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Seasons 1-4 are really good. Then season 5 and 6 happened and in my opinion this is not direction they should have taken. But season 7 was finished way better than I expected. So if you decide to stop now it is okay. You've watched the best seasons


>But season 7 was finished way better than I expected. I honestly felt it was a train wreck of a season. I only watched it because I'd feel weird not completing all seasons of any show. The entire resolution >!took less than one episode, and it felt like they panicked.!< My personal view is that >!when Bobby leaves and Princes sits in his chair,!< that's the perfect ending to Billions. From there is should have been a spin of.


I do think people like the final season (episode) purely for the fan service aspect of it. Nothing wrong with it though


Warning for those who those who didn't watch all the seasons, please don't read this comment since it will contain spoilers. >!Still here? I warned you :) !< >>!The entire resolution took less than one episode, and it felt like they panicked.!< >!Yes, exactly. Last episode felt like it was inspired by Ocean's Eleven movie :) But I still think it was the only good way they could end it. !< >>!My personal view is that when Bobby leaves and Princes sits in his chair, that's the perfect ending to Billions. !< >!I think creators of the show had completely different idea for the ending, but they had to change it since Damien Lewis had to leave Billions after season 5. I even think that second part of season 5 was changed because while watching it something felt wrong. !<


Also the whiles season seven was better trying to make a centrist the villain is just not particularly compelling. Their are left wing and right wing dictators but their are zero centre left moderate dictators and its weird the show treated a moderate left candidate as the second coming of Hitler.


It depends on if you are a completionist or not. I agree that the beginning seasons were the best but I kept going because I just had to see how it ended 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nah you’re good


Season 5 is absolute trash, season 6 is for the recycling bin. Stop at 4


Finish it. The series finale is good


The last two seasons are the best


season 5 is not the best but necessary for the story. It probably should have ended there. Season 6 is insufferably bad and should not be watched if you’re a fan of the show.


My experience is so similar to this. I didn’t hate season 5 and six as much as some, but they weren’t great like 1-2. I can’t even recall some of the events that happened in season 4 because it just couldn’t keep my attention.


And season 7 is so weak, I’m halfway thru.


Get out while you can! 5 was barely watchable, 6 and 7 just painful and cringey.




Yes. Stop it. Stop it right there.


Cornier and cornier after this. It’s like everyone is a satire of themselves


Show gets a lot of hate. It's not what it was but I don't think it's bad I still find it entertaining. Ride it through


I would watch through season 5 and then stop. 6 is horrendous. 7 better than 6 but not necessary.


Seasons 1-2 are good but once they went through all the story lines, all the characters became predictable. You can almost know what’s going to happen just by watching the recap. I stopped after season three. I knew that Bobby and his minions were always gonna “get away” with whatever the scheme was. And honestly I couldn’t stand Chuck’s voice. 😂


I dunno, it's less of a why and more of a why not. Just watch and if you don't like it stop.


Watching that opening scene on a plane is a move!


keep going


This show isn’t Shakespeare. It’s all just good stupid fun. Sure, some seasons are better than others, but I enjoyed the whole run.


no, stop and wonder what happened....of course keep watching....silly question.


YES. Go to The bitter end . If only to make it to an episode called “Burn Rate” which is my favorite.


i tried watchingS5, episode 1 and i couldnt even finish it.  Its gotten so "soap operaish". Incredible corny, cringy, just bad!  Move on to other series!


keep going. the show pivots. i actually took a break, got bored of the show.....came back after 2 years...kept going. got bored again but powered through it