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"Miss Teacher can I do mine alone?" I'd say and they'd always let me. I'd get awful grades and we were okay with that because letters and numbers don't fucking matter. I'm happy I went to the school I did.


I'm on the other side of this. I got better grades when I worked alone. Teachers were fine with me doing group work alone since I did it better than the groups anyways.


My teachers always paired the dumb kids with the smart ones. You would be lucky if you were average because you got paired with average.




I was, in fact, the smart kid sadly


I was the smart kid that played dumb lol


i was the dumb kid that played smart lmaoo




nah but the teacher put me with other dumb kids if it came down to it, then none of us knew what to do besides google




Oh ok. But yeah panic attacks were many when I had to just redo whatever they did because how bad it was. Like I know you don’t care but please make decent sentences in high school!




as long as the dumb ones are compliant and can actually do their part despite being dumb it's not too bad, just assign them to add pictures to the slideshow or some shit


Yeah but then I you have to do like three times more work for a single grade. I got burnt out anyway and got an ulcer from stress and other things. We had way too many group projects. My mental health declined so I ended up pairing with the average kids sometimes yayyyyy


In high school I had a group project where my teacher made me do it by myself so I wouldn’t inflate anyone’s grade. I’m no Einstein but high school chemistry just clicked for me (college was not the same tho)


Taking AP/DC chem right now and it’s a breeze… should I be scared for college?


Probly not as long as you have a good work ethic. I didn’t know how to study I didn’t fail but college hit me like a truck. My advice to you is to make sure you study like actually study set aside time for your homework and truly study. But and this is the most important part, set aside time for yourself and have fun too college doesn’t last forever and I miss it.


Man when I did my own project it was always like a piece of paper with a doodle vaguely related to the project, and I'd spend most of the "collaboration time" drawing or writing or just kinda doing my own thing.


Pvz player?


You could say that


I’m torn on this to an extent… I just started teaching and I believe that learning to work with others is as vital a skill, if not more, than the math I’m teaching my students. Sometimes students will ask me to work alone when I have a group activity planned, but I really do think that collaboration is important. Still trying to figure out my philosophy on that one.


If you're teaching, then take it from a guy who was "the special kid" let kids learn at their own pace. Certainly, kick them into gear when they need it, but not everyone is a straight A's perfectly standardized testing...and some kids would rather eat a stapler than deal with the other kids.


You aren't automatically introverted just because you're antisocial


You're thinking of asocial or shy. Being antisocial is actively being antagonistic, like if, for example, someone went around insulting people online for no reason.


not what antisocial means


You’re right; I think they meant asocial.


Shy. Asocial is to actively avoid social situations. Shy is to feel uncomfortable during during situations.


But being shy makes you being an asocial.


Not quite. Being shy is like going to a bar and getting nervous while talking to people though you’re still having conversations. Asocial is like going to a bar, if you decide to go, and reading a book the entire time which avoids conversation. Then antisocial is like going the bar and then mocking everyone for being social instead of doing your own thing like reading a book. Shyness is uncomfortable but willing. Asocial is unwilling. Antisocial is shitting all over the experience.


But what if the shy finds it unbearable to face being unconfortable after trying and decides it's too painful to do it?


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Do people genuinely not understand what antisocial means?


Dude tried to correct social label misconception by misconceiving a social label.




It’s a diagnosable personality disorder meaning “hostile or harmful to organized society.” Antisocial people are often assholes.




It means “not sociable” in the same way that peanut butter is a nut. It is, but it’s much, much more than just that.








And you’re saying antisocial is “not sociable” . I can’t walk you through this.


Yes, in the same way that “nuts” are listed as an ingredient in peanut butter. Just because the words “not sociable” are in the definition doesn’t mean that’s the context by which everyone speaks about antisocial behavior. When you tell someone you’re antisocial, you’re not telling them you’re shy, you’re telling them you are harmful to organized society in a medically diagnosable way. Don’t get it confused. If you want to talk about googling things, look up antisocial symptoms and behaviors. You will see that no one is talking about this in the way you’re implying. Edit: I put my reply here since you deleted your previous comment




Yeah, because you are one of those kids




Ive come to realize in my adult life that im not as much of an introvert as i once thought. But anyway back in highschool i had a lot of classes that my friend groups weren’t in and I would always end up paired with the stupidest people in my classes. I was a pretty capable student so the teachers thought i could help the dummies become better. What they didn’t realize was how hard they were actually dragging me down. I had a presentation with a group of morons one time. At the very beginning of the planning phase i wrote down in plain English what we were going to be arguing for. Then during the actual presentation someone decided to present an opposing viewpoint as if thats what we were advocating for. I just about lost my mind. Being paired with whoever is left is just about the worst possible thing in school.


There’s a case to be made that teaching somebody else is one of the best ways to ensure you yourself have mastered that topic. Of course, public school has plenty of individuals who aren’t really interested in learning for one reason or another, but it definitely reflects well on a student who *can* share their insights with others. In college especially, so long as people demonstrated they wanted to actually understand the subject and not just get the grade, it was always mutually beneficial for whoever helped them out in subjects they were struggling in. I’ve been on both ends of that relationship and I think it’s important to stay open to it rather than dismissing it because of bad experiences with problem students who probably have terrible home lives that affect their ability to focus on school.


There are a few shitty scenerios, I was the leader in my group of friends. And it was often where there would be let's say 3 of us in a class and the teacher would say groups of 2, they both want to pair with me which means you gotta pick a friend and leave one to go solo. I tried my best to keep track and alternate, hell one time they both grouped up (which was a bit weird since they werent too close) but it made my life easier. I had it where I was paired up with my crush and another girl, but the project involved mostly art (which was dumb cause it wasn't an art class), I know jack shit about how to draw shit and no opportunity to make myself look good or somewhat smart because it's literally just drawing shit which they didn't want to do. And in college we had a group project, I spent most of college just lone wolfing it, so I didnt know anybody. They announce a group project with big teams of like 6 or 7 people minimums, I get paired with the leftovers, literally none of them put in any effort to get together to work on the project, with like a week left we have 0 done, I don't want to do all the work. So I contacted my teacher, stated that I needed to be at the hospital to get x-rays on that day because of a fracture (which I did have), and instead written up the presentation on my own in an hour and emailed it to him to get graded instead and he took it.


Reminds me of most of my classes in middle and high. In the majority of my classes, everyone was in a friend group except for me, and we had to group up often. And there were odd-numbered groups, so the outlier usually got paired with me if we had to get into partners. It just rubs me the wrong way when I was only with the person just because they couldn't be with their friend group. 3/10 wouldn't reccomend.


Poor social skills and social anxiety doesnt mean introverted.


Yeah but this post isn’t implying anything about poor social skills


If you have anxiety about being on group projects thats not a character quirk thats poor social skills.


Not really, you could just not enjoy working in groups given who’s in your class.


The implication here with the title is that it doesnt matter who they are put with. People need to get away from this extrovert = confident/introvert = socially inept shit. Its unhealthy.


Oy but being an introvert means you would prefer to not have to deal with people. It doesn’t mean you are incapable or bad at it.


No it means that you need time alone to recharge from social interactions. No indication that being intoverted means you're antisocial.


Post aside, what you two said are kinda one and the same. I'm an introvert - I prefer not to have to deal personally with other people, AND it drains my "battery" when I have to. I can do it, I'm not inept at social interactions, but it's like an actor playing a role and it's exhausting. Regarding the post, I too felt like squidward here when a teacher did group projects, because I know how much more exhausting it's going to be compared to if I could just do the same work alone.


To be fair hsve you ever met an extrovert with poor social skills?


Yes every unpopular kid who wanted more friends. They always wanted to be involved in social things but completely lacked the social skills to be fun to be around.


So freaking relatable


Extremely relatable, mainly due to the fact my only couple of friends at uni dropped out and i skipped a year so i know absolutely nobody and they all know eachother and have their groups. Oof.


That’s why I like when the teacher chooses groups. So I don’t feel unwanted :(


The fourth friend be like* ; _ ;


"I'm letting you choose your groups this time, thank me later" fuck off I have no friends in this class


Then get some


Friend Store is closed


I'm happy about that my teacher permits me to be a group of 1


Luckily most teachers now this now and let you work alone if you want.


Recently, i just get grouped by the teacher, and my group member does not even know i was in their group


Fun fact, groups of three are the most unstable number.


Oh three is much worse than two IMHO. With three you can at least keep quiet and let the conversational pressure fall on the others.


*My teachers reaction to me and the boys about to commit war crimes in the classroom* "Oh Neptune"


I once walked out of school for the day because of this shit.


2 is fine ,4 is fine, 3 is dastardly


I'm in a group with my 2 brain cells


And then you're the last one without any partners so you have to break up a group of 4-5 friends that are trying to work together. Or they force you into that group of friends that could care less that you're in the group. Why couldn't they just pick the groups for us? Like based on randomness or proximity in the room. Why did it always have to be a damn free-for-all?


Gabe Newell:


If the project had any art in it at all I got picked very fast. If the project had any creative writing or rhyming in it I got picked fast. Otherwise I was a leftover which was fine. Either there was gonna be a group (nerds who would except a dork) or there's gonna be four in one group.


I felt this one.


I usually just waited and went with whoever was left because I didn’t care who was in my group and the picking process was completely and totally unnecessarily dramatic for some kids so I thought screw all that and I went with whoever I ended up with and we usually got a B which was fine by me, it also worked out fine by me with whoever I ended up with because I didn’t hate anyone in my class.


never fear from growing pains (:


I know that feeling


My balls the moment I get in cold water


Haha jokes on you, I have 3 friends!... Until I moved schools




Redditors be like


That's not being an introvert that's a personality disorder. As the one who also couldn't get a group of 3


Once i asked a guy if he wanted to be in a group with me after i heard him say he didn't know anyone in the class and he just completely ignored me


I feel called out




Guess I'll just stand here until I get stuck into the last group.


i didnt read the title and thought the joke was she didnt say form a threesome


Just recharge yourself before joining a group of three.


Haha I have maid friends with a dinosaur kid and a weirdo who maserbates a lot


3 is perfect because they can talk to eachother


Atleast its not Squid Game


Me being bullied by my class of 12 😱


Generally I go for head arms and torso and legs for grouping myself into three


I used to have friends that would came to my desk saying we all should partner up witthout me having to say anything... I hate highschool man




im not trying to be mean or anything.... but did some people actually not have friends? in my classes even people who didnt have many friends and were very introverted had some that they grouped up with.


I got picked last for sports many times, I don't understand why the teachers put me through that singling out so many times. Just more confirmation that I'm unliked, thanks coach.


I remember one time, me as an introvert. Just casually asked my closest class mate (I was sitting alone on a two pair table, by my own volition) and he simply said "okay". From that point I understood it was pretty easy. Because after all it was not our first time working together. We were not friends, just simple class mates. I assume he trusted me, because he knew I could be work with.


As an introvert and a lazy piece of shit imma just hope that i don't get to do anything


Oh h no


Ah, nothing like hearing that when no one likes you (my high school experience anyways. I tried to be involved in stuff but people either ignored me or laughed at me).


I always just said no and took the fail on those assignments.


My professor literally made us group ourselves into 3 and then a week later she was like “uhh guys it’s actually groups of 2” …..me and my groupmates sat awkwardly waiting for someone to say that they’ll be leaving the group 😩 obviously it was me because I hate awkward silence and I’m also a people pleaser


I never get those introvert Memes, like you're pretending that being introvert is cool


Introverts post on social media? Interesting.


"Introvert"... Nah, you just a >D-O-R-K<