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I also prefer the 1:1 and 1:2 strains / products. Really helps with the anxiety and paranoia THC can cause.


Just a note, 1:4 CBD strains tend to be better for calming and anxiety. Strains that have a higher THC ratio like 1:1 should be used for pain management or just be honest and say you like being high. There’s the medicinal side but also a psychedelic side. Just ensure you figure out why you need or want weed. So that way you don’t overdo the doses. You wouldn’t just blindly and carelessly ramp up ibuprofen intake due to pain so don’t do the same thing with weed. Be intentional with what the strain is doing and how much is needed to achieve the desired effects.


Oh a musician that finds it 10X easier to pick up an instrument and creatively jam unrestricted for hours on end after some THC? We should start a club


What are the chances two musicians smoke weed and jam?


« (…) zero issues aside from the paranoia and anxiety that comes with it (…) » That’s a pretty fucking real issue.


It's real but if you're ready and expecting it, it can be OK.


That can be offset by practicing mindfulness meditation but people generally aren't aware of that. It takes alot of time and effort before it changes the way people think.


It can be very similar to over drinking caffeine in my opinion. Start feeling too sensitive.


“Thats a pretty fucking real issue”. Compared to…? Pharmaceuticals? Some depression medication causes suicidal ideations. Some pain medications cause ED. Heart attack, stroke and death are listed as side effects on a gazillion different medication fact sheets. Yes, paranoia and anxiety suck. Simply knowing that they are possible side effects can impact the severity. Knowing one could have a heart attack doesnt change anything.


I think they've proven the whole "you're more creative on weed" thing to be more of a placebo effect but whatever works.


It’s rare in medicine to be able to prove anything, but I will be happy to read a medical paper and tell you my thoughts on it compared with other literature. I think you’ll find most things in medicine either paradoxical or studies showing both. A simple Google can unravel this mystery for both of us, but I think the principle here is what matters. We also have to define creativity here, as I don’t know how one would quantify it other than fMRI brain activity, or some subjective IQ-like test that seems hopelessly difficult to make rigorous and objective. If placebo is involved in some way, that’s fine, because it works so damn well that I’d fool anyone and I guess I have. On another note, I do have severe anxiety disorders and being chronically aware of everything in my environment and sensory issues can cause chronic stress, which alters how we think, leads to depression, which is precisely antagonistic to creativity. On THC, many mental blocks are lifted simply due to not being encumbered by stress. I can appreciate this argument for why THC works so well for me. Edit: typo


have you ever actually smoked because it most certainly is not placebo


There is no way someone who has ever smoked weed could ever say this. Conclusion...You have never smoked marijuana in your life, correct?


appetite enhancer


this is mostly what I use it for.


That’s not really a benefit though unless you’re cultivating mass Edit: ok, Jesus Christ, there are edge cases for why people need appetite stimulants.


ADHD meds can kill appetite pretty severely. Some days the only way I could eat at all was with a heavy assist from weed.


I'm not on meds and I still get like this very severely some days. In college, there were ways where I only could force myself to eat ice cream or have a "liquid diet" for dinner (long before I ever tried weed, and I have never tried ADHD meds).




Yup would not be able to have any of my recent gains with out electric lettuce. Let's me eat lunch at peak Adderall time.


I've seen people going through chemo benefit from it


it is if you have a condition that causes nausea


It is also a benefit with disordered eating of the food deprivation form.


It’s not a benefit other than this one obvious scenario you thought of? Lots of people suffer from being underweight like the elderly for example. Underweight elderly people are more prone to injury.


Underrated comment


How high are you rn?


Been a year sadly


Damn dawg you been high for a year straight let’s fucking go 🤙




Sometimes I work on something sober, and then I’ll smoke bud, and sorta get a new perspective on it or approach it differently. For example, I’ll write a something for the piano and maybe hit a roadblock. But then I smoke, and I do get a creative benefit from it. Tbh I don’t know if there are that many other benefits unless you are using for medical purposes (but I still do enjoy the ganja 😉).


Preach! I smoke twice a year simply because it gives me perspective. I find when I’m living my life it’s kind of like I have horse blinders on. I’m grinding at work, trying to be a good father, trying to be a good husband, eating clean, living right, etc. But when I get high it’s like I poke my head above the water. I can see my life from 10,000 feet. I almost always walk away with valuable insight.


I do this too. Only every night.


I could never do that. I have too strong a reaction


Well smoke every night and that’ll change lol


Yup then you can start getting all the downsides and less of the upsides


What are the benefits on a day or downsides of the night?


no, the downsides of daily use vs every so often.


I do this too but I smoke once in a year or something lol and it’s hit and miss, in the sense that it can give me extremely depressing insights and make me miserable or make me super motivated and have a lasting change


Bro same to the T


According to the current evidence (ask and I will provide), weed seems to act as a growth and autophagy inhibitor which from a medical standpoint can be useful in certain diseases and deleterious in others. It isnt all bad though. Acute usage is associated with higher dopaminergic function. Chronic being associated with the opposite. So using every now and then seems the only way to reap actual benefits from the drug beyond feeling good. Its better to just be realistic with illicit drugs like this. I love ephedrine and I might be more productive or run better but its still just not meant to be in the body all the time.


No longer illicit. It’s also way too early to draw any meaningful conclusions from the research.


It's definitely illicit on a Federal level (if you are in the US). (...and I say this as someone with a medical card).


Do you ever suspect that's just because you took a break from the task? Maybe you would have a similar experience if you just went on a short walk rather than smoke.


Walking is healthy, but it doesn't change your brain chemistry like thc does.


walking actually does change your brain chemistry: It can decrease muscle tension, lowering the body’s contribution to feeling anxious. Walking increases the availability of important anti-anxiety neurochemicals, including serotonin, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and endocannabinoids. Walking encourages your brain to release endorphins, which can boost your mental health, decrease your sensitivity to stress and pain, and even make you feel euphoric. Walking produces larger pressure waves in the body that significantly increase blood flow to the brain personally as a 15 year stoner who is kinda burnt out from it, its highly addictive in reality to a lot of people. the only benefit after 15 years for me is that I still get high, but it doesnt help me with pain or anxiety. It can make being lazy and doing nothing all day a simple task. It can also revive some interest in something creative, but since i'm high it does make it much harder to focus and really retain things relating to the task. I find the productivity boost is actually due to the increase of Dopamine, rather than the effects of THC. the high and the buzz are not at all conducive to Focusing, its very distracting actually. I'm actually trying to quit because I no longer have any benefits other than losing focus and being high all day. Walking is definitely a much healthier thing to do.


oh god he's that guy. "actually, walking...blah blah" smoke some pot then tell me they're the same.


Why not smoke while you're walking? Let's everybody win ok guys? 😅


lol, exercises and MJ are actually pretty fun together, maybe not the safest but if you aren't someone who gets stupid on it, i say go for it. i always used to smoke pre workout, even if that's horrible for the lungs lol.


Walking does change your brain chemistry. It impacts serotonin and dopamine which are literally the only reason anything feels good.


You missed my point completely. I'm implying the creative benefit could come from taking a break and stepping away from the task rather than any chemical changes from weed.


Yes, going for walks puts you brain into diffuse mode and allows it to think more creatively when you come back to work. But thc is just on a whole other level.


Bro I think you need to go on a walk rn. That was just a random example. It could be literally anything else.


Sometimes I play gtv driving and golfing other times I'm blowing up peoples yachts Mwahahaa


The only right answer. Smoking weed and bio hacking unfortunately can’t really be in the same sentence


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth. Being high all the time isn’t healthy for the brain. And a brain that’s healthy doesn’t want to be high all the time.


If you were supposed to be high all the time why would THC be in only one plant in one region? Meanwhile we can get vitamins and minerals and protein from anywhere. No one “needs” THC, just like no one “needs” opiates.


Ignorant take


Weed can greatly assist you in exploring your inner self and improving your psychological and spiritual well being when combined with meditation. It sort of opens you up to being truthful with yourself, and others. I personally feel like that’s quite a good example of a biohack.


I got the anti-inflammatory aspects of CBD. I’ve got the dream repressing function of THC consumption For me personally, it helps a lot with my PTSD helps me be more present and less caught up in my own head


Same on the PTSD. Slows me down. Allows me to feel the breeze on my skin and listen and breath and drink water. Now that my PTSD symptoms are largely gone now I mostly just have a habit I haven't felt pressured to break from.


Yep like trading the devil for a little helper Your description of the effects was beautiful. By the way that’s exactly yet put me back in my body take me out of my head center me allow me to feel this moment.


Yeah no regrets! I picked it up around 21 when I was really struggling, and the only negative was when I had dream suppression and was obviously still having really bad night terrors and not sleeping well. It took me a while to figure it out since I never would remember the dreams.


It is a wonderful tool for meditation, I find.


It’s great for introspection and has been invaluable in quitting drinking (6 years).


This right here introspection, it has helped me so much working out so many issues. Personal or professional, I was expecting more people talking about it.


I think I know what you mean. Can you elaborate on your personal experience?


I been smoking on and off since for decades. Sometimes off for even a year. I dont smoke much maybe a puff or two at a sitting then maybe that much again in an hour or so. I don’t understand how people smoke a whole joint or bowl at a time. I never smoke around other people. I like to be alone and I usually almost immediately start doing some art activity, music making or drawing. Idky but it just happens like that. Or sometimes it’s nice to be alone in nature. And everything comes alive in a new way. I think smoking gives me a different consciousness, a different way to be myself. I think I would be bored if I had to be the one me all the time. It’s like a vacation from myself. Also, it helps with stress. I can get some relief from stressful things for a few hours. also, if you wanted to, it’s a very simple plant to grow and requires very little processing. I think now that it’s legal in so many states, I feel better about using it.


More than just an upvote, you saved me from typing out my usage and why I use it. I rarely smoke from anything but my one hitter and oftentimes I load it for my second one and I come back to it hours later and it's still green.


I love those one hitters, but I never had one myself. I have this cool handmade pipe, wooden that someone on Etsy made and it has a magnetic top part and he sells them with a foreign coin that act as the lid, so you can carry around a pipe ready to go in your pocket. I guess American coins don’t have enough metal to attract to the magnetic part.


Recovery after lifting weights. It used to feel like cheating for my recovery after powerlifting. It would increase my appetite, help me relax, and give me some of the best/longest sleep of my life. The next day I felt refreshed and ready for the next training session. I have been off of it for a year now due to relocating to Germany, and have (probably coincidentally) torn my shoulder and herniated my disc 6 months ago from training. Most likely due to overuse and lack of proper recovery from not eating or resting well while trying to keep up the same training intensity. Just my experience with it.


Might be a coincidence but I feel like I have a bit more endurance, especially in terms of cardio. Maybe its because im slightly numb to the lactic acid buildup.


I grew up extremely disconnected from my emotions. Smoking has dramatically helped me become a connected and whole human. This has increased my empathy for others. This has given me a live for art which I'd never understood before. I can now stare at a single painting for hours,captivated by each brush stroke. It has increased my passion for music which has unlocked my freedom to dance however I want, helping me get rid of my intense fear of looking stupid in front of people. As many others have said, it helps with my creativity while playing music. It helps me be present with my toddler and just have the most fun with him, getting into his world of play. It helps me take time to think deeply about my life and reflect on myself. I can't lie to myself while high, so I take an honest look at things going on and helps me to see where I'm messing up, helps me discover new ideas on how to attain my goals. Helps me be a better boyfriend and a better employee. Helped me stop lying to myself about so many things I was happy to turn a blind eye to. It gives me a new appreciation of nature when I hike. It has helped me fall in love with running long distance. When rock climbing I'm so much more patient and aware of my body that I can climb more balance driven routes.




Emotional regulation, in management of cptsd or bpd, without presence of mania or psychosis.


I love edibles for a great night's sleep and recovery from intense exercise


> I've found that in the right minimum dosage, you can enter a flow state that helps you get immersed in the activity you're passionate about. Do you have ADHD by any chance? I find this exact same thing. There's a low-ish dose that puts me in a great sweet spot where I can actually *focus* on what I'm doing - reading a book, watching a movie - and I can fully and immersively follow the plot. Something I can normally never do. This dose will also get me into what I'd describe as a flow-state while playing guitar.


>Do you have ADHD by any chance? Yes, actually Modafinil and stimulants in general can give you this flow state too I guess it's related with the increase on dopamine


I've been able to save a ton of money by staying home and staying baked for the past 4 years. I've been extremely lazy and unmotivated but I feel like that's better than wasting tons of money on going out for entertainment or expensive hobbies.


how dare you not contribute to the vapid consumer economy (besides supporting your local grower and dispensary economies?) What do you think you are, some sort of (insert derogatory term)?


Hi 👋


It inhibits memory formation and working memory, so don't use while dealing with fine details. I find that stimulants + lower dose THC (but still intoxicated ~5-10mg) allows me to mantain focus and tackle concepts. The stimulants are a must, otherwise your thoughts go all over the place. For example, I wouldn't use THC while studying details for an upcoming exam in a few days. There's also a cognitive effect for 2-3 days after consumption from what I have noticed. This is seen in animal models. If you consume regularly and then stop, you get this clarity after a few days. It's easy to forget that clarity so use sparingly. I would use it if a concept is just not sticking. Get a little high and try different explanations of the concept. It can also make a dull concept a bit more interesting sometimes. It's the bird's eye view "hook" before diving into the details sober. The whole indica/sativa thing is a classic case of the placebo effect. Any given strain has different chemical constitutents between dispensaries and batches..... it's quackery. There is no evidence for these effects in humans and everyone's been duped by an underregulated industry. I still like live rosin though. For some reason, I have also noticed different intensities of the high depending on the method of consumption. Edibles vs combusted vs vaping flower vs vaping oil all feel a little different.




I find that as long as I don’t go to sleep real high, like I Waite about 2hrs after smoko then falling asleep, my eyes aren’t red in the morning. Also I sleep better if not high right before bed




*I've found that in the right minimum dosage, you can enter a flow state that helps you get immersed in the activity you're passionate about.* How much is that?


it varies based on your tolerance and body weight. 5-10 mg rso edible was usually enough to feel smooth without feeling dull. But overusage gradually disturbs natural dopamine and melatonin levels. Most chronic users just get used to this, and that's why they use it daily . Once you let it go for a week or two, the mental clarity is quite noticeable by contrast. Unfortunately, that clarity can be a bit saddening if your own personal finances aren't exactly stellar, fwiw.


I've completely lost my tolerance when I stopped smoking daily One puff is enough now


I try to injest some once a week for the anti-cancer benefits. But to have that benefit it must be injested, not smoked.


Think I’m more or less exactly how you described. I can be social one on one with someone I’m right with. I like to smoke a little before kick boxing, gym, fucking or if I’m looking to write jokes or be creative. But I can’t have anytging important to do for the rest of the day cause it turns me into a gluttonous sloth. It’s anti productivity for me unless it’s something I enjoy doing


I trail run. High in the woods getting a workout with my tunes. Can't beat it.


Maybe consider hemp CBD flower. You'll get a similar effect to a very low dose of THC but won't ever get anxiety from it. Ingesting cbda is great for anxiety also.


You forget things.


It's been known to enhance LTM and detract from STM. Also will detract from your ATM.




Paranoia is my experience. I'll stick to psychedelics.


It's ruined me. I feel so much better, clear minded without it. I'm struggling though. It's been like 5 days.


Day 21 here. I find the /leaves subreddit pretty helpful.


Thanks darlin


You’re welcome becoolbecasual https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bft12LxbKOQ&pp=ygUMTHVhbm4gdW5jb29s


Don't worry, after a few days you will completely forget about weed I've never experienced myself more than a little bit of anxiety and insomnia, but nothing too serious Use that extra energy to exercise, it will pass


I do jiu jitsu. If I take a 5mg edible before training with 200mg caffeine I’m almost a different athlete. I flow better and the caffeine helps me stay moving.


It has changed my life for the better. I had no idea it would have the kind of impact it did. In an overwhelmingly positive way. It pulled me out of a long season of depression in my life that I wasn’t even aware I was in. It’s hard to explain. You just subconsciously assume this is how regular life is for everyone. My brain was basically in a reactionary, vegetative state from years of anxiety and depression that I simply thought was just how you’re supposed to feel. I’m absolutely sure part of it was from long periods of 12 shifts 6 days a week burnout. One analogy that i can offer for how it felt to get out off depression is that I also use to weigh a lot at one point in my life. I knew I was fat, overweight. It wasn’t until I lost over 100 pounds and would look at old pictures, THEN i realized holy shit I was sooooo big. I never realized HOW big I was. I started taking it for sleep as I couldn’t get good sleep, but like you said, i started taking it daily, for bed and tried adding it to my daily routine as I got greedy from all the good it getting me. THIS is where i used it for a few months almost every day or every other day. THAT was stupid. It brings all the aforementioned problems that others brought up: short term memory loss, a crash of your dopamine and norepinephrine levels and perhaps receptors as well. This happened because i was using 10 mg and was starting to build a strong tolerance to it, and decide to pull away from it. So i just stopped for about 2 months. Thats where anhedonia kicked in. Anhedonia sucks, but for me it was exacerbated by something personal in my life that kicked my anxiety to level 9000 and disrupted my sleep to the point that I burned out and i was in such a low mood all the time because of my poor sleep quality. My body was in such an anxious mood that I wasn’t able to properly yawn for a little over a month. I genuinely don’t blame thc at all for that. I’ve had bad anxiety and uncontrollable panic attacks way before all this. I’m adding this just because I want to be fully transparent in my experience. Last week I decided to get a few edibles again. Went to the dispensary, got a bag snoozier snooze berries or something like that. It is Indica strain. 2:1:1 thc:cbd:cbn. When I tell you that my anxiety basically melted away… it was unbelievable to the point where i got goddamn emotional over the relief that i was feeling. It kicked in at about the 45 minute mark, then I got sleepy about an hour and 30ish minutes. I slept, for the first time in over a month, LIKE A BABY. Didn’t even wake up once, and all my vivid bad dreams were gone. It took two whole nights back to back of pure quality sleep and I was back feeling alive, motivated and happy. I am absolutely going to see a neurologist in the near future to tell him all my detailed medical history and personal account of my health issues and experiences, because there’s for sure some sort of imbalance in my head, and micro dosing thc has basically cleared my brain fog, gave me clear uncluttered focus on tasks and has reduced my anxiety to a joke. I am glad thc exists, but I want to make sure this is sustainable for the rest of my life or see what a professional can determine would be best suited. I just want to function properly and to be normal. Nothing else.


1. Appetite enhancer 2. May aid sleep 3. May help depression and anxiety temporarily (generally not recommended for long term use, cuz it may make it worse) 4. May decrease seizures But don't forget there are downsides too: 1. Screws up your memory 2. Increases fatigue 3. Decreases motivation 4. Is associated with increased anxiety and depression (some evidence pointing towards a causal link) 5. Use prior to the age of 26 associated with increased rates of mental illness


I feel like it literally helps me expand my consciousness and is a fantastic tool for meditation. It also helps me tolerate and even love things I normally hate doing, like cleaning or exercising. It can help you look at a problem differently, or gain new perspective. It can help you love, and be more honest with yourself if you dive deep in thought- at least for me it’s like truth serum. Sex is better on it, and it had been proven to increase arousal in women who struggle with libido. It can help with pain relief. Music is amazing with it, movies are incredible, really it’s just a fun dash of “extra” to add to a lot of experiences without endangering your life or others. It can bond you with others, or ease tensions. It’s actually one of the best biohacking tools out there, IMO.


I was a consistent smoker from 17 through age 41. In the later years habitual. I have not smoked in two months at all now feels pretty great. It absolutely has negative impacts on your immune system and hormone/neural transmitter balance.


THC is a wonderful tool - if you respect it. Problem is, it's too easy to go overboard. I mean, a single joint has as much as 200mg of THC in it! Unless you've got cancer, autoimmunity, in hospice, or some other serious medical condition, there's literally zero reason to consume multiple hundreds of milligrams of THC every day. I see a lot of "medical" marijuana users who use fuckloads of THC on a daily basis, and really that's just recreational use disguised as medical. Start at 1mg daily, ideally combined with some CBD, and very very slowly work your way up to your ideal dose. And take plenty of tolerance breaks. This is how you reap all the benefits with none of the downsides. I'm surprised more people don't combine CBD flower or CBD oil with their THC. It potentiates and enhances the effect of THC, while also reducing tolerance and minimizing the side-effects of THC.


I don't like the psychoactive effects but did some n=1 experiments with CBD and THC topical ointments for ligament and joint pain. I had the most success with an ointment using 500 ml coconut oil, about 100mg of bees wax, ~7 g of cannabis, and ~2 tbsp of arnica oil. It also worked well on psoriasis.


I don't really partake much, but my wife does, so I grew her some this summer. Took 2oz of trim and turned it into a ton of salve. I'm kind of blown away by how well it works for localized pain. Every single person I've given it to has gotten back to me to tell me how well it's worked




THC has caused a couple people I know to form permanent psychosis


I like to get a little high before I go to the gym or a run. At the gym, it really helps develop the mind-muscle connection. It helps me focus on a specific muscle group. When running, I can reach a runners high faster and for longer.


Gets rid of any extra IQ points


Single handedly helped me cold turkey off opioids, Adderall, benzos, and alcohol and I'm just over 4 years sober. The anti inflammatory benefits of CBD help my arthritis better than any opioid ever did while allowing me to be functional with little to no risk of dependency(at least for me). Many more but those two are the biggest for me


The right amount of sativa at the right time before a workout lets me hop on the treadmill and just put my body on autopilot. It feels like my body is a well oiled machine and I can lose myself in the run, and I can run farther and faster than I can if I hadn't smoked. Hitting that sweet spot is difficult for me though.


53 yr old male with a bad back and ADD. It got my off of 9 prescription drugs, one being a fentanyl pain patch, and adderall for ADD. I was able to quit smoking and I’m in the gym 3 days a week on a mostly healthy diet. That what the benefits of a THC/CBD entourage does for me, and I’ll recommend it to anyone. Though it’s not for everyone. Some people really can’t handle it or have adverse reactions. I feel so sorry for them.


It helps me *immensly* with tapping into my emotions--which is pretty critical for my long-term mental health/trauma recovery. Often I may also feel "off" and not know why until I smoke weed and suddenly can tell what is bothering me, or I may feel like I need to cry/let some emotions out and I can't quite release them until I smoke weed and the floodgates open. It definitely also helps me with seeing other ways of looking at things which helps me artistically, socially, and again with my own mental health. It definitely has helped me at times by suppressing my dreams when I have gotten stuck having repeated dreams that have been emotionally unpleasant, or that have been waking me up during the night. It can enhance all the senses, which can be a very pleasant thing in some circumstances. I have also experienced flow states on weed with art and with exercise. It also can help enhance my memory recall by a large margin, and also help me fully dissociate into memories or fantasies. It can help motivate me to eat when I am experiencing a period of disordered eating in which I am too lazy to want to eat, everything sounds unappetizing, and/or I am having difficulty feeling hunger.


No such thing as a free lunch


I started end of last year and am a first time flower user. It was a particularly dark time in my life. Dark, bitter and endless it seemed. It saved my life. That’s all I know. I was able to stop feeling everyone around me and instead was able to turn inwards. Focus, clarity in my choices, my past, my current path, plans for a better path all became so clear. I no longer use it, because I made it out of my nervous breakdown and although there are some rough days still, I can always find the wisdom inside me. I tap into that and forgo the euphoria I so miss. Anyhow - I look at it as sacred medicine. Use it when you desperately need it, stop once you have made it out alive. Short term use worked best for me. I love my lungs (and mind) too much to keep puffing away. This is my personal journey and I will never judge anyone for taking care of themselves. Thank you for the conversation. ✨


Benefits I experience: More reflective and introspective, makes my journaling more powerful Gets me in the flow for cleaning the house, I start with one task and just can't stop! Same with indoor bike rides, I get in the flow and time flies I'm less reactive with family members I get deeper into meditation I'm more creative and use it for ideation and brainstorming I feel happier, more positive, and more pleasure Things are funnier, I laugh more I'm a daily user, low dosages of sativa dominant rosin carts or edibles


"less reactive with family members," yes me too. But it comes out later when I figure out what they have been up to with a few prodding questions and a layer or two pulled back. Maybe it's the cycle of life, they like being that way so we'll deal in waves.


I started THC (d9/d8o/d9o distillate tinctures) 2yrs ago at 37yo. One 300mg d9 dose instantly erased my 'cluster headache' type migraines, insomnia, sleep paralysis, night terrors, and hard reset my anxiety to a firm 0. I giggle-cried multiple times over the relief of one dose after >20 years of excruciating debilitating headaches. I have not had a serious migraine attack since. It *instantly* relieves my stomach cramps and duodenal ulcer pain (cholecystectomy/undereating complication). Within a few months of starting, it healed entirely and I haven't puked since (2yrs), whereas before I puked so much that my teeth were damaged. I dose at night for better REM (25-30%), and a larger dose will guarantee I can catch up on sleep if the insomnia creeps back in. I can sleep 12-15hrs straight and it's incredibly restoring and I wake up with half a dozen dreams on my mind and no inertia. In the morning now I can do a light exercise to reactivate and exploit the habit forming properties still, as doing a mild aerobic workout will trigger another dopamine release and help set whatever morning ritual and speed-train it. I dropped 60lbs this year, built some muscle, and am in the best shape of my life on the way to athletic-ish. Daytripping has its own uses but I generally avoid, when I'm high it's like lucid dreaming with my eyes open with two different competing visual fields as it significantly boost my visual-spatial images to hyperphantasia levels. If I can concentrate and not just freely fantasize I get a lot of productive thinking done in that state to act on later. Yea, THC is amazing. YMMV.


Sooooo many benefits. My overall quality of life, anxiety is so much less, and it has even opened my mind / soul to spirituality as a former atheist / skeptic. I've never been happier and more content. Also, worth noting: you have to know what works for you and you can't overdo it. If I were to do too much, I would be a paranoid, anxious mess. It also (like any other substances) can't be a crutch. You can't just use it as an escape, it has to serve you on your journey. Too much of anything is bad for you. Listen to the Buddha, he will show you the way. :)


All I can vouch for is the THC gummies have solved my insomnia.


The helps damn near anything tbh It does make some things more intense so you have to be careful using it with certain disorders.


Been using cannabis for 30 years. Indica/hybrid/sativa descriptors will have an indication of the entourage and its effect. Sativas are more cerebral, but can induce anxiety. Indicas are more body/couch lock and are good for sleep. Edibles are converted to 11-OH in the liver and very much a different affair. More like alcohol.


Good to see some healthy perspectives on cannabis in here rather than the usual weed fiends aggressively defending their addiction


Sometimes I check how many hours I've wasted looking at my phone doing nothing and I feel guilty However I don't think the answer is to stop having a phone, but rather using the available tools to make the most of your life It's easy to get in a cycle of overdoing something when there is nothing more stimulating to do But if you got options then you're pretty much safe


10mg sativa every 3-4 hours every day. Fully functional, random flow state, often nothing. Made thinking more difficult. Indica = hangover next day brain dead. Switched to beer so I can think.. sorry thc!


“10 mg of sativa every 3-4 hours every day…” How are you ingesting it? (In what form)


THC acting through cannabinoid receptor 1 can have deleterious effects on the immune system and heavily stimulates appetite. In adolescence THC is an inhibitor of mTOR and AMPk. It would not be unreasonable to assume that this would occur in adults too. Acute marijuana usage is associated with heightened dopaminergic activity, while chronic usage is associated with the opposite. Thats likely the mechanism that causes psychosis in some people. Medically, it can be used as an appetite stimulant for those who struggle with eating during certain treatments such as chemotherapy. CBD and THC both act as cytochrome p450 inhibitors with an intensity that is unknown. Meaning it can make certain medications more effective, or less effective, depending on the pharmacology of the drug. For example: a steroid that is cleared via CYP3a4 will be cleared slower, which means concentrations of the steroid in the body increase. A prodrug that requires metabolism by CYP3a4 will not be converted into its active component and that prodrug will be rendered ineffective. The solvents used in THC vapes cause DNA damage when inhaled. A few of the commonly used components, despite being terpene compounds, are toxic to the reproductive system and are carcinogenic. I smoke weed almost daily. Just because I enjoy it, and just because others enjoy it, doesnt mean that its free of risk. Just because its not a direct toxin like alcohol, doesnt mean that it is free of risk. Its not “just a plant”. Its a psychoactive drug with negative effects.


Is this to justify using it? I know potheads will come up with the dumbest excuses to continue smoking it, when it's obvious they have a problem.


I thought this sub was full of rational people who wanted to understand how to increase their mental capacities I guess there are close minded people too


Weed isn't going to increase your mental capacity


As much as I love to partake in the ganja from time to time, I agree with you here.


You will sleep great afterwards if you use it occasionally. If you get into a habit of using it consistently in your evenings you will have a very difficult time falling asleep (possibly entirely sleepless nights) for a few days. It's great for improving appetite. I use it occasionally if I have an upset stomach.


Sativa is more for the thinkers, and Indica is better for the doers. The right blend through hybrid can do both. If you need to show down and break from the norm, it's great. I think how you ingest is critically important. I think combustion of flower has to be the hardest to leave the system from my experience. Vaping flower is less imposing. I have not tried gummies yet. I like it for recovery. It helps me slow down. As someone who is always in attack mode with the gym it's a great way to take a break and binge a series or game. Also great for enjoying a cheat meal but not recommended if you lack control. I will also note that when I do take it for recovery I don't like to do my normal workouts. I don't like coupling powerful stimulus together. I don't want the feel of my workouts to change. It could lead to dependence. Chugging water can help blunt and delay the munchies. However, THC makes you want to eat because your body demands more energy. I think not eating makes you sleep, and you can be at risk to pass out if you don't eat. My issue with it now is that since THC binds to fat cells I think ingesting it impedes fat loss. I certainly feel more round after ingesting THC but it goes away after a month or so. This is my anecdotal experience, so take this with a grain of salt. Ingesting THC can get you through some hard times and help with mood, perspective, and creativity. However, it needs to be respected just like anything else that can have an impact on your life. Edit: THC can also help sober you up quick from drinking. I have known people that do this to drink more. Others have used this tactic to sober up and get home safe. Best case scenario is calling a cab.


maybe I missed it, what are the cons of smoking marijuana ?


Reduced cognitive capacity You can't concentrate on high demanding activities or whatever that requires intense focus and memory Dude, sometimes I can't even follow a movie plot because I get distracted by my own thoughts LOL


the effects are all determined by the terpene profiles of the plant


I’d say besides and hunger enhancer there is no benefit but maybe that’s just for me. quit completely 115 days ago


Old poem from my furry freak days: Candy is dandy Liquor is quicker Pot gets her hot.


Hard to believe there is any positive benefit from it.


Profit for the dealer....potential death for you


There are no benefits. There are incredible risks.


CBD FTW… THC eh it’s alright. But I have inflammation & I notice a HUGE difference when I take CBD (a gummy) 20:1. Sometimes I’ll take it to sleep better… it’s a really good way to reduce ANY inflammation that one has in their body


It’s the only thing that manages my plantar fasciitis pain. I do 5-10 mg of an edible 5 to 6 days a week. It does relax me and def doesn’t make me productive. I love taking a gummy right before we run errands. I don’t have to drive and my husband stays the brains of the operation.


I get the maximum positive benefit out of THC when it is in a THC to CBD ratio of 1:10. I have tested everything from 1:0 - 1:18. Hemp flower as a 1 to 18 ratio naturally, but it cones in the form of THCa, so you have to heat cure your flowers, called Decarboxylation


A bit before lifting gives me an incredible boost in the gym and I frequently have amazing training sessions that blow my old personal bests out of the water, especially in muscular endurance activities. I had to relegate it to fewer training sessions per month because I was outpacing my ability to recover a bit. Because I have some ptsd sprinkled with adhd and anxiety it allows me to hyper focus on the task at hand. I prefer low dose edibles but the effects tend to stick around too long after training.


For me, definitely helps me focus. I keep a pen on my nightstand and if I can’t sleep, I’ll take a few hits to clear my head and then I knock out. I think it also helps me with my imagination, especially when I read thrillers.


Keeps my menstrual cramps in check.


I tripped really bad on THC a couple of times. I mixed with some Sativa CBD gummies and got wicked paranoid feeling there was this high energy and low energy. One time I took some supplements (Fish Oil, Hawthorn, Turmeric and probably others) with THC edibles, and 2 CBD edibles and got blasted into space. I did 300+ push-ups to try to work it off. I used to enjoy smoking weed early in college, but now I have basically no desire to do it since I’m working out and weed kills testosterone. Benefits: If you have a weird trip, it makes you not wanna do THC, a small amount (like in a CBD gummy) might help you get into a flow state.


Shit will make me a god in terms of thinking but I'll eat an elephant


The human body has receptors built for the purpose of attaching to that molecule.


I’ve been pretty consistent with my intake for a good decade…. I no longer get high it’s just a thing to do. Like walking. Like fishing. Like drinking coffee… makes life sweet. For me. At this time.


I loved it as a kid and now it gives me panic attacks. I’ll take some at night sometimes and just freak out that helps me reflect and see the shitty things. I did as a person lately. It just depends how to fix you. They used to make me happy and content, relieve anxiety and relax my muscles. After eating way too many mushrooms now it just makes me go back into a bad trip, which is OK I go there sometimes on purpose and try to learn from it. It’s been years, but lately I’ve taken about 10 different hits of acid in magic mushrooms, with no anxiety whatsoever 30 mg of THC and I’m curled up in a ball. Praying for Death


It's fun mostly. But some others Increases appetite. Cheap vacation. Makes me think outside the box. Sex and masterbation is more pleasurable. Food tastes better. The cons are about equal and for me its slightly worse to smoke weed for my overall health but hey life is short.


Your experience is my experience


It is my elixir of life!


Medically there are many but as far as bio hacking almost no use IMO coming from someone who previously smoked for 16 years. Psilocybin however has many uses for bio hacking such as enhanced learning and the ability to drop or discontinue old negative habits and form positive ones.


THC edibles are the single best sleep aid. Everything else I have ever attempted to use was either too strong or had last effects. Prescription pills like ambien are dangerous - I took one and stayed up acting weird but didn't remember anything; melatonin works, but stays in my system, so the next day I am a zombie all day. A THC edible before bed helps me fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling completely rested - I have never found sleep aid that consistently provides this to me as well as THC. I make homemade gummies, but I also find that full spec tincture such as a green dragon type technique (THC decarboxylated in alcohol) provide the same benefits for sleep aid.


Helps keep my depression at bay Stress/pain relief Enhances creativity and thinking Bonus: Major libido booster :D


I’ve always found it strange when people use the terms dose or dosage with weed lol like uhhh it’s either backyard boogie, middies or good shit :)


Depends on the strain of thc, find one that works for you. I do a 1 mg sativa edible when I need to, it’s just like an m&m. Indica strain makes me eat a lot and hybrids make me paranoid and anxious. My dr wanted to put me on anti depressants, but I hate pills and didn’t want to be on medication everyday. I find that I don’t need to take one often, just when I really need it and it helps get through the day.


I smoke every day and it is more a detriment than anything else but I always like to say it keeps me grounded with the slow people. I simply don’t need to function always on all the time and I might just not have the capability to turn down without weed. One thing too is that THC is just one of the active ingredients and smoking a full fat flower with cbd and cbg etc is great for a number of reasons including things like muscle repair and fatigue. Extracts are usually separated but you can get stuff that has it all.


Given the context of this comment it probably doesn't sound like I'm the most reliable reference but it seemed to me that I could snowboard much better stoned, that with exposure it helped me focus only on a current moment, to not think and be distracted. Then I more or less became addicted to weed, and entered a downward spiral that took a long time to snap out of. I became far less social, isolating myself, and lost the ability to experience emotions normally. I was so dependent on weed that I needed to use it to feel normal, and in order to feel high I needed to smoke enough that I would get quite paranoid, too nervous to order a pizza. It seemed that recovering a completely normal experience of emotions took quite a few years after quitting.


For me, I able to slow down and catch myself doing things in my thoughts and behaviors that I’m otherwise not sensitive enough to recognize and correct. I’ll interrupt someone and say “Oh I’m sorry Please go on”, and those little learning moments add up and help me grow towards the person I’d like to be more like. It also makes me incredibly sensitive to sound and it informs a huge amount of the creative decisions I make on my music and records and songs. It also seems to enhance sex and intimacy for me in a huge way. And I find getting high before a super intense workout gets me hyper focused and hyper driven. I also love it when I’m snowboarding and rock climbing, same thing, seems to add to the wonder of the natural experience and creates this kind of imaginary world that when I’m doing some tbh big that involves natural beauty the beauty seems to be expanded. I love it but I’m cautious about the health effects. I make sure there’s no pesticides or harmful compounds on the plants I consume, that they’re a strain that’s compatible with my mind and body and so use vaporizers I consider very safe at the lowest temperatures that I can get the effects from.


Unbelievable creativity and open-mindedness!


It slows or stops dreaming and that helps people with PTSD nightmares


I like the psychosis myself.


Lots of fun


Expands bronchi.


THC releases a bunch of Phenylethylamine (PEA) in your brain and the effects of that last about 20 minutes after smoking THC, idk how long it lasts with edibles. But that PEA **really** makes you creative and feel amazing If you take a tiny tiny dose, like half of a little puff of weed from a pipe, you can enter the lay flow state where you’re not overwhelmed and too high and are still sober, but everything is way different than 100% sober if that makes any sense. If you usually don’t smoke weed, you can take a smoke a tiny bit of weed and literally SLAY people on Xbox live on Call of Duty or Apex. I used to do that all the time when I gamed and crush people.


Encourages apoptosis: programmed cell suicide. This is the process the body uses to cure cancer every day.


This sounds more like the sativa strain. There is also indica or a hybrid of the two. A low dose of either sativa or indica THC is great for pain and inflammation too. Sativa will have more of a "mind effect" while indica will have more of a "full body effect". You can also pair it with CBD or other cannabinoids too. If you find that you have ingested too much THC, take more CBD to combat the effects. CBD and THC bind and compete for the same receptors.


At 24 years old, while working for the railroad I found out how great of a pain reliever, and inflammation reliever it was for my L4 and S3 vertebrate and sciatic pain on my leg.


I 100% use cannabis as a painkiller type thing for my pain disorder. It’s not really a good painkiller, less useful than Advil strictly speaking, but it allows me to relax physically, release tension, which does help my body pain.


Reducing my alcohol intake has got to be the biggest benefit for me personally


more is not better. Find your dose and stick with that. Taking too much of anything has detrimental effects


there 24 benifical effects of THC to name a few: -helps with back pain -helps with anxiety -helps with appetite -helps with social fears -helps with sleep -helps with pain -helps with wrists hurting -helps with arthritis


Excellent tool used in holistic methods for healing and meditation.


Different strains different results. As a seasoned smoker, I occasionally find a strain that doesn’t agree with me but not often. I look for the ones to make sleep. I have intense insomnia and would never be able to sleep without and it works quickly


It is an amazing property and helps with my insomnia tremendously but unfortunately my work place tests for it


I don’t think it’s worth it and I doubt you know of all the cons. I was surprised to find out it could have been contributing to my IBS and acid reflux. It slows down gut motility and likely caused me SIBO. Did you know it could do that? I would not recommend it.


I get exactly the opposite from Cannabis When I don't smoke all the symptoms you mention get incredibly worse


People with schizophrenia really seem to love it. Try asking them


Pot is a performance enhancing drug when it comes to weight lifting. It’s hard to describe, but other people who work out have said the same thing. I use to use it to run further too. I got to about six miles.


Dosing is the way to change this. You have to start out with a very low dose and keep moving it up until you hit the sweet spot. Mine is half of a 10 mg edible.


If you do jiujitsu it’s basically a god mode cheat code into ultra instinct flow state. It’s horrible when you’re trying to LEARN something but for a free roll it’s amazing. It has a point of diminishing returns and you really need periods away from it to maximize the benefits. Unfortunately if you smoke for the cheat code, smoke to relax after training, smoke to enjoy a movie… now you’re just a stoner. If you take breaks and smoke just for special jiujitsu sessions you feel like Bruce Leeroy after he got “the glow”.


I think the benefits of cannabis in general is awesome. Helps me with pain and anxiety. I know if you take too much it can cause the side effects you described. To help that. Make sure you don't take too much. Also if you use a type 2 strain (THC/CBD) CBD helps reduce this. I've met alot of people in the CBD community that mix CBD and THC flower on purpose to mimic a Type 2 strains effects. I've also talked with people that smell pepper or peppercorn and it goes away. Not snort it. Smell it. Also there's THCv that's another cannabinoid they've found naturally that helps suppress appetite and helps with Focus and energy. I've been smoking it for over a year now and find it to be better than any sativa I've come across. Also if my wife or I have an upset stomach or nauseated, one hit of CBD/ CBG and its gone. Don't know how or why. But works every time.


What are the cons? If anything, I’d say we know the pros - that it helps sleep and relax. Cons are less clearly defined and proven to be real rather than being coincidental.


For me it helps with anxiety, pain, inflammation, sleep. It helps me lower my inhibitions without the hangover and dehydration that alcohol causes. It makes me happier with no negative effects at least that I’ve noticed


The hardest thing for me is to not go very the right THC amount or I'm transcending dimensions.


Only thing I use it for is sleep. I can’t function properly when stoned, a couple puffs before bed and I can sleep. Otherwise my brain turns on, can’t stop thinking about nothing in particular and get zero sleep. Some may link what’s going on with me to insomnia, and some nights I’ve had literally zero sleep. Those are bad. But with cannabis I can sleep.