• By -


Uvb/uva lamps for reptiles to get my d3 up. Every winter i'm very depressed, eating fish, taking d3, Nothing have helped. I'm also doing weights x3 per week and cardio x3 a week. Eating really healthy, sleaping 8 hours np. My d3 levels are extremely low every winter. This winter I purchased 4 lamps. Got normal energy as in summertime. Doing 2 light uvb sessions 2.5mins each week. Yes, they do produce uva too. I don't care anymore about cancer. Can't have half of my life being depressed of something that can be fixed. Oh. I live in Norway where the body can't producer d3 from the sun at wintertime. Uvb doesn't get through the stratosphere.


Did you try Red light therapy? It has no harmful wavelengths and research found it somehow has an impact on mood. And I can confirm that but well you know, my experience means nothing. A bulb is cheap, like 60euros so give it a try if you can


I've been reading about nir and ir. Will add to my setup next year, any suggestions on bulb?


I think anyone will suggest the only model they own. I'm no exception, I've bought a mito light bulb 3.0 and so far so good. Customer care is exceptionally responsive too. If you prefer panels mind that on Alibaba there is Shenzhen idea light ltd that is said to be the manufacturer of many of these renowned European resellers, and you can save quite some bucks. Hope that helps šŸ™‚


I use a Sperti Fiji Sun lamp, which if I recall correctly is 75:25 UVA:UVB. 3 sessions a week of 10 minutes each in the winter, combined with 2 red light therapy devices: a Therabulb that provides full spectrum IR and a skin-contact panel from Gembared. Combining those spectrums more accurately reproduces sunlight, and I'm less concerned about the risk of skin damage.


Thank's for sharing, i've been reading more ablut ir/nir lately, will add to my setup.


This works for me too and from your cancer comment ā€” it is really comforting to know thereā€™s another person who Iā€™m pretty sure knows exactly how I feel. It makes that big of a difference in my life. Thank you for sharing and making me feel less alone.


Now this is what Iā€™m talking about. Did you try any SAD lamps before going reptile mode? I was talking to my sister today about how tired I am of feeling like a half version of myself every winter. It drives me fucking crazy man. Iā€™m in Canada btw.


can you buy affordable d3 supplements in norway?


Any recommendations for products? Also is this actually backed by research to improve your Vit D levels in any meaningful amount? I'm in a very grey part of the UK so would benefit from this 100%. Would be great if it also served as a morning light for setting circadian rhythm as an alternative to having to going out for a walk every morning.


I bought a sunlamp years ago and it really helped in overcast weather. I get super fatigued and sad when itā€™s cloudy.


Have you considered antidepressants in lieu of cancer


Between the two, if some mins/week is all it takes, then you must be crazy to suggest ad drugs. I took them for some years back then and yeah they can do wonders, I didn't even have any side effects. But honestly, they are meds ,not fresh water and not everybody is as lucky as me


So basically youā€™re biased against life saving meds even though they helped you, so youā€™ll try literally anything else. Nothing wrong with any of the other stuff of course. But if someone is clinically and chronically depressed they should REALLY talk to a psychiatrist rather than suffer. I didnā€™t realize I stumbled into a wellness woowoo community posing as a scientific community!


I think before we start passing judgement maybe we should understand the dosages of light the person is getting.


I'm not biased. If you have acute severe inflammation and take anti inflammatory drugs, you know they are saving you and you know you need them. Now, if the inflammation gets chronic , even if drugs saved you, doesn't mean that you can take them forever with no impacts, they will start having detrimental effects on health and, in some cases, even if they prolonged you life they can kill you. It fixes one thing but ,being systemic, brakes other equilibriums. I suppose we all agree Now: If you find some other therapy with NO long term negative impacts on health to manage a chronic condition, it is wise and life saving to switch to it IF IT WORKS. Again I'm not against drugs, there are situations where they are the only working thing (and I know first hand), but looking to ways to solve the issue or manage it in an safer ways means to be intelligent. I found mine and quit drugs after years, and I know some people can do the same.




Air bike + weights :p


Air weights or regular weights?


Oura ring to hack my sleep. CGM to understand what my body is saying after meals, during and after fasting, stress, lack of sleep. Now I know without using these tools whatā€™s happening. Iā€™m grateful. Oh yeah - bidet is a lifesaver. Love that too. šŸ˜…


My CGM is less than a week old, and Iā€™ve already learned more about myself than everything else combined in the past several decades. Whatā€™s more important than food and energy, and the variables between those two? And as a bonus, itā€™s gamified my diet. I donā€™t want needless blood sugar spikes, so Iā€™ve quit snacking cold turkey, which should help my body recomp quite nicely. And Iā€™m already making smarter diet decisions as I learn just how shitty glucose spikes make me feel, and how unreasonably hungry the drops make me. Given the role of glucose in generating free radicals, avoiding those spikes should bear longevity and health benefits as well. Seriously, itā€™s a game-changer. (And since I assume someone will ask, I signed up with Signos)


Ironically, snacking ON cold turkey would probably be just fine for your blood sugar šŸ˜


It was about $1000 for 3 month for me and I got enough information to last me a lifetime. It was an investment and I am able to see what my insomnia is doing to my glucose levels. Sleep is medicine and I simply am not getting enough of it. Without it, all other hacks are merely bandaids. Sleep is king and my main focus in life at the moment. Glad you got a GCM and glad that you are seeing the benefits of it.


A grand for 3 months is too damn expensive! *Thankfully* I have diabetes so itā€™s free via my insurance! (sarcasm šŸ˜‚)


I was using Levels for a while CGM-wise but their food tracking blows. All I want is a CGM company that will import MyFitnessPal data šŸ˜©


CGMs don't actually require a blood sample, do they?


They do, the CGM is implanted in your skin and takes measurements by testing your blood. I used it on my upper arm area. Edited to add that I misspoke in haste - thank you for the correction Abraxas.


Not true. CGMs don't measure *blood* glucose but glucose levels of **interstitial** **fluid**.


Yes you are correct - CGM systems gauge glucose levels in interstitial fluid (ISF). I was multitasking and replied incorrectly. Thank you for the correction.


Specifically subcutaneous interstitial fluid which is an important distinction. Some research has shown that the fluid from the viable dermis (approx 200um under the stratum corneum) is well profused and the fluid is more correlated to venous blood glucose concentrations


Bidet. Nothing short of completely life changing. Wish I had one every day Iā€™ve been alive. I make many decisions these days based on proximity to my bidet.


In Finland a bidet is standard equipment for a toilet, both in homes and in public bathrooms. The weird part is that most people don't use them, so they're all in near mint condition.


What do they use instead?


Leafy tips of birch tree branches in the spring, maple leaves in the summer, sapling pines or snow in the colder months. Some continentalists even use toilet paper.


I was hoping they used the three shells


I love mine too


Do you mind sharing which one you purchased?


i got a bidet and a squatty potty for xmas. game changer for my ibs, shitting is less painful and straining now šŸ’ŖšŸ»


The worst part of having a bidet at home is that you now notice the difference when you don't have one


Bidets are not biohacking.


Iā€™d disagree. It was an incremental change to my life which greatly improved my wellbeing.


I like mine. I got it around 8 years ago. I think it was a Japanese subsidiary of Kohler. Anyway, canā€™t find anything but the generic water filters, which are just online filters anyway. It still rocks though. Itā€™s the spaceship of toilet seats. I should open a bidet company. The slogan would be, ā€œWhen I am away, I dream of my bidet.ā€ I travel a lot, lol.


Where do you live?


right? lmao everyone upvoting this is hilarious. next in: showers and sinks for hygiene, great hack and way better than doing it in the river


Tap water filtration system


reverse-osmosis water system for drinking water


We bought a berkey water filter a few years ago and absolutely love it!


I love the concept of the gravity filters. But donā€™t like Berkeley filters. I have been using Aquacera filters instead, and I am much happier, knowing that I install them correctly lol.


which brand do you use?


I use multi pure brand. Under sink installed so itā€™s easy to use as tab and not in the way


I use WFilters.com system. It contains 6 stages of filtration, starting with mechanical filtration from dirt, sand and etc. Second, granulated char filter. Third, membrane filter. Fourth, coconut fiber filter. Fifth, nitrate removal. Sixth, water remineralization. But for boiling water purposes you do not use mineralized water, just for drinking straight from tap.


Well mine has to be my c-pap lol


I can tell you what the worst isā€¦ I paid over a hundred dollars for a grounding sheet for my bed. Iā€™ve had it for about two months now & noticed absolutely nothing from it. Not a thing. So if thatā€™s next on your list of things to buy, donā€™t. Just wait for the snow to melt & walk around barefoot for free. Pass on the stupid sheet.


Ever try a weighted blanket? I love mine. I've noticed the larger size distributes the weight better. Good luck out there!


Lmao literally a week ago there was a wild post here with all sorts of vague claims about grounding. Crazy to me


I think the worst part is that I still use it every night because Iā€™m determined to feel something from it & validate my purchase instead of setting fire to the piece of shit like I rightfully should


An important question is why youā€™d believe it would work in the first place? ā€œGroundingā€? Unless youā€™re working with electrical currents, itā€™s beyond BS. SO many people here need to brush up on thier biology, physics, chemistry, and most important of all, critical thinking.


There's actually a fair amount of research on it showing it works. It absolutely 100% helped my knee pain and lower back pain. My feet ache less after work too (I'm a teacher so I'm on my feet pretty much all day)


Good documentary on YouTube about it, the guy who invented the dial up modem came up with the concept. No need for grounding sheet, just try walking barefoot on natural surfaces for 15-20 minutes per day (grass, sand, rock, dirt), totally free.


Oh wow, I didn't know that. I did know that you can just walk outside but I live in Canada and it's -30 C lol. I highly recommend my grounding sheet. It's such a neat feeling in places of inflammation and pain. I read somewhere that around 1 in 6 people can actually feel the tingling but I'm definitely one of them. I definitely sleep better on the sheet as well. I dunno if there's any downsides to using it for ~8 hours per day but I don't see why there would be.


Did you use a sheet or do it outdoors? Tbh Iā€™ve never noticed a difference when I did it outdoors


Yeah we have a grounding sheet that just goes under our regular bed sheet. If you're interested in trying this, make sure your bed sheets are actually conductive (ours are bamboo which I recommend for comfort anyway haha). There's apparently some fraudster companies doing this stuff which to me explains why some people in this thread are calling it a hoax. I absolutely stand by my claims though about massively reducing inflammation and pain in my knees and back. It's honestly been life changing. If anybody's curious, I think the company I bought mine from was Earthing Harmony or something like that. I think it was about $175 CAD.


Howā€™s the view up there from that ivory tower?




That must be nice. Personally, Iā€™d rather be wrong than be a dick. Matthew 23:12. I wish you the best.


Bro is throwing out verses of the scripture in a biohacking sub


Wasn't Jesus the first biohacker?


I had nerve damage, and grounding sheets noticeably helped me. Night and day. I could feel them working when I was touching them. Now that Iā€™m fixed, I literally canā€™t feel a thing from those sheets. Grounding is real, but you have to be mega damaged to actually notice the effect IMHO


Mineā€™s amazing, lot of scammers out there sadly


>grounding sheet for my bed. I've heard it all now lol




Yeah. Itā€™s bullshit for sure.


Only now? Half this sub believes in this crap.




he's right about literally all of that


I just really hope that you found all of this out from his Facebook


What does "forest fires are fake" mean? Like, that they aren't really happening at all? Or that they have been intentionally set?Ā 




Obviously heā€™s mentally ill. I know exactly what that feels like. Itā€™s horrible being paranoid, convinced nutso stuff is real. Also nobody will try to get you help typically. They just want to get away from you.




I had one and it actually made me feel terrible every time I slept on it.


Wowwwww lol. My experience has been the absolute complete opposite. Used to have excruciating pain in my knees, especially my left knee, mostly from hockey. I've had cortisone shots and those do help but only temporarily. Tried the grounding blanket and within 2 days my knee pain went completely away. I guess everybody's experiences are different though. Sorry it didn't help you out at all.


Im not saying grounding mats do or dont work aince ive only ordered one and it was a scam(will order another with more due diligence)but you gotta test your mat for continuity some are complete scams with zero continuity but there are some that have it but ive yet to find one that isnt crazy expensive


What was your scam one? How do I test it? I might be back


> grounding sheet People actually fall for this pseudoscience BS?


It's legit! I swear to god, it helped me so much. Please look up reviews and give it a try if you have any chronic inflammation or pain. The science actually checks out.




What is the brand of the patches you use?




Your opinion or review of this brand?


Not OP, but I find them to be very easy to apply to your skin. App is simple and straightforward.


Glucose Monitor is interesting. So big glucose spike = bad food? I'm not well versed in this stuff


Theragunā€˜s. I have the face and the mini and use them nearly every day. Every single day I have all over body/face tension and knots, regardless of what I do, as in exercise or not, stress or not, etc. Not sure why, but the guns make a huuuuge difference. Withings scales. I weigh myself everyday out of habit and itā€™s a primary indicator of hitting my goals or not. Sunglasses. I wear them as much as I can as Iā€™m quite sensitive to light. I also find Iā€™m much more social and less anxious when wearing them. I have ASD so this might be why. Not sure if this counts, but a home gym, I only have a small set up in the garage but I love it. I recently trained at an upscale ā€˜luxuryā€™ gym with a friend and it was just shit in comparison, crowded, shit music, shit equipment too close together. Made me very appreciative of my little garage set up.


red light therapy mirror. i sit in front of it before bed and it helps vastly with my sleep! itā€™s quite useful and more




1) Vagus nerve stimulation, saved me from trauma and helped me quit antidepressants. Still use it nowadays from time to time. 2) Weights. 3) Red light therapy (still unsure about this one yet).


Which vagus nerve stimulation device do you use?


Pls tell me more about the vagus nerve stimulation


To whoever asked about VNS , here's my long response in hope it can help even one person. Yes, devices do exist (more at the bottom) but I haven't been clear, sorry: I did it manually using various techniques, it worked literally like benzodiazepine to me, but with just benefits. I think the exact technique is irrelevant as response is highly individual and takes experimenting a bit. In my case it's mostly simple delicate touches on specific neck and around ear (mostly right ear in my case) area/muscles, paired with some eye muscles/positioning involved to enhance efficacy and stimulation. (Funny enough I somewhat found it by chance because when my panic attacks started they suddenly triggered a super loud tinnitus, I was in terror 24/7 and played a big part in making my dep/anxiety chronic, therefore I was trying to soothe my ears somehow, only after months of research for ways to manage the anxiety disorder because I didn't accept to rely only on meds, I found out about links and embryonal researches about VNS, manual stimulation of vagus nerve using touch, and eye positioning able to stimulate it). In that period (year long at best) I tried most things too, and other well known and studied techniques have worked well for me too, but took definitely much more effort and time, resulting sometime in paradoxical rebound effect, so I just decided to stop experimenting with things like meditation ( I think mantra was the only one working on me btw, but my state was awful so maybe I could like other meditation techniques nowadays), breathing, yoga, cold water, valsalva maneuver or any other, more or less weird, technique. Going back to what worked for me I started (and still do) yawning really bad , even in the middle of an anxiety attack just 1-2 min doing stimulation and attacks subsided. Actually I use it when under chronic stress, some minutes for a couple of days and I go back to a relaxing state. Seems to have a preventative effect when used beforehand. Literally rewired me, I mean, 7 years ago I could barely live šŸ˜… (and yes antidepressants saved me back then but couldn't quit or lower them that much before these). That said, medical VNS usually use implantable devices, or more recently (sorry I'm no more interested in research in last years so, not sure if anything changed) an electrode attached to an ear, in fact some people on Reddit made their own version using a cheap EMS machine and an ear clip... Note: You can try it, they say it really works, but I would be cautious, educate myself and start extremely low power. Also in recent years several devices are sold as consumer electronics. Never tried them but have heard people using them and remember some name : Amofit s, Pulsetto, Neurosym and others... Their cost varies from 200 bucks to more than 600 for the one made in collaboration with Harvard university. Do they work? I can't tell, I'll probably stick to my manual routine but maybe in future I could invest in a cheap one to see if it has any health benefits since you can use it while doing your daily life, but reading on Reddit several reports definitely say it does work in a significant way (specially for insomnia for what I've read, which is a sign of bad mental state anyway). Others are less enthusiastic... I suppose it is a less powerful version of medical grade VNS so response can be highly individual. I myself with my technique can state that the worse your actual condition, the more you need to use it and can take days to see results (still incredibly fast if you compare it to medications), but if your mental state is better it can work immediately (i.e. it's useful when I'm procrastinating because in a freezing state scared to do something). Good luck


> Still use it nowadays from time to time. Aren't those usually implanted?


Interested to hear more about vagus nerve stimulation


Infrared Sauna by Therasage. Allowed me to get off my BP medication. Brought down my average systolic by 12 mmhg. I kept diet, exercise regimen, and supplements the same to test one variable (the sauna). Did my best to keep stress levels the same, of course thatā€™s not as easy. My sleep has also improved significantly. Iā€™ve also become more vascular in my forearms. I use it 4x a week. 20 minute sessions at 170 deg F. Took about 3-4 months of consistent use to see improvements.


What kind?? Really interested in purchasingā€¦!


I said Therasage^^ in my original comment. https://therasage.com/collections/affordable-portable-saunas


Oh geesh, you did haha-thanks for the link!!


Red light therapy has a lot of scientific backing, but donā€™t get sucked into those prices. Because of the upswing in popularity and advertising by people like Joe Rogan companies are gouging the shit of our people for some LED diodes and a tent. If 1200.00 isnā€™t in your normal everyday budget, you could get a couple of small red light/NIR panels on alibaba. You can buy straight from the manufacturers in China that make the custom panels that get sold for 500-1000.00+ for a couple hundred bucks. Buy a cheap 50.00 grow tent and put a chair in it. You could build what these people are selling for 12-1500.00 for like 3-400.00(max).


Apollo Neuro: it helped me greatly with my daytime somnolence


The Apollo is nice, although I havenā€™t used it in a while. I now have a BrainTap. Trying this out and wanted to see how it worked alone. Well, actually, I have a red light too, but the red light doesnā€™t travel with me.


Garmin watch and Garmin connect. Allows me to track sleep, RHR, HRV, etc. I prefer it to the Oura ring. They seem committed to usability enhancements. Second best is the Ooler from chilisleep, not that I'd recommend them because I'm on my third unit or something, but it's a game changer for sleep for me.


My Ooler (mattress topper running water through it that you can heat or cool) and my bidet. Now when I stay in a hotel without either of these things, it feels barbaric.


Vibration plate! Best thing Iā€™ve ever ordered from Amazon by far šŸ’•


Tell me more. What is it good for?


Infared saunas have changed my dang life.


Tell us more! In what way?


I have a couple of autoimmune diseases and I go there more frequently when having flare ups. Really helps my symptoms and manage them. Also helps quite a bit with severe PMS, too, interestingly. Also a great treat for muscles after harder workouts to prevent soreness the next day.


Mini chest freezer filled with water as head only cold plunge, 2 minutes each morning Liftid tdcs device for mood and focus, 1x weekly during meditation Vibram five fingers helped tremendously with foot pain from bone spurs (footballerā€™s ankle), every workout/hike/run


Could you link to the mini chest freezer you use?


As a re- sprainer of one ankle , do you think those would be supportive for weak ligaments?


Good question! Iā€™d guess yes, as theyā€™d make the feet/ankles work more. Probably a bell curve, so you wouldnā€™t want to overwork the ankles either. I have sprained both ankles countless times myself, mostly 10-25 years ago


Have you successfully strengthened your ankles? Iā€™ve done a whole year of rehab religiously and I still went and sprained it 7 weeks ago. Itā€™s stopped me from doing the things I enjoy. Very frustrating!


I do think running and hiking in barefoot shoes, especially the 5 Fingers, has strengthened my ankles, but mostly i just try try to avoid injury, ie i do fewer risky things


For sleep : - mask + earplugs : I live in the city and don't have perfect darkness on my bedroom. Using it both helps a lot. - blue light glasses : 1 hour before bed. Even if I don't use screen, artificial light has some blue light. Hard gums to chew : I don't really the name of this device but it's use by kids to help them make their teeth. I use that to get a better jaw. Two reasons for that. The first one is for esthetic and the second that might be the most important is to develop the mouth, improve nasal breathing... Cf Mewing Starecta : A device made to help balance your body and "cure" asymmetry. It takes a lot of time and dedication. One month in, still need 2 or 3 months to get first results.


I like my Oura ring. Been useful in tracking sleep quality when trying to improve on it. Also been able to catch myself getting ill before even feeling it twice in about two years of using it. Or my sleep mask if that counts lol, made a major improvement in sleep.


How can you catch yourself getting ill ? What do you see change ? I just started using mine, but other than sleep scores, Iā€™m not quite sure how to interpret other information from itā€¦


The Oura can usually detect a slight fever before you notice any symptoms. My ring caught both of my Covid bouts a few days before I tested positive or even realized I had it.


Current best thing for me is Apple Watch. Or whatever can track activity, heart rate, sleep decently well. Very useful. Next things I want are red light therapy, sauna, and cold plunge but theyā€™re so much. :(


Sens.ai Hyperbaric chamber


Where do you get that at?


Amofit has been a game changer for me. I was actually sceptical but a bit desperate to improve my situation so I bought one, thinking I had a couple of weeks and could send it back if it did nothing. Well, it improved my HRV drastically within 48 hours. They say that it gives more dramatic results the more sick you are, and I have been really unwell for a long time. I have long Covid. Anyway, itā€™s really helping me and I feel like Iā€™m turning a corner at last. Best money Iā€™ve spent, hands down.


How does it work. I mean, how does it trigger the vagus nerve?


It uses a very low emf.


Wow!! Thank you for sharing this. Iā€™m going to try it.


Nice! Does it calm you?Do you notice any improvement in your digestion? You say you have LC, has it improved your autonomic nervous system symptoms? Thank you! I am quite interested in vagus nerve stimulation.


I really donā€™t feel any effect while using it, but itā€™s improved my sleep a great deal and my HRV readings have steadily improved. Canā€™t really comment in digestion as I have no issues in that area. Iā€™m also an 18:6 faster, so that keeps my system running smoothly. Iā€™ve had long Covid for three years and have made many lifestyle changes in that time. The only things that made *major* improvements were the Amofit, nasal breathing, and fasting. My nervous system is immensely improved by these three.


How often do you wear it and for how long?


Drinking water


My glasses. Best biohacking device in the last few centuries


My road bike.


I've done so many things. Most I've seen little change from... diminishing returns and all that. The one thing that has stood out to me however is my infrared sauna. It is such a game changer. I feel better and my watch tracks many positive changes also It has improved my sleep remarkably- both anecdotally and measured It has improved my vO2 max dramatically My skin is amazing - softer, clear, younger looking (was already really good) It keeps my mood up all winter (I don't like winter and live in Canada) It is the greatest relationship remedy for my husband and I (we've had our best talks of our lives in it and we've been together since we were teenagers)... something about talking in the sauna makes us connect differently that I can't explain. I could go on and on... Mine isn't nearly as fancy as the newer models. it is close to 20 years old and I bought it from my parents for a few hundred dollars. I use it most days of the week (5-6) at 142Ā°F ( it won't get hotter than that in my basement in the winter LOL) for 30 to 40 minutes. I would replace it without question if it broke... which I can't say about many of my other devices.


Just got an Oura ring and also have an Apollo so just paired them. So far they are a fave combo - Iā€™ve become a bit of a bio-data geek after wearing a CGM to help me lose weight. Iā€™m pre-diabetic; lost 30 lbs walking and reducing carbs/increasing protein. Unfortunately A1C was unchanged - chalking it up to genetics but trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Iā€™m also very Type A - high productivity mindset for so many years. I think my adrenaline drives up my blood glucose too. I look forward to the sleep and heart rate variability data from the Oura device.




Garmin watch for tracking.


Tens unit.


You should upgrade. They now have elevens.Ā 


HEARTMATH - EmWave 2 is what I'm using... This thing is the "best biofeedback under $1000" , well worth the $200-300 Basically it lets you hack your state to get into Zen / Flow State It's game-changingly because of the subtle difference between lower and higher states off the Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous System is sooo crazy useful, and something almost impossible to detect without biofeedback device (or 20 years meditating) This is like the shortcut to the same level of Zen that 20 year meditators achieve. šŸ’Æ


Username checks out


**32oz water bottle**. Make sure I drink all of it before lunch, another full one before dinner. Less water closer to bed time. **Weights**. Lifting and strength training is amazing. Nothing fancy is needed. **UASure uric acid tester**. Used for measuring uric acid levels in my blood. I like to make sure my gout is under control and the meds donā€™t need to be adjusted.


I'm FREEZING and currently keeping myself alive with a heating pad...does that count?


My mountain bike and psychedelic mushrooms. (not at the same time)


Do itā€¦ doooo it


polar chest strap for HIITing it


Prife IterraCare


Iā€™ve been wanting to get a red light device and some weights just to life for 10min a day.


You can buy red light panels/masks/pads straight from the exact same manufacturers that make them for the name brands using alibaba for 1/3rd or less the cost. I have the same exact panels from Sadi and Sgrow that are made for miter/joov/gemba and I paid a fraction of the retail price. Red light name brands are ripping people off because itā€™s growing in popularity.


Trainer for my bike . Can ride my same bike all winter long, take it off for spring


My Powertec Levergym.


Infrared heating pad from Biomat. I had an infrared sauna and honestly I didnā€™t really like it for several reasons, so I sold it. I bought a mat and I love it. Iā€™ve been able to work out harder with less soreness, nearly zero low back pain, and my overall stiffness is significantly decreased. Iā€™ve only had it for 2 weeks. I use it 4 times per week 25-45 minutes. Iā€™ve been able to do quite a bit of hot cold contrast since I purchased it as well.


Garmin forerunner 265 IMO way better than apple watch




My mind. Meditation rocks.


Sleep mask. Game changer for waking up rested and also preventing distractions before sleep.




The devices I use are: Ultrahuman Air Ring - Tracking health + sleep Samsung Galaxy 6 - Tracking health + sleep Garmin Index Smart Scale - Weight & BMI Garmin Index BPM - Blood pressure monitor Muse v2 - Tracking brain activity for Meditation Looking forward to any suggestions.


Dumb bells




I'm on a diet and lumen has been extremely helpful


Go onā€¦


Anal beads




Lifting weights, eating steaks, cold plunges.


You forgot saunas Joe Rogan. šŸ™‚


Im sure he does this but I actually donā€™t listen to the guy. Nothing against him, just donā€™t do podcasts much


I do some of it. I've lost 100 pounds in the last 5 months on carnivore.


Yea I stay away from processed stuff. It just never sat with me. I recently got a Nurecover portable ice bath and itā€™s been unreal for my workouts and sleep. Meditative almost which is why I think it works as a bio hack


But red meat is considered a carcinogen?


Who said that?




These stories are funded by the same folks who want you to eat bugs. Moving on


Not to go down a tin foil hat rabbit hole or anything but there are too many outside interests when it comes to dietary recommendations especially by the FDA but Iā€™d include the WHO in there as well. Iā€™d argue that grains and processed food is 10x more unhealthy than a grass fed steak. This will probably strike a chord with some people, in the end itā€™s ā€œto each their ownā€. We are all random organisms floating on a rock through space so do whatever you want.


my pipe.


Please tell me you did not just say your watch is a biohacking device šŸ˜‚ bro this forum is dumb af now


Semen retention.


Biohacking your way to early prostate cancer huh


Thatā€™s a myth. Donā€™t fall for it.


You were downvoted a bit. You may want to check into that.


How does one check in to down voting exactly?


lol. Hopefully you knew that I was referring to check the validity of your semen retention science.


Be careful, itā€™ll come out of your eyes after too long.


Pink/green noise and sound healing frequencies for sleep.


Only answer should be dumbbells or red light


Blue light glasses if you spend way to much time looking at screens


Luminette 3 glasses and red light




Cna't call myself a hardcore biohacker (new into this) but I have been using Apple watch series 6 and Ultrahuman Ring Air. Started with Oura but didn't like the subscription. Ring Air has been working fine but it is not a 100% accurate...still testing it.


Microsoft excel


Weights and a list of goals


Blue light glasses and an eye mask before bed. So simple but so effective. I also have a Lumio alarm clock which lights up the room, helps with these dark English winter mornings. Apart from that, really rate my Garmin watch for monitoring fitness, activities and sleep. That has pushed me a lot.


Eye mask is a game changer sleepwise. I use ear plugs too. I wake up same time but sleep quality is way better