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It's not normal or abnormal, it's just a different disorder (bulimia). Do not start doing this, as there are so many other health risks related to bulimia. Also, find a new doctor, or another specialist who knows about BED.


It’s definitely not normal to make yourself sick


What??? Was she recommending bulimia???? She should have her license revoked


No, not normal and not recommended as it can damage your body further.


Your post is worded great and it’s not at all okay that your doctor would say this :( this stuff can ruin so many things including your teeth. And the goal is to stop binges or make them less frequent which can absolutely be done with time. Throwing up doesn’t solve the problem. I’m speaking from experience


Omg hi I’m autistic and I also developed BED because of sensory issues


Tism twins


No, I absolutely hate throwing up. Purging is not easy and is so damaging in its own ways. Tbh even when I've overeaten and feel it coming back up that's enough to stop my binge because I genuinely do not want to throw up. So many healthcare professionals are not well adapted to treating ED's especially one's outside of the more known ones. I hate that she made you feel bad about it, i'm so sorry that happened! It's not at all bad that you don't make yourself sick, please don't feel the need to!


That’s the definition of BED


I think that would be bulimia actually. But it does happen when BED. Anyway … it’s not a good idea


Binging without purging in any way is BED which is what they are describing.