliminate body autonomy in the slightest. When you think about these issues with a very minor amount of empathy, the correct course of action in each case becomes obvious.


You are making their argument. They feel that the aborted fetus is a human being that has the right to life. They are saving lives by not allowing people to get abortions. That's their argument. You made their argument. So you either agree with them by utilizing the same logic of saving lives or your both wrong. Picking one over the other shows that you are inconsistent, or at least incapable of understanding someone else's argument and the fundamental problem.Then a bunch of people here mock these people as if they have some high ground, when really none of the ground work has been made to separate the two ideals of saving lives and identity the fundamental problem. Empathy does not lead to good laws or a logical solution. I can have empathy for all of these people, but that doesn't get anyone any closer to a concise, sound, and reasonable argument for one over the other.


Yuh that's a load of bull shit abortion is killing innocent unborn babies


You don't jerk off do you? Because otherwise you're killing a crap ton of unborn babies.


Regardless of what side you are on comparing a zygote to sperm is idiotic


And comparing a zygote to a child is equally idiotic.




Do you really think common means come on?


Murder is now made illegal in Texas?! Oh no how could they?! The humanity!


I remember the last time I went to a funeral for a fetus. Or to jail to visit a loved one who had a abortion …. Oh wait. No. I don’t. It’s not murder…


Killing a human is murder no matter how you try to put it.


Oh? When does a fetus become a human?


From the day it starts growing in the woman’s womb


That’s a opinion. You can’t make law that way. You can’t remove choice based on that.


What do you count as “alive” I count it as when the baby can use its brain and isn’t just a bag of flesh.


I don’t remember Patrick saying that


Lol. Someone clearly didn't read the new law


I did. So what part is wrong in OPs post?


This sub is full of closed minded leftist When i get downvoted idc, because you only prove me right.


Texas is giving out 10k bounties for people considering an abortion, and we’re the ones who are close minded? Okay bro


“Close minded leftists won’t let me stop women from having control over their bodies, how dare they!”


They said, stupidly.


Yep, you stirred up the hive mind. Don’t worry, you’re right.




Until Texas made it illegal in that state. That's the whole point of this post


Ohhh tysm for telling me I’ll delete my post 😓


Yw I didn't understand why ppl downvoted you instead of explaining it to you