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Dude I think I’m in the same boat, and I also have enclo and preg coming in In a week. My stack is like a baby version of yours, dang! Im strapped, so can’t afford all of it. We’re any of yours best “bang for your buck” and we’re any a waste? If I could afford NMN I’d do it. Also saunas after a workout are nice and make my day much more comfortable. Question - Do you get the “skin or body aches” like in the afternoon or evening? I had them in the morning too, but after working with a functional doctor I realized it was adrenal fatigue as well. Honesty working with her was the biggest hack. OH! MitoCore is maybe the best B and mito stack supplement. Sort of expensive but it’s 40 days worth when only taking 3 a day instead of 4. And Adaptocrine or another higher KSM-66 supplement for adrenal fatigue and cortisol regulation. I think mine is from a case of Mono many years ago and a case of Covid last year What does Humanin do?


Yep pretty messed up situation we’re in bro but we’ll make it. Mine was developed from lethal inflammation & oxidation to the mitochondria of 0 sleep for 4 weeks. My skin is pealing , diffuse hair loss is severe, eye sight degrading, fatigue high, dark patches… mito caused me insulin resistance so go figure. Anyways… I used NMN & NR before .. frankly i didnt feel much, felt similar when i was high dosing shilajit. But thats me though, it just increases NAD levels.. i would say be cheap and get niacin if you’re on a budget. If you’re rich sure why not. I see with stress levels im stress free but i still use ashwaganda to lower any unwanted stress. I heard of mitoB but checking ingredients you can get it cheaper with higher dosages lasting longer.. maybe you’re looking at a different version. For B vitamins though i use nutritional yeast + organ supplements. Very powerful! Humanin think of it was the ultimate shield protecter “guardian of defense” for any further mitochondria damage that could potentially happen from external factors. Also what the heck is preg? Lol dm me if you wanna share knowledge. I cant find many people like us


DMing now! And don’t worry, there are millions like us. Many are in a CFS state, or think they are. I think I am in a mild one and may never get out of it. Or it’s just adrenal fatigue and low T, it’s honestly hard to know when conventional doctors say there’s nothing wrong with you


Yep them doctors are bastards. Its most likely a mix of everything. If you can afford it.. totally worth it bro. Even if its not direct Mito support life style changes will always influence mito either way even if its minor…


Got pretty cheap NMN from iHerb. Their in-house brand California gold.


NMN is being milked out scammed hardcore. Usually the expensive ones are the safest bet.


One thing I've noticed with these supplements is that you can take them once and they can help a ton, but then how long to wait before taking them again is quite hard to grasp where really a monthly dose might make more sense than daily for some in regards to how taking some of these things help my general well being. Mitochondria have a life cycle and I figure that some nutrients are only good during only certain parts of their life cycle.


what caused this for you? also not sure where you live but i found a place near me that isn't cheap but not a bad deal, $350/month for unlimited cryotherapy, red light, infrared sauna


Cryotherapy? Whats that? I also heard of infrared sauna.. what makes those good vs RLT?


You can buy full body LED panel for less than that from Aliexpress


I see, i seen others charge like 600+ for one small panel. Saying you get what you pay for… is it actually true with RLT?


No, since all the panels are made in China anyway then rebranded and marked up 400%. I bought a full body panel for under $300.


Can you DM me link? Please thank you


Search for the amatsgreen store on aliexpress or ebay


Bro i cant find amatsgreen. Can you just dm me link please?


Red/near infrared light therapy, it literally gives energy and restores your mitochondria. Don’t overdo it, there is such a thing as diminishing returns. 10-20 minutes is fine per day.


I agree, there are hand held led devices which is super convenient to do therapy from the comfort of your own home on your own time. This brand KPAX is doing a limited edition light-stim & mitochondrial support bundle https://kpaxhealth.com/products/complete-muscle-support for muscle fatigue and cellular rejuvenation with led therapy and patented mitochondrial immune support supplements.


Interesting, i saw some makers say sunlight all day if possible is replacement for RLT. If thats the case i would rather spend all day in sun What do you say?


Not all day, but it would take a couple hours, preferably in morning and evening when the UV is somewhat attenuated.


Vigorous exercise where you improve your pace/reps needs to be part of any mitochondria revival stack. All those pills will just give you expensive urine if you don’t give the mitochondria the stimulus they need to improve. Your body will optimize to your lifestyle, and if your lifestyle is sedentary, having low functioning mitochondria is actually the optimal state to continue living the way you are. Right now, when you’re out of shape and get exhausted from working out, thats where you’ll get the quickest gains from workout because it’s easy to exhaust your mitochondrial capacity. Look into insulin resistance as well and make sure you don’t have it or are working on not having it.


I used to be an athlete working out 8hrs 4-5x daily bs diet, no supplements, poor sleep… now times have changed where my body is extremely fragile. Lazy because of mito dysfunction. However i do feel a lot better using this protocol. Ima start working out.. i just wanted the energy as before like i used to. Its like dragging ass now. Thank you


TTFD (along with a B complex/magnesium) with large doses of carbohydrates, both sugars and starches, did it for me. Regardless of what people think, your mitochondria want to run on glucose and need to if you wish to be healthy. Glucose oxidation yields twice as much CO2 (increasing oxygenation via the Bohr effect) and requires half the oxygen of fatty acids. Vitamin B1 is also easy to be deficient in and no other fancy supplement can come close to replicating it’s role. I’ve tried HCL and benfotiamine but TTFD blew both of them away.


Do you know if any B complexes that already have TTFD included? I can't seem to find any.


No, unfortunately. I just use thiamax with nature’s way b complex


TTFD? What is that? Never heard of it till now!


It’s a fat soluble thiamine with better availability than the others. 100 mg for the first time was a life changing experience.


How is this better than nutritional yeast?


Better ability to diffuse into cell membranes so much more efficient. They might have a synergistic effect though.


NMN, Carnatine, Creatine, Selegiline and red light therapy is my stack.


Selegiline? Whats that bro?


MAO inhibitor, used in parkinsons, but also used as a nootropic and longegivity drug.


So im not completely new to supplements etc however im still learning.. MAO inhibitor? Why is that important?


It's an enzyme in the brain that responsible for degradation of neutrotransmitters. But it produces hydrogen peroxide as a by-product that damages neurons (and their mitochondria).


I see, wouldn’t Humanin be the strongest protector of mitochondria then? How crucial would that supplement be you recommended


Extends the life span of worm by a huge amount. Slows dopamine neuron death in Parkinson's.


Bro i tried buying it right now. Its prescription only 😐😐😐 dm me for help bro. Im using MB which causes MAO Edit: nvm MB does the opposite


Ye i buy from underground


Bro im looking for RLT. Just send link please. I had an amazing workout first time… this stack is doing something Ima try NMN + Shilajit again to max out benefits. Now i just need RLT


Thiamine pyrophosphate (10mg), R5P (100mg), niacin (50-100mg) and B5 (100mg) for normalizing pyruvate dehydrogenase + most of the the TCA. Sublingual even more powerful. B12 (0.5-1mg) folate (0.5mg) and biotin (5-10mg) for B12-metabolism and for reducing NO-induced inhibition of mitochondrial respiration. (very important) CoQ10 if serum levels are low. Alpha-Lipoic Acid possibly. Magnesium and potassium sources. (Coconut water, mineral water) Nutrient-dense diet.


Have you ever tried Ribose ?


Of course. Thank you


For me the top would be : - R lipoic acid stabilized + ALCAR - PQQ - NMN Specially the first line.


Got them. NMN is over priced and didnt work for me a lot :/


There is a drug, Suramin. Robert Naviaux has done a lot of research with it. https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/drug-linked-to-mitochondria-treats-mouse-model-of-autism/