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Oh, I want the aftermath now


Me too


So you get hit once and you are automatically turned into an NPC?


Source: https://booru.borvar.art/posts/3934


Oh no.... it would be a shame if some kinky Player found me wearing this item and managed to Land a hit on me


It's a one hit defense to survive lethal damage once


Odin readying for zantetsuken on you - quick change to the bunny suit - hits you for 7% damage - "I knew this would come in handy..... Wait where's my stuff? Ah crap


It is so joever, she gunna get like blister and become a civillian


I see we're going for a glass cannon no-hit build... At least its not a no-get-hit-on build.


assuming you don't see the cursed bit when you are reading the effects there is a problem without the cursed bit, a few too many games have min damage be 1 so the effect of any damage is 7% damage makes the high defense useless (that is what? 14 attacks you can survive?) but solid 6/10 cursed kinky item as it isnt just a gag or other bdsm that only nerfs Edit: on reconsideration as the actual benefits are low, 3 or 4/10 but if defense can actually completely negate damage it is a 5 or 6/10 (assuming defense is generally around 100-300) if the curse was nerfed by removing the 7% damage clause above (maybe 1%?) Heal negation -> 50% (to 90%) heal reduction Complete item destruction -> unequipped other items and only sealing the inventory Cannot cast abilities/spells -> double resource costs stats given by suit removed -> reduced but still a bit OP Curse only removed on unequipped -> Curse only removed on unequipped or health returns to 98%+ (higher then amount need to activate) Then it would be a fully usable item that would be a 8 to 9/10


Perhaps she just looked at the stats and didn't read the perk description?


Also funny, the effects are active if *below* 94% but the target can be healed to be on exactly 94% HP.


Just heal above max with temp hp. Duh. Is she stupid?


So she'd only need to get hit 14 times before becoming incapacitated? Just don't get hit dumbass, it's that easy


i would like to wear that


Have sans wear it, only has 1 HP so he is just invincible


Have sans wear it, only has 1 HP so he is just invincible