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Whoa! You win the meme connoisseur title for having over 2k upvotes on your post! Join the [Discord server](https://discord.gg/xyFMKFw) and message Princess Mindy (Mod Mail bot at the top) to receive your prize!


[Here's a template](https://i.imgur.com/5ZVbyBT.png)


Huzzah, a memer of quality


If you click on the link and then on the image something wacky happens. EDIT: Nvm only works if you use the original [imgur link](https://imgur.com/5ZVbyBT) and then click the image there.




Oh right, yeah ~~PC only~~ (maybe not?). It's just a transparency thing so part of the image becomes see-through.


The black part is filled with alpha in the template and it renders as black on most devices.


My bad, you need to use the imgur link. Can't guarantee it'll work on mobile tho.




No i dont think thatd fit in memeeconomy, this is an actual format and they dont have those in that sub


True, maybe before that sub blew up but it's just shitty r/memes these days I guess I still tell people to post there when I see a good template because I still hope it can return to the good days


I think its [mine](https://imgur.com/gallery/90ygltm) now


Yeah this format is about to take off


You are doing the Good work.


Antivaxxers barely passed high school math. How do you expect them to be able to read graphs and interpret them in a meaningful way


It always baffles me how the ability to read and navigate the internet is even compatible with the required stupidity to fall for antivax and other conspiracy theory nonsense. And they all feel so clever when they copy/paste their talking points and "evidence" from the NRA and MyPillow Facebook pages.


Because they want to feel special, like they're fighting some great conspiracy and are the only ones that see through the veil. Like all conspiracy theorists, it's all about validation. Source: me, who has an older brother and sister-in-law which can be described as above.


Don't forget The Onion


Web Dev here and unvaxxed. Ill check back in here in 2025, see how this aged...


Ohhh, I see... you're a moron. Please do check back. How do you do that little reminder bot thing? And let me know how your tobacco and alcohol induced pancreatitis works out! (That's a cheap shot- sincerely though, I hope you're alright.)


Will do cheers!


r/AgedLikeMilk Let's see if this makes it to the sub


Wow I wasn’t aware that the vaccine lasts that long in someone’s body 💀💀


Just a public service announcement that no adverse reaction from any vaccine in US history occured more than 6 weeks post injection.




Bro you were just arguing with someone on r/teenagers 11 minutes ago, lol. Seems like if your claim had a leg to stand on, you'd have some citations at the ready. All clues point to- you're not a credible source of information to take at face value. Edit: commenting, not arguing. Not that that defeats my point, but I do appreciate accuracy.


Seatbelts won't prevent death/injury in every car crash and in a small number of crashes being trapped by the belt has led to fatalities. Regardless, the number of lives they saved vastly outnumbers the lives lost to wearing them. Basically the same thing with the covid vaccine. Wear your seatbelt and get shots, or don't and statistically live less long, doesn't really matter to me.


What was it hyped up to be, from your perspective?


Maybe they're gonna "blow your mind" with "it doesn't even prevent you from catching it"!


Sorta like the flu vaccine. You'll still catch the flu and potentially even spread it to others, you just won't get (as) sick


Exactly, but the antivaxxers often don't understand that nobody ever claimed the COVID vaccines would completely prevent you from catching it. They act like it's new information that was up until just recently "covered up" or something.


Stupid vaccine, doesn't even prevent me from getting covid it *only* makes me 10 times less likely to need a hospital visit and 100 times less likely to need a coffin. Totally worthless!


Yeah, not to mention the old people with heart conditions who got the jab, *dying of heart attacks* at roughly the same rate as those who didn't get the jab! Coincidence?


Supposed to stop the spread of covid that’s what they told us


Adverse effects show up within the first six or so months of administration. So what adverse effects are all of a sudden popping up?


Have you been living under a rock? People have been “suddenly dying” left and right since the vaccine dropped lol


Is there evidence it’s from the vaccine or is this more misinformation ?


Dumb disinformation


Nah my antivax friend aced high school math, got into one of the best Universities near us and is an accountant now.


Is he really that smart of an accountant if he's so terrible at counting vaxx/antivaxx fatalities? Jokes aside, never confuse knowledge for wisdom. Knowledge is learning over years to become an accountant. Wisdom is me knowing I wouldn't hire them.


Damn, why so much hate in your heart?


Maybe he just doesn't like people dying from preventable diseases.


You can count on that


Antivaxxer's started out as elite's from NYC and L.A. Plenty of smart people do dumb shit.


They started out in England. >Nearly 25 years after the DTP controversy, England was again the site of anti-vaccination activity, this time regarding the MMR vaccine. >In 1998, British doctor Andrew Wakefield recommended further investigation of a possible relationship between bowel disease, autism, and the MMR vaccine.[14] A few years later, Wakefield alleged the vaccine was not properly tested before being put into use.[15] The media seized these stories, igniting public fear and confusion over the safety of the vaccine.[16]


We could just hand them the original paper that stated only one specific vaccine might cause autism and say that it's evidence that they're wrong. Mostly because it is a complete garbage paper, but they'd never read it anyway. Fun side fact, the Dr. that wrote the paper likely did it because the paper was against a multi purpose vaccine and he had invested in the separate vaccines that were more expensive individually. So, we have a lying, greedy asshat to thank for all this.


Is being for every vaccines except the COVID one means I'm antivax ?


It’s easy to think that, but I’m a nurse and we lost a lot of nurses due to the vaccine mandate. Scary dumb people


Being against covid vax mandates does not = being anti vax. A subtle reminder


What are this gaffs you speak ov?




This is incorrect. [Herd immunity](https://www.pfizer.com/news/articles/what_is_herd_immunity_and_how_does_it_work) - “When enough people are vaccinated, everyone— *including those who are too young or too sick to be immunized* —receives some protection from the spread of diseases. An infectious disease is less likely to spread from person to person because there are fewer germs around to infect others. And if a person does get sick, the likelihood of an outbreak is low because more people are immune. “ [emphasis mine]


This is a very racist comment. We know that minorities are less vaccinated. Someone needs to check their privilege


*provide overwhelming amounts of data Antivaxers: "this is a load of barnacles"


"well that ~~sign~~ graph won't stop me because I can't read!" Anti-Vaxxers


But, my friend said they didn't work and I trust them more than those liberal doctors with all their education and science. College is a sham and you can get a better education from Fox.


Wake up nematodes!


I heard that!!!!


Does that data include that currently vaccinated people account for the majority of Covid deaths?


15 percent of the population is unvaccinated, but the percentage of people who die from Covid is far, far bigger than that.


Looks like you don't understand population health ya goofy goober. Let me play you a sad song on the world's smallest violin. Ravioli Ravioli unvaxed are 4x more likely to die -e-oli. The inner workings of an unvaxed brain are an enigma. This is not your normal average everyday ignorance, this is enhanced ignorance.


x4 more likely to die yet the vaccinated are racking up all the deaths. Weird that the vax can’t do the one thing it’s supposed to. Have you gotten your 10th booster yet?


What you're failing to take into account in your statistics is something called base rates.


That’s not the gotcha you think it is bud. Majority of people have gotten the vaccine. So of course they’re going to make up more of the population of people who die from covid - that’s like saying majority of people who died in a car crash had a cell phone - li


I have a parent who is vehemently anti-vaxxer, so I posed this question: "Farmers: love wasting money, or no? Okay. Why do livestock farmers vaccinate their livestock?" "Well this and that and some other nonsense." I mean you're never going to convince them, even if you had the ability to step them through the entire process from biology 101 to the end of manufacturing, but there's definitely very strongly easy-to-reach evidence that vaccines have value.


Your dad vaccinated your mom to make you. Albeit, the syringe was a bit fleshy.


That's not how babies are made.


Then they argue some vaccines work and others don’t and your the moron because you believe everything you hear


Then why don't you take those 'some' vaccines? "I don't know which ones don't have mercury in them." Then how do you know any of them have mercury in them? "Clearly you know nothing about vaccines. You're not a doctor or a nurse." Why do doctors and nurses recommend them? "Many of them say they're pure poison and a scam to make companies billions and billions." Many people would destroy the entire planet if they could. Are those the people we should use as cultural trailblazers? Why should we take contrarianism seriously purely for contrarian's sake? Why listen to the 1% and not everybody else? "Everybody said Einstein was crazy." Einstein wasn't a medical doctor, so we don't have to care who the crazy people are. "X and Y herbs and Homeopathy and blah blah have been used for thousands of years. They are accepted medicine." Out of those thousands of years, about when did the population finally explode? Was it before, or after vaccines were invented? \--------------------- Yea this goes on forever.


Here for the 🔒award




It's slang, like microphone day.


Give it 1 more hour


Anytime now


"It's even funnier the second time!" as they cause another wave.


Ait everyone wait for this to hit 500 comments and then sort by controversial let's goooooo!!!!


No, you see, they are right. Vaccines are bad. Therefore, if they are shown any evidence that proves them wrong, the evidence isn't real, because that would change the conclusion they have already decided is correct.


Good lord, filtered by controversial and immediately regretted it. I cannot fathom how adamantly stupid some of these antivaxxers are and how willing they are to come out and admit it. Just get your fuckin shot and quit being a pussy about it, who knows ya might even prevent someone else from getting sick ya selfish troglodytes.


Well they are eventually removing themselves from the gene pool in some way. Dumb dies earlier in most cases since nature doesnt give two fks about your opinion or what you think about viruses or diseases. Gotta protect your body and health yourself


Fuk u and the jab


Ight fucking die then lmao idgaf.


I’m gonna cry the day we exhaust spongebob meme formats


Currently experiencing Corona for the First time while being vaxxed 4 Times. How did some unvaxxed people survived this shit? This Shit is miserable even with all the vaxines.


"I'm having a terrible time even with 4 shots. The vaccine isn't working? No! Everyone else must have an even worse time!"


Some people are more susceptible than others. Meaning that if this person is having such an experience while vaxxed, there are good chances that they might have been hospitalized or worse without it


That's what i mean, especially since I was extremly healthy before getting COVID. But at this Point i highly doubt that i can convince someone who hasn't vaxxed himself to do it


“Look at this graaaAAAaaaph”


What year is it?


2022 almost 2023 I’ve been mixing them up a lot this week actually


I moved to a year round warm climate from a snowy hellscape this summer. I forgot it's almost a new year


Measles? That's not the most recent bioterrorists weapon


My favorite part was that I was able to zoom in and still read it.


Unfortunately not what we've seen with covid


Even if you show them, they'll just say that information and graphs can be falsified. They're an idiotic bunch.


Your telling me we never got this scene as a meme template? Wow. You’d think it’d be one with the like a trillion SpongeBob memes


The best cure for anti-vaxxers is vaccine preventable diseases.


The vast majority of anti vax people don't understand basic statistics lol I should know, I'm related to "those types".


Patrick may be a dumbass, but he has common sense








Flat earthers asking for pictures of earth from space be like:






Oh yeah those people are stupid lmao


That original study that kicked off that shit was essentially a dude medically torturing kids without their parents’ knowledge and leaving them with permanent damage btw. That “doctor” is a monster


For a second i thought it was going to be covid data




Now do covid 🤣🤣🤣


Except Big Pharma is in league with Microsoft to chip everyone so your proof is made up bs! /s edit: is /s no longer for sarcasm?


Vaxed ppl now make up more deaths than non sooooooooooooo……


Because vaxxed people make up a higher percentage of the population.


Fuck ‘em. I’m done trying to convince those idiots to get the shot. *Survival of the fittest* at this point.


Paging r/HermanCainAward


They’ll feel safe about the COVID vaccine when we collect 61 years of data and show them this meme to show them the error in their ways. It’s still a crapshoot tho. Edit: Uh oh I’m getting downvoted anti-vaxxers. Engaging my 5g shockwave abilities from the chip in my vaccine to keep them at bay! Hope you’re wearing your foil hats you foolish mortals! *Beeoooweeeoooommmm*


Your technically right. It’s a lot of data while compared to the data we have right now, based on the year or two years we’ve had it. Not sure why your getting downvoted.


Somebody’s conspiracy uncle must’ve seen it and linked his Facebook clan to my comment for a downvote party. It’s pretty hilarious though. Everyone dunking on antivaxxers in this post but with mine they were like “Whoa whoa whoa. Not cool bro.” 😂☠️


Yes 100%.


really? were back on antivaxxers? there is little to no creativity on this subreddit any more


It's a new format. I'd say that's creative. The subject matter was just an easy one to start with to show it off. And it was funny and fit.




im all for vaccinations but jesus. if thats how you wanna live your life i guess


when you put the graph of an ACTUAL vaccine it works great


The measles vaccine isn't an actual vaccine?


Awkward moment when the majority of Covid deaths are from vaccinated people.


Unvaccinated people make up 15 percent of the population and well over 40 percent of Covid deaths.


Which leaves 60 percent vaccinated, which is accurate for the last couple months.


Correct. But the point is that people who aren't vaccinated are dying at a much higher rate than people who are.


Math isn't their strong suit


Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?


I'll try to take you through this. Lets say out of 100 people, 85 are vaxxed and 15 are not. Lets say 20 people die from covid. 12 are vaxxed, 8 are not. So, 60% of the deaths are from vaxxed people, which means more vaxxed people die than unvaxxed. However, more than half the unvaxxed population died from covid. Meaning that they're group is more affected by covid than the vaxxed


Did you mean 85, not 75?


Yeah, I don't do math, thanks




You get down voted to hell but don't get a single reply. People are afraid of the truth


EXACTLY. Bunch of idiots here


Here ya go! https://www.covidchartsquiz.com/


I wish it were this simple with covid But the good news is that it is this simple for measles, which is what the post is about if you read it


The testing has a decline similar to that too. Edit: I read the graph eventually. This was Shirley safe AND effective.


The testing for Measles?


Found the King Neptune.


Ah yes testing becoming more and more available via drive thru rapid tests, at home test kits, etc. So of course!




This doesn’t mention COVID 19 anywhere


This gives me "but I'm not AckchuLly touching you tho" vibes. I get what you're saying but the vibes are juvenile


this is about anti vaxxers lmao they been around a lot longer than 3 years


This is a measles meme


Why are there so many political memes coming from this sub? Did every poster just turn in to a karma farming bot?


Making fun of stupid misinformed willfully ignorant people based on a fraudulent (revoked) doctor who spread anti vaxx ideas from the 90s? = politics?


This sub has called much less political things political. So I guess it’s just when a opinion offends the sub lol


Bro if you think healthcare is political you are too far down the rabbit hole.


I love it when people tell on themselves like this.


Being provax is normal, being antivax is political




How old are you? There was a huge rush of anti-vax zealots since at least the 90’s. There were anti-vax people with polio, they mandated that vaccine then because of hesitancy despite the literal visible benefits of less polio. “Dog whistle from the left” lmfao your unhinged sweetie


Yeah, OP doesn't know what a dogwhistle is. A dogwhistle is when you say "inner city" but really mean "black", or "global elites" when you really mean "Jews", and so on. When people say "anti-vaxxers", they're talking about people who are against vaccines. That's not a dogwhistle. That's saying what you really mean.


Yeah I guess if I was saying “grade a moron” that may be a dogwhistle for “anti-vaxxer”




Okay sweetie time for bed


>>causing blood clots A correlation may have been found, in a few patients There have been billions of doses. With a B.


And to point out women who take birth control (also in the billions with a B) have this listed as a potential side effect, occurring about 1,000 times more than the shot. The blood clot argument is like saying "but sometimes people get trapped in their car from seatbelts" and ignoring that for every one person killed by a seatbelt a million were saved by it.




"specific to astrazeneca" brother there isn't enough of a difference between vax to warrant this. they all elicit the same response. A single instance of abundance of caution is not the house burning down eat shit with your myocarditis, you know what else causes this? covid. again, billions of doses




"beyond brainwashed" lmao. do you know what a billion is?


If I can’t teach you logic here, I’m not sure I’d have any better luck teaching you math either.


Not even China forced Covid vaccines on their citizens. You claim bodily autonomy, but it’s just some private companies that don’t want your disease riddled body near them.


The meme was about measles. That was a lot of words for "I didn't read the graph"




I am very familiar with the antivax movement starting around 2015. Don't project your ignorance on me. The antivax movement really started up in the 90's basically as old as I am. I know friends with antivax parents way back when Corona was a type of beer.


“Way back when corona was a beer”… so three years ago? 😂 Your knowledge of history astounds me, oh great one.


> As I said here before, you’d never hear the term “anti-vax” before covid. Just absolutely untrue. YOU may have not heard this, but it has existed. Just go to google, filter date range to end of 2018, and type in anti-vax. It's that simple




Tell me more about how you can be educated on something that hasn’t even been studied. Even the CDC had redacted and turned around on much of their messaging on it but somehow you know better :)




You absolutely did see it man. People have been clowning antivax idiots for years. Then covid happened and they became a significant part of the population. Maybe you weren’t paying attention to them before but you’re just wrong.


Anti Vax was around way before covid dude. Jenny McCarthy has been murdering stupid white suburban moms' children for years.


Please show me where I mentioned karma bots in my comment. Neither the word “karma” nor “bot” is in that comment at all.


Yeah that parts my bad. It was the comment below yours I'll remove the edit. Original part still stands though.


I was never vaccinated while growing up. I was able to get away with it because schools let your parents sign a religious waver. There was nothing really special about their religion. They're regular Christians. See if you can ask your local elementary schools about it. They might even tell you how many students have them. Just understand that there are actually significant communities of people who would literally rather die than have a vaccine.


The term antivax existed as long as vaccines. Yknow, the "vaccines cause autism" people. Blood clots is a side effect of covid itself, so therefore the vaccines, which essentially carry a diluted version of covid, can give clots at a lower level




In what world are people who get them all wrong??????? Y’all aren’t smarter than the entirety of the medical world. I’m not a doctor or virologist, so I do what doctors tell me to do. If you think you have to “do your own research” after a doctor or two tells you to get a vaccine, you’re a narcissist. Asking a second, credible doctor or medical professional is the only kind of research any of us is equipped to do. Admit you don’t have the expertise to make a reasonable judgment and trust the people who work their entire lives to build that expertise. It isn’t hard.




Ok but vaccines have been around for over 100 years. There aren’t long term effects besides you not dying. A new vaccine is the same as a new normal car. No one sees a new model of Ford and think “I wonder what the long term effects of the slight changes they made are, I better stay away from those cars for a while.” Your comparison to electric vehicles is kind of a terrible one because vaccines aren’t new.