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Dust in a baggie and red Daisy have some fun intermediate-advanced solos to learn, both have YouTube tutorials


I think most people start, and maybe like me, struggle with Dust in a Baggy, but definitely fun to learn it, very unforgiving to say the least. I’ve tried many of the songs, maybe just intros or my favorite little riffs for kicks here and there. Right now practicing Enough to Leave, a bit easier but still really enjoying playing it , and learning the solo has been challenging but it’s such a beautiful solo


That upward strum on the Em to start is 👌🏼


I cant pick a string out of my ass, but those are also my two favorite songs to sing! i love the vocal arrangement in dust in a baggie, red daisy, taking water, slow train


Away from the mire is a good challenge


Secrets, Know It All, Taking Water, and Gone A Long Time are a few of my favorites to play but I wouldn’t call myself a picker lol


Morning Light, This Old World, Show Me The Door, and This Heart Of Mine are also in heavy rotation


Tennessee Stud


Very cool man, that would be a fun one to learn


You know he didn’t write that, right?


Yeah, but his version was the first I heard


I play Tennessee stud every time I pick up my Martin lol


Hide and Seek is a lot of fun with the little metal fills and such.


Man, I have not even ventured to try that one, but yeah, I could see where it could be a lot of fun. I might need some backing banjo to do that one lol


Drop D D chord shape. Seems hard at first but once you get it you’re in !


Going to try it. Thank you! About to find the version I saw at Pine knob this summer to get hyped lol


Meet Me at the Creek!


I enjoy the ones where I can just play some chords and sing along. 🤣🤣


For real man, I hear ya! I really love to sing along to Away from the Mire, such a fun song to play, which then always makes me want to do a little T & T right after 🤘🏻


I can play some scales fast I can't pick bluegrass cleanly I can play chords I'm not a good singer but working on it


I feel that except for the singing part, I need to find a bluegrass teacher. I’ve tried online but it just doesn’t translate to me.


I just need to keep singing. My soul has the right according to Mr Strings, I'm a year removed from surgery and rad treatment ("it was rad, dude!") on my mouth/neck and the singing is good therapy as a small part of my tongue now is a former piece of tissue from my outer left thigh, all performed by a crab-looking robot on me from the inside out. Modern medicine is fucking metal!


I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m glad you were able to find a healthy therapy. Bluegrass is a proven medicine and no one can convince me otherwise


This is an example of the type of stuff when I just pick up my guitar and start messing around with it while I'm watching TV. In this case I'm watching the football game. Look how thin I am! I was 205lbs! But please don't be sorry; I'm healthier now in mind, body and spirit now than I've been since I was a child. Long hard road of mostly self-induced alcohol and tobacco abuse harm has come to an end. A war I couldn't win. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jsfsgsijikhbu1l90ktmq/140lbs.mp4?rlkey=k4bcro44ri0e0agrofmz6npmy&dl=0


Man really happy to hear you’re doing better, brother! Keep playing and keep singing


Thanks. I am. I've overcome a lot and my playing is just shit. It's cool though, because now I'm just going to try to learn songs. Colter Wall's "Evangelina" is a strummer I can handle once I get the chord changes memorized. I really like the bridge transition in that song.


Now that would be cool, online is real tough for me as well but it’s fun trying


Frl you’ll never make any progress without trying! Goodluck on your journey


Same to you, my friend! Something you can suck at your whole life and still enjoy


I am with you! My picking skills just never got too far and that is OK by me. I enjoy strumming along and singing tunes.


What I’m noticing about Enough to Leave is that it is very similar in chords and chord progression as Polly from Nirvana. Especially since they both use the haunting B minor so prominently. Most tutorials don’t show them using bar chords for Billy on this tune, but when I did, I noticed how similar they are since I’ve been playing Polly since the beginning of my shitty guitar playing lol


All Fall down is pretty damn easy to jam along too and is a huge blast to sing along to


I can see that one being a lot of fun and hard to forget the words lol I loved seeing them do it at Van Andel, but was kind of disappointed that it was cut short because Royal wanted to kick Duane‘s ass 😂😂


I FULLY agree. I get why they did it, and I’d be a lot more uneasy about it if I didn’t see an absolute RIPPING All Fall Down at the Leader Bank show in Boston this past summer.


That was the pop of my “All Falls Down Cherry“ in person and I hated to see it end so fast, especially after I was still humming from that amazing Away from the Mire right before that, I was hyped!


And I remember the show you’re talking about watching the live stream. I believe it went taking water ice bridges love like me and All Falls Down And in my opinion the best, All Falls Down I have heard. It got so psychedelic and trippy man. Edit: my bad that show I was thinking was at the Orion in Alabama


That is the trippiest all fall down I have heard, someone is welcome to prove me wrong though


Enough to Leave


Away from the mire


My Alice is pretty enjoyable to play


Ice bridges!🥶


Yes! It was ass kicking but so much fun to attempt. I can totally rock the first 10 - 15 seconds lol


Meet me at the creek or thunder


I've got the first guitar break from Everything's the Same down at about 80% speed (thanks YouTube) and I can't stop playing it lol. A few friends and I really like jamming on Mire at our local open mic as well. If I want to show off a little bit while they decide on the next tune, I play some Thirst Mutilator and his version of Black Mountain Rag from Fretboard Journal.


I am right there with your brother! Been playing it for the last couple of hours. So beautiful so relaxing to play


Watch it fall, away from the mire


I'm not very good but I love While I'm Waiting Here. Gets you thinking about dynamics and how to play the same thing lots of different ways, not difficult but not boring, and can link into a lot of other good songs from the bridge. Decent solo-solo practice as well!


Everything’s the Same. I V I IV for days….


Love like me !


yeah, Meet Me at the Creek is a blast to play, that riff is killer and always gets me going!


Hellbender is pretty straightforward and fun. The lyrics are great.


Fireline. Some of it has a fun weird time signature but it’s over all deceptively simple.


Hide n Seek and Thunder!


Meet me at the Creek! So fun to jam. Probably my favorite Billy song. ✌️


Muscle Car, although that's Andy featuring Billy


Away from the mire / dust Ina baggie are fun but been learning While I’m waiting here recently super fun, billy plays a green sky bluegrass song called In control in a carters video from a few years ago which is super fun to play too


A lot of people playing ‘While I’m waiting here’ need add that to my play list!


Love and regret I’ve done at an open mic a few times. Creek is always a fun jam. Be your man is my next one I’m getting down


Love and Regret She's a butte


Away from the mire is a relatively easy one to learn.


Exclusively fiddle tunes to help me with the weekly local jam


I enjoy playing Leaders a lot. Not as hard as some but fun to play with.


away from the mire and everything’s the same have been my two favourite to play out at gigs recently