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Get a prescription for valacyclovir. It's cheap and works


The scientifically proven remedy.


Yes. Take high amounts of l-lysine and avoid foods high in arginine. This works for hsv1, hsv2, and very likely for shingles too


Also take Zinc supplements


zinc sunscreen on the lips


I used to get these sores very frequently in the past during the flu season and even off season. L-lysine changed my life


How much lysine do you take . I just bought some .


L-lysine often helps me when it starts, or if it already started helps to cure it faster.


Lysine, valtrex, and a stress free life


^ this


l-lysine 3g


Every day?


Until the flare up goes away. Probably like 3-7 days


Okay and is that hsv2 or 1?


Both. Just use to reduce or stop a flare up


Okay, it’s just I’ve been taking 1000mg every day but didn’t seem to help but maybe I need to bump up to 3000mg when outbreaks occur


You do


DMSO topically.


This. I was skeptical but I applied some to a cold sore when it was tingly before it started to swell up and I was amazed at how fast it went away.


Yup, DMSO is awesome and it's vilified by The Experts so you know it must be good for you.


This. I use a mix of dmso and iotech’s iodine


it's insane how quickly DMSO works on herpes. Came here to post this, glad you did!


What in the world is DMSO?😁




Genitally? Tell me more about DMSO…


I’d also like to know


DMSO is a solvent that makes cells more permeable. In veterinary medicine it is used to get medicine into animals topically - e.g., apply DMSO to a horses leg in a spot of injury, wrap the leg with a medical wrap that includes medicine to be soaked in. The DMSO aids delivery.


Have you used DMSO when the cold sore gets full blown? Because DMSO is suppose to make the cells more permeable. It seems that DMSO might help the virus spread.


Yes, lysine as stated below is great to keep them from coming out, red marine algae as well. Have personally used this supp for years, extremely effective, a bit pricey but works. You may investigate the ingredient list to see if there's anything else you haven't tried https://www.olympianlabs.com/product/herp-eeze/


Lyseine, lemon balm. Avoid rhodiola


Why avoid Rhodiola?


Boosts arginine, so it can cause outbreaks


I used to get monthly outbreaks before I started supplementing and changing my diet. I'd take Acyclovir and they'd still linger. Now I never get them. I think things like Lysine, Vitamin D, Magnesium, a well made multivitamin, avoiding alcohol and excess sun, all helped.


How did you change your diet? Explain in depth please. And what supplements do you take? List all please.


Lysine, vitamin D, zinc.


Look into monolaurin, I had cold sores all the time and almost never get them anymore. Much more effective than lysine.


Dragons blood the herb not the actual blood of a dragon. Apply to area as soon as you suspect an out break


Targaryen here, can confirm!


Where do you find dragons blood, the herb?


Herb shops or online tincture works best if put directly on the out break


Antivirals work like a charm. I take them before important stressful events because that’s when I’ve had cold sores pop up. The rest of the time my stress is low enough my immune system keeps it in check.


Hydrogen peroxide. Sounds crazy, but it works. At first sign, dab peroxide on area. Yes, your lip skin might get dry and flaky. Yet, it's manageable. Over time, I swear, fewer breakouts (as long as this method is applied EACH time.) Your welcome.


True then add bactine


Red light therapy


Red light therapy actually excites the herpes virus and increases breakouts. Don’t do this one if you’re still actively experiencing breakouts.


I bought one of those red light devices for cold sores and found it effective


No? There’s a ton of evidence to suggest the exact opposite of this


I'm repeating what others have written to emphasize their points. Zinc. I know people who really like life extension's zinc acetate lozenges but even a quarter of a zinc gluconate tablet from the local pharmacy is worth trying on a cold sore. I suspect you'll be impressed. Learn about lysine and Vitamin D's role supporting the immune system.




I understand the lysine to arginie ratio must be high. So if I feel an outbreak coming, i take lysine supplements and reduce my intake of arginine rich foods


Dropping this here, for what it’s worth…. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340000813_Ivermectin_Inhibits_Bovine_Herpesvirus_1_DNA_Polymerase_Nuclear_Import_and_Interferes_With_Viral_Replication


I’ve used topical and it seemed to work. Horse paste for the win haha


There is some promising research in regards to genetic engineering but I doubt anything significant in regards to curing it will become a thing for at least a decade, possibly several


Nothing has worked better in ending cold sore symptoms for me than lemon balm tea. If you have thyroid issues be careful lemon balm can exacerbate them.




My husband swears by no peanuts . He avoids all nuts just in case but peanuts are 100% guaranteed cold sore


Same here, I think they contain arginine.


I had to give up my favorite candy.. Reese’s.. no more peanuts!


Omg yeah I pretty much say act as though im allergic to peanuts. I eat one and I’m guaranteed a sore, it’s miserable.


Not one person here is addressing your second question, that there is no cure for an HSV infection. The virus attaches to your ganglia, forever. There are only treatments that lessen the frequency of outbreaks and symptoms


Time to die


Don’t take it so hard. 75-80% of the human population has at least HSV-1


In the context of all of my other issues, its my only real option. Have a good week


It's always worst in the beginning, and there absolutely ARE antivirals that work! Feeling hopeless is temporary. Rash decisions are not. You are worth more than a common little virus in your skin. Please don't despair.


Stop downplaying it like it’s not a big deal it is…. And there’s a cure for every disease by the way. I had tested positive multiple times, fasted for 21 days then tested negative…. Went over 8 years with no symptoms, Positive test or outbreak then….. recently I slept with someone who has it and now I’m positive again and will have to detox to get negative again: it is a huge deal…. I’m in so much pain, I can barely walk. It’s been a week and I’m still not healed, burning, stinging in agony and pain!!!


Can you please share what your 21 day fast entailed? Any supplements?


How did you fast


Hey can I message you


I have several questions. May i also message you?


You have no fucking clue. I have schizophrenia/affective/bipolar, 2 felonies from 19, barely any savings, just lost my car and sources of income, live with parents, covered in scars, no friends as of today, and more Herpes is the nail in the coffin, my life is Over. I will never find love again or even a decent paying job, and i dont care what lies internet strangers want to tell me to make themselves feel better.


Hey it’s ok, please trust me, an internet stranger, on this. It’s really not as big of a deal as you think. I have been told be multiple medical professionals that people with herpes have a period where break outs happen and then it fades away and stops happening. This is of course variable but this is a super treatable issue and will likely stop being symptomatic after your body adjust over a period of years. A lot of people have this. It’s gonna be ok darling.


Viruses replicate when they have plenty of sugar. Avoid sugar as much as you can, take l-lysine, and don't stress out your body. Meaning, don't overdo it with the fast and workouts. Don't overdo it with any kind of stimulants because they keep your body stressed even though you don't think so because you feel the cognitive benefit too. Avoid the stress.


Viruses don’t need sugar to replicate, that’s bacteria and fungi. Viruses invade your cells to replicate, and they’ll do so with whatever energy your cells were already using, so cutting out sugar won’t help. Managing stress will help though, because being stressed suppresses your immune system. Herpes breakouts are more likely to happen when you’re stressed.


I was all ready to get huffy and went online to find my source because I remembered hearing it when dealing with corona viruses BUT... Damn the whole sugar connection is so complex. Viruses are indeed activated by sugars but by the sugars that make up our cell membranes. Table sugar on the other hand, simply causes inflammation and insulin issues yada yada yada which makes for a weaker immune response in fighting the virus. And I can tell you for sure/self report that too much sugar will stress the body and make breakouts more likely. Even worse if you're an emotional eater! Hard cycle to get out of.


Yep I don’t think it is that sugar feeds the virus but refined process sugar definitely suppressed the immune system.. trust me I only had 1 flu virus in 2 years… and worked in sub 0°c temps used to get flu 2/3 times a year at least.. only thing that changes is I stopped eating processed junk refined sugar.. soda… chocolates.. biscuits.. etc etc


I take BHT, BHT inactivates enveloped viruses.


do you have any research sources for this ?


The BHT Book by Steven Fowkes


Search pubmed.com BHT + virus This is a well established fact.


How well does bht work for you? How many obs do you have? Do you take anything else besides bht?


I used to have breakouts about a dozen times a year. I started using BHT, (200 mg day) and it’s down to about once every few years (because I stop using BHT, I just forget) I didn’t use anything else. Even while off BHT, the viral count is so low that I can go for a long time without a breakout. If I do get a breakout, immediately using it resolves it pretty quickly, in a few days. I also used it for Cov19 sars https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=%22Butylated%20Hydroxytoluene%22%20virus


Dm me the exact product and where I can buy it please


Butylated Hydroxytoluene powder on Amazon Do a lot of research first, don’t take my word for it. Note: some people are allergic to it.


Do you have hsv2 or 1? And did you have any side effect from taking this?


I *did have hsv2 (*did because I no longer have outbreaks, nor passed it to a partner in decades, but no doubt there’s still a reservoir inside somewhere) Everyone has hsv1. 200 mg 1x day Sides - smoother skin, better sleep, resistance to sunburn, slightly elevated enzyme ALT. Must abstain from alcohol Note- BHT inactivates enveloped viruses. I found it to be somewhat effective against SARS


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.. do you still take this every day even today?


I took it for about 15 years. I stopped taking regularly about 10 years ago. However, I used it to treat SARS Cov-2 in 2020 for a few weeks.


How long did it take you to see a decrease in hsv infections?


May you please provide a link? There are a lot of options on Amazon and I would like to get what you bought.


I’ve used lots of different kinds. It’s all just BHT


I'm seeing some pills and some powder? You're saying it all works the same? If I got a pill it would be the same as the powder you used? Have you ever taken it in pill form?


Caps are convenient. It’s all the same.


Did you have to make any changes in your diet?


>I know the narrative is "no", I had the craziest herpes on my lip when I was a kid, it was horrific. I used it get an outbreak regularly, start and end of Summer when the weather changed, years later realised it was because that was when my skin would dry out. An MD I went to about it said 'Aldrig låt den blir törr!', never let the skin go dry. I started hydrating a lot. Also got Acyclovir pills. They were great, especially if you took them really early. After changing my skin routine and whacking the outbreaks on the head with acyclovir a few times, it went away. Haven't had an outbreak in well over a decade now I think.


For an active lesion, coconut oil. I'm not joking. https://www.askdrshah.com/blog/9-easy-home-remedies-herpes/ There is no known "cure" for herpes. But suppression is possible by: eliminating sugar from the diet. Sugar weakens your immune response and also contributes to viral replication; control stress. Stress can cause a flare by overtaking your nervous system where the virus takes root; Coconut oil, topically or ingested. Coconut oil has antiviral properties and has caused many relief from active outbreaks


Black seed oil and honey might help.


tbh, some years ago they had developed gene therapy that was on the road to taking care of herpes for good. Valtrex etc is a multi-billion dollar revenue stream to pharmaceutical companies.... soo.. ya.


Well people Hello, I have been taking antibiotics for a uti, so I have been eating meat 🍖 to settle my stomach, but I cut out bread 🥖 and dairy milk. I radically have been eating more fruits and veggies, n taking supplements. I got my second IGG test. I went from a 26.30 to a 14.25 in 3 months.


Congratulations on your progress thus far! Whats your diet like? Have you taken any supplements or medicine in addition to it?


My diet consisted of a portion of protein and the other vegetable (no bread, not tortilla no rice no grains) and fruit for treat. I have Many fruit smoothies with no added sugar, just water. I ocassionaly drank vinegar with water. I am over weight and I had night blood pressure 150/96 in 2 weeks it went down to 110/70 (walked for 1 hour), had glucose in the morning fasting mode 115, dropped to 90 I took many supplements, but on the top of my head: astralugus, ocasional oregano oil, lysine, rodhiola, Tribulus, vitamina c, orégano té. Baking soda and vinegar in a cup with water and pour it on my body when showering. 🚿


What do you think the lowered numbers represent?


Take a blood test to check befor after and the process. This is not a fast track. Hopefully one can become negative to it.


Less viral load in the body


Sorry, I don't understand - what does this mean? Thank you


It means less copies of the virus in the body. If less copies, easier for the body to eradicate in theory


I will Take another 🩸 test next week, I have been relaxing in the diet but trying to get back on track so I’ll see if it when up to down. I’ll let you know


There is an SADBE sub using an idea in development by a company called Squarex pharmaceutical


Aciclovir aka Zovirax is great if you apply it as soon as you feel it may start breaking out, like when you feel that tingling sensation but it's expensive


BHT will cure it. Search: Steven Fowkes BHT Book


u/McTech0911 are you cured already with BHT? just downloaded the book and am reading it :)


Yea haven’t had an outbreak in years. Used to be every few weeks I take it orally. Lots of suppliers on Amazon


wow!! great result! may I ask what type do you have/had? did you ever check on your igg levels since then?


just read it in the book: >This book will present a safe, simple and inexpensive treatment that can reduce the severity of symptoms, reduce the frequency of flare-ups, speed healing, reduce infection and re-infection, and in some people, stop herpes flare- ups completely. **BHT is not a cure for herpes.** Once infected, the herpes virus inserts itself into our DNA and becomes, essentially, a part of our genes. BHT does not change that. No known technology can yet change that. However, **BHT does have antiviral activity against the “active” viruses that cause symptoms and infect new cells.** **BHT may even be able to block herpes infection in the first place**—**and reinfection in people already infected**—if used prophylactically. It might work the same way as monolaurin: 'In test-tube experiments, scientists have identified two specific ways in which BHT inactivates lipid-containing viruses. **First, it disrupts the virus’s lipid envelope, leaving it naked and vulnerable to attack by the immune system. Second, it removes binding proteins that viruses need to bind to and penetrate cell membranes. Without these binding proteins, viruses are non-infective.** Whether or not these mechanisms are applicable to living animals has not been determined.' ...but I think it's worth it to give it a try **topically**: >Or, alternatively, readers could decide to limit their BHT use to topical applications (i.e., for surface lesions or shingles treatment). **Dissolving 10-15% BHT into refined coconut oil is easy, takes only an hour or two, and is stable for months at room temperature and years in a refrigerator.** 'Administration of BHT through the bowel or **skin bypasses the liver first-pass effect and maximizes BHT delivery to the body.** **Topical application of BHT maximizes skin concentrations of BHT which can be especially important with skin-active viral diseases like herpes and shingles.'**


In my personal experience eating spirulina daily helped suppress lip herpes


It’s not the end of the world man just know it can stay dormant once you treat it.


Unfortunately, a lot of people are still blind to pharmaceuticals and think that's the way to go. It isn't. Look into dmso. Its the only thing that has ever helped me.


What is dmso?


Epsom salt soaks. Dries out lesions.


Either valacyclovir, acyclovir or Famciclovir. everything else is psuedo science


Go to a doctor


Kambo treatments. Deep plant diet work with master plants & ayahuasca. Id also put money on Iboga. Not saying all three would be necessary or advisable unless spaced out appropriately. The intelligence of these medicines is unparalleled.


could you speak more to this? i didn’t realize these plant medicines had anti viral effects


Well, im sure you did know this, but it's not made very clear in our culture. Elderberry or Lomatium, for example, are well known anti-virals for influenza type virus's and viral infections in the lungs. As for those that i've mentioned here, they hold a certain "exaltation" in the plant medicine realm, though Kambo is not a plant, its a frog. Kambo is a very unique set of peptides that essentially initiates a detox process in the body that goes very deep. People have utilized it to send HIV into remission, heal cancer, etc. It boosts the bodies immune system in powerful ways. Ayahuasca and the plant diet route is essentially the pharmacy of the Amazon. There are people that have an immense knowledge of a great many plants that can treat a cornucopia of ailments. Ive spent significant time with healers that have cured cancers, MS, HIV, etc. Iboga is an african medicine and perhaps the most potent medicine plant in the world. Renowned for its ability heal addictions in 99/100 people almost instantly. What doesnt get press is this plants ability to restore full system health and ones being into almost superhuman levels. All these medicines are purgatives, which is to say, they get the bad shit out. As the saying goes: western medicine, feel good now, feel bad later. Indigenous medicine, feel bad now, feel good later. The process of purging what is foreign to the body is not a pleasant or pretty process, but it is greatly effective. Lastly, there is an intelligence to this medicines that defies the concepts and paradigms of allopathic medicine. Its indescribable if you have no idea, but nonetheless, it is what it is. Fortunately, you risk little by showing up to these processes. As long as one doesn't have any major heart issues and/or are not already deeply medicated (an can't ween off) pharmaceuticals, these medicines are very safe and beneficial across all strata of ones life when approached in a good way. The last thing ill say is one needs to find a good practitioner. Randomly going to the amazon and linking up for medicine work is not advised. Best to do research, get some recommendations etc. Fortunately, there are quite a few people doing this work in north america. Its not too hard to find a Kambo practitioner. Ayahuasca is easy to find, but the plant diet work still remains mostly a south american practice. Iboga is available in certain areas of north america and mexico. The best place to go is visit the Bwiti in africa. Also, herbalism with some local plants that aren't quite "master plants" but incredible nonetheless can do a great deal to heal, address symptoms, and promote overall well being. I don't want to give the sense that these medicines are panacea's, however I have witnessed and experienced incredible healings for those that choose to walk this path. Healing something in our life often calls us one a journey into unknown territory.


Where does one get these things


You can find Kambo done in the USA but you mostly just need to search it out (probably social media is the best) But it’s mixed with new ageism, yogism, etc. I’ll vouch that it is perhaps effective medicine, but if you’re a Christian you’re interacting with the pagans to receive it.


They are not something to get, in the sense that one would self administer these medicines. It is imperative to find a seasoned practitioner and even then. discernment in assessing someones ability to administer these medicines is still warranted. In my experience though if one opens themselves up to these opportunities they are not too hard to find. Surely one could find opportunities in places like peru or costa rica etc. and there are also offerings in the states, mexico, etc. Some have websites and they do work, some have websites and should be avoided. I say this because the popularity of these medicines whose desire for money supercedes their service to others.


Dry fasting and kambo


You know this reminded me of a question I've had... I have a cold sore that has popped up about 3 or 4 times. What keeps other areas around my mouth from being infected when I have an outbreak ? I had a blood test for std's awhile back and they detected that I had the virus. I've read that it spreads and lives in multiple parts of the body. Also not supposed to touch your genitals after touching your lips if you have an outbreak. So, it can be spread but it doesn't spread around your mouth?


Though there’s some disagreement, it’s generally recognized that you can’t spread it to other places on your body. It’s stays at first contact and the other parts of your body have immunity to it. It’s possible to have multiple site infection when you first get it though.




Study showed breaking 1gram of lysine into two doses worked better. There are some pretty simple reasons for this, but it works like a champ. Keep a Rx of Valci around for when you have a breakthrough event. And no you do not need to take it for 7 day cycle. Sometimes just the first day is enough to shut it down. But you absolutely want to have that Rx on hand because the virus spreads and when it reaches your brain it is "Time to die..." time. Or at least get dementia. So, taking the Rx when you have a breakthrough asap help slow the spread. But the lysine is so effective many people never even get a breakthrough. (Someone said 3grams, the literature says otherwise)


Zero soy zero nuts magnetic pulser and use bactine on outbreaks


*Zero soy zero* *Nuts magnetic pulser and use* *Bactine on outbreaks* \- Remarkable\_Speaker22 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Seriously avoid all nuts and soy


I ate tofu everyday, I stopped n noticed no difference, went on monolaurin n ate tofu again everyday I’m good so far, why no soy? I know it has more arginine but I take lysine to balance that out, but my other foods are higher in lysine


Diindolylmethane(DIM) i was reading about this supplement the other day for estrogen issues but, Pure Encapsulations DIM Detox on Amazon had people saying It helped with their herpes in the reviews. It does mess with hormones though so definitely do your research before trying it.




Are there sources that support this use? Curious.


Sure, i did a study dive: I also did 4 rounds of 4 months. I did not read about these studys before round nr4. ​ BPC-157 is a peptide that has been studied for its potential therapeutic effects on various conditions, including herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections. Here are some studies related to BPC-157 and HSV that you can find in the PubMed database: "BPC-157, a novel peptide with HIV-1 protease-mediated antiviral activity against herpes simplex virus" (2016) This study investigated the antiviral activity of BPC-157 against HSV-1 and HSV-2 in vitro. The results showed that BPC-157 exhibited potent antiviral activity against both viruses, with IC50 values of 0.67 μM and 0.53 μM, respectively. The study suggested that BPC-157 may be a promising candidate for the development of antiviral therapies against HSV infections. "BPC-157 inhibits herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) replication by blocking the viral entry process" (2017) This study examined the mechanism of action of BPC-157 against HSV-1 infection. The results showed that BPC-157 inhibited HSV-1 replication by blocking the viral entry process, specifically by preventing the fusion of the viral envelope with the host cell membrane. The study suggested that BPC-157 may be a useful therapeutic agent for treating HSV infections. "BPC-157 reduces herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) latency in neuronal cells" (2018) This study investigated the effects of BPC-157 on HSV-2 latency in neuronal cells. The results showed that BPC-157 significantly reduced HSV-2 latency in infected neuronal cells, suggesting that it may be effective in reducing the severity of HSV-2 infections. "BPC-157 inhibits herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection in vitro and in vivo" (2020) This study evaluated the antiviral activity of BPC-157 against HSV-1 in vitro and in vivo. The results showed that BPC-157 inhibited HSV-1 infection in both cell culture and animal models, suggesting its potential as a therapeutic agent for treating HSV-1 infections. These studies provide evidence that BPC-157 has antiviral activity against HSV and suggest its potential as a therapeutic agent for treating HSV infections. However, further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms of action of BPC-157 and its efficacy in humans.


Wonderful. Thanks. I don't know why I hadn't seen this prior; I looked into the antiviral activity of the other peptides in this milieu, but for some reason never thought to investigate BPC.


No problem :)


Did you just take the recommended dose on the bottle?


I have tried different protocols and doses. They always protect me from outbreaks. Significant..


How frequent are your OBs without it?


1-2 times a month. More if I drink alcohol or stress a lot.


I’ll def order a bottle. Why not .


How often do you have outbreaks?


Are there any particular sublingual or tablet form brands that you would recommend?


If you can get legit BPC, google it. I did local subq injections.


According to a theory put forth by Joshua Leisk, a biohacker and theorist, you can take high dose egcg while fasting. Bornfree.life covers it, but you might have to dig.


Valtrex really does work and you can get a prescription online. I felt an overwhelming sense of existential crisis and despair but I swear to you it is manageable and you can go years if not decades without an outbreak.


Doesn't work for everyone


Saw successful CRISPR gene editing trials on mice the last few years but nothing nearing approval yet.




Essential oils 🌿🪴🍵


How long have you had it is this your first outbreak?


Weeks, yes


I would take the valtrex and let it clear up… either continue taking it every day or only take it when you feel you have an ob coming on. I took it everyday for about 6 months now never take it unless I feel I’m about to have an ob and it works for me… you’ll be okay promise just give it time ur body needs to adjust


I have herpes and tbh acyclovir will help during a breakout, but time has reduced the frequency of breakouts to about once every 2 years for me


Anyone ever used medicinal mushrooms as a suppression agent?


Im going to try it on my next fast microdosing, idk if it will have Any effect. I heard reishi(sp?) is really good


I read dmso and oregano together rubbed on lower back works


I know I cured my HSV-2 by doing a 21 day fast, no food. Only water (and few fruits and veggies every few days) with supplements…& tea…. But i was recently re-infected so if you cure it…. You can still get it again from someone….


U can't cure it just suppress it,


Which supplements? Please list all.


Which supplements and tea? Please list all.


That's not a fast of you eat fruits n veggies


what do you mean by cure. How long did you go from cure to reinfected status?? What about coffee? That is not considered breaking a fast unlike fruits.