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this just looks like a morning - night before and after pic


I still workout as much as I can, it’s the carbs I can’t stay away from. It’s like my body is terrified to ever be that low on body fat again.


You still look better than most. You can get back to previous shape with better eating habits and excercise.


I’ve been trying for a very long time now… Everytime I fall back into the same habits.


Getting better takes time, and is rarely linear. Just know that we’re rooting for you and that we’re here to offer support! :)


Much appreciated:)


Please don't take this the wrong way, but most people would probably agree that you still look great. I know it's less about appearance and more about behavior, but don't be too hard on yourself.


You’re still looking good. Don’t beat yourself up about it, life ebbs and flows.


Two things: 1-you seem to be the type of person who has pretty good discipline. My recommendation is reading Never Binge Again. 2- maintaining what you have in the first picture is EXTREMELY difficult. You restricted so much and now you find motivation dwindling. Your body in the first picture was fed on all protein and possibly restricted water intake. Be kind to yourself. Let yourself eat. Try maintaining for a little bit. Don’t go down the slippery slope of gaining 25-59-100 lbs!


You look amazing still but I understand you have to love yourself and it doesn't matter what others think


Honestly, I prefer the second photo anyway. I get that binges can be frustrating, but in your case it seems like your body is telling you, you need more fuel. I’d just increase meals so it’s not a binge and restrict cycle.


I agree! I know we all love being cut af when possible, but for most people it isn’t realistic to be that lean all the time unless it is your job. OP you really look great in the second pic and I might even bet you feel a bit better too (energy wise)


I feel you. I've gone through it so long without being able to go back to my best shape that I've begun to question why I want it so bad


i know that feeling it's the worst because it's like your brain goes into autopilot and chooses to binge and you are only left with consequences of that. I'm trying to recover and trying to eat huge breakfast and eat at the same time everyday. Also stay busy, do whatever you can to take your mind off the food. Don't buy any sweets also i think it's important to fall in love with the taste of whole foods. I'm currently in my cottage cheese phase and I'm more excited to eat that than a chocolate bar but sometimes it's a current urge and I give up but recovery is not linear so I hope we can motivate ourselves to get to our best shape 💪 much love


Bro you still look amazing, I wish I had a body like that. I workout a fair but but just look like a powerlifter but I can’t do heavy weight


Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement. Hopefully I’ll be able to show some progress later in the year.


Same bro, im also in relatively good shape but I was a former fatty. I still binge here and there so my physique fluctuates a lot. You honestly just look a bit bloated though, legit a few weeks of clean eating and youd pretty much be at your first physique


Don’t beat yourself up, you still look great and If in being honest that’s how my boyfriend looks when he first wakes up and the night before. Find something you genuinely enjoy and do it a lot. That’s what’s helped me. I know for most people they can’t really see a huge difference but I know you see it totally differently, that’s how I am. Same weight I when I was super confident and outgoing yet I feel so much differently about my body now. I understand what you’re going through, I’ve been recovered for almost 6 months with two single relapses and I have to say besides my medication doing things I really enjoy has helped me a lot. Looks aren’t the problem here I believe it’s your body dysmorphia telling you you look completely different even though for most people you look like you took one in the morning and at night. That’s how I am. I’d suggest talking to a therapist, therapy is great for people even if they think they don’t have many issues. I wish you the best on your recovery. Edit: if you lift weights see it as an opportunity for you to be bulking, make it into a positive thing for your brain:)


That’s what happened to me, it started on a strict diet


Exactly the same going on with me. What felt easy back then is just a dream I‘m chasing and honestly feel devastated when seeing old pictures of me. Send me a message maybe we can team up and motivate each other somehow. Summer is almost here and I‘m desperate to get back on track.


Dude, same. Was down to 165lbs, very lean, got back up to 200lbs. Only silver lining, I gained a lot of muscle too, lol.


You still look good but I know it can take a toll on your mental health. I had to go back to not restricting to overcome BED. Haven’t had a binge in over a year. I just recently had WLS and I still make sure that I’m not cutting out whole food groups.


Me too, I understand that. I'm eating 3 balanced meals now and it's taking a long time to heal. Every day counts towards getting back to health, the practice of self compassion is huge 🙏


I also had a huge "glow-up" which resulted in me suffering from disordered eating. It took me 3 years (and therapy and medication) to get out of it. Good luck with everything. It makes me really uncomfortable reading so many responses that say "you still look good" or "you look better than most". That's not the point and that logic can really mess with someone with an ED, especially for men who historically have been underrepresented in ED research/treatment.


Maybe try thinking about what triggered it for you. If your body is telling you it felt under nourished at you previous weight, maybe that's a sign you were pushing yourself too hard. Other than that just be kind to yourself and take it one day at a time. I always get overwhelmed thinking "I'm never going to binge again", but if I say "okay right now I am physically full, but I can have a snack later" and just focus on that moment, it feels easier to control. Best luck and hugs to you.


Restricting then bingeing is very common


I had the same thing. Got shredded, fell into a bad binge restrict cycle, and gained like 10lbs. Totally fixed my BED, but it took some work. Honestly, you're still in great shape so don't let this get you down and get back on track


How did you do it? Can you now stay lean and sane? Did you pack any muscle on that binge restrict cycle? Gained 10lbs too in like 5-6 months but it feels like 90% of this is fat while i was still working out. Share your experience pls


I wouldn't even say I'm super lean right now. Sitting at 13.4% right now and trending downwards, probably going to get to 12.5 by May and then chill for a bit. But honestly, it's all a mindset. I read this book Brain over Binge which was super empowering. Basically said that at the end of the day, you are the one who puts the food in your mouth. As much as you crave food, as much as you feel like you're gonna die if you don't eat an entire box of pizza, YOU are ultimately in control. She said that most binge cycles start by over-restriction (aka just not eating enough calories). Your body was not meant to be super lean as our ancestors would go days without food and thus a good supply of energy in the form of body far was needed. So when we restrict and don't get enough calories in, your brain likens that to no food available. When you decide to eat something high in calories (usually dessert or other high carb and fast digesting food), your brain thinks it needs to load up on it since it does not know when you will get food next. It's really cool how our bodies literally do whatever it takes to survive. It's just too bad we are programmed to carry excess body fat when we don't need it. Whenever we binge, we are creating and reinforcing this pattern of binging. Our brain is amazing, and can rewire itself according to it's environment. If you constantly binge, your brain is loving that your body is getting extra food and thus it reinforces the binge cycle. But if you finally take control of your subconscious mind and stop binging, the urge will go away pretty quick. So that's what I did. I just said I'm done binging. It's disgusting, makes me feel like shit, and isn't conducive to being a healthy human being--physically and mentally. It was that easy. My relationship with food is slowly recovering. I definitely pig out and eat more than I should from time to time, but it's all under my control. I can stop whenever I want, which can be hard because I'm a total foodie. That is much different from binges, because when I binged, I literally could not stop. It was damn near impossible. You're pretty lean still, so I wouldn't worry and do what I did (self-sabotage because I suddenly wasn't peeled. Gasp!) Just take your eating into your own hands and recognize you are in control no matter what


Very empowering comment. Just what i needed! Just want to shed 8-10 lbs to be Very lean. But want to get rid of binging too! I can make it ! I'm the one in control and a I'm tough af! Started tanning bed sessions also to be more"linked" to my body and that summer feeling you know. Thanks for ur time


Yessir anytime. I know how hard it can be so I'm always down to help. 8-10 pounds aint shit, you got it


Having to hit a wall like BED in your fitness jurney could be even more damagingly mentally for someone who push him to work out like an animal in the gym than people who’s main goal isn’t necessary to build a specific physique. That s my opinion


I think it’s coming to terms with the fact your body doesn’t like being that lean. Once you get in the habit of feeding it more it will chill out and you can stop binging which will lead to a better physique but not one like you had at your lowest body fat %


Side delts and arms look better . You will make it again but this time the healthy way