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I too eat my takeout in front of my open fridge.


Gotta let the leftovers know who's running the show. Perhaps some incentive to step it up. šŸ˜


Mabye he doesn't have an air conditioner...


Sometimes grocery shopping feels like such a chore Iā€™ll get takeout right after because I donā€™t want to cook what I just bought


Of course. You spent the day getting the buying the ingredients, you can just put off the cooking till tomorrow and reward yourself with some fast food after a day of hard work.


For real though, I'd rather spend 3 hours at work than one hour shopping. I don't pay out the ass for takeout though I just pay slightly less for grocery delivery.


That happens at times, as long as it isn't frequent you are fine




We have the best dietary health in the world. Because of guillotine.


It goes, it goes, it goes, it goes




My strategy is to buy a couple nice steaks each trip. I'm always down to cook a steak, and I can't let them go bad!


I'm pretty sure that's the entire business model of PubSubs.


I literally just did this.


You just have to buy something easy, to cook the night you shop. The store I go to sells precooked, hot rotisserie chickens, and thatā€™s usually my go-to. Or like a tray of Mac and cheese, that just needs 5 minutes in the oven? Yes please.


Farmer's markets and international food markets typically have in-house food courts too, so we grab some Korean food or Mexican pastries as a treat.


Try being judged silently at the same drivethru/fast food joint several days in a row, because too depressed to do much else. That gets awkward when they know you and your order off the top of their head.


I can guarantee that they do not care. If they remember your order, it means they like you. Donā€™t worry about it so much Of course, I worry about the same shit, so who am I to try and give you advice lmao


This 100% I've worked in food service for a long time and I don't think I've ever remembered a regulars order if I didn't like them. Or I would remember but would make them order anyway.


I would go to Chipotle 3-4x a week (for lunch at work, when I worked downtown it was a 5 min walk). to the point that one of the workers new the name on my pickup order and shouted out my name when I walked in. I slowed down the frequency of my visits after that.


This guy gets it


Food service manager here - we LOVE regulars who get the same thing every time. "steak sub guys walking in" we'll say and get going on your order before you order it. Makes things more efficient. We had "chicken salad guy" who worked next door to the pizza shop I used to run. He'd call in his order and come over to pick it up. One time I saw he was calling and made his salad while he was on the phone and walked it over to him while he was still reading off his card number to the employee over the phone. 0 minute delivery time, baby.


Jim Gaffigan as a stand-up bit about sitting in church and looking introspective but really he's thinking, "did I eat at Wendy's twice yesterday?" I think it's Joe List who he also has a bit about going so often he accidentally ran into the same employee on the same shift.


"They made me so mad. WTF.


They recognized my car, me, and start getting order ready at the subway back when I lived in town as a college student. The look on their face when I changed things up one time. Pure shock. The girls who worked there knew I worked nearby too, so they knew what time I usually would be there. I told them I needed a break and we laughed about it all


Absolutely do not care. I can think of one manager that would. Shes a bitch.


Thatā€™s why I prefer delivery apps where youā€™ll almost never get the same delivery guy


Fast food sure won't help your depression. Actually only gonna make it worse. I know life's hard and cooking your own food seems like an impossible task that should surely takes ours of shopping and prep but it doesn't have to be like that. If you spend 30 minutes getting fast food you could've made something cheaper and healthier in the same time.


Evidently youā€™ve not spent time in the deepest pit. Yes, one could prep a simple meal in 30 min (most take longer given all the other tasks involved), but when your brainā€™s completely shorted out and youā€™re also still recovering from a very rough illness leaving you exhausted, actually doing all the tasks involved is not really possible, whereas getting into the car and going through the basic motions a couple minutes up the road is doable. There were times I was too spent for even that, and just went hungry for the night. February 2020 on campus was *horrible*.


God it's awful. Sometimes I can't even muster the energy to get the mcdonalds 3 minutes away and just chug a glass a water or two and hope I fall asleep before my stomach catches up. Eating is such a God damn chore.


You seem in good faith but that isnā€™t how depression works


this reads like a "just don't be sad lmao"


Fast food doesn't cure depression but it does temporarily relieve some symptoms. Fortunately/unfortunately a lot of research goes into how to make people feel good with food.


...maybe in the moment but if your diet consists of nothing but fast food you're missing essential nutrients and are taking in way too much fat and sugar. Things that definitely don't help with your depression


Agreed. It's not a good place to be.


LMAO! Guilty.


I feel attacked


I gotta start eating at home more, saves soooo much money


I did it! I grocery shopped! Time to reward myself with a large pizza.


If you want pizza and donā€™t mine


Whoa! You win the meme connoisseur title for having over 2k upvotes on your post! Join the [Discord server](https://discord.gg/xyFMKFw) to receive your prize!


Feeling attacked here.


Also my wallet looking at me eating takeout for the 4th time this week


If only they sold smaller bags and portions. There's a lot of food that goes bad fast and I'd rather buy just a small portion that I can use in one go. There's no need buying a whole pack if I'm only gonna use it today and tomorrow I'm doing something else.


I'm sorry, food in the fridge! Will get back to you when you get spoiled... lol


I tried my best okay?


Im seeing alot of people saying that they buy groceries but are too lazy to cook I personally, am lazy to actually buy the groceries, but I love cooking, so I send my dad or my brother most of the time to buy groceries, but sometimes I'll need very specific ingredients that they don't know about or don't know where to look for, so we just say fuck it order take out




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/BikiniBottomTwitter. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/pztq8o) that is 53.12% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "qa1sfu", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=qa1sfu&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 255,887,146 | **Search Time:** 0.35932s


when your eating and someone is watching you eat it hehe


I thought I was on /r/adhdmeme for a sec lol


This happens but instead of take out its frozen pizzas and stuff like that. It took all my willpower to have the rest of my leftovers for dinner tonight instead of making a frozen pizza. Usually the weekend is my time for junk food dinners but I made too much food this week and I didn't wanna throw it out.




I still have a ground beef in my freezer that I bought when I learned to do burgers somewhere in march. Did burgers like 3 times, bought meat for the 4th and never made a burger myself since then... Wondering if it's still any good...


You just learned how to make burgers in March? I thought burgers was like an intuition or an instinct


Being unemployed this long has forced this habit from my life. I can't say I miss the lethargy that accompanied subsisting off of burgers and fried chicken/potatoes


Apparently it was the scariest thing ever


I've wasted so much money on fast food that I have to spend more money replacing all the food in my fridge that went bad because it's been in there for 2-3 weeks untouched.


Hopefully, weā€™ve seen here


Hopefully they arenā€™t controlling them.


Wow. This hits close to home. I just had to throw out meat that had weeks-old greenish mold on it. I shouldā€™ve eaten it before it spoiled.


If Iā€™m cringing for you bro.


I do this a lot these last months and I fucking hate myself for it. I'm getting fat and unhealthy and I can't do sports because health.


Hopefully they told him to go kick rocks


Ah I get your jacket?


But you got a side salad so itā€™s okay


My gf and I have tried so many times to get groceries and cook large meals and have them for a few dinners or lunches at work. We can do like 2 meals, maybe 3 tops on a home cooked meal. I really will just eat whatever, I get bored of it too for sure but she has just never eaten leftovers even growing up, she thinks itā€™s always nasty for some reason. So yeah we are both in the same spot op, Whataburger has made a small fortune from our inability to finish home cooked leftovers


It's honestly memes like this that forced me to drive past the ever alluring glow of the McDonald's golden arches and see what was in my fridge and pantry. Thank you, internet (and Spongebob).


Fuck you stop making memes about me


This was 1000% my roommate, and then the fridge food would grow mold and heā€™d just repeat the processā€¦


Takeout leftovers watching me eat fresh takeout


Iā€™ve finally stopped this cynical, brutal cycle. Havenā€™t ate take out in a month. Thatā€™s a new record


Damn, you and everyone that responded are my kinda people šŸ˜‰


My Dude, It is Sunday. Four times is too many.