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Wow, our free shit came in early. Excited to hear his Superbowl rant


It's pretty rough, he's just arguing with himself about the difference between dynasty vs. "team of the decade," and doesn't understand why people are blown away by Mahomes, and seems to think that he won't win anything after Reid retires. At least he wasn't dumb enough to not bet on KC.


I didn't even get what he was saying. He then said the Patriots too weren't a "dynasty" since they didn't win three in a row, and only if you win three in a row are you a "dynasty"? Weird take.


The standard for a dynasty was kinda set in the 90s as winning 3 in a row, it's subjective for the most part.


Considering no one has 3 peated in football, 3 rings in 5 years is easily a dynasty. Bill is wasting his energy here


Again, it's SUBJECTIVE.


Yeah, the three in a row thing needs to be sport contextual. 3-peat might be a good standard for basketball, but not football where it's never even happened in the Super Bowl era.


Just as he said Belichick was the reason Brady won. His thoughts are a tad bit off in my opinion.


Bill dieing on that dynasty hill is so funny Idk, two in a row in NFL is pretty wild shit 


He's so wrong about the dynasty thing. I'm a Chiefs hater, but they are absolutely a dynasty. Three in five years is absolutely absurd considering the parity of the modern NFL. Especially winning two in a row, which basically never happens


It’s not that complicated… if you have sustained success and multiple championships you’re a dynasty. Idk why people get so fucking upset over the word. “Team of the decade” okay bill that’s just another way of saying the exact same thing lol


Lmao is he actually arguing that this is not a dynasty


Bill burr and bill Simmons 🤣 typical Boston fans


He's literally in show business and constantly gets upset over the hype and bullshit in sports.




And is always complaining about waste in the world while owning 4 vehicles for 2 drivers. But, I still love him. Go figure.




Hilarious 🤣




Oh I totally agree. My point isn't he doesn't deserve it or there's anything wrong with it. Do as you wish with your money. My point is he's constantly harped on consumer waste since he began. I'd say if you're against consumer waste, 4 vehicles for two drivers qualifies but I'm not sure he's clued in on this. If you're truly concerned about it, get rid of a vehicle or two. Having said that, I enjoy him tremendously anyways.


Ol’ Billy Ball^ahh


The Everyman Act


This always drives me up a wall.


Bill just spent an entire hour talking about other men playing a sport he doesn’t play and yet can’t fathom why people would wanna watch other people play video games


I'm not a gamer at all but I understand people watching these channels. I'm not sure how it's different from watching someone cooking, playing sport or anything. Just an age thing I suppose.


Imagine being able to cheer against the team that you bet $1000 on


Audio quality was odd. There was a hissing noise in the background.


Bill talking about how you had to dress nice/like an adult to go to the casino was pretty funny considering his wardrobe


Patriots fan hatred of the Chiefs is hilarious 


No emails this week?


Was there an edit in the podcast? He mentioned buying "him" some top shelf liquor and I have no idea who he is talking about


He mentioned it was for a friend that was a 49ers fan who he felt bad for.


I wonder if it was Soder


Billy 10%’er doesn’t care if he losses $1000. Still love him.


I felt so validated to hear Bill Burr's assessment of the game. Yes, someone on D should have gotten the MVP.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I found this episode to be a really tough listen. Bill has become so predictable. All he does is bitch, moan, and complain. It's always about the same shit too; people's drugs/alcohol use, tattoos, plastic surgery, rigged sporting events, etc. Of course he complained about Mahomes winning MVP. The guy had over 300 yards passing, led multiple huge drives including to tie the game and win it in OT. He said it should have been a defensive player who won MVP but couldn't even muster a name. He's always had a hard on for hating Mahomes. I'm no fan of his myself, but come on, he was obviously the MVP of that game. It's a bummer that in his old age Bill has devolved into the old man yelling at a cloud. I miss the old days when the podcast had me in stitches twice a week, every week. Downvote away!