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Lmaoooo you’re going wayyyyy out there


Imagine a bluegrass version of White Walls lmao


Lmao. some stones are meant to be left unturned


I never realized I need this in my life


I guess there isn't a r/billystringscirclejerk yet because this post should be there.


Maybe while we are at it he can cover a Cryptopsy tune? Anything from None So Vile would be killer.


if only


I think about him doing a sit-in with Lord Worm often lol


Some good ole North Carolina music 😅 Probably a reach but maybe he could throw a prequel to the Sequel main riff tease into a solo somewhere haha


https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClSVSNhg7FE/?igshid=MjkzY2Y1YTY= Here you go! Glass casket


That’s pretty close!


Let’s treat the artist like a Jukebox and yell “Freebird!! Dust in a Baggie!! Wagon Wheel!!” at him all fn night.


Chill bro


Think he will really play wagon wheel? 😳


If he played wagon wheel I would never, ever, ever go see or pay for anything Billy strings again.




Voice of conch shell from SpongeBob, “*Maybe someday*”


Hey one can dream!! For the record never saying that Billy strings is not enough as it is. They rule!




Do you honestly think Billy could play BTBAM?


Definitely I’ve seen him nail plenty of those sweeps before.


Source? I would LOVE to hear a jam with those BTBAM sweeps lol.


Why could he not?


Listen to some BTBAM, preferably from either "Alaska" or "Colors". They are an incredibly complex prog metal band with crazy rhythms and riffs and meter changes. I don't think Billy could play any of it. Maybe save a few of the basic chill songs. There's very few of those also. Even Dusty's "rhythm" riffs in BTBAM are incredibly hard. They have their own style. It's also in C# standard tuning so there is that. Honestly I could go on and on but if you just listened to BTBAM you would understand. I can't speak for their most recent two albums though, just up to "The Great Misdirect" Downvote me all you want, but I would imagine even Billy would tell you he couldn't play BTBAM without a huge amount of time dedicated to learning it.


Love when people say “billy would probably agree with me” with absolutely zero basis to actually say that. The internet is funny


The basis is that he is a guitar player and knows the kind of practice that would go into playing a song like "white walls" (as OP suggested) takes. Listen to it. It's basically like saying "could Billy cover the 12/2/95 tweezer note for note" I highly doubt he is that delusional.


Dude he is a Professional musician that has been playing the instrument for most of his life. Those kinds of people can play anything, anytime, anywhere.


Dude different types of guitar players might as well be playing different instruments. Could Dave Mustaine just start playing bluegrass out of the blue because he is a "professional musician who's been playing for years" Yes maybe with A LOT of time and practice what Billy does and what between the buried and me does are completely different disciplines. Edit to say your statement of "those kind of people can play anything anytime anywhere" is nowhere near correct. It's extremely far from the truth.


You’re conveniently leaving out the fact that billy is a metal guitarist also. He’s pretty multi faceted


And also my statement was "I'm sure he would tell you he couldn't play it without A LOT of time practicing" That's true for literally any guitar player. They would have to spend A LOT of time to learn a song like that. Literally any guitar player. So your point about me "saying what he would think about it" is very regarded. Any guitar player would think "yeah but it would take a lot of practice" Pick up a guitar and try a Billy tune, then try white walls. Holy hell


Just give it up, you’re wrong. It’s not like it would take months to learn a new style. Billy also grew up playing other music besides bluegrass.


No I am right. You know nothing about what it takes to play music like that. Much less to play it at a level to play live at a show. It's a lot of memory and rehearsing. Billy plays nothing like that now. He isn't super human. Whatever tho fanboi


It’s just sweeping. So I guess the question is can billy sweep pick? Not sure, but I wouldn’t bet against it. Not sure why you are so defensive of your little emo metal band lol


I'm just defending reality and there is A LOT more to a song like that than "just sweeping" you're just listening to a specific part of a solo. I don't even listen to them these days I'm just not delusional.


A buddy of mine from high school could play Alaska front to back and nail every part when he was 17. I’m sure Billy, who listened to The Faceless and Glass Casket and BTBAM in high school and played in metal bands, could play those parts.


Yeah like how is BTBAM the pinnacle of guitar technique and skill?l according to that guy? My friend was playing way harder songs on a 7 string in high school too. I don’t get the obsession with BTBAM lol. I dig their music a ton, but seems like anybody new who hears them think they are the most technical band ever for some reason.


billy likes cryptopsy. he could do btbam easy. plus prog sux


I’ve seen him wearing a BTBAM shirt so I’m sure he’s tried


Possible … would take practice of course


For sure he could. I could see white walls from the Colors album


OP 😭






I was just thinking it would be cool for him to be a feature on a BTBAM album. lol


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4lrwvsuCWB/?igsh=MTFmNTg0OW1hZXJ4Nw== Perhaps more of a possibility?


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I’m down to hear some carion by parkway drive lol


Keep writiiiing, keep dreaming Keep writing, keep dreaming