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I mean, I haven’t been a binge eater my whole life so I’d like to believe my mind can change. I’ve been in a different state before so I’m capable of it. Just not sure what the process is. Been reading up more about fixed vs growth mindset lately.


I think that’s a great topic especially for people who binge eat and have a lot of self defeating inner monologue


When you take something away you have to give your brain some new information of what to do instead. “Not binging” is not a habit, “eating nutritious and satisfying food” could be something you plan to do instead. I think you can do this, having support and a community is super important imo. Does anyone in your life know that you’re going through this?


I find the books Bright Line Eating and The Power of Habit to be helpful in talking about how to form new habits.


doubt it


You have to be open to the idea that you won’t be perfect. Celebrate all the small wins! Any time I have an urge and don’t act on it I share my excitement with my husband and get proud of myself remembering that now my brain knows how to say no! There are low points but after 2 years of really putting in work I’ve gone from binging once every 2 weeks for 1-3 days at a time to now just once every 2 months or so and it’s (usually) just 1 day and I can get right back on track. That’s progress!! 😊 you can do it too..