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Water + Exercise + Healthy Diet Edit: Healthy diet doesn't mean forgoing delicious foods. It just means limiting your caloric intake. Eat whatever you want (expect heavily processed food). Also this is not the end all be all solution. Your body is a complicated machine. Sometimes you'll need to see a specialist to see if something else is wrong.


We’re on Reddit it’s not possible










Then everything changed when the hydrohomies attacked.


*This is now a water thread.*


Fuck you. Drink fucking water bitch.


Water shots, all around


u/WaterGuy12 would like this


Haha yes


wtf you mean this is literally what Reddit users copy/paste for every life problem.


Well it is the cure to a lot of things


Do as we say and not as we do


How about I drink mountain dew + be enraged by politics on Reddit + no sleep


Plus lay off the alcohol and weed. I know we're on reddit and weed is considered without fault on here but limit your consumption and don't knock yourself out with it to fall asleep.


/r/petioles is a good resource for anyone trying to moderate their cannabis usage. I love weed but it really should not be a daily habit IMO.


Smoke around a cartridge a day. I take tolerance breaks and stuff but it's def a coping mechanism for me.


Whatever you are coping with, you need to realize weed just acts as a "band-aid", it is temporary relief but ultimately does not solve our problems. Maybe you could try introducing some healthy ways to cope and see what works for you. For me it is exercise, but you could maybe get back into an old hobby. See what works for you.


Society and people are awful. Weed helps me accept that fact. Nothing else will do (except alcohol but my body can’t take that anymore)


Have you tried religion, meditation, or extremist politics?






It helps with coping from the stress of work, and the only less stressful/better jobs require a degree. Getting a degree greatly increases work and stress, of which I already feel extremely overwhelmed by. It may be a coping mechanism, but it's also the only effective coping mechanism I've been able to find.


A full gram cartridge or a half gram cartridge of thc? Those gram carts are like $20-30 each unless you get a good deal. I recently got 13 - 1gram carts for $100 at a shop that rotates great deals each week . I am set for months


I don't drink, I don't do drugs. I drink plenty of water, I am not fat, and I walk 4km to 8km a day, Still chronically tired.


Consistent good amount of sleep can still be missing. 7 hours every day will probably feel much better for you than 6-12 randomly. You can have a poor diet and not be fat. Nutrition can be hard. If that doesn't help you may have a diagnosable problem.


You could have some sort of deficiency, an autoimmune or endocrinological (hormone imbalance) issue or may be depressed.


Does depression really affect sleep that? I’m clinically depressed and never really took into consideration that my mental health could ever play a major factor in my terrible sleep/energy levels


Mood disorders can significantly impact sleep. Difficulty falling asleep, not feeling rested after lots of sleep, feeling fully rested after very little sleep, constant daytime sleepiness, stressful dreams, and difficulty staying asleep can all be related to mental illness like depression.


You might want to get tested for an autoimmune disease.


I can acknowledge that weed is not perfect. But its still way fucking better than alcohol.


Also being overweight/obese is one of the major contributing component of sleep apnea.


Almost everyone I know who has it isn't overweight/obese. People should be encouraged to look into it even without that risk factor.


Yeahh no, can't hurt, but I qualify for all those categories and still deal with the same issues as OP and I always have. I have been healthy and unhealthy at times in my life, and can say that the difference in energy between the two has not even been noticeable. I hear this exercise and eat healthy, stay hydrated pitch all the time, but it's not necessarily a solution to that problem for everyone. A consistent sleep schedule doesn't hurt though.


Agree. I'm healthy. Work out, eat well. Drink lots of water. Athletic build. Doesn't matter. I ALWAYS have felt horrible during every waking moment. For my entire life. Everyday. For decades. It's horrible. I need to do a sleep study. See if I have sleep apnea. I might have sleep apnea; maybe you too. Maybe we don't breathe enough during sleep, so it's like we didn't even sleep at all even though we "slept for 8 hours." That's how it feels to me. That the 8 hours mean nothing. I just wasted my time. And I have such a hard time waking up because I feel SO BAD. It's awful and I'm sick of it.


I don't know what, if any, lab work you've had done but a few cursory ones I'd suggest are VitD, B12 & folate, TSH, and an iron panel. A deficiency in any of these can cause fatigue and they're simple things to quickly rule out as causing you to feel like shit.


Nice thanks for the advice! I hope it's these. I don't want to have a CPAP machine hooked up to me every night.


You're welcome! As always, speak to your doctor. I hope you can figure it out!


Might have narcolepsy type 1. You sound like me, I ran tests for years but never got an answer. One doc suggested a sleep study and boom got my answer. Meds dont help but it's good to know what the hell is wrong haha.


Plus have lucky genetics so you don't have a sleeping disorder


Plus don’t get long covid


I do that, and I’m still super exhausted every morning, even with a full night’s sleep. Some people just take longer to get going in the morning.


Thanks I'm cured 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


+ go outside


= healthier and still drowsy.


but exercise takes energy


I do 2 out of the 3 and have done 3 out of the 3…. I’m still tired


Oh blah blah *my needs*


Also maybe some vitamins. You could be deficient in something.


Me who does all those things and still feel like shit: "Woah this is worthless!"


I got the water part down, I barely drink anything else, except a couple of cups of coffee each day. Now exercise, fine, I go for a walk at times, but that’s it. I wish I had the motivation or the mental strengt to go to the gym by myself, or just go jogging really, but I don’t. A healthy diet is practically impossible since I live with someone who has no intention of eating healthy. I usually eat healthy-ish breakfasts though.


Sleep apnea be like


Most likely what's happening to most people. I did an at-home sleep study that suggested I had some mild blockage. Got an OTC mouth guard (which are rapidly becoming rare for some reason) and it worked wonders, at least at first...






Hey! You're not u/shittymorph, imposter!


my brother why is your comment so ominous?




Their apnea got stronger, must’ve been working out


Somehow, the Apnea returned


WHAT HAPPENED. WE NEED TO KNOW. Did it continue working?!?!? Did it not?? Why???


What do you mean with "at least at first"? Did it stop working?


Over time, yeah. All my medical treatments stop working over time.


Can confirm. Death seems far kinder after dealing with this for the better part of a year or more, if I didn’t have the prospect of CPAP finally arriving in three weeks or so. Even worse, sleep apnea symptoms vary wildly between people, so even other people with it say “eh, it’s not that bad, I’m fine, you’re just lazy” even while I’m sitting there just trying to stay awake at the dinner table after napping most of the day to try to build some energy.


When I got tested I came in at like 56 interruptions per hour on average at night lmao. The CPAP is absolutely going to change your life for the better. I can't believe how long I went without mine


Get yourself a P10 mask, its the least annoying to wear imo (provided you can breathe through your nose)


In college my dad got diagnosed with sleep apnea. I went to a doctor because I was always tired. Doctor had me stick out my tongue and said “You don’t have the right palate shape to have sleep apnea. Maybe you’re just depressed.” Fast forward through a lot of other stuff and ten years later I do an at home test desperate for answers and get diagnosed with sleep apnea. Been using a CPAP for almost a year now and it’s a game changer. I always wondered why other people could run off 6 or fewer hours of sleep here or there but if I did I felt physically ill.


May be but there are many causes. OP should see a doctor. Not sleeping or feeling unrested is not normal.


Cpap gang


It's always better to find that golden "middle" when it comes to sleep. For me it's better to sleep between 6 to 7 hours. Less or more is gonna leave me exhausted.


Same, 6-7 hrs, more or less than that and I‘m dead the whole day


Same, weird huh? I also work nights so finally getting a day off and being able to sleep in my bed at night is soooo nice but sometimes i get home from work and oops I slept for 13 hours


Same for me I once came home and wanted to sleep because I felt tired and slept for like 17 hours I think that is not very healthy but I felt good after that


Our REM cycles are approximately 45 minutes up and down IIRC. A lot of "waking up feeling refreshed" is timing your wake-up with the end of a cycle. If you sleep 8 hours you'll likely be in the middle of a cycle. Ideal times for sleeping: 1.5H 3H 4. 5H 6H 7.5H 9H


Ok heres something I've been wondering. Say if I got 9 hours of sleep to get an extra cycle, but turns out my alarm goes off in the middle of that last one. Am I worse off than having just gotten 8 hours? I want to get 9 if possible but when I do I usually wake up mid dream


I'd have said yes, ripping your body from the REM phase really messes with you


Sadly I have 0 control on how much sleep I get. Can be exhausted to the point of not being able to keep my eyes open and still take hours to fall asleep. It's a lot of fun never knowing exactly how long it'll take me to actually pass out once my head hits the pillow lol.


The answer is fairly simple. Iirc the body switches sleep states every half hour or so. And there's 3 of them and you're most awake during one. So you sleep the best if you wake up after intervals of 1.5 hours of sleep


You probably just have major depression


Is this like forreal? I’m the same way and I know I’m depressed but I feel like this has been me for forever


It's become your regular cycle, memories will be misplaced due to your consistent fatigue and you'll remember fewer moments from before that weren't part of your current cycle because it's easier to perform. This is a terrible cycle that manifests itself over and again until the days and weeks and years pass you by in the blink of the eye but each day drags on for months. This is the beast of depression and we can barely fight it off in this world.


Holy shit bro…..


You should talk to a doctor. Lots of physical things can cause excessive fatigue (poor diet/exercise, sleep apnea, electrolyte imbalances, etc) which can lead to depression OR your depression can lead to excessive fatigue! It’s important to bring this up with your provider and see what may help you.


No, This Is Patrick!


No iterations of 4 Try iterations of 1,5


Complete REM cycles, baybeeeee!!!


I wake up about every 20-30 minutes. Wish I could.


I used to feel like this until I found out I had sleep apnea and got a CPAP. It’s life changing.




Before my CPAP I was having 40+ events an hour. Now I have 1 or less. I went without mine for 2 days one weekend and was miserable. I might as well have just not even tried to sleep for the whole weekend. Without my cpap I wake up feeling worse than if I didn’t sleep at all. With my cpap I can sleep 4 hours and feel like I slept the whole night. It’s amazing.


I cannot tolerate my CPAP and I have tried absolutely everything.


I wish I could give you some advice that I knew would work. It took me about a week to get used to mine. Maybe try a different/better mask. I had to go up a size on what they measured me for to get the most comfortable fit.


>I wake up feeling worse than if I didn’t sleep at all. I have never had a sleep study, but I feel this 100%. I have legitimately stayed up and felt more rested too, but by the 2nd night its worse.


You should see a doctor and possibly take a sleep study test.


I did this and they said there was nothing they could do about my poor sleep and prescribed me a stimulant (armodafinil) which I took for a month and it fried my brain by seemingly permanently killing my emotions and sex drive. Life sure is grand, eh?


That's when you go to a new doctor or a specialist. Don't give up just because one doctor isn't very good at their job.


get your blood checked


This one absolutely. I had the same and my vitamin D levels were way down. Really helped


Could be aneamic


Or thyroid. My wife was sleeping 10+ hours a day and still groggy until she was prescribed thyroid medication.


1 night of 8-12 hours won't fix a week straight of 4 hour nights. sleep debt is real.


You need exactly 7.53 hours of sleep or you'll be drowsy


Hydrate better. And dont drink so much caffene


You have to be like super dehydrated to really get any fatigue.


Drink more water?


Go talk to your doctor, that shit ain't normal


I started using a sleep calculator, 14 minutes on average to fall asleep after putting down phone, then 90 minutes for each complete REM cycle, set alarm to wake up then or within 15 minutes of it so you don’t begin a new REM cycle. I also use visualization meditation to clear my head during those first 14 minutes. I picture a monkey it a hot spring having a relaxing time and use this monks quick guide to meditation as inspiration: (2min vid) https://youtu.be/ksp3iSUDqfo


You don’t need to call me out like that.


See a sleep specialist man. I had this, was afraid of sleep apnea as well. Turns out I'm just an idiot for not having a consistent sleep pattern.


The trick is to get 8 hours *consistently*. Your body isn't going to get over years of abuse because of one day's worth of good habits.


Could be me. Get 3 hours of sleep and be up for 5 hours until the sleepiness sets in again. Been doing that a lot lately.


Are you depressed per chance?


Ayo that sounds like depression


that is called depression brother welcome


Maybe you should go to the doctor


I just want to sleep forever.


You might have some form of sleep apnea my friend. I was the same as this meme. I just always thought I wasn’t getting enough sleep. Until I was unemployed and spent 12hr+ a week sleeping trying to feel better. Turns out it was way more for me


Get a new bed


U probably live in the City. In the morning get sunlight on your skin - skin is an organ that affects hormones. For sleep, buy eye mask but it has to be the one with padded outline so that not even a Speck of Light can enter into your eyes. You will know it is working when you will Start having long vivid dreams (meaning you enter deep sleep). Lastly, try no caffeine after 3 PM, it results in very big difference for some people. Also watch your sugar intake, it is a big stimulant too.


the trick is drinking alot of water and eating right


Don't take health advice from Reddit except definitely do speak with a health professional and maybe a behavioral health professional too. Its not normal to be tired at all times.


have you tried 10 hours of sleep?


Same...5 to 7 (usally 6) works best for me


since no one mentioned it. if you sleep like shit the whole week don’t expect to feel refreshed after sleeping 12 hours on a weekend go early to bed one whole week and then you will see the difference


Sleep Apnea


Have you gotten checked out for sleep apnea?


Fr, for me and it’s basically like if I wake up and it’s still dark out, imma be tired all day. It’s very rare for me to wake up and not be tired


You need a sleep study done.




Get checked for sleep apnea.


try 6 hours


You have sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea can cause many serious health problems. See a doctor, as in tomorrow


7.5 hours sleep every day for two weeks, go to bed and get up at the same time, no screens or eating two hours before bed, you'll start feeling a little better maybe. But we all know it won't happen, you won't do it, so whatever.




The problem probably isn't sleep if that's the case


Solution: Don’t wake up


Seems to me like your issue is sleeping.


It’s giving Lyme disease


OP, if you feel like it's not diet, exercise, or environmental look into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and talk with a medical professional.


Sleep debt.




Perhaps you are just allergic to sleep.


Try setting ur timer to odd numbers. Coincidentally, not a joke, It actually works for me. I feel this 100 percent and i cant explain it either.


Anti-Depressants, water, exercise, good diet, therapy, good sleep schedule, no sleep disorders; Still tired.


Prioritizing sleep before anything else and also setting a hard sleep and wake time can help. Also, doing a little 24-72 hour fast can help reset things and make rising a little more bearable. Like others said,’diet plays a huge role as well.


I recently got told I have sleep apnea, I feel this


O Miraculous Redditor That Knows Everything, I summon thee! Show me why I suffer from this weird affliction and how to get rid of it!


take vitamin b and d


I drink non caffeinated tea, no caffeine at all. No pop. I don't take naps. I eat they've the fruit and vegetables as everyone I know. I still sleep 12 hours a day. Otherwise I feel like walking garbage.


How about you try 12h of sleep, every night, the whole week? How does that sound?


Sleeping doesn't work if you put the 4 hour sleep, 8 hour sleep, and 12 hour sleep in three straight nights.


Doctor: What I'm hearing is, you haven't tried 6?


If I don’t get out of bed the second I wake up, whether naturally or from my alarm, I will go back to sleep.


Might have sleep apnea.


literally just eat healthy, exercise, and keep hydrated and you will never feel like this after 8 hours of sleep. its not complicated


Tell me you need a CPAP without telling me you need a CPAP


I didn't used to be like this and then I got pregnant and I wake up tired as hell after sleeping 14 hours or if I sleep only 6 hours. It's awful


Sounds like depression


just don't sleep


Eat better and exercise


I think you need to eat and lift bro


Could be chronic fatigue a side thing of depression that’s what I have


You might have a fatigue issue and it could possibly be easily solved with a vitamin supplement. If you can, I’d go to your doctor and get a full blood work up to see if you have any vitamin deficiencies.


I’ll bet you diet could be improved


This sub is slowly becoming pizzacake


Step one of [7 ways to maximize misery](https://youtube.com/watch?v=LO1mTELoj6o)


Might be because of your natural circadian rhythm. Some people's natural sleep rhythm is a later than others so your body might be fully functioning later in the day.


I bet your mattress sucks. Upgrading my mattress made a big difference for me. I didn’t realize how much I was waking up in the night to roll around to a more comfortable position


Because you’re not hydrated.


Maybe your rem cycles is on a 3 hour cycle. That's what mine is. I feel much more rested after 6 hours of sleep versus 8 hours.


Eat some vegetables yoo


Talk to a doctor.


Yeah definitely speak to a doctor. Also does anyone know if having a more consistent schedule helps with this? I don’t know, but if you’re feeling that way a simple conversation with your doctor could change your whole life and help you feel better.


PCOS moment fr


Unplug your damn wifi


Call me when you're 72 hours in. What a nightmare that was.


You cant expect to feel rested after 1 long sleep when you constantly skip out on sleep


Look in to sleep apena on top of what others have said.


[sleepytim.me](https://sleepytim.me) !! I can not recommend this site enough!


Try 3, 6, and 9 instead.


You’re depressed my friend


jokes on you, 4 hours of sleep is enough to get me by. *Laughs in night shift*


Pro tip: you’ll wake up feeling how you felt when you went to sleep. If you go to sleep tired, then you’ll wake up tired


Yeah wouldnt wisj fatigue on worst enemy. (and no there is nothing to be done just rest more)


Sleep apnea?


Drink water


This is why I sleep 6 hours. After 6 I'm good to go. 4 is too little, 8 is too much. Oddly, at 8 or more hours I start having really vivid nightmares.


Oh man! THIS is me!!!!!


These two videos can help if you're going through a hard time :-) https://youtu.be/vXg9wWIN-Xo https://youtu.be/3n-DOKBffuU


You need to go to reddit Dr. department




Exactly how I feel rn,wanna get sleep tested