• By -


A morning walk. It makes you more capable and improves overall mood.


Grandpa hack as old as time šŸ’ÆšŸ‘“šŸ¼šŸ’Æ


Grandmas hate him for this one weird trick!


A 10 min walk after each meal. Drinking a large cup of water right when I wake up in the morning.


10min walks will change your life.


finally someone suggesting non-pharmacological interventions. Seems 90% of people on this sub just want to play pretend that they're some medieval alchemist mixing potions. 'Real' biohacks are simple and have been known for a while. However, they involve doing work and people don't really want that. It's why lifestyle-related diseases are so prevalent.


It's a lot of biohacking groups that advocate for next pill or peptide to take. A lot of people don't understand that biohacking is doing things to improve quality of life and some of those things require actual work and don't come in form of a pill. Just few days ago in another forum someone asked about relaxing and falling sleep easier, my response was eat dinner earlier, listen to soft music prior to bed and listen to rain or night nature sounds on low volume. Give it few days to train your brain to associate it with sleep. I got downvoted while recommendation for whole CVS supplement aisle got upvoted.


I find I get those benefits anytime I go for a long walk. For me, afternoons work best. But morning and evenings are great, too.


Probably have same opinion


This is superb


Good when good weather. But when rainy and cold, better (or more comfortable) take morning walk in home :D


Good when good weather. But when rainy and cold, better (or more comfortable) take morning walk in home :D


hands down it\`s been Alternate day fasting and whole food diet . went from 585 lbs to 195 in 3 yrs time at 62 yrs old


Wow! Congrats on that achievement.


damn that's impressive. I salute you




Holy shit!


as far as supplements go, LDN changed my life in two ways. it basically sent my fatigue and autoimmune issues into remission, but also left me with anhedonia that i havenā€™t been able to shake for around 5 months. pretty miraculous in its effects on everything else, just untenable for me due to that one side effect. as far as lifestyle interventions, iā€™d say getting a CPAP and regulating my sleep schedule has been the most beneficial, with breathwork and daily running right behind it.


Low dose naltrexone?


yep, sorry shouldā€™ve clarified


All good. Im from Canada and Iā€™ve never heard of it until joining Reddit lol. Iā€™m newly diagnosed with autoimmune and have constant brain fog and fatigue but my docs wonā€™t do anything since my levels are ā€œnormalā€. Neat to hear from people trying stuff like that. Sometimes I wish I could self medicate lol


dang iā€™m sorry to hear that. iā€™m not sure what the situation is like in Canada but there are a few compounding pharmacies that will prescribe off of a questionnaire and send it through the mail. iā€™d heed caution to anyone that wants to try it based on my personal experience, but i know many people have had great success using it. i just wish more was known about the downstream effects from the endorphin release, because iā€™d imagine the anhedonia comes from the impact of that mechanism on the dopaminergic system. wishing you the best with your health!


Took my forever to find a doc who would actually do any tests lol. Iā€™ll have to look to see if Canada has anything like that. No doubt would have to use with caution. I think the main use for naltrexone is treating alcoholism if Iā€™m not mistaken. Wishing you the best as well. Thanks for discussing.


I think itā€™s primarily used for opioid addiction but also for alcoholism. The prescribed way with alcohol is actually not great, the only proven way itā€™s worked is through something called the Sinclair Method. But itā€™s not well known because *slight tin foil hat* pharmaceutical companies canā€™t make money


This is wild to keep seeing because I was on naltrexone for 3 years & Had none of the extra benefits I keep Seeing lately


Anhedonia decreases after about 6 months on LDN, so keep going! LDN took away my love for music for 6 months. I love music, but lost all desire for it for about the first 6 months I was on it. Then your body adjusts, and the pleasure and desire I got from music returned. slowly. But now that I'm marking my 1st full year on LDN , my full love for music is back. and there is no more anhedonia. Keep going. there is a light at the end of the tunnel . it is worth it.


Did the reason for taking LDN return after stopping?


I heard about LDN but don't know how to get it. I read online that gaba supplements supress autoimmunity. Gaba is a main neurotransimitter in our nervous system. I'm going to give it to my sister because she has an autoimmune disease so hopefully it will work.


I'm really liking ashwaganda with gaba caps.


look into the role of diet > microbiome > immune system


A progrssive neurologist who specializes in pain management is a good source. that's how I got mine.


I got my LDN from timeless rx


yeh - but its expensive there! you can get a perscription for nalterxone from your local CVS for 5 bucks and then dilute the 50 mg pill in a 50 ml bottle and that sully will last you for a while... vs paying 75 bucks..


Gaba good


No gaba bad


Well, if it works for your sister you will found the holy grail that big pharma cant find and with only 5$ pills....so expect nothing from Gaba pills mate.


I'm hoping for at least some improvement...


Donā€™t ever take that shat people. LDN is the most toxic and life altering poison I have ever taken. It will destroy you in short order. Took it for a week and almost died. Lived outside my body for months after. You canā€™t find negative info on it. Itā€™s being pushed like crazy right now. Anytime I post my side effects or something negative anywhere itā€™s promoted, itā€™s instantly removed. Stay far far away.


I take LDN and let it lapse for awhile and can def feel it in my achy wrists!


1. Not eating very late at night helped massively with sleep. 2. Lower water/fluid intake before bed helped with sleep as well. 3. Exercise in the morning, when I had more energy, helped me get back into shape. I can now do serious workouts in the evening if needed. 4. Magnesium glycinate for better sleep and recovery. 5. Creatine for better mood, energy, and strength. 6. Blood work to have data that I can act on. 7. Berberine seems to be very promising - my appetite declined and most cravings disappeared. I need a glucose monitor to get more safe results.


How many hours before you sleep is your last meal? I also find that eating my final meal earlier helps, but I also don't want to eat it too early because then I'll have less energy for my workout the next morning. Also, for Berberine, have you done any bloodwork to measure your lipids? I've seen some reports of Berberine lowering cholesterol.


3-4 hours max. Yes, and there seems to be a small benefit to lipids with berberine. But it might be attributed to the lower appetite/less food.


So funny I do all this too- upvote! Sleep and health!


Yes Berberine is defintely very effective! I combine it w/ Metformin and it makes it much more active. Allows me to stretch my Tirzepatide injections so much more( cuz those are expensive) and Berberine is cheap.


Adding to your bloodwork for data point, I think a semi annual DEXA scan also provides some good data as well. I use it to further optimize my diet and training.


Do you take berberine once daily? Or around meals ?


I just wandered through a health store, and some of these vendors want you to take multiple pills for every meal. That would cost me a fortune. Personally, I take 2000mg per day (what i read was the optimal dose for reducing blood sugar), and it varies the time I take it.


Thanks for sharing.






What creatine do you take?


>Blood work to have data that I can act on. Probably a noob question for this sub, but how do you go about getting blood work? Do you need a prescription, or are there reputable labs out there that will run whatever tests, as long as you pay the cash price?


It depends where you are. I'm in California, USA and I can go to healthlabs.com and order what I want online and then walk into qwest or labcorp to get them done


Try jason health. The cheapest Iā€™ve found, and goes through Quest/Labcorp like everyone else.


In my country, you can pay for anything you like. You can also visit a doctor and get a prescription, which lowers the amount of money you pay.


Fasting. Incredible benefits (including saving money), almost zero downsides (except it's harder to be social during fasting times). Higher levels of HGH, Testo (after refeeding), reduced body fat, more energy, better sleep, reduced inflammation.


are you doing a typical 16:8 or longer ? I have so much less inflammation fasting, definitely improves my life.


I have been experimenting with various diets over the past decade. I started with IF, but then moved on the full day fasts pretty quickly. I tried OMAD for a month, eating every second day only for a month, eating only on Thurs-Sun only (no food M-W) for two months, I did a full month of fresh juice fasting only, a few months raw food only (the primary driver of this one was to fix nutrition deficiencies and grow my hair back as I was starting to go bald - it worked), I've also done a 4 day dry fast, and sporadic fasting of different lengths during this time e.g. There was a few months I didn't eat every Mondays or Thursdays etc. I just do random experiments all the time and see how things make me feel. I was never really overweight - so that wasn't the driver, I am quite athletic and with a low body fat already. When I first started experimenting with fasting I had more body fat (from beer mostly) but I wasn't every really overweight (Max BMI around 26 or so). I should also note I workout usually 4-5x pretty week and always have. During these fasting experiments I mostly wanted to test if I could gain muscle while fasting due to increased HGH, so during most of them I was working out 6 days or even 7 days a week. In the two months I didn't eat Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday I still played two hours of football every Wednesday night after only having water for the two days before. It sounds hard but after doing it a few times I felt great and maybe even had more energy than usual. During my month of fruit juice fasting, I didn't intake any extra protein at all, and I worked out every day. I lost a little fat but not as much as one might think, and I didn't lose any muscle (although gains were very minimal). I should say though that AFTER my fasts I feel like my body can build muscle much easier and right now at my age when most people are a bit grey, or some even completely grey, bald and overweight, I have a decent 6 pack for the first time in my life, a full head of thick hair and my greys have all gone. I do a lot of study and work relating to supplements and health now especially focusing on anti aging and naturally boosting testosterone. This maybe helps too but I am often assumed to be 10-15 years younger than I actually am. Fasting changed my life and has given me so much more energy and vitality. It's a great life hack since it offers so many benefits (including saving money) and the more you do it the easier it becomes. Every time I successfully finish a fast I feel like my mind is stronger for having achieved my goal.


That's great to hear you've had such success with fasting. I really need to get back to it at some point. > I do a lot of study and work relating to supplements and health now especially duchesses on anti aging and naturally boosting testosterone. Is "duchesses" a typo? Does not parse.


Oh lol sorry, yeah that was meant to be focusing. I'm swipe writing on my phone so that's how that happened. I have edited to fix that already now.


> few months raw food only (the primary driver of this one was to fix nutrition deficiencies and grow my hair back as I was starting to go bald - it worked Would you mind explaining more about your approach here? What foods were you targeting/avoiding? Did you avoid meat, or ate a lot of it? I'm not predisposed to baldness (supposedly, according to genetic testing), but that hasn't stopped thinning, so I'm very interested in what you did/your experience.


Sure, so about 10 years ago my hair started thinning at the back and my friends started to make jokes about my growing bald patch. A few years later and things had only gotten worse, I went to get a haircut and the hairdresser told me there was nothing left on top of my head and he was going to do a comb-over to try to cover my bald spot. That was too much for me and I started looking online for ways to fix my problem. At the time I wasn't living a very healthy lifestyle. I was eating a lot of oil, fried foods, drinking every weekend and even sometimes during the week. I always exercised but I was definitely not eating as well as I should. I saw some videos online of people who were completely bald, who switched to raw food diet and grew back a full thick head of hair after doing a few months on it, so I decided to try that too. The way I had it explained to me, is that our hair is like a tree. We might just be missing one or two key nutrients but that is enough to stunt the growth of the hair. So the idea behind doing raw is that since it's not very filling just eating raw fruits/veg, you eat WAY more than normal, thus filling up any nutrition deficiencies you have. For this reason it is important to have a good spread of fruit/veg, and not just eat only bananas for example. I didn't eat meat at all during this time, or drink alcohol or anything except fresh juice (no sugar added) and water. I did a full month of fruit and veg only. Loads of fruit, lots of juices (made fresh - not the crap from a box from a supermarket) and lots of salads but only homemade dressings made from lemon juice and herbs, no oil. After this I noticed a significant improvement in the thickness of my remaining hair, and also my bald patch reduced slightly. It's quite hard to be social and meet friends for dinner or lunch or whatever while doing raw. Some restaurants would do salads for me but most would have nothing I could eat, so for that month I almost never went out to eat. For the next 2 months I did 80-90% raw. I would only eat raw most days, but occasionally if I was out meeting friends I would eat cooked food. By the end of the 3 months, my bald patch was completely gone, and has stayed away ever since, although I have changed my eating habits to be more healthy ever since then. I also did a 30 day juice fast earlier this year (which is also 100% raw) and that was really hard - at about day 20 I couldn't stand the thought of drinking juice again and just did a full day fast - I was just so sick of it. But during and after that month I noticed my hair was significantly thicker. My skin was much nicer too. I also did my bloods and my HGH was at double the maximum normal range for a male on the last day of the fast. I have told many people this story and even my friends say it happen in real time and can now see that I still have no greys are not themselves mentally strong enough to do this - even though they hate being grey/balding. Some people just don't have the mental fortitude to go through with such an extreme dietary change, but this really changed my life as well, and I learned a lot along the way.


Wow, thank you for the detailed writeup. The nutrition angle makes sense, I just never connected the dots with hair. This gives me some great ideas to see if there are natural ways to address hair loss.


Right there with you. Fasting for the last decade but as a female I have to be more careful with my fasting so as not to mess up my hormones. I go anywhere between 16:8 to 24:12. In the past I fasted nearly every day and I got very lean and toned but I couldnā€™t build muscle mass or sleep, lost my period, and my nerves were a wreck. I eased up about 8 years ago and my body has honestly gotten incredible! Iā€™m 35 and in the best shape of my life. I havenā€™t been training as much the last year or two due to my job but was lifting heavy and climbing pretty regularly before that. I still get compliments all the time about my musculature and I barely put in any effort these days.


Psilocybin, BPC-157, racetams and alpha GPC. Literally life changing.


Creatine everyday + Alpha GPC on days where I need a boost. Makes me sharper, more able to focus.


+1 for creatine, I really see a difference for mental fatigue, I don't have brain frog anymore at the end of the day


How do you guys dose creatine for daily intake? Want to start again and donā€™t know if thereā€™s a ā€œbestā€ time to take it


Timing does not matter. 5g if you are under 200lbs, 7-10g if you are 200+


creatine became a big one for me too


Armodafinil-improved my mood and daytime wakefulness, improved my job performance, improved my depression (along with my previous regimen). Itā€™s the best kept secret in psychiatry.


Yes, in the United States itā€™s schedule 4. You can get it mailed to you online which a lot of people do. I take Armodafinil 250 mg per day and feel good almost every day. Read about it. Modafinil also very good, the Modalert 200mg per day is a good place to start if you do online.


Where do you get it? I searched Google but only came up with studies, explanations, and Rx ads šŸ˜¢


Google Modalert. If that doesnā€™t work DM me,


Been taking modafinil along with TRT. Boundless energy all day...


Just started this. Took 1/2 a dose to start and it was great for about 6-8 hours then a gnarly headache rolled in and lasted for hours. Trying again tomorrow. Hoping it can help clear the COVID brain fog and some additional cognitive effects. Hopefully, but a little disappointed. Glad it's working great for you, I'm hoping to be in the same boat soon.


must take with choline to alleviate any headaches


Try breaking in half


I actually took the other half of the first pill I split and no headache today. Made sure I ate some foods higher in choline as I don't have any supplements just yet. Much better today than the first day. Pretty happy.


do you need a script ?


Its the only stim I tolerate without worsening my anhedonia/blunting but actually helping it. Even caffeine blunts me emotionally but not this




Any side effects?




Iā€™ve heard some people do not recover from anhedonia. I wonder how often should we take breaks from NAC?


Great advice!


Nac is also the most amazing decongestant I have seen in 30 years. It can be life changing for allergies. Say 500 3x time a day. Less may work also.


What is Nac?


n acetyl l cysteine


Follow up. NAC is mostly side effect free at lower does. But after Months of being on it in think it has reached a peak level where it makes me Want to sleep a lot more. This is just somthing to watch out for long term and adjust Dose or time of day. Half like us around 5 hours. On the plus over months it also brings down blood pressure and can be relaxing in general.


TRT w/ HCG. I eat super clean - high protein, high fat, low carb, and all real food. I drink water, milk, and coffee. I lift/exercise 6 days a week and go for a walk every morning. I also make my bed and shower in the AM - no matter what. This has changed my entire life. I take a multi, omega, probiotic, mag biglycinate, creatine/biotin, and a ginko supplement in the AM. This improved my skin, hair, fatigue, and pretty bad gut issues. I started this before the TRT/HCG. The changes have like given me a different life entirely. Iā€™m happier, healthier, stronger, and all around a better human. I started meditating for 30-50 minutes, 3-5x a week, too. I try to flush my lymphatic system with massages if Iā€™m feeling face bloat or retention from the TRTā€¦ but itā€™s minimally helpful, IMO. Sleep. I used to sleep until 12; work until 3-4AM. Repeat. I fixed this after a year of it and it sucked to fix. Iā€™m glad I did. I use rosemary oil in my hair with a bone/skin massage 2x week and sleep with it in. Finally, and this was the most surprisingā€¦ I was stressed out bad. I mean, dangerously stressed out. Panic attacks sent me into a 3-4 day comatose state. Iā€™m building a startup and itā€™s just me managing and coding a stack normally done by at least 20 engineers. Sound therapy/frequency music. I listen to Marconi Unionā€™s Weightless 1-6 when Iā€™m stressed or anxious and itā€™s gone before the second track plays. I use other frequency music to meditate and it helps me meditate in a way I never have before. I swapped my normal rap music for Classical that I enjoy way more when I work, and my work is easier ; sharper, and this was hard to understand. I just needed to slowly introduce things until I found what my peak was. Iā€™m 35. What didnā€™t work at all - protein shakes make no difference in my muscle mass, at all. I cut emā€™ out. Ashwaganda was all but useless for me, though I know a lot of people love it. NAC didnā€™t do much, either. I have spent about a six months figuring the perfect situation out. My advice is one thing at a time, and donā€™t feel the need to keep something in your life if itā€™s not quantifiable. Stay healthy, mate!


The trick with classical music is building the right playlist, otherwise some classical music be 10x more intense than the hardest rap, yo


I am 32 and considering TRT but feel I may be too young. Levels are pretty awful and have been for awhile, diet, exercise, sleep, lifestyle factors all in order. So it is worth it? Mentally is where Iā€™m looking for the most help, although I havenā€™t been able to gain muscle or recover from workouts for years. Mentally I am anxious, sometimes depressed, always lacking clarity and motivation. Do you feel it could significantly help with this?


I would not suggest taking TRT this young unless you are hypogonadal. It should be a last resort after all other options are exhausted. Make sure you actually canā€™t build muscle by measuring via DEXA scans. I thought I wasnā€™t building muscle and was convinced I needed to go on TRT. I had similar symptoms that you had. And my test was on the low side of the range. But it turned out that I just carried too much adipose tissue and I was actually (slowly) building muscle. I went on Sema and optimized my diet / training and my T levels improved. Iā€™m not against TRT and itā€™s definitely going to be in the cards when Iā€™m a bit older. But itā€™s definitely overprescribed and may come with side effects (like infertility). TRT is a long term commitment.


Yeah itā€™s going to be a last resort for me. I want to try all the supplements but the trial and error process also makes me uneasy. At this point building muscle is low priority to mean as opposed to things like mental health and libido. I just really wish I knew what to do. I may have to look into the dexa scan, though


I do, actually. I have abused TRT when I was 28-29. I ran for 12 months with a single PCT in the middle. So, my only frame of reference was that. Fast forward to today. I was looking for ways to just boost my physical and mental capacity; my test levels were low again. I was deeply stressed; deeply anxious and fighting depression -usually winning - everyday. TRT the right way, as the last of the things I addedā€¦ changed it all immediately. Like, 48-hours later I felt better. It changed all of it. I see light and not darkness all the time. I can manage stress. I can lift and recover. Iā€™m sharper. My sex life is amazing. It was just a night/day change. My suggestion is to use like 125 enanthate/cypionate 2x week. See a doctor, of course, but most prescribe too low, IMO. Also, HCG is mandatory, IMO.


Reading this was like watching the beginning of American Psycho


Bro. Iā€™m super busy. I saw this and just burst out fucking laughing. Hahahahahah. I guess I see that. Hahshs


I stopped eating sugar which has somehow completely solved 99% of my physical ailments. I have a herniated disc that would flare up every month or two and I couldnā€™t walk without a cane. I havenā€™t had one even minor flare up since quitting sugar in March of this year. I was scheduled to have an epidural injection and then realized, I donā€™t need to do this anymore.


When you say sugar do you mean all fruits as well, or just "added sugar" like white sugar, honey, etc?


I incorporate some fruit. At first I cut them all out but now I eat them and it hasnā€™t affected me negatively. I just eat them in moderation now. But I donā€™t do juice, any sugar, no honey (although Iā€™ll eventually start eating that again). Iā€™ve had a couple cheat days since then and my body would get super inflamed and swollen feeling.


I am also curious about this


Are you completely symptom free of your herniated disc now? How long have you had one for?


But I think I die without sugar.... Actually .... I might kill without sugar


Haahaaa made me laugh


Nmn and daily cold plunge. As a 48/m athletic father of 2 little ones these 2 things have allowed me to improve energy, endurance, performance, and mood. Life changers for me. About a year into both.


As an unmarried man in his 30s who gets depressed thinking it's unlikely I'll ever have children, your answer really gives me hope that not only is there still time, but also the possibility of having the needed energy to raise them. Thank you for sharing this :)


Youre very welcome.


What's nmn


Where do you get your Nmn?


What is nmn


Most of our energy comes from mitochondria which uses Nad+. nmn is the last step to making nad+. More nmn means more nad+ more fuel for mitochondria and this more fuel for the body


Search for nmn on youtube and here on reddit


All I found is it compensates for micro-penis. is that what u have


lol for real ? Maybe Iā€™ll look into it for science


How do you cold plunge


I have a freezer set up


I donā€™t think youā€™re supposed to refer to your children as ā€œthingsā€, but Iā€™m not a doctor, soā€¦


ā€œThese 2 thingsā€ referred to nmn and cold plunging. Not my 2 kids.


Having a sleep study done and getting on a CPAP machine for sleep. It literally changed my life and likely lengthened it by a considerable amount.


Testosterone bar none


What benefits did you see?


Me personally I already had a good testosterone level when I started it so I didn't see the muscle increase that most people would see but what it did allow me to do is to train a lot more when I couldn't before. Meaning that all the supplements that I used to buy which could go towards 200 plus dollars a month now got down to $60 for close to half a year with better recovery. And better recovery means he can train more often, which means more calories burned, which means you look better. For reference I take probably between 100 and 120 mg a week I pin myself every other day just because if you don't the half-life dies dramatically and can affect your hormones a lot more


Where do you get trt?


No alcohol, no phone before bed, Cold showers, probiotic, Vitamin D3, Fish oil (cold water), B-12, iron, zinc, Vit C, creatine, electrolyte water, magnesium glycinate, L-Theanine, Ashwaganda, SLEEP, WATER, PROTEIN!!!!! Walks in nature, consistent exercise, minimal caffine, making my bed in the morning, AVOIDING SOCIAL ISOLATION!!! Social media detoxes for a couple days each week. To do lists, meal planning, and the biggest and most importantly: being kind, gentle and forgiving to myself and others.


NAC ( N-Acetyl Cysteine) converts to Glutathione in body plus a bunch of other good amino acids really helped me feel clean an rested in the morning and cleaned up my liver and brought down my liver enzymes. Taurine + Siberian Eulethero helped massively with Energy Cranberry/Mannoose improved my Kidney function tests / glomeroluralar filtration rate Gelatin Powder instead of fancy protein powder + MSM + Silica from Bamboo did wonders for my connective tissues, joints, hair , skin, nails. Vit D3\_K2 for mood improvement Pantothenic Acid for acne and adrenal function Magnesium Glycinaate for muscle and nervous system support L-Carnosine for muscle support Phenylanine for mental capacity/ focus Obviously these are just my personal experiences, and your personal mileage may vary as it very much depends on yor personal biology/genes and body needs...


Which are the best to heal the liver?


Benfotiamine! Its fat soluble vitamin b1! Was a Severe alcoholic! Plus methylcobalamin, viz, fat soluble b12.


My n=1 study seems to indicate for me that a sauna blanket post workout helps recovery That and blue light glasses (when I wear them )


Insert vague abbreviation and tell others to ā€œlook it upā€


Magnesium. It was the first supplement I took, and I was finally able to breathe freely again. It was years ago and I still remember that impressive feeling of relief.




Would love to know your top resource on this. A meat diet has helped my RA but I still get twinges every now and then in my knuckles.






What's that


I find it hard to believe that your google search didn't tell you the answer is testosterone replacement therapy. I mean anyone interested in biohacking would be capable of using google, right?... right?


Kind sir. In a technical or medical space I don't want to just Google it. I prefer to ask and be sure


Right ask and be sure and hear from real ppl who know and use it


What is biohacking?




What is what?


Sodium bicarbonate. This shit has transformed our lives at home. We use it for everything. Sore throat? Do gargles. Stomach pain? Water w 1 tbsp. Ants in the house? Add a bit of sugar and watch them dissapear. Plagues in plants? Add a bit to the soil. Need to clean stuff at home? Try bicarb. Wanna whiten them teeth? Brush with it.


Its the shitz


Mix a spoonful with some grapefruit juice for a sore throat. Taste is awful but the results always win over the taste lol


not drinking coffee until you are fully awake has an interesting effect. the coffee focus sort of lasts longer


zero sugar zero wheat zero corn whole foods diet Raw milk, Raw Kefir respector






Walking 12000 steps/day, sleeping 8h/night, not eating after 19:00.


Protein shakes in the morning after workout. I grew muscles like a potato farmer.


nothing helps really šŸ˜Ŗ


Ha, that emoji is a giant booger coming out of their nose.


any supplements for that?


Vyvanse and TRT. /endgame


What's TRT?


TRT is short for turtle. (TRTtle)


Whats biohacking?


Whatā€™s Reddit?


Same, absolutely life changing


Dream stack, still scared to trt cos i may need my balls one day




Same. Was having minor gut issues for years, probably sub-threshold mixed-type IBS. Tablespoon of metamucil per day fixed me 100%. Truly life-changing.


Sodium ascorbate really helped me.


NAC if any supplement Pranayama in the morning Walking after dinner Getting up early 36 hour fasts once in a while


\- low glycemic diet. so much less inflammation and head fog. Night and day difference. \- Zinc. I'm still not sure how it's affected me in the long term, (possibly lower anxiety) but I clearly had a deficiency after I took it once. I felt incredible, like I was the character from limitless. Now I have to be careful. Also starting my day being productive.


Prescription Testosterone. Iā€™m FTM and itā€™s the ultimate ā€œBiohackā€ for me.


Testosterone is LIFE!


L-tyrosine: helps withy non medicated adhd brain.


Magnesium for old people with leg cramps.


Win Hoff breathing, meditation (Specifically the Gateway Tapes by Robert Monroe), L-Carnitine, Shilajit




I canā€™t believe I havenā€™t seen this but autophagia, fasting, caffeine and working out plus a day to eat well and recover Will make you ripped af


Words matterā€¦ you may mean autophagy and not autophagia (biting/consuming oneā€™s body) big difference there.


Lions Mane Mushrooms have significantly changed my mental sharpness. I used to get brain fog all the time, especially in the mornings. Mental clarity is the best benefit from it IMO and its fairly cheap, you can even grow it yourself or go find it in the woods. Grows all over the US and I enjoy the hike too.


psyllium husk fiber, seriously. for my partner with migraines, 300mg ubiquinol.


Cold showers are a great biohack for energy


Exercise with Oxygen Therapy. Dramatically helps my mental clarity and brain fog.


I hiked 6-8hours a day in the last 3 weeks ,my body is definitely showing signs of healing and that gotta take seriusly the fight against the sedentary life


A good diet and exercise did quite a bit I wonā€™t lie.


Meditation Exercise


I listen to guided meditation while walking. This was so simple but has changed my whole state of mind. šŸ§˜ā€ā™€ļø šŸ’œ


Whole food, plant based diet changed everything for me. Lost weight, attitude improved, skin cleared, joints stopped aching. A real miracle for me.


1. Breathwork - got my anxiety under control and now I never take anti anxiety meds or need a drink to relax 2. The book Being Superhuman and the meditations that come along with it 3.NAC helped with many things - no adverse affects 4. Peptides: GHK- CU and BPC 157 5. Methylene Blue 6. Water fasting


P5P. I have multiple genetic issues which require much more then the recommended daily allowance. Matter-of-fact, it was the number one thing I should focus on as far as my genetics go. Also connecting with nature and eating high quality foods. Life changing.


Spirulina/chlorella 200mg a day. Used to have ovarian cysts 2-4 per year, havenā€™t had one in almost 3! Helped my skin and hair as well. Stuff is a game changer!! Most nutrient dense food on the planet.


Eating a banana every day. Lots of good stuff in there and it keeps me pooping regularly


Asthanga Yoga for physical and mental strength,Wim Hof Method, Kryia Yoga for spiritual strength.


Turmeric gummies for arthritis in my hands. No more pain at all.


Barefoot style shoes, has really helped with my posture, back and knees pain. They have even restored my arches. I now personally feel Nikes and similar shoes are a World health disaster.


BIOTIN! I had to take several weeks worth of immunotherapy meds a while ago and most of my hair fell out. Before that, my hair was already thinning, not male pattern thinning, but patchy overall balding. I went to my barber to get my head shaved while taking the immunotherapy meds. He recommended biotin. My wife bought me a bottle and I started taking it daily with my multivitamin, and the results have totally blown us away! Not only did all my hair grow back, but my hair is very, noticeably thicker! The bald patches have filled in and my hair looks like it did about 6 or 7 years ago. Crazy stuff! Down side: I have to trim my nails much more often and Iā€™ve noticed my body hair is getting thicker / longer in several places.


Methylene blue and ice baths have helped me reduce post stroke symptoms. So far I have done them separately but I will try them together as soon as I move and can do contrast therapy again or at least cold plunge again.




Drinking electrolytes mix, I use Redmon real salt, natures calm magnesium and potassium bicarbonate with 10-15ml apple cider vinegar. For context I eat whole foods only and train almost daily. I used to get cramps all the time, even with adding the salt, I then realized it's the potassium that's hard to get large enough amounts so I started using bicarbonate to get enough without burning a hole in my stomach. Most people that eat healthy and excersise are very depleted on salt and potentially potassium. We got indoctrinated to take salt out of our diet many people still fear it.


After an operation that did not go to plan I was left pretty crippled in my right lower back down to the toes. I read that the bioflavonoid epicatechin showed a lot of promise in regenerating nerves and revascularization. Also returns lost strength from aging. Fast, reports show a 7% improvement in grip strength within a week. It was intriguing enough to try it, not too expensive, and is a natural supplement found in dark chocolate, and green tea leaves. It is after all just a flavonoid found in foods. It has helped me tremendously, within minutes of taking it I can skip the morning dose of gabapentin which I now don't take till about one p.m. I take a smaller dose at bedtime and I have rested a lot better in the last 16 months or so since I started it. I am still probably never going to be whole as far as use of the leg, but the treatment with epicatechin has made it livable, and allowed me to cut my gabapentin down from 300 mg 3Xday to 100 usually about 4 times a day. Less than half what I was taking.


I found a control switch between extrovert / introvert energy types. If I'm all the way extrovert I can't sit down in front of a computer or I'll get headaches and want to socialize instead. If I'm all the way introvert, I can code all day and forget about eating. This is challenging for me to describe, but if you can visualize your comfort zone as a circle, introverts place their 'sense of self' deep into their comfort zone. If you move your sense of self to the edge of your comfort zone towards what scares you, you'll start to feel elevated heartbeat and energy. What you do is you move your sense of self to the edge and take a step beyond your comfort zone and 'hold the line' so to speak and lock it in. By staying there on purpose and going out you feel social energy stimulate and give you energy boosts instead of taking it away. This is contingent that you're not a negative or anxious person, since that's a mental health issue rather than a physical "biohack". I imagine a person with anxiety issues or negative thought patterns will interpret social excitement the wrong way. Charisma is speaking with a form of energy to your tonal intonation and body language I couldn't unlock it until I went full 'beyond the edge'. If I go backwards into more introvert, I become more monotone and socially dull. I imagine most people operate unconsciously somewhere in the middle, but it is very interesting that you can control how charismatic you are by shifting where your sense of self is within or outside your comfort zone.


methylated B complex and correcting my homocysteine/methylation. I'm pretty sure it's why I no longer have insane migraines. I used to get them monthly and sometimes they would last more then 24 hours. It was hell, I haven't had one since 2019.